Harry potter fanfiction triwizard tournament time travel

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  1. TagsSummary

    An accident at the Department of Mysteries leaves Harry stranded several years into the future, where he's picked up as a newly orphaned kid and promptly sent off to Hogwarts. He does not expect the professors. Or the company.

    tldr: and I quote, 'what it says about Harry that both his older self, his rival's older self and even his own future kid want to fuck him.'

    • Part 2 of Professor Potter's Painplay Party
    Language:EnglishWords:13,789Chapters: 3/3Collections:1Kudos:67Bookmarks:6Hits:1966
  2. TagsSummary

    Tom Riddle was going into his fifth year at Hogwarts. Harry Potter had fallen asleep on the Hogwarts express, wishing he didn't have to live in a time when Voldemort was in power, also going into his fifth year.
    When he woke up over fifty years in the past with a wand at his throat, he couldn't help but wish he'd been a bit more specific.

    Language:EnglishWords:18,365 Chapters:21/?Kudos:1006Bookmarks:119Hits:23136
  3. TagsSummary

    Tom Riddle takes one look at hoping-to-adopt Harry Potter, who is best described as divine, and decides that he must have him. He's determined to manipulate, lie, and cheat to get what he wants out of the man -- but, as it turns out, Harry is nothing like the weak minded fool he was once assumed to be.

    Harry Potter takes one look at childish, fumbling, determined-to-one-day-be-defeated Tom Riddle, and thinks that being tossed into the past didn't have to be a total waste. He observes Tom's weak attempts at manipulation, and thinks he can do him one better.

    With a little prodding, who's to say Harry can't help create a Voldemort that the world will TRULY fear?

    Harry involves himself in schemes so grand Tom can only guess at their meaning; Harry tries desperately to revive the wraith named Death that was once his lover; Tom attempts to survive in a household with a man who is both an angel and a demon, and too many house elves to count.

    Language: EnglishWords:20,818Chapters:7/?Collections:1Kudos:418Bookmarks:100Hits:8053
  4. TagsSummary

    "The only thing that Harry could remember before hitting the cold, hard, cobblestone of the street was a feeling not unlike a portkey and a whirlwind of color before blacking out. Something was wrong. Something had happened."

    When suddenly pulled into the past with his son, Teddy, Harry Potter has to figure out exactly what he wants and why he suddenly has words all over his body.

    Deciding that he can only make the world better Harry sets out on a path of creating a better wizarding world. After all you can't fuck it up worse than it already is. Right?

    Language:EnglishWords:13,418Chapters:8/? Kudos:431Bookmarks:133Hits:6019
  5. TagsSummary

    A decade's passed since Harry killed Voldemort, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione are Not Amused.

    Wizarding Britain has refused to see its flaws and magic is slowly dying out. Violence against creatures and beings is at its highest, and after the Wizengamot passes a bill that enforces marriage contracts - despite Harry, Ron, and Hermione's efforts, they are Done.

    So how do they fix it? By going back in time, of course.

    Language:EnglishWords:7,379Chapters:2/?Kudos: 71Bookmarks:33Hits:687
  6. TagsSummary

    Harry accidentally travels back in time. He ends up in Godric's Hollow, coming face to face with his very much alive parents.

    Language: EnglishWords:9,443Chapters:6/?Collections:2Kudos:533Bookmarks:120Hits:7838
  7. TagsSummary

    After a long and happy life Harry fully becomes 'Master of Death' or rather 'Equal to Death'

    He becomes a monsterous looking creature kin to Death and lives his exsistences out with her, but one day he gets bored and decides to find out how different would things have gone if Grindlwald, Tom Riddle, and Credence had been raised by a competent parent? He decides to find out for himself.

    Some things just don't change much however and he may just find himself with three competetive loving sons who are determined to make him proud even if that means brining the wizarding world to it's kness.

    Mean while, a new species will go down in the history of the wizarding world. A monsterous creatures that seems to hate adults and loves and protects children. But beware folks, least he love them too much and steels your baby from it's bed.

    You never know what you'll get with 'The Caregiver'

    Theirs a lot going on in this one but I pormise not as hard ot follow and chaotic as it seems. Also Chapter number is a rough guess of how many there will be, will edit as I figure out spacing for ideas.

    • Part 3 of All My Harry Potter Stories
  8. TagsSummary

    When he thought of the Marauders, Harry thought of the kind-hearted teacher who never gave up on his students, the mischievous godfather who was taken away from him too soon, the cruel traitor who took away his loving family and the long-gone father who could've been his best friend. He'd always wished he'd gotten to know them better, know the people they could've been if it weren't for the war, but he had never expected his wish to be granted. Not in that way, at least.
    Self-indulgent time-travel fic where Harry meets the Marauders + Lily and spends well-deserved time with them because this fandom has brought me nothing but pain and I needed a way to numb it (who am i kidding this is just angst)
    OR a girl with no social life decides to go back to her REAL friends, dead gay wizards from the 70s
    Title from "You are in love" from the album 1989 by Taylor Swift :) Check it out this is literally one of the best songs ever written (if you don't i will find you and you will regret it)
    Two updates a month

    Language:EnglishWords:11,838Chapters:6/?Kudos:145Bookmarks:34 Hits:3532
  9. TagsSummary

    you know all those fics with dumbledore + ron + hermione bashing where harry time travels? that, but its happening in the background (kinda) as I instead focus on Jon

    • Part 12 of My TMA fics (hope y'all like them!)
    • Part 5 of My Harry Potter fics (hope y'all like them!)
  10. TagsSummary

    “Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love.”

    "The Horcruxes still exist here", is what Death reveals to Harry during one of his umpteenth passages in Limbo.

    Unaware that each one will take him back in time, Harry embarks on a quest to collect them in the hope of closing the book on his disastrous first life... But Death has other plans.

    Language:EnglishWords:52,371Chapters: 16/?Kudos:1051Bookmarks:75Hits:8574
  11. TagsSummary

    Time travelling Harry and Draco after battle of Hogwarts.

    Draco and Harry time travel back to a little bit before their first year. It’s in Harry’s POV. Based more on the books instead of the movies.


    English is not my first language. Feel free to correct me on some things.

  12. TagsSummary

    Harry took a deep breath. "I better start at the beginning, a few months ago we were chased and we were really desperate to hide our little Albus Severus—"

    "Potter, are you finally went crazy?" Severus interrupted him, an unbelieving look on his face. "What, for Merlin's sake, made you give your son such a terrible name?"

    Harry laughed. "I don't think he is terrible. I named him after the two bravest and most heroic people I have ever known." He paused for a moment to think, and smiled at the unbelieving look over the little potions professor, "You know, doesn't that make it a little weird? You are actually named after yourself."

    In which, Severus is a Potter but the only other one who can see the problem with that is Black...
    • Part 2 of Severus Potter
  13. TagsSummary

    After a disastrous third year back in time, in which Harry almost ruined everything, he is forced to learn that he cannot control the world. He's determined to continue towards his goal, even if that means he has to accept more help than expected, and take a step or two back at times. But the Triwizard Tournament is going to get personal. Continues on from Harry Potter and the Tracks of Time

    • Part 4 of Harry Potter and the Ticket Backwards
    Language:EnglishWords:125,094Chapters: 23/?Kudos:1070Bookmarks:230Hits:37630
  14. TagsSummary

    What if Harry actually died when he walked into the forest that fateful day, or rather, not really. Harry James Potter goes back in time and comes back as Hadrian Peverell-Slytherin. How will he go through the years again and what will be different.

    Where a overpowered, smart, with a no-nonsense attitude, cunning Hadrian comes to Hogwarts and shakes the very foundations of the universe.

    This is a really slow burn and builds up (slowly) to an eventually powerful Harry Potter. It will also be multiple chapters in before he goes back in time so please bear with me.

    Sorry I suck at summaries but please give this a try.

  15. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter, wizard extraordinaire, had discovered something. During his time as an Unspeakable assigned to the Veil of Death, he found out that it wasn't exactly what he was told it was. So, with a deep breath and an expanded pouch around his neck, Harry stepped into the Veil.

  16. TagsSummary

    Tentar derrotar o Lorde das trevas sozinho sempre tem um preço, a morte, mas alguém acha que Regulus Black não precisa morrer, ele é novo demais, que ele poderia ter várias oportunidades durante a sua vida, mas nessa linha do tempo é impossível, então ele é mandado para o futuro.
    De 1979 Regulus Black foi parar em dezembro de 2020, agora ele terá a chance de viver uma nova vida, independentemente do que aconteceu há mais de 40 anos atrás

    (Eu não apoio as falas da JK!!!!)
    Algumas observações rápidas sobre a minha fic e o universo alternativo que eu criei: Regulus nunca completou os sete anos em Hogwarts, estava no último quando ele morreu e para que a minerva conseguisse ter uma filha ela usou uma poção para ficar mais jovem, na casa dos 30 porque ter uma filha sempre foi o sonho dela, mas com o mundo mágico do mundo que estava ela não conseguia botar mais uma criança no mundo para servir de soldado como ela viu acontecer várias vezes.
    (Eu não apoio as falas da JK!!!!)

    Language:Português brasileiroWords:31,331Chapters:27/27Kudos:50Hits:545
  17. TagsSummary

    After an incident, both Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy are sent back in time. When they open their eyes, they see that they had returned to their bodies, when they were six months old.

    After those two were sent back in time, Magic decided to take things under control, and serve another thing to the world to let the world have a better future than it had last time. And, to ensure that, Magic allows Rowena Ravenclaw, the only founder of a house that does not have an heir, to choose an heir between Potter and Malfoy. And, as it was decided, Draco became the Heir of Ravenclaw..

    And, after they meet again in the Diagon Ally, they continue to be enemies, only they are much subtler this time. (Even if Draconian's hearth is not into this rivalry between the two as before.) And soon enough, they both go to Hogwarts, again, reliving all those years between relaxation and stress.

    • Part 1 of l
    Language:EnglishWords: 766Chapters:1/?Kudos:40Bookmarks:11Hits:789
  18. TagsSummary

    “You’re an Unspeakable!”
    Draco Malfoy stops, his hand on the doorknob to the staircase.
    “An excellent observation, Potter.” He says dryly. “May I continue on the way to my job there? I am supposed to be on the clock right now; I was already running late…”
    “I started looking into it.” Harry says quickly, “If I had known you worked for the Ministry when we talked before, I would have asked for your help. As is, we could use an ongoing informant.”
    “I’m a researcher, Potter. Not law enforcement. I did my part; do yours.”
    “Unless you want to go back in time; I’ve given all the help I can give.” Draco cuts across him, opening the stairway door.
    “Wait-” Harry says, blinking quickly as he watches Draco disappear down the stairs. “Is that an actual option?”
    Nearly a decade after the second wizarding war, there's rumblings of a coming third, and Unspeakable Draco Malfoy tries warning the Head of the Auror department, Harry Potter, about the troubling signs he's seen around him, but when Harry takes an off hand comment related to Draco's research seriously, everything changes.

  19. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter 𝘯𝘰 era 𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵𝘢.

    Bueno, quizás sí, pero de algo estaba seguro en ese momento.

    Mataría a los gemelos por haber dejado aquellos polvos recientemente creados tirados por ahí.

    ¡Él sólo quería volver a Hogwarts, no aparecer en una habitación totalmente desconocida, fría y encontrarse con que había viajado más de cincuenta años en el pasado!

    Su problema fue aún mayor, al ver que no estaba en un lugar común y corriente. No.

    Estaba en el Orfanato de Wool.

    Genial, ¿verdad?.

    ¿Qué cosas podrían salir mal a parte de cruzarse con el mismísimo Tom Riddle y de tener que convivir con él? ¿Nada, cierto?

    Pues estaba equivocado, muy equivocado...


    Realmente, esta historia es de mí total y completa imaginación. Aunque los derechos de los personajes y del mundo no me pertenecen (le pertenecen a JK Rowling y a Warner Bros.) los utilizo con fines de divertirme mientras cambio enormemente ciertos sucesos y parejas... Así que, si te interesa, puedes leer esta historia.

    ¡Espero que lo disfrutes!

    Language:EspañolWords:33,395Chapters:17/?Kudos:83 Bookmarks:8Hits:1621
  20. TagsSummary

    The diadem was never destroyed. Harry Potter died, leaving the Dark Lord to rise to power. Magic has been outlawed for anyone deemed unworthy or unpure. The Ministry is just a front and the magical community has plunged into chaos.

    Four months have passed since the Battle of Hogwarts in May 1998.
    Juniper Not was one of those lucky enough - or unlucky enough - to survive. She was lucky enough to come from a highly respected pureblood family, despite how much she hates it. She was the family disappointment after all; even being sorted into Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin.
    Following the battle, she managed to join a band of rebels still fighting to take the Dark Lord down. Not everyone trusts her (for obvious reasons) but she’s determined to prove herself, even if it makes going on a solo mission back in time to the night she’s tried desperately to push from her memories. She’s certain she won’t survive this mission, but she knows that she needs to find and ensure the diadem is destroyed as it should’ve been.
    Everything had been planned out perfectly...
    If only someone who never came around to trusting her hadn’t tampered with her time turner, sending her much farther back than she had anticipated.

    Language: EnglishWords:14,350Chapters:6/?Kudos:34Bookmarks:10Hits:734

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