Combining like terms with rational coefficients calculator

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  • simplify\:\frac{2}{3}-\frac{3}{2}+\frac{1}{4}
  • simplify\:4+(2+1)^2
  • simplify\:\log _{10}(100)
  • simplify\:\frac{1}{x+1}\cdot \frac{x^2}{5}
  • simplify\:\frac{x^2+4x-45}{x^2+x-30}
  • simplify\:\frac{x^2+14x+49}{49-x^2}
  • simplify\:\frac{6}{x-1}-\frac{3}{x+1}
  • simplify\:\frac{5x}{6}+\frac{3x}{2}



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  • \frac{6}{x-1}+\frac{3}{x+1}
  • \frac{2}{x^2-36}-\frac{1}{x^2+6x}
  • \frac{6x}{7}\cdot \frac{4x}{3}
  • \frac{\frac{6x}{7}}{\frac{4x}{3}}
  • \frac{x-3}{5x-15}



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How do you combine like terms on a calculator?

To combine like terms, first simplify the equation by removing brackets and parentheses. Then perform the required operation on the terms having equal powers.

What is the formula for combining like terms?

When combining like terms, such as 2x and 3x, we add their coefficients. For example, 2x + 3x = (2+3)x = 5x.

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