Call of duty modern warfare 2 metacritic

10/10 best multiplayer and campaign during the time of the game.. Haters are just noobs that sucked at the game

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  • PitDog

    Nov 25, 2022


    PC KBM player - aim assist annihilates me. The "Experience Based Match Matching" is complete garbage. 2+K/D then get punished and can't even break 1.0K/D the next 3 games. The netcode punishes good connections to the point you will die before even clicking your left mouse button to some 180+ ping player from another region. The UI/UX team should be summarily fired and the UI completelyPC KBM player - aim assist annihilates me. The "Experience Based Match Matching" is complete garbage. 2+K/D then get punished and can't even break 1.0K/D the next 3 games. The netcode punishes good connections to the point you will die before even clicking your left mouse button to some 180+ ping player from another region. The UI/UX team should be summarily fired and the UI completely redone. Challenge are bugged, custom kits are bugged, the attachments are garbage, the anti-cheat is a joke. It's sad to see what became of this franchise. Spend less time and money trying to get money out of your players and fix your crappy game. Expand

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  • chrisvb

    Nov 21, 2022


    As a keyboard and Mouse PC player,. I have to say, this game isn't for me. They ramped up the aim assist for controllers, but made no equivalent aid for mouse and keyboard. So every gamepad user just effectively got a little better. It's basically the equivalent of 85% of the competition just got a competitive advantage on you. Not a lot of fun when my gun kicks around and recoils, butAs a keyboard and Mouse PC player,. I have to say, this game isn't for me. They ramped up the aim assist for controllers, but made no equivalent aid for mouse and keyboard. So every gamepad user just effectively got a little better. It's basically the equivalent of 85% of the competition just got a competitive advantage on you. Not a lot of fun when my gun kicks around and recoils, but the second a controller player hits you once, the gun never once strays from on target. It's clearly a decision to make the game more accessible to casuals, and I get that, but it just completely ruins my experience. 1/10 Expand

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  • ryan232

    Nov 15, 2022


    how can anyone rate this a 10 or even a 5 you cant even play the multiplayer without the game crashing i am lucky to get 1 full match in without crashing i spend more time reloading the game and submitting bug issues. maybe that should be the next cod MW submit bug issues the game . i give it a 1 because i can play the campaign but what i enjoy is playing with my friends and i cant do thathow can anyone rate this a 10 or even a 5 you cant even play the multiplayer without the game crashing i am lucky to get 1 full match in without crashing i spend more time reloading the game and submitting bug issues. maybe that should be the next cod MW submit bug issues the game . i give it a 1 because i can play the campaign but what i enjoy is playing with my friends and i cant do that because we all crash and have to remake the party every match. Terrible expiernce Expand

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  • dashingcharlie

    Nov 6, 2022


    The gameplay is amazing, however everytime I play it crashed. I’ve played campaign and crashed multi times and lost all, and I mean all process during the time. The only thing that **** sucks about this game. I only got on this place to rate how bad the ducking thing crashed often

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  • ginter1

    Oct 31, 2022


    Crashes, matchmaking that does not work (skill based mm), general pooor quality

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  • igruprohodil

    Oct 30, 2022


    bought vault edition everything was fine, woke up today and received permanent ban, what the heck? unable to play game so here goes 0 for this trash

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  • EzGrandpa

    Oct 30, 2022


    Multiplayer on PC is basically unplayable and thats largely thanks to the rediculous aimlock of consoles. It is basically impossible to win gunfights against even mildly good console players. I have thousands of hours of cod expirience and this game is the worst by far. If i dont uncomfortably tryhard i have no chance what so ever. Time to kill is so bad its insane, new gunsmith isMultiplayer on PC is basically unplayable and thats largely thanks to the rediculous aimlock of consoles. It is basically impossible to win gunfights against even mildly good console players. I have thousands of hours of cod expirience and this game is the worst by far. If i dont uncomfortably tryhard i have no chance what so ever. Time to kill is so bad its insane, new gunsmith is absolute trash bc it forces you to play with bad guns to unlock things that you want for your meta guns, further putting you at a large disatwantage. Camping is the ovious solution if you want to unlock some killstreaks, sit back, plug in an controller and dont even move the sticks, you just need to press aim and the aimlock will do its thing, its that bad, and if you combine that with just a slight upward motion on your aim stick then you will always immedatly land headshots in miliseconds. The keyboard and mouse expirience is so bad that i wish i could still refund the game, but i played more than 2h bc i played the story first (its quite good for a cod game). As of right now, you should not buy the game on pc. You shouldnt get the game at all but if you really want to play, play on console bc you cannot disable crossplay, the aimlock will help you destroy any pc player you encouter. Have fun with the worst cod game i ever played. Expand

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  • Averuch

    Sep 24, 2022


    I am a gay negro disabled feminist Russian. Where is my normal access to the COD, without dancing with tambourines, why are you infringing on my rights.

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  • buketboi

    May 31, 2022


    These maps are terrible. You cannot spawn without getting dropped by an acr with an acog or a sniper. Not to mention the time to kill is too fast. Hard to have any fun when you get spawn killed half the time, and the other half you die just trying to find a position to fight from, to find any concept of cover.

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  • StarkAgentos

    May 17, 2022


    Калда вообще не меняется. Очередная игра без каких-либо изменений. В этой части присутствует усиленная русофобия.

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  • Oldschoolgeek07

    Dec 28, 2021


    Don't get me wrong, Modern Warfare 2 was an absolute blast to play, featuring a thrilling singleplayer campaign (it isn't as good as World at War, /Black Ops I & II story but it does the job), A very very enjoyable multiplayer in spite of the balancing issues, and spec ops can be really fun with a friend

    However the PC Port is just terrible. -No FOV Slider -No Console Access -No
    Don't get me wrong, Modern Warfare 2 was an absolute blast to play, featuring a thrilling singleplayer campaign (it isn't as good as World at War, /Black Ops I & II story but it does the job), A very very enjoyable multiplayer in spite of the balancing issues, and spec ops can be really fun with a friend

    However the PC Port is just terrible.
    -No FOV Slider
    -No Console Access
    -No Server Browser
    -Lack of extensive graphical options
    -No kicking/banning of players
    -Locked at 90 FPS
    -No Frame Limiter
    -No Option for Uncapped Framerate
    -Hacker Problem (due to no Anticheat measures/compromised matchamaking)

    Yes its a 12 year old game but the thing was, most of these features were already present in Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call Of Duty: World at War PC versions, 2 years before this came out.

    Overall, a blockbuster game that had lackluster PC port.

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  • AZE_TUR_Gamer

    Apr 7, 2021


    I like this cod game. Best cod games are mw2 and bo2.
    Bu oyunu cok seviyorum. En iyi cod oyunlari mw 2 ve bo2 dir

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  • BFG-1337

    Mar 28, 2021


    Here is a 4 for average singleplayer and fun spec ops but do keep in mind that spec ops is basically recycled mw1 and mw2 missions made to be replayable in coop. Multiplayer is useless, not worth even talking about.

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  • Renaigse

    May 8, 2020


    Так боготворили этот сюжет, мол, одна из лучших код, на уровне 4 части и БО 2, на деле же сюжет крайне убог, они хорошо объяснили конфликт, его причины, общая повестка тоже очень хорошо чувствуется, но постановочные моменты, сами миссии вообще не понравились. То фавеллы с обезьянами, где хер пойми куда идти, то ЗАЛОЖНИКИ НА НЕФТЕВЫШКЕ, Карл, что они там курили, когда это придумывали, проТак боготворили этот сюжет, мол, одна из лучших код, на уровне 4 части и БО 2, на деле же сюжет крайне убог, они хорошо объяснили конфликт, его причины, общая повестка тоже очень хорошо чувствуется, но постановочные моменты, сами миссии вообще не понравились. То фавеллы с обезьянами, где хер пойми куда идти, то ЗАЛОЖНИКИ НА НЕФТЕВЫШКЕ, Карл, что они там курили, когда это придумывали, про штурм ГУЛАГА чот ваще в голосину, особенно в финале миссии, когда вертолет кинул им трос через 10 идеальных дырок в полу. Первые миссии при этом зашли на ура, дальше полнейшая сценарная дичь, а-ля Оборона 3 закусочных пхахх, сук, русских там не кормят чтоли, нах им эти закусочные. Ну лан, с сюжетом понятно, Ринна Прачетт отдыхает. Геймплей, к сожалению, по началу отличный/атмосферный, а потом чисто дефолтный каловдутие тир, с плохой стрельбой и звуком у оружия, кайф, даже стрелять в этой игре не особо приятно, хотя это типо шутер. Крч вообще не понять мне почему ее все боготворят, земля пухом таким ребятам. Expand

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  • ilya_gg

    Jan 25, 2020


    Propaganda carp. Beautiful pictures without meaning, like everything that is done in usa

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  • notcbram

    May 9, 2016


    Modern Warfare 2 represents everything wrong with gaming. If you can pay to get a piece of excrement such as this reviewed to an average of 84 critic rating then that's got to tell you never to trust critic ratings ever again.
    They did not, however remember to pay me so I'll be honest. What a steaming pile.

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  • Trebor_UK

    Nov 11, 2014


    MW2 was the beginning of the end for Call of Duty. This is when they stopped caring about PC gamers. This game is possibly the worst PC port I have ever played.

    Theres nothing more to say than that, other than that you should avoid it like the plague.

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  • Kind_Russian

    Jul 8, 2014


    This game had a great potential, but it was ruined by Infinity Ward, Activision and gaming community.
    I have a lot to say, but I'll talk about stuff that really matters.
    Pros: - Nice graphics, sounds and interface. - Funny, entertaining and very addictive multiplayer (without lags, hackers and ragers of course). - If you like camping, noob tubing, and using "noob" and "cheap"
    This game had a great potential, but it was ruined by Infinity Ward, Activision and gaming community.
    I have a lot to say, but I'll talk about stuff that really matters.

    - Nice graphics, sounds and interface.
    - Funny, entertaining and very addictive multiplayer (without lags, hackers and ragers of course).
    - If you like camping, noob tubing, and using "noob" and "cheap" weapons and tactics (I have nothing against all those things to be honest), then this game is for you.
    - Maps are good.
    - You can't be banned by power hungry admin or votekicked by raging kids in lobbies (hacked ones don't count).
    - Developer console is available.

    - Cut content and leftovers. These things are not acceptable for commercial software. Create a content plan before making a game. It's more mature and you'll spend less money and time. For example, if you don't want players to kill ducks (ducks are cute), don't put ducks in your game in any stages of development.
    - Overpriced.
    - Additional maps are also overpriced.
    - Favela map is available for private lobby, but still not in the map rotation. It's a great map and it should return.
    - One of the worst gaming communities. Kids and "adults" whos vocabulary is limited to "lol noob your stupid you're mum (mom) lol" and who rage and cry over being "unfairly" killed.
    - Hackers and hacked lobbies.
    - No dedicated servers.
    - Steam only.
    - Infinity Ward and Activision don't bother to fix their game and don't care about players.
    - Clichéd and ridiculous singleplayer story. Just another "tacticool operators from US and Europe vs evil-doers from developing countries" nonsense.
    - Lags, errors and glitches are daily routine.
    - You can't lean.
    - Sometimes it takes forever to find a lobby.
    - Modding is possible, but most mods are hacks and sometimes custom textures.
    - Respawning enemies in singleplayer.
    - Health regeneration.
    - Unrealistic and incorrectly portrayed weapons.
    - No semi-auto fire mode on selective fire weapons, no usable bipods, laser sights and binoculars in multiplayer.
    - Shotguns (except KAC Masterkey) have unrealistic range and you can't hit anything beyond 20 meters or 65.6 feet.
    - Shotguns and "machine pistols" are secondary weapons.
    - No weapons (M1A1 Carbine), maps (Crossfire), and characters (MacMillan) from previous games.
    - No weapons from singleplayer (Springfield Armory Custom Professional 1911-A1, SVD and Winchester Model 1200).
    - Just like in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, almost no one bothers to shoot down enemy heli or AC-130, so you have to switch on your anti-aircraft loadout (class) or play with it often if you do care about teamwork.
    - Broken sound suppressors (Beretta 92SB, Heckler & Koch MG4 and M240B) and sights (Desert Eagle Mark XIX, Tavor TAR-21, FN F2000 and Heckler & Koch MG4). They should have been fixed years ago.
    - M240B (7.62x51 mm NATO/.308 Winchester) is less powerful than Steyr AUG variant (5.56x45 mm NATO/.223 Remington).
    - Russian version is absolutely horrible (thanks 1C).
    - Russian voices ("Бросаю стан-гранату", "Меняю обойму-магазин", "Он ещё дергАется") and texts ("Охотник утки", "Палата безграничности", "Толчок, чтобы открыться") in the original game make me (native Russian speaker) feel ashamed. Yes, my English is not perfect, but I think publishers like Activision can afford professional translators and voice-over artists if they care about their own product.
    - Poor chicks are trapped in cages. Put there hackers instead.

    Verdict: broken and half-finished game. Do not buy.

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  • alexmak

    Apr 25, 2014


    This game will make you want to destroy your computer and never see it again. The MP, which is the centerpiece of this game is a complete waste of time if you want to have fun or become skilled at it. This is because it is completely based on chance so that all the noobs can feel like they are competent and stay faithful to the franchise. All this game is is just a setup to ensure that theThis game will make you want to destroy your computer and never see it again. The MP, which is the centerpiece of this game is a complete waste of time if you want to have fun or become skilled at it. This is because it is completely based on chance so that all the noobs can feel like they are competent and stay faithful to the franchise. All this game is is just a setup to ensure that the next one will sell in a year. Expand

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  • Ihuarraquax

    Mar 4, 2014


    Despite the plot is very good, the game is pathetic. Maps are made in this way, that when I played I felt like in a tube. Feeling of shooting is awful. Graphic is the same like in the prequel. It is worse than free-to-play game's. I think the first CoD's multiplayer was better, because there were vehicles. All in all is extremely horrible. I definitely don't recommend this game.

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  • Dcoy

    Dec 21, 2013


    Dull very dull. The game play is one of the worse I've ever seen offering at least on single player nothing but its couple hour story. The story is very bad nothing surprises or makes you even the least bit sad. Multipalyer is were all the money goes into but its no different from MW1 or MW3. If you must buy a Call of Duty game buy Black Ops 2.

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  • Cerberus0

    Dec 1, 2013


    No dedicated strategy....certain guns are just plain unrealistic...heavy machine guns are completely useless in this game....grenade launcher spammage=easy kills. Did I mention no dedicated servers? Meaning there are no mods for this game. There are no online communities. I don't even remember being able to choose the freaking map I wanted to playNo dedicated strategy....certain guns are just plain unrealistic...heavy machine guns are completely useless in this game....grenade launcher spammage=easy kills. Did I mention no dedicated servers? Meaning there are no mods for this game. There are no online communities. I don't even remember being able to choose the freaking map I wanted to play on. You just enter a session and get randomly paired up with others for the next map in the mode. Bless the hackers....the only times I had fun with this game was when people hacked the servers and changed gravity settings and made everything badass like you could back in cod2. There is no skill required for multiplayer. You can run around like a cheetah and just 1 hit knife people without breaking a aim required! What an utter piece of trash. This is unacceptable...multiplayer like this belongs on the consoles and only on the consoles. It's all about running forward and shooting the thing in front of you. The maps are so boring and predictable.....there's no chokepoints or strategy at all here. The only defense in this game is a good offense. The portable turret defenses are a joke and don't kill anything. The actual gun turrets you can man at certain points on the map are self pronounced death traps. You can turn them basically 15 degrees each direction.....making them absolutely useless unless the enemy is standing right infront of you. Plus they do terrible damage and require a warmup and cooldown? The hell?! Total crap. Any heavy machine guns in this game are crap. There's no cap on just die respawn....die respawn. The respawn points are always changing...your team will be spawning on one side of the map the first few minutes then you and the enemy will switch spawn points. Spawn Killing has been eliminated completely with this....if you played cod2 NOT mw2 you will recall the brilliant moments where a team that was ruthlessly kicking arse would be rewarded by pinning down the opposition to a specific area and getting tons of kills. This is the worst pc 1st person shooter I have ever played. AVOID THIS AND ANY FUTURE COD TITLES! I went from cod lover to absolute hater. Cod2 I'd give a 9/10 so much fun. codmw2? 2/10 Expand

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  • aufkr

    Nov 28, 2013


    The game is initially quite entertaining the singleplayer provides a good 3 hours of linear, interactive movie fun, and the multiplayer gives you a good time waster then you realise the game is filled with annoying players and mechanics which render the game unplayable. The PC version is especially disappointing, with the lack of dedicated servers, lack of an FOV slider which makes theThe game is initially quite entertaining the singleplayer provides a good 3 hours of linear, interactive movie fun, and the multiplayer gives you a good time waster then you realise the game is filled with annoying players and mechanics which render the game unplayable. The PC version is especially disappointing, with the lack of dedicated servers, lack of an FOV slider which makes the game unplayable if you don't want to have a throbbing headache. Just a waste of money, really. Expand

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  • Lucif3r

    Oct 25, 2013


    DONT BUY THIS HACKED PIECE OF SH1T. 85% You will end up playing with subhumans. No wonder the sells were good when 1 out of 3 had to buy an new copy to cheat. Buy COD4 or World at War. At least there you wont be put into an position where you bend over and take it like a little b1tch.

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  • monsternator1

    Oct 21, 2013


    This game is filled with 4-13 year olds. NINTENDO YOU GOT ME! TAKE THIS BAD GAME AND THROW ALL OF IT IN THE FIRE. Kill it with fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Plasmaneedle

    Oct 20, 2013


    The campaign is awful. Gameplay is repetitive and only really fun with the snowmobile mission. Plot doesn't really make sense and the characters are hollow and cliché. As for multiplayer Halo 3 and Counter Strike are much better.

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  • Jackunpack

    Sep 5, 2013


    The single-player matters!
    You cannot release a game with a full single-player mode and then say: "It's all about the multi-player". Some people actually don't care about MP so you cannot be a unbiased reviewer and only talk about one part of the game.
    So let's begin with the single-player. It is a complete mess. The AI is beyond stupid, they will just run at you until gunned down. They
    The single-player matters!
    You cannot release a game with a full single-player mode and then say: "It's all about the multi-player". Some people actually don't care about MP so you cannot be a unbiased reviewer and only talk about one part of the game.
    So let's begin with the single-player. It is a complete mess. The AI is beyond stupid, they will just run at you until gunned down. They won't use strategy, they won't use cover, they won't flank or even do much to kill you at all. The sound design makes the guns un-satisfying to use as they lack any real impact.
    The story is your usual "America good. Middle-East terrorist.". It's getting tiresome running around desert-filled streets shooting anything that isn't white. The story is presented in such a bad way that you have to piece together the whole thing by yourself. It took me more than one playthrough to even understand what was going on. Characters don't act realistically so you will never understand their motivations. It seems they came up with a half a dozen set-pieces and just built the story around them.
    In the first Modern Warfare it was shocking when your character died in a nuclear explosion so naturally, they thought that they would try to recreate that in this game. You are killed (as part of the story) about 4 times. I really hope that I misunderstood this because it's not surprising when you do it every 10 minutes.
    And speaking of minutes, there aren't that many in the story. The main campaign might take you 4 or 5 hours. This is unacceptable and absolutely pathetic.
    Alright, multi-player. It's broken. The weapons are so imbalanced that less than a dozen guns are actually used by players and if you try to use anything else you will be mauled to the ground like a baby by a dozen rabid pit-bulls. Rewarding kills with even more ridiculous ways to kill people is just plain stupid. If you are not extremely skilled at this game you will be killed repeatedly by the same guy and when you think you can kill him, he comes back in a chopper. And then he drops a nuke on you. The maps are awfully designed and don't encourage anything other than the run and gun technique. They are way too small and cramped and the amount of players on each server is laughable.
    You also don't have any dedicated servers, you can't kick/ban, you cannot choose maps and so on. The FOV is freaking ridiculous as well and it gives me eye-strain just looking at it for half an hour.
    This game is a mess and Activision must have been sucking off a lot of critics out there to recieve an 86 on Metacritic.

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  • CaptainThom

    Jun 26, 2013


    As a fan of earlier call of duty games this will be the last consider buying for sometime. The single player isnt the issue its action packed and has a few decent twists. The Mutlitplayer is another story, the lack of dedicated servers completely kills the game for me and the replacement often send you into rubbish servers. To add insult to injury the amount of DLC for this game means thatAs a fan of earlier call of duty games this will be the last consider buying for sometime. The single player isnt the issue its action packed and has a few decent twists. The Mutlitplayer is another story, the lack of dedicated servers completely kills the game for me and the replacement often send you into rubbish servers. To add insult to injury the amount of DLC for this game means that every other map im kicked out of the server due to a map i haven't bought being up next.....if only there were dedicated servers so i could stick to a server that didn't use the DLC maps.

    If i could rate the single player and co-op alone it would receive a 8/10 its a little short but the spec ops makes up for that and some of the challenges and timed events are good fun.
    However the shocking multiplayer which would get a 0/10 drags the whole experience down, if the call of duty games didnt rely so shamelessly on multiplayer to be worth the money they cost maybe i could justify buying them.

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    Generally favorable reviews - based on 40 Critic Reviews

    Critic score distribution:

    1. Positive: 36 out of 40

    2. Mixed: 4 out of 40

    3. Negative: 0 out of 40

    1. 1UP


      The PC version of Modern Warfare 2 is identical to the console versions in almost every way, and that's actually the problem. PC gamers have a certain expectation for online shooters. Removing dedicated server and user mod support from a game that's already $10 more than its predecessor seriously hinders the long term appeal for me.

      Read full review

    2. Thunderbolt


      Modern Warfare 2 will leave you breathless.

      Read full review

    3. GamingExcellence


      It looks better, it plays better, the story is more intense and the multiplayer is more inviting. And with the inclusion of SpecOps, the longevity of this game is sure to have increased as well.

      Is MW2 2022 Good?

      The good news is that the Modern Warfare 2 2022 Spec Ops missions are fun in their own right, giving players the freedom to tackle objectives how they want and allowing the game's excellent gunplay to shine.

      Why was MW2 controversial?

      It is centred on a significant media controversy surrounding the biggest selling videogame of 2009, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Activision). The game generated public criticism over one specific mission depicting a terrorist massacre and fire fight in which players can participate.

      Is Modern Warfare 2 or 3 better?

      Modern Warfare 2 (2022) beats MW3 as most successful CoD launch of all time.

      Was Modern Warfare 2 a good game?

      Modern Warfare 2 delivers a well-paced, varied campaign that feels like playing a great action movie. The multiplayer side of things has a solid core and we've no doubt it'll be polished up in the months to come, but its state at launch is disappointing.


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