Find the dimensions of a rectangle with perimeter 100m whose area is as large as possible

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5 answers

  1. x + y = 50
    y = 50 -x

    A = x y = x(50 - x ) = 50 x - x^2
    dA/dx = 0 for max or min = 50 -2x
    2 x = 50
    x = 25
    so it is a square 25 on a side.

  2. let x be width and y be length ,and as we know perimeter of rectangle=2(length+width)
    so 2(x+y)=100
    x+y=50 , x=50-y
    dA/dy=0 for min or max

  3. let x be width and y be length ,and as we know perimeter of rectangle=2(length+widith)
    so 2(x+y)=100
    x+y=50 , x=50-y
    dA/dy=0 for min or max

  4. thanks a lot!

  5. Thank you so much

The area of a rectangle is defined as the total space occupied by it and perimeter is defined as the total length of the boundary of the rectangle.

Answer: The dimensions of the rectangle with a perimeter of 100m, and as large an area as possible, are 25 m and 25 m.

Area of rectangle = length × breadth

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 (length + breadth)


Let 'A' be area and 'P' be perimeter of the rectangle

Let 'x' be the width and 'y' be the length

We know that,

Perimeter = 2 (length + breadth)


P = 2(x+y)

=> 100 = 2(x+y)                (Since, Perimeter = 100m)

=> x + y = 50

=> y = 50 - x  ----------------------------- (1)

We know that,

Area of a rectangle = Length × Breadth


A = xy -------------------(2)

By substituting the value of y from equation (1) to equation (2) we get,

Area = x(50 - x )

Area A(x) = 50 x - x2

Computing the derivative of A(x) we get,

A'(x) = 50 - 2x

Finding the critical points,

50 - 2x = 0

=> 2 x = 50

=> x = 25

Substitute x = 25 in equation (1)

We get,

y = 50 - x

=> y = 25

So, the rectangle with maximum area is a square with side lengths 25m

How do you find the dimensions of a rectangle when given the perimeter and area?

To find the dimensions of a rectangle:.
Rewrite the perimeter equation P = 2(a+b) in terms of one of the dimensions, like so: b = P/2−a ..
Now insert the above equation into the equation for the area (A): ... .
Solve the quadratic equation a² − (P/2)×a + A = 0 to get a ..
Find b using b = P/2−a or b = A/a ..

What is the maximum area of the rectangle if the perimeter is 100 m?

The maximum area is 625 meters square.

What is the area of the largest rectangle whose perimeter is 100 feet?

Maximum Area with Fixed Perimeter In order to have a perimeter of 100 feet, that means that each side needs to be 25 feet long. The area would then be 25ft x 25ft, or 625ft2.


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