Dual masters and doctorate degree programs in psychology

Students in our Dual Degree programs provide Psychology Ph.D. students with the opportunity tocombine their graduate training in Psychology with doctoral-level training in a related discipline.Currently we offer two such programs.

Psychology and Women’s Studies

Penn State Psychology is one of only two graduate programs in the U.S. tooffer a dual degree Ph.D. in Women’s Studies and Psychology. Graduatestudents also have the option of a graduate minor in Women’s Studies.

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Language Science

Students electing this program through the Department of Psychology will earn a degree with a dual-titleat the PhD level in Psychology and in Language Science. A graduate student obtaining this dual-degreewill have the skills and knowledge to bring the methods and theories of linguistics, psycholinguistics, andcognitive neuroscience to bear on central issues in psychology.  

Psychology and Social Behavioral Neuroscience

Beginning in Fall of 2019 students will be able to pursue a new dual title in Social Behavioral Neuroscience. Social behavioral neuroscience reflects the study of how brain development and function influence, and are influenced by, social environments and human interaction. The dual-title Ph.D. program provides students with additional training in the neurobiological foundations of brain function in order to enable them to pursue innovative interdisciplinary research with intellectual sophistication

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Social Data Analytics (SoDA)

Social Data Analytics (SoDA) is the integration of social scientific, computational, informational, statistical, and visual approaches to the analysis of large or complex data that arise from human interaction. SoDA merges social science and data science to improve our ability to learn from social data. The SoDA-Psychology dual-title Ph.D. program is the first of its kind in the world and provides students with interdisciplinary training in the foundations of data science.

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What is Clinical Psychology?

Psychology is the branch of medical science that analyses, diagnoses and treats how people think and behave. Though psychologists can work in a range of areas concerning psychology: research, in practice and treatment, public policy and in unrelated fields (advertising often employs psychologists), it is largely with the medical treatment of so-called “invisible illnesses” that we assume graduates will work.

A clinical psychologist is a sub-discipline of psychology that works directly with patients with mental illness – this can be as varied as eating disorders, depression and anxiety, psychosis, bi-polar disorder, addiction, postnatal (postpartum) depression and children with behavioral difficulties amongst other things. People with psychology degrees who work as a clinician may have a range of roles from working as a one-to-one therapist, in hospitals as part of a mental health team, in a specialist center dedicated to the treatment of the mentally ill, in addiction centers and a range of other places. They can also work in the research sector – in the application and study of new treatment methods such as CBT and other non-intrusive forms that work in place of or alongside medication.

Clinical psychology is a career path for people who wish to work with patients, in diagnosis and treatment and in researching effectiveness of treatments (depending on which clinical path you wish to take). It is a growing subject as the stigma around mental health is broken and governments, businesses and other organizations realize the importance of treatment of mental illness. In spring 2014, a survey revealed over 100,000 professionals presently working in clinical psychology in the USA; this number is growing every year.

Master's Degree or PhD why get one or the other?

As with any science, the level you choose to take your studies to is largely a matter of how you wish to pursue your professional career. The more highly qualified you are, the more doors will be open to you. It is not just a matter of the qualification that you are aiming for; there are choice seven within which Master’s and Doctorate paths you might take. Before deciding on which course, it is vital that you understand what your area of interest is and which career path you wish to pursue.

Difference between MA or MS in Clinical Psychology

Any Master’s Degree is a degree program studied at postgraduate level – that is, a course to which you may apply once you already have your bachelor’s degree. Graduates in psychology who which to pursue a postgraduate program have a critical decision to make, and that is whether to study a Master of Arts degree (MA) or Master of Science Degree (MS).  Which master’s you choose, and how you choose, is a matter of your preferred interests following up from your bachelor’s degree, your area of study and expected career path.

MA students of clinical psychology will typically follow a career in psychology as a practice. This is more of a hands-off approach, focusing on desk-based research and evaluating the effectiveness of treatments. They may be involved with government policy on mental illness, advising businesses or non-profits on a range of issues concerning health of employees and support services. They spend more time reading papers after study than an MS graduate would expect to read.

MS Students will follow a career in clinical psychology science. If you want to become a therapist, then you should study a clinical psychology MS as it concerns the application of scientific research. Working with the mentally ill, for example in addiction treatment, psychosexual analysis, art therapy, school counselling, career counselling, relationship counselling (marriage guidance) and so on;this is the path you should take if you wish to work directly with people.

Difference between PsyD vs PhD in Clinical Psychology

As with the master’s degree options, there are several academic career paths you may wish to pursue if you want to take your studies even beyond that. Doctoral studies in this area come in two choices and once again, which you should choose all depends on the nature of your intended career path.

PsyD programs are a newer addition to the academic world of psychology. Created in the 1970s, the discipline was added after identifying that there was increasingly becoming a wide difference between psychology as a study and psychology as a practice. From its introduction, PsyD programs filled the growing need for psychology in practice,particularly in therapy. Researching treatments, either desk-based or direct patient analysis, became the scope of the PhD whereas treatment (therapy) became the scope of the PsyD graduate.

PhD programs were once the only option for students of any type of psychology, but today they have become a purely academic discipline. Students who wish to study patients as a career rather than treat them or develop new treatments such as CBT for use by therapists, should study a PhD program. It is now the academic path of psychology, working in universities or other pathways concerning the academic route. Such doctorates will rarely, if ever, lead to direct interaction with patients but with fellow researchers and students. If you want to teach, then the PhD should be your pathway.

Admission Requirements for Clinical Psychology Degree

Most schools, colleges and universities will have their own entry requirements; the more prestigious the school, the higher their requirements in some areas (such as your GPA). You can expect to see the following conditions of your acceptance onto a program when applying for a master’s degree or a doctorate. This is a general guide, not an exhaustive list of requirements and conditions may vary by institution. Simply having a bachelor’s degree or equivalent is not enough; it is a big step up from an undergraduate to a postgraduate course.

Master's in Clinical Psychology

GRE:  The GRE, or Graduate Record Examination, is a test to determine whether a potential student has the relevant skills to study a postgraduate program. Among the skills tested are verbal reasoning, analytical writing and quantitative reasoning. The GRE may be taken online at any registered GRE testing center.

GPA / Grades: your undergraduate degree grade will be a large determining factor in your eligibility to apply for a master’s program. It will also determine which methods of financial support you may or may not be entitled to (see later). The higher the score, the more options you will have. Check each college application process as some will require your high school and undergraduate transcripts.

Work experience: If you have working experience in the field of psychology, then you may not need to take a GRE at all and your GPA (especially if your bachelor’s degree was years ago) will become less relevant as your working experience becomes a more critical factor.

Letter of recommendation / application form: Even if you are studying your postgraduate degree at the same college where you studied your undergraduate degree, you will still need to fill out the official application form. The person or people making the decision may not know you personally and will have to consider each application on merit. A letter of recommendation or a supporting statement from a member of faculty may be needed at the same college, but will certainly be needed should you apply to a different school.

Personal statement: As well as a supporting statement from your previous course director or professor, you will need to write an essay length personal statement to state why you wish to study at this institution and why this particular program of study. The personal statement should include professional interests and details on potential career path.

Interview: May or may not be required depending on to which school you are applying; if you’d studied there previously, the school may skip this part and look purely at your academic record from you previous course. Ivy League colleges are almost certain to want to interview you.

PhD in Clinical Psychology

GRE: Should not be required if you already have a master’s degree. This means you already have a bachelor’s degree and have either taken the test to determine your eligibility already, or it was not required as you demonstrated the necessary skills.

GPA / Grades: As you progress through your career, your grades should be less important than the skills that you have demonstrated. Certainly, they will want to see your academic record as a PhD student but other factors come into play. Be conscious of the fact that you might still need them.

Letter of recommendation / application form: Competition for places can be fierce. Like master’s programs above, when studying at the same college where you studied previously, you will still need to fill out an application. A letter of recommendation or a supporting statement from a faculty member may also be needed.

Personal statement: Similarly to the master’s, an essay length personal statement will be requested from the institution in which you should state why you wish to study there and why you have chosen this study / research program.

Interview: As above, it may or may not be a requirement depending on your background and history with that particular institution.

International Applicants

If you are studying in the US from abroad, you may be required to provide details of the following.

Details of finance: The college may wish to see that you can support yourself financially while studying in the US, including details of savings, whether you work in the US (and are permitted to do so) or have external income sources.

English proficiency: In order to be admitted, you will not need to be a native speaker but you will need to demonstrate that your English language skills (written and oral) are of sufficiently high standard.

Correct visa type: The correct visa will be required. If you are not a US citizen, you will need to prove your eligibility to be in the country for the duration of the course and demonstrate that you have the correct visa type to enable you to stay long enough to complete it.

Master’s Program Details

All master’s degree programs, no matter the subject, put greater emphasis on independent study and research. Once you reach this level, you are expected to have highly developed research, study, problem solving, argument, presentation and critical thinking skills. As discussed above, the structure of a program may vary slightly from school to school and depending on whether you prefer to take the MA or MS path in clinical psychology. MA students may spend more time in the library and be expected to produce more theoretical projects. MS students may typically work in a hands-on environment, working in groups or as individuals in a clinical support role (though in practice, PhD students are more likely to take up these positions).

Regardless of which program you might take, essentially there are several elements to a program. The first is the foundation of clinical psychology including theory and practice.The second is a focus on practical work – which could be working in a hospital or school for example (teaching or a teacher support role).The third and final element will be the research and essay / report writing which is important regardless of whether you choose the MA or MS path.

There is a much stronger focus on independent study and research at master’s level and therefore far greater emphasis on produced projects than exams. Your thesis or dissertation will be the culmination of the two-year program and will be the longest single piece of work you will have produced in your academic career to date. You will be expected throughout the two years to understand the difference between quantitative and qualitative analysis and research, how to make sense of the data, to argue in favor of one conclusion or another and to argue your position.

Students of MA programs may enter classrooms in a teacher support role, but as psychology is not a core subject in high schools, there are greater opportunities for work placements elsewhere.Support and teaching roles may be available in colleges and universities but these tend to be reserved for doctorate students for those looking to pursue a career in psychology teaching. Fieldwork is highly like to be a part of any course though, and those who wish to enter into a career as a therapist or counselor of any kind should certainly arrange to include it as part of their studies.

MA and MS courses are typically two year, full time courses in which you will be expected to produce a dissertation. Exams may or may not be a part of the course.

Typical module titles will include variations on:

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Research Methods in Psychology
  • Method & Theory in Clinical Psychology
  • Current issues in Clinical Psychology

Where more specialist modules available to you could be:

  • Clinical psychology for substance addiction
  • Counseling Theory
  • Applied Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Method and Practice

Doctorate Program Details

The sole purpose of any doctorate program is the thesis. Whether you choose a PsyD or PhD in Clinical Psychology, you will need to produce an extensive report at the end of your study. A doctorate has very little in the way of formal teaching, more like guided research, regardless of the program.

It must be remembered that PhDs are designed to create researchers in psychology who understand, analyze and apply research in their work, but also engage in research for others to work with and understand. An interesting way of looking at it is to see PhD graduates as creators of knowledge and PsyD graduates as users of that knowledge. Even within these programs, you will find some variation.

Doctoral programs will nearly always have an internship – where you go and what you do will vary by institution and which doctoral program you have chosen. With a PsyD, you may work in a clinical setting with people with mental illness, in hospitals and clinics, in addiction programs and so on. With a PhD, this is more likely to be in a university department working alongside faculty, perhaps even teaching in a lecturing or a support role to undergraduate students. This will be a common internship for PhD students as should you work in a university environment, part of the work will be to impart your own research findings to the university’s present students. Lecturing goes hand in hand with research. Internships are a very strong part of doctorate programs in science-based subjects; typically these internships will last for one year.

The length of the thesis will vary from university to university, but a typical doctorate is in the region of 100,000 words. You will be expected to defend your research and thesis before a board of your academic peers before confirmation of the doctorate. It will go through pre-authorization first though, usually by your course director / thesis supervisor and then higher up in the university, typically the Dean or the Head of School (or equivalent).

Though there is a great deal of emphasis on research at doctorate level, students will be expected to attend sessions with fellow students and professors – though these are more like seminars and discussions than lectures and classes traditionally seen at undergraduate and master’s level.

Typical module and course titles for PhD and PsyD programs include:

  • Theories in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Counselling skills
  • Clinical psychology and ethics
  • Psychometrics in the lab

But will vary depending on the skills and background of each faculty member. Programs will have some core subjects as well as those devoted to the specialization of the department or those within it. Some courses are focused mostly on practice and some mostly on theory. Each program may offer a mix of each to give the student a good grounding but as stated, as the PhD and the PsyD are aimed at different students, the weight of theory vs practice will differ greatly.

Costs & Financial Aid


Cost of a Master’s: The cost of a typical master’s degree in a psychology subject can vary depending on your state of residence, level and prestige of the school to which you are a applying. The median annual tuition cost for state residents applying to a public university in the state in which they reside, can cost in the region of $8,500. For public universities outside of the state of their residence, that doubles to an average of over $18,000. Tuition at a privately run university for a master’s in psychology has a median cost of $25,000 per year. In each case, please remember that this is the median cost – there will be cheaper and more expensive alternatives.

Cost of a doctorate: The cost of a typical doctoral program in psychology or related subjects vary depending on the same residency factors stated above. The median annual tuition cost for state residents applying to a public university in the state in which they reside, should cost around $9,500. For public universities outside of the state of their residence, that climbs to near $21,500. Tuition costs of a private university for a psychology doctoral program costs around $32,000 per year. Note: this is the median cost – there are cheaper and more expensive alternatives varying by state, prestige and other factors.

Loans, grants and scholarships

APAGS:  The American Psychology Association should always be your first resource for applying for finance to help you achieve your clinical psychology post-graduate degree. Their extensive APAGS (American Psychology Association of Graduate Students) covers most needs – for students with disability, for women, for ethnic minorities, LGBTQ special bursaries, travel awards and much more. As the country’s largest and most prestigious psychology organization, competition is fierce but you should make sure you investigate your options with the APA. The also offer a number of awards towards those who are writing about specific subjects for their dissertation or thesis.

Please see their list of finance awards, grants and bursaries here.

Woodrow Wilson Center Awards: Every year, the Wilson Center gives out a number of awards annually, not just to post-graduate students, but anyone in the social sciences and humanities subjects who have proposed a subject or research project that would be of international public interest. This means that your dissertation or thesis should be eligible. It is highly competitive though, just 35 awards are granted annually.

For more information, visit here.

Psi Chi: They represent one of the broadest scopes of applicants from the world of psychology with a number of grants, stipends and awards which are open to undergraduates, postgraduates and professionals working in psychology. They have over 30 awards so their programs are always worth due consideration. Among their graduate awards are a large number of research grants and awards for specific projects. Some for travel, some for diversity and some dedicated to researching specific subjects.

Their full list of graduate awards is here.

NASP: The National Association of School Psychologists are for those students pursuing any graduate program looking to enter into a career in school psychology; your clinical psychology MS should come under this remit if you expect to become a counselor or other advisory or therapy role within a school environment. With specific aids available to people of ethnic minority, research grants and school grants for those already working in a school environment, they have a range of choices for you.

More information is here.

NSF: National Science Foundation is one of the country’s largest public information science bodies. To engage with their public outreach program, they have research fellowships available to anyone working in the sciences – including psychology – for making an outstanding contribution in their field in a research based thesis or dissertation. Ideal for those studying a MA or PhD research project.

Full list and further details are here.

PLUS Loans: Federally available PLUS loans is money set aside by the Federal Government so that students may fund their post-graduate studies. Eligibility varies depending on the status of the parents (undergraduate) and of the student (post-graduate). Typical value of the loan will be the maximum possible minus the value of any other awards granted to the parents or the student.

For more information, visit the government advice page here. There is also a FAQ and details on repayment plans and eligibility.

And, of course, not forgetting your individual state awards, university and department awards. Availability and eligibility may vary so do an extensive search of your state or county to see what is available.

Getting Licensed

Obtaining your license to practice psychology (especially as a therapist or other direct contact methods) is not as straightforward as you might think. Licenses are granted by state and because each state’s rules differ on how the procedure is managed and carried out, it is not as simple as applying for a license with all your credentials and being able to practice.

In most cases, you will be expected to apply for a license during the second year of doctoral study. The amount of patient contact may need to vary, also depending on state requirement. For example, an investigation in 2002 revealed that Florida has the most stringent application process and the largest number of hours required to obtain a license.

  • Each state has its own licensing board, but not everybody needs to get licensed and a number of exemptions apply
  • In some states, you will not need to apply for a license if you work in a university department, state or federal institution. It is advisable to look into the code and procedure of each state before you apply, or deciding beforehand which state or states you may wish to practice
  • If your Clinical Psychology program was not APA accredited, you may find it harder to obtain license to practice in some states, the procedure may be longer and subject to further scrutiny
  • In most states, you will need a doctorate to practice with automatic refusal for those who do not. Post-doctoral study is also preferred. In those states where there are few practicing psychologist (Wyoming, South Dakota and Alaska) standards may vary
  • If you studied outside of the US, the full procedure may apply as standards around the world vary. Most state boards make provision of procedure for people who obtained their doctorates in another country

All state board of the US require that an individual seeking license to practice psychology pass the EPPP (Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology). This is a multiple choice test of 225 questions that focus on core areas within the field of psychology, covering social and biological behavior, practice and treatment. Most states expect a minimum 70% to pass, though again some states vary – some pass marks may be higher, some lower. It is essential if you wish to practice anywhere in North America (with some variation in Quebec province, Canada) and a critical part of your application for license.

Alternative Careers for a Clinical Psychologist

If a career in academic psychology or in therapy is not for you, then you may wish to consider social work. Slightly related to psychology, it is a role concerned with domestic issues and disputes among people and groups who live with social deprivation. To work in this field, you will certainly need a license; like clinical psychology, this is done at state level and expectations and standards vary. Licensed Social Worker will have a different meaning in one state from the next. You may need to enroll in a CSWE accredited course to make the change to this type of career.

Educational psychology is an exciting and rewarding career in which you could study and implement methods by which people learn. Devising and implementing new learning methods to help children grow, build their confidence and develop their skills is an excellent use of any psychology degree. There is more variation in this field with regard to licensing. If you have the word “psychologist” in your title, you will certainly need a license to practice. Alternate forms of educational psychology may be possible with your qualifications in which licensing may not be required.

Modern teaching is a multidisciplinary approach; teachers are expected not only to teach, but to identify vulnerable children, be educational psychologists and adapt their skills to the needs of a class. From many perspectives, the classroom is the perfect place for a clinical psychologist to work. All normal teaching rules on licensing apply by state and federally (the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards does not replace state licensure). You may need to complete a teacher preparation program to convert your psychology degree to one suitable for teaching in a public school.

Media & advertising is a great way into business for many psychology graduates. Advertising plays on people’s psychology, engaging their emotion or rationality, encouraging them to a certain point of view about a business or product or the important work that a certain non-profit carries out. Public perception of corporations and encouraging positive awareness is as much about psychology as it is about the actions of the company. No certification or license required to work in this field but your clinical psychology degree could be an advantage depending on the type of advertising.

Working in Human Resources requires an element of psychology. Where there is a work dispute, for example, you will need to act as a mediation service between aggrieved parties – between lower level workers and management, or in providing an advisory service where there is a wrongful dismissal case brought against the company. Working in Human Resources requires diplomacy and this requires, in turn, a greater understanding of human psychology. No certification or license required to work in this field but your psychology degree would be a distinct advantage.

Top PsyD & PhD Programs Offering Clinical Psychology

Listed below are counseling psychology doctorate programs (Ph.D. and Psy.D.) across the United States. We have ranked 50 U.S. programs by examining the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) pass rates of the students completing these programs.

The rankings below offer a great overview of all the doctoral clinical psychology programs offered and how their students performed in passing the EPPP licensing exam. To learn more about each of the programs we have listed you can click on the school name and get more details on admissions, tuition, accreditation and student performance scores.

For more information on programs rankings, see our data and methodology page (//www.counselingpsychology.org/data-ranking-methodology)

Rank: 1

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

George Mason University (PhD)

Fairfax, VA - Phone (703) 993-1384

The Department of Psychology at George Mason University is committed to supporting the public good through research-based application of psychology. Practical problems are of great interest to the 1,000 undergraduates and 250 graduate students in the faculty. Read more here about opportunities at George Mason from high-school internship to post-graduate fellowships.

Rank: 2

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Bowling Green State University (PhD)

Bowling Green, OH - Phone (419) 373-2301

Bowling Green State University's Psychology Program has programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. The program's 28 faculty members teach at a variety of course levels and their areas of specialty span every facet of the field. The department has an outreach program that provides a number of vital mental health, assessment and counselling services to area individuals and their families.

Rank: 3

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Nevada, Reno (PhD)

Reno, NV - Phone (775) 784-6828

The University of Nevada at Reno's Department of Psychology prides itself on offering excellence in teaching and in research. Their foremost goal is to provide a sound foundation to undergraduate students to ensure they receive the base of knowledge required to continue to graduate and post-graduate studies. As well, students are encouraged to experience psychology research by participating in some of the many faculty research projects that UNR offers.

Rank: 4

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Sam Houston State University (PhD)

Huntsville, TX - Phone (936) 294-1174

The Psychology Department at Sam Houston leads successful undergraduates to graduate-level work by the end of their degree. The faculty are committed to fostering a rewarding and challenging academic atmosphere for teaching, research, and worldwide applications to the field. Graduates are well-prepared for the rigors of the jobs in a variety of fields.

Rank: 5

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Mississippi (PhD)

University, MS - Phone (662) 915-7383

The University of Mississippi's Department of Psychology is one of the most renowned faculties in the US. Divided into two main streams, the psychology undergrad program helps students focus on psychology as part of a liberal arts degree, or focus on graduate studies in either clinical or experimental psychology.

Rank: 6

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Northwestern University (PhD)

Chicago, IL - Phone (312) 926-2323

Northwestern's Psychology Department provides valuable resources for all members of their department, from first-year undergraduates to career planning tools. The program has major and minor streams, as well as a supportive graduate studies stream in contemporary psychology disciplines for those students who plan to enter the profession.

Rank: 7

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Arizona State University (PhD)

Temple, AZ - Phone (480) 965-7598

ASU's Department of Psychology offers programming at the undergrad, graduate and doctoral levels. Students are also encouraged to broaden their psychology experience by partaking in any number of current and relevant research projects. Research projects enhance student understanding as well as contribute to understanding and betterment of our society.

Rank: 8

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

The University of Georgia (PhD)

Athens, GA - Phone (706) 542-2174

The University of Georgia's Department of Psychology can be found at the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Professors are nationally renowned and committed to provided the best learning opportunities for their students. Graduates go on to careers in either academic, research, or applied postings and UGA's graduate program is nationally ranked.

Rank: 9

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Vanderbilt University (PhD)

Nashville, TN - Phone (615) 322-8141

The Vanderbilt University Department of Psychological Sciences has gathered faculty with diverse qualifications and areas of interest in order to provide a rigorous educational environment for its students. Programs are offered at the undergrad, graduate, and PhD levels and research opportunities abound. Vanderbilt takes pride in contributing solutions to societal problems.

Rank: 10

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (PhD)

Malwaukee, WI - Phone (441) 229-4746

Students at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee campus can major in any of the four streams of psychology that are offered: Behavior Analysis, Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, and Neuroscience. With the motto of 'Powerful Ideas: Proven Results', UWM phrases its core expectations of students in four words. Programs are available at the undergrad and graduate levels, and selected PhD applicants are welcome to apply.

Rank: 11

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Denver (PhD)

Denver, CO - Phone (303) 871-2478

The University of Denver provides a broad foundation for undergraduate students, and a focused approach to graduate work. Denver also offers a doctorate program for those qualifying students. Faculty at the university is committed to fostering an atmosphere of academic growth and the application of psychological principals for societal good.

Rank: 12

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Maryland, College Park (PhD)

College Park, MD - Phone (301) 405-5862

University of Maryland's Department of Psychology was founded in 1937. With five streams of doctorate work, the department is organized in order to ensure that every undergraduate student is prepared for graduate work, should they choose, and every grad student has the academic toolbox to pursue his or her doctorate.

Rank: 13

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

The University of Southern Mississippi (PhD)

Hattiesburg, MI - Phone (601) 266-4177

The Department of Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi has a robust undergraduate program as well as four graduate streams (Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Experimental Psychology, and School Psychology). With a Masters degree, USM students are welcome at leading PhD programs throughout the country and abroad.

Rank: 14

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Hawaii at Manoa (PhD)

Honolulu, MS - Phone (808) 956-8414

The University of Hawaii-Manoa's Department of Psychology faculty has designed program and course offerings for maximum flexibility. Undergraduate students can pursue either a BA or a BS depending on their interests, and faculty members lead MA and PhD candidates in exploring any one of seven specialties in the field. The department prides itself on innovative contributions throughout the field, borne from Hawaii's cultural diversity.

Rank: 15

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Baylor University (PsyD)

Waco, TX - Phone (254) 710-2961

The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University has a faculty team that is renowned for their commitment to academic excellence, provision of learning opportunities, and caring empathy toward student success. Students at all levels can expect to gain more than classroom experience with a degree in psychology from Baylor University.

Rank: 16

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Texas Tech University (PhD)

Lubbock, TX - Phone (806) 742-3711

Texas Tech University psychology undergraduates and graduate students at Texas Tech University cite the kind of atmosphere that is key for academic growth. With more than 1,000 students, Texas Tech University provides the kind of top-tier research and clinical experience that foster academic opportunities and that employers are looking for.

Rank: 17

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Miami University (PhD)

Oxford, OH - Phone (513) 529-2400

Miami University's Department of Psychology has over 3,000 undergraduates enrolled in psychology courses - over 1,000 have a psychology major. Upon graduation, a tenth of these students will be accepted back to Miami U in order to carry on innovative research in a variety of disciplines.

Rank: 18

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Louisville (PhD)

Louisville, KY - Phone (502) 852-6775

The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Louisville is renowned for the educational opportunities that it affords its students and faculty. To cater to student needs, the university offers three degree programs at the undergraduate level, as well as a minor in Psychology for students with interdisciplinary interests and work at the graduate level.

Rank: 19

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Eastern Michigan University (PhD)

Ypsilanti, MI - Phone (734) 487-1155

EMU's Department of Psychology is committed to providing a survey of the various disciplines of psychology to undergraduate students and to prepare them for entry to a variety of fields or to graduate level work. At the Master's and PhD levels, research and clinical work opportunities are available to suitable candidates.

Rank: 20

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Pittsburgh (PhD)

Pittsburg, PA - Phone (412) 624-4500

Acclaimed by the National Research Council as a top-5 faculty, the Department of Psychology's reputation speaks for itself. In addition to teaching a broad spectrum of undergraduate, grad, and doctorate students, faculty at Pitt is committed to innovative research in psychology's various disciplines. Read more about academic opportunities at the University of Pittsburgh.

Rank: 21

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Clark University (PhD)

Worchester, MA - Phone (508) 793-7274

Founded in 1887 and located in Massachusetts, Clark University is one of the oldest universities in the United States. The university's Department of Psychology has a strong focus on its graduate and PhD programs. The university's nationally ranked Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology draws innovative faculty from all over the country to lead young minds into bettering our world through the study of psychology.

Rank: 22

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Washington University (PhD)

St. Louis, MO - Phone (314) 935-6565

The Washington University Department of Psychology has four core streams of programming: Aging and Development, Clinical Psychology, Behaviour Brain & Cognition, and Social/Personality. Undergraduate students begin coursework with a broad foundation in psychology principals, and focus on a stream as their knowledge of the field deepens.

Rank: 23

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Oregon (PhD)

Eugene, OR - Phone (541) 346-4921

The University of Oregon's Department of Psychology is comprised of students, grads, and PhD scholars who work and learn with the guidance of a dynamic faculty. With a wide variety of interests, the faculty as a whole participates in innovative research across many branches of psychology. The educational journey begins at the undergraduate level where teaching staff is committed to exposing students to a broad foundation of psychology concepts.

Rank: 24

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Washington (PhD)

Seattle, WA - Phone (206) 543-2640

The University of Washington's Department of Psychology has a strong history of discovery as it relates to the field, and is currently looking ahead to psychology applications in a variety of fields. The UW undergraduate program provides a solid foundation of psychology theory, while graduate and post-doctoral studies focus on a specific branch of psychology in order to enhance societal good.

Rank: 25

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (PhD)

Champaign, IL - Phone (217) 333-0631

Founded over 100 years ago, the Psychology Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has long been on the leading edge of psychological research. With both major and minor undergraduate programs, graduates are welcomed throughout the nation in a variety of careers. Some go on to pursue Master's-level research at the university.

Rank: 26

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Case Western Reserve University (PhD)

Cleveland, OH - Phone (216) 368-6477

The Department of Psychological Sciences at Case Western Reserve University is a hybrid of the Psychology and Communications departments. Offering both major and minor program options, the Psychological Sciences department is strongly interdisciplinary which means that graduates are sought after in a variety of career fields. Work at the graduate and post-doctoral levels is also available.

Rank: 27

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

The University of Maine (PhD)

Orono, ME - Phone (207) 581-2030

The University of Maine has a thriving Psychology Department at the undergraduate level, as well as rigorous and well-respected graduate programs. Given the interests of the faculty, the school offers specialized areas of focus in cognitive, biological, and social psychologies. The University of Maine is renowned for its specialty program in Developmental-Clinical Psychology.

Rank: 28

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (PhD)

Indianapolis, IN - Phone (317) 274-6943

The Department of Psychology at Indiana University-Purdue has been in operation since 1969. With a large student population and diverse offerings, undergraduate students may choose to pursue a minor in psychology or a major, culminating in either a BA or a BS. A dynamic faculty supports innovative learning strategies which put IUPUI grads at the forefront of their field.

Rank: 29

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Delaware (PhD)

Newark, DE - Phone (302) 831-2271

While the University of Delaware offers BA and BS programs in psychology and neuroscience, faculty pride themselves on their four PhD streams: Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Science, Cognitive Psychology, and Social Psychology. Such teaching interests give the department a broad interdisciplinary feel that creates academic excellence.

Rank: 30

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

The University of Iowa (PhD)

Iowa City, IA - Phone (319) 335-2406

The University of Iowa creates a strong interdisciplinary foundation for psychology students through their undergraduate programming and the diversity of their faculty. Upon completion, the University encourages students to pursue graduate and PhD work in order to take advantage of the many career and research opportunities available with these advanced credentials.

Rank: 31

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Syracuse University (PhD)

Syracuse, NY - Phone (315) 443-2354

Syracuse University's Department of Psychology has a number of options for undergraduate and graduate students. At the undergraduate level, students may obtain a major or minor in psychology or major in integrated neuroscience. At the graduate level, there are several streams of research that students may become interested in. Read more to find out about the Psychology Program at Syracuse.

Rank: 32

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Wisconsin – Madison (PhD)

Madison, WI - Phone (608) 262-1040

With a sizable and dynamic faculty, the Department of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin is a thriving forum for ideas and research in psychology and interdisciplinary studies. The faculty prides itself on being the largest major in the College of Letters & Science, and trains students to think critically and communicate clearly.

Rank: 33

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Pennsylvania (PhD)

Philadelphia, PA - Phone (215) 898-7300

The Psychology Department at the University of Pennsylvania prides itself on being the longest running psychology department in North America. Ranked on a national level for its excellence in producing psychological scientists, UP faculty provides rigorous undergraduate and graduate programming. In addition to employment and research in traditional psychology fields, students are increasingly finding applications in other disciplines.

Rank: 34

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Yale University (PhD)

New Haven, CT - Phone (203) 432-4500

Yale University's Department of Psychology attracts some of the brightest researchers and clinicians from around the globe. With equal emphasis on teaching and research, Yale's faculty is responsible for forging an environment of academic rigor that provides excellent career opportunities for its graduates. Interested students may apply to the graduate program in order to further their education.

Rank: 35

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Harvard University (PhD)

Cambridge, MA - Phone (617) 495-3800

Harvard University's Department of Psychology has had notable faculty for almost 200 years. As such, the department has a long history of attracting and focusing bright researchers and students in order to solve some of the world's most perplexing problems. Read on for more information about Harvard's Department of Psychology.

Rank: 36

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

Northwestern University (PhD)

Evanston, IL - Phone (847) 491-5190

The Clinical Psychology PhD Program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is renowned for its collaborative approach to integrating research and clinical practice in order to hone students into competent and ethical psychologists.  Ideally situated within an academic medical center at Northwestern University, undergraduate, post-grad and doctoral students benefit from the opportunities that such a learning environment produces, both in the lab and in clinic. Read more about the Feinberg School of Medicine's intensive program.

Rank: 37

EPPP Pass Rate: 100.00%

University of Missouri – Kansas City (PhD)

Kansas City, MO - Phone (816) 235-1318

The University of Missouri - Kansas City Department of Psychology is pleased to offer psychology degrees from undergraduate to post-doctoral levels. At the undergraduate level, students learn broad foundational concepts of psychology which help train their emergent thinking and research skills to excellence in posing and answering questions related to societal problems.

Rank: 38

EPPP Pass Rate: 98.67%

Rutgers University (PsyD)

Piscataway, NJ - Phone (848) 445-2576

With a faculty that is nationally renowned for research in clinical, neuroscience, cognitive and social psychology, the Psychology Department at Rutgers University combines teaching excellence with a passion for answering the question 'why'. Strongly focused on interdisciplinary studies and opportunities for learning outside the classroom, Rutgers graduates are welcomed candidates in a number of professional fields.

Rank: 39

EPPP Pass Rate: 98.31%

University of Miami (PhD)

Coral Gables, FL - Phone (305) 284-2814

With a dynamic teaching staff committed to academic and research excellence, the University of Miami's Department of Psychology has a significant local and state presence. Staff pride themselves on encouraging students to be academically rigorous while engaging in community outreach through the department. Read on to discover more about University of Miami's Psychology Department.

Rank: 40

EPPP Pass Rate: 98.08%

University of Alabama (PhD)

Tuscaloosa, AL - Phone (205) 348-6010

University of Alabama's Department of Psychology places strong emphasis on developing critical thinking at the undergraduate level. Along with research methods and statistics, students are encouraged to become directly involved in research opportunities with faculty members. Successful and motivated undergraduates are welcome to apply to the university's graduate program.

Rank: 41

EPPP Pass Rate: 97.92%

Temple University (PhD)

Philadelphia, PA - Phone (215) 204-7321

Founded in 1884, Temple University has one of the oldest Psychology Departments in the country. By building a strong foundation for learning taste undergrad level with overview, research, internship, and honors programs and courses, Temple ensures that successful undergrads are well-prepared for the rigors of graduate programming - should they choose to accept the challenge.

Rank: 42

EPPP Pass Rate: 97.78%

University of Massachusetts Amherst (PhD)

Amherst, MA - Phone (413) 545-2383

With a diverse faculty, UMass at Amherst's Department of Psychology prides itself on being both innovative in regard to solutions for the world's problems and academically rigorous in order to train student thinking to the best of their ability. Read on for more information regarding the University of Massachusetts' Psychology Department.

Rank: 43

EPPP Pass Rate: 97.56%

Ohio University (PhD)

Athens, OH - Phone (740) 593-1707

Ohio University's Department of Psychology prides itself on partaking in cutting-edge research. Notable contributions to the field are internationally renowned. Over 600 undergraduate students and 80 graduate students learn and work with the department's 30+ faculty members. In addition to psychology majors, minors are also available for students who prefer an interdisciplinary education.

Rank: 44

EPPP Pass Rate: 97.22%

State University of New York at Binghamton (PhD)

Binghamptom, NY - Phone (607) 777-2449

The State University of New York - Binghamton prides itself on its public research university status. With six colleges and schools, the department of psychology is among the largest faculties. Graduate students accepted to BU's teaching and research program can focus on behavioral neuroscience, clinical psychology, or cognitive & brain sciences.

Rank: 45

EPPP Pass Rate: 97.14%

University of Florida (PhD)

Gainesville, FL - Phone (352) 273-6617

Dedicated to excellence in psychology, the University of Florida is a nationally ranked educational facility. Maintaining that excellence is best achieved by a diverse student and faculty body, the university boasts a supportive culture for all members. Psychology programs are available at the undergrad and graduate degree levels.

Rank: 46

EPPP Pass Rate: 97.50%

Loyola University of Chicago (PhD)

Chicago, IL - Phone (773) 508-3001

Committed to excellence in teaching and research as well as service to others, Loyola University's Department of Psychology is nationally ranked. At the undergraduate level, students may take a psychology-related minor, or major in psychology and receive a BS degree. High-achieving graduates are encouraged to apply to graduate level studies.

Rank: 47

EPPP Pass Rate: 97.06%

Pennsylvania State University (PhD)

University Park, PA - Phone (814) 865-9514

Pennsylvania State University's Department of Psychology is home to more than 60 faculty members whose diversity fosters a climate of academic robustness. Such an environment is key to train students' developing minds. Of particular note are Penn State's Child Study Center, along with a number of notable research facilities.

Rank: 48

EPPP Pass Rate: 97.06%

University of Michigan (PhD)

Ann Arbor, MI - Phone (734) 764-2580

In addition to standard degrees, the University of Michigan's Department of Psychology has honors degrees available at the undergraduate level, and an accelerated Master's degree option. This flexibility ensures that U of M attracts some of the brightest minds in the country in order to continue their history of excellent teaching and research.

Rank: 49

EPPP Pass Rate: 96.97%

Rutgers University–New Brunswick (PhD)

New Brunswick, NJ - Phone (732) 445-4636

Rutgers University - New Brunswick is committed to meeting our society's need for qualified, ethical, competent psychologists who graduate ready to begin practice. In this regard, Rutgers prepares its students to work with individuals, families, and couples through a variety of venues. Students may pursue a masters degree in clinical psychology or school psychology, and may choose to further narrow the scope of their practice. Rutgers also accepts doctoral candidates who wish to enter clinical practice. Read more here about the Psy.M and Psy.D programs offered at the New Brunswick campus.

Rank: 50

EPPP Pass Rate: 96.88%

The Ohio State University (PhD)

Columbus, OH - Phone (614) 292-8185

Ohio State University's Department of Psychology has historical excellence in teaching and research, due mostly to their dynamic faculty team and committment to excellence in research. The university offers major and minor options as well as a rigorous graduate school program. Of particular note is the school's Quantitative Psychology program.

Other Ph.D. & Psy.D. Programs (Not Ranked)

The counseling psychology programs listed below were not ranked due to several reasons including: (1) not enough data as several programs have less than 10 students combined over the 5 years data was collected, (2) programs have since closed or no longer are approved by the American Psychological Association, (3) new programs may not have enough data to be ranked.


The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH 43210

PhD (614) 292-8185 Visit Website

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Blacksburg, VA 24061

PhD (540) 231-6581 Visit Website

Marquette University

Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881

PhD (414) 288-7218 Visit Website

Auburn University

Auburn University, AL 36849

PhD (334) 844-4412 Visit Website

Boston University

Boston, MA 02215

PhD (617) 358-4584 Visit Website

Duke University

Durham, NC 27708-0086

PhD (919) 660-5716 Visit Website

Central Michigan University

Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

PhD (989) 774-3001 Visit Website

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843

PhD (979) 845-2581 Visit Website

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22904

PhD (434) 982-4763 Visit Website

University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

Dallas, TX 75390

PhD (214) 648-3111 Visit Website

University of Missouri, St. Louis

St. Louis, MO 63121-4499

PhD (314) 516-5391 Visit Website

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Greensboro, NC 27412

PhD (336) 334-5014 Visit Website

San Diego State University/University of California, San Diego (SDSU/UCSD)

San Diego, CA 92120

PhD (619) 594-2246 Visit Website

St. John’s University

Queens, NY 11439?

PhD (718) 990-5541 Visit Website

The University of Texas at Austin

Austin, TX 78712-1043

PhD (512) 471-1157 Visit Website

University of California, Santa Barbara

Isla Vista, CA 93117

PhD (805) 893-2858 Visit Website

University of Illinois at Chicago – UIC

Chicago, IL 60607-7137

PhD (312) 996-3036 Visit Website

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

PhD (225) 578-4125 Visit Website

Indiana State University

Terre Haute, IN 47809

PsyD (812) 237-2445 Visit Website

University of Utah

Salt Lake City, UT 84112

PhD (801) 581-6124 Visit Website

Suffolk University

Boston, MA 02108

PhD (617) 573-8293 Visit Website

University of Central Florida

Orlando, FL 32816

PhD (407) 823-4344 Visit Website

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR 72701

PhD (479) 575-4256 Visit Website

Northern Illinois University

DeKalb, IL 60115

PhD (815) 753-0372 Visit Website

West Virginia University

Morgantown, WV 26506-6040

PhD (304) 293-2001 Visit Website

Wayne State University

Detroit, MI 48202

PhD (313) 577-2800 Visit Website

Florida State University

Tallahassee, FL 32306-4301

PhD (850) 644-2040 Visit Website

University of North Texas

Denton, TX 76203-5017

PhD (940) 565-2671 Visit Website

University of Alabama Birmingham

Birmingham, AL 35294-1170

PhD (205) 934-3850 Visit Website

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

Bethesda, MD 20814

PhD (301) 295-9669 Visit Website

University of Maryland, Baltimore

Baltimore, MD 21250

PhD (410) 455-2567 Visit Website

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

North Chicago, IL 60064

PhD (847) 578-3000 Visit Website

Palo Alto University

Palo Alto, CA 94304

PsyD (800) 818-6136 Visit Website

Biola Univesity

La Mirada, CA 90639

PhD (562) 903-4738 Visit Website

Kent State University

Kent, OH 44242

PhD (330) 672-2166 Visit Website

University of Vermont

Burlington, VT 05405-0134

PhD (802) 656-2670 Visit Website

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824

PhD (517) 355-9562 Visit Website

University of South Carolina

Columbia, SC 29208

PhD (803) 777-4137 Visit Website

Virginia Commonwealth

Richmond, VA 23284-2018

PhD (804) 828-1193 Visit Website

Idaho State University

Pocatello , ID 83209

PhD (208) 282-2462 Visit Website

University of Connecticut

Storrs, CT 06269-1020

PhD (860) 486-3515 Visit Website

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ 85721

PhD (520) 621-7447 Visit Website

Drexel University

Philadelphia, PA 19104

PhD (215) 895-1895 Visit Website

University of Rhode Island

Kingston, RI 02881

PhD (401) 874-2193 Visit Website

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Indiana, PA 15705

PsyD (724) 357-2426 Visit Website

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22904

PhD (434) 924-3182 Visit Website

Georgia State University

Atlanta, GA 30302-5010

PhD (404) 413-6200 Visit Website

The New School

New York, NY 10011

PhD (212) 229-5727 Visit Website

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98105

PhD (206) 543-2640 Visit Website

University of Missouri, Columbia

Columbia, MO 65211-2500

PhD (573) 882-6860 Visit Website

Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck

Madison, NJ 07940

PhD (973) 443-8094 Visit Website

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN 55455

PhD (612) 625-2818 Visit Website

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA 94720-1650

PhD (510) 642-5292 Visit Website

Western Michigan University

Kalamazoo , MI 49008-5439

PhD (269) 387-4500 Visit Website

Loyola University in Maryland

Baltimore, MD 21210

PsyD (410) 617-5020 Visit Website

The University of Kansas

Lawrence, KS 66045-7556

PhD (785) 864-4131 Visit Website

La Salle University

Philadelphia, PA 19141

PsyD (215) 951-1270 Visit Website

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Charlotte, NC 28223

PhD (704) 687-1315 Visit Website

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Lincoln, NE 68588-0308

PhD (402) 472-3721 Visit Website

Xavier University

Cincinnati, OH 45207

PsyD (513) 745-1041 Visit Website

University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1563

PhD (310) 825-2961 Visit Website

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Stony Brook, NY 11794-2500

PhD (631) 632-7855 Visit Website

University of South Florida

Tampa, FL 33620-7200

PhD (813) 974-2492 Visit Website

American University

Washington, DC 20016

PhD (202) 885-1710 Visit Website

University of Rochester

Rochester, NY 14627-0266

PhD (585) 273-3264 Visit Website

University of Kentucky

Lexington , KY 40506-0044

PhD (859) 257-9640 Visit Website

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN 37996

PhD (865) 974-3328 Visit Website

DePaul University

Chicago, IL 60604

PhD (312) 362-8000 Visit Website

Loma Linda University

Loma Linda, CA 92350

PhD (909) 558-7116 Visit Website

Brigham Young University

Provo, UT 84602

PhD (801) 422-4287 Visit Website

University of Houston

Houston, TX 77204-5022

PhD (713) 743-8500 Visit Website

Emory University

Atlanta, GA 30322

PhD (404) 727-7438 Visit Website

Queens College – CUNY

Kissena , NY 11367-1597

PsyD (718) 997-3200 Visit Website

Widener University

Chester, PA 19013

PsyD (610) 499-1206 Visit Website

The Catholic University of America

Washington, DC 20064

PhD (202) 319-5750 Visit Website

Roosevelt University

Chicago, IL 60605

PsyD (312) 341-3760 Visit Website

The University of Toledo

Toledo, OH 43606-3390

PhD (419) 530-2717 Visit Website

Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK 74078-3064

PhD (405) 744-7494 Visit Website

Fordham University

Bronx, NY 10458

PhD (718) 817-3775 Visit Website

State University of New York at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY 14260-4110

PhD (716) 645-3651 Visit Website

Saint Louis University

St. Louis, MO 63108

PhD (314) 977-2300 Visit Website

Washington State University

Pullman, WA 99164-4820

PhD (509) 335-2631 Visit Website

The George Washington University

Washington, DC 20052

PhD (202) 994-6320 Visit Website

Long Island University

Brookville, NY 11548-1300

PhD (516) 299-2090 Visit Website

University of Indianapolis

Indianapolis, IN 46227

PsyD (317) 788-3353 Visit Website

Teachers College Columbia University

New York, NY 10027-6696

PhD (212) 678-3942 Visit Website

The George Washington University

Washington, DC 20052

PsyD (202) 994-4929 Visit Website

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN 47405-7007

PhD (812) 855-2012 Visit Website

The Graduate Center, CUNY

New York, NY 10016

PhD (212) 817-8705 Visit Website

State University of New York at Albany

Albany, NY 12222

PhD (518) 442-4820 Visit Website

Fuller Theological Seminary

Pasadena, CA 91182

PhD (626) 584-5500 Visit Website

University of Memphis (formerly known as Memphis State College and Memphis State University)

Memphis, TN 38152

PhD (901) 678-2145 Visit Website

Nova Southeastern University

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796

PhD (954) 262-7563 Visit Website

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Las Vegas, NV 89154

PhD (702) 895-3011 Visit Website

University of Denver

Denver, CO 80208

PsyD (303) 871-3736 Visit Website

Virginia Consortium

Norfolk, VA 23504

PsyD (757) 451-7733 Visit Website

Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology

Newton, MA 02459

PsyD (617) 327-6777 Visit Website

Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN 47907

PhD (765) 494-6061 Visit Website

Duquesne University

Pittsburgh, PA 15282

PhD (412) 396-6520 Visit Website

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Carbondale, IL 62901

PhD (618) 536-2301 Visit Website

University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH 45221-0037

PhD (513) 556-5860 Visit Website

Loma Linda University

Loma Linda, CA 92350

PsyD (909) 558-8577 Visit Website

Yeshiva University

Bronx, NY 10461

PsyD (718) 430-3850 Visit Website

Long Island University

Brooklyn, NY 11201

PsyD (718) 488-1068 Visit Website

Hofstra University

Hempstead, NY 11550

PhD (516) 463-5624 Visit Website

Pacific University

Hillsboro, OR 97123

PsyD (503) 352-2900 Visit Website

Wheaton College

Wheaton, IL 60187

PsyD (630) 752-5104 Visit Website

Wheaton College

Wheaton, IL 60187

PsyD (630) 752-5104 Visit Website

Argosy University, Atlanta

Atlanta, GA 30328

PsyD (770) 671-1200 Visit Website

Illinois Institute of Technology

Chicago, IL 60616

PhD (312) 567-3500 Visit Website

Adelphi University

Garden City, NY 11530-0701

PhD (516) 877-4800 Visit Website

The City College of New York

New York, NY 10031

PhD (212) 650-5442 Visit Website

Wright State University

Dayton, OH 45435

PsyD (937) 775-3490 Visit Website

Biola Univesity

La Mirada, CA 90639

PsyD (562) 903-4738 Visit Website

University of South Dakota

Vermillion, SD 57069

PhD (605) 677-5351 Visit Website

George Fox University

Newberg, OR 97132

PsyD (503) 538-8383 Visit Website

Argosy University, Tampa

Tampa, FL 33607

PsyD (813) 393-5290 Visit Website

Seattle Pacific University

Seattle, WA 98119

PhD (206) 281-2839 Visit Website

Marywood University

Scranton, PA 18509

PsyD (570) 348-6270 Visit Website

Pepperdine University

Los Angeles, CA 90045

PsyD (310) 568-5600 Visit Website

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Chicago, IL 60654-1822

PsyD (800) 721-8072 Visit Website

Alliant International University San Francisco

San Francisco, CA 94133

PhD (415) 955-2100 Visit Website

University of Hartford

West Hartford, CT 06117

PsyD (860) 768-4544 Visit Website

Institute for the Psychological Sciences

Arlington, VA 22202

PsyD (703) 416-1441 Visit Website

Nova Southeastern University

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314

PsyD (800) 541-6682 Visit Website

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA 90089-1061

PhD (213) 740-2203 Visit Website

University of North Dakota

Grand Forks, ND 58202

PhD (701) 777-3451 Visit Website

Florida Institute of Technology

Melbourne, FL 32901

PsyD (321) 674-8142 Visit Website

Antioch University New England

Keene, NH 03431-3516

PsyD (603) 352-1024 Visit Website

Fuller Theological Seminary

Pasadena, CA 91182

PsyD (626) 584-5500 Visit Website

Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology

Milwaukee, WI 53225

PsyD (414) 466-9777 Visit Website

University of Colorado, Colorado

Boulder, CO 80309-0345

PhD (303) 492-8662 Visit Website

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Philadelphia, PA 19131-1693

PsyD (215) 871-6442 Visit Website

University of Montana

Missoula, MT 59812-1584

PhD (406) 243-4521 Visit Website

Chestnut Hill College

Flourtown, PA 19031

PsyD (215) 248-7049 Visit Website

Argosy University, Twin Cities

Eagan, MN 55121

PsyD (651) 846-2882 Visit Website

Palo Alto University

Palo Alto, CA 94304

PhD (800) 818-6136 Visit Website

Marshall University

Huntington, WV 25755

PsyD (304) 746-2038 Visit Website

Alliant International University San Diego

San Diego, CA 92131

PhD (858) 635-4772 Visit Website

Alliant International University San Francisco

San Francisco, CA 94133

PsyD (415) 955-2100 Visit Website

Alliant International University San Diego

San Diego, CA 92131

PsyD (858) 635-4772 Visit Website

Argosy University, Chicago

Chicago, IL 60601

PsyD (312) 777-7600 Visit Website

Azusa Pacific University

Azusa, CA 91702-7000

PsyD (626) 815-6000 x2420 Visit Website

Argosy University Phoenix

Phoenix, AZ 85021

PsyD (602) 216-2600 Visit Website

Spalding University

Louisville, KY 40203

PsyD (502) 585-9911 Visit Website

The Wright Institute

Berkeley, CA 94704

PsyD (510) 841-9230 Visit Website

Wichita State University

Wichita, KS 67260-0034

PhD (316) 978-3170 Visit Website

University of Colorado, Boulder

Boulder, CO 80309-0345

PhD (303) 492-8662 Visit Website

Argosy University San Francisco

Alameda, CA 94501

PsyD (510) 217-4700 Visit Website

Alliant International University Los Angeles

Alhambra, CA 91803

PhD (626) 270-3300 Visit Website

Gallaudet University

Washington, DC 20002

PhD (202) 688-0489 Visit Website

Howard University

Washington , DC 20059

PhD (202) 806-6805 Visit Website

Argosy University, Seattle

Seattle, WA 98121

PsyD (206) 283-4500 Visit Website

Jackson State University

Jackson, MS 39217-0350

PhD (601) 979-2371 Visit Website

Regent University

Virginia Beach, VA 23464

PsyD (757) 352-4127 Visit Website

University of Detroit Mercy

Detroit, MI 48226

PhD (313) 993-2443 Visit Website

The Fielding Graduate University

Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3814

PhD (805) 898-4026 Visit Website

Argosy University, Washington DC

Arlington, VA 22209

PsyD (703) 526-5800 Visit Website

Argosy University Orange County

Orange, CA 92868

PsyD (714) 620-3700 Visit Website

Argosy University, Schaumburg

Schaumburg, IL 60173-5403

PsyD (847) 969-4900 Visit Website

Argosy University, Hawaii

Honolulu, HI 96813

PsyD (808) 536-5555 Visit Website

Alliant International University Los Angeles

Alhambra, CA 91803

PsyD (626) 270-3300 Visit Website

Midwestern University

Downers Grove, IL 60515

PsyD (630) 515-6171 Visit Website

Immaculata University

Immaculata, PA 19345-0702

PsyD (610) 647-4400 x32153158 Visit Website

John F. Kennedy University

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-4817

PsyD (925) 969-3400 Visit Website

Alliant International University Fresno

Fresno, CA 93727

PsyD (559) 253-2200 Visit Website

Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago

Chicago, IL 60613

PsyD (312) 662-4100 Visit Website

University of La Verne

La Verne, CA 91750

PsyD (909) 448-4176 Visit Website

Alliant International University Fresno

Fresno, CA 93727

PhD (559) 253-2200 Visit Website

Carlos Albizu University, Miami

Miami, FL 33172 - 2209

PsyD (305) 592-7860 Visit Website

Can I do Masters and PhD together in USA?

While some universities in the USA let you apply for PhD after bachelor's, it is, however, a combined masters and PhD program. Therefore, a student gets a masters degree on his way to a PhD degree. The masters program goes on for 2-3 years and thereafter the student can continue with his PhD studies.

Can I do a dual PhD?

A question I've gotten a few times: “Can I get a double PhD?” The answer is yes, you can under most circumstances. But why? While there are some exceptional cases, generally I'd discourage people from pursuing a second PhD.

What is MS PhD program?

The Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees are highly individualized programs directed toward students who plan to teach and perform research in a university setting.


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