Heat miser and snow miser costume


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Heatmiser and Snowmiser are characters from the movie “The Year Without a Santa Claus” from 1974. They’ve got a great look a catchy song:

Kevin sewed the costumes from scratch and carved the “hair”; Dop did the makeup.

Our inspiration: Heatmiser and Snowmiser from The Year Without a Santa Claus
Snowmiser’s icy hair carved from foam and airbrushed
Heatmiser and Snowmiser costumes

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5 thoughts on “Heatmiser & Snowmiser

  1. 1:can we hire you both for an event-serious
    2: can we purchase your costumes of moser brothers


    • Hi Fit Fawn, Thanks for the note. If you’re SERIOUS serious drop me a note via the contact button with the details. Have a good one!


  2. These costumes are AMAZING! Anyway you could send me a “how to” and “where to shop” to piece-meal these together for a coworker and myself next Halloween?


  3. Those costumes are awesome! My wife and I are going to make some for Halloween this year. Any tips on where to get the various parts? Like where did the silk looking shirts come from?


    • Thanks Mike! I got the fabric from Joann and sewed the costumes. The shirts and pants are a stretchy glittery/shiny material. Heatmiser’s collar, cuffs, etc. is felt. I used two different colors of fleece to make the scarf. Good luck!!


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The Heat Miser, the Snow Miser and baby Bumble Snow Monster Costume

The Miser Brothers with the baby Bumbles Snow Monster

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A word from Laura, the 'Heat Miser, Snow Miser and Bumble' costume creator:

My boys have always loved the Christmas stop motion classics. They particularly loved the Miser brothers, and with having a red head he just happened to make the best heat miser. So we went with this stop motion classic theme. For the Miser brothers I took some old tshirts and added some sparkle fabric and cut felt to add around the bottom and cuffs of the sleeves. For the snow miser it was a matter of finding the right material for the scarf and transforming an old white straw hat and molding it, then hot gluing it in the shape of a skimmer hat. For the baby Bumbles snow monster, I acquired a white infant snow suit and just attached some felt and fuzzy white fur fabric I had sewn together into the face of the bumbles.

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