Heavy implantation bleeding and positive pregnancy test reddit

Edit: negative test, guess it was my period.

Hey guys,

I'm having the weirdest period. I posted a few days ago ranting about it but it has just gotten weirder and I'm questioning whether or not it really was a period.

My fiancé even asked me if I was really on my period.

I have extremely severe period cramps. This time around they would still be classified as severe although they were extremely easier than my usual cramps. On top of this, my usual

  • 4 days heavy bleeding

  • 1 day spotting was replaced with

  • 1 day light

  • 1 day heavy

  • 3 days spotting

Now today, third day of spotting. I had a small gush of liquid, I assumed my period had started up again but upon going to the bathroom found that it was clear with a small stain of pink in the middle.

My cervix is currently high and mushy. My cm is creamy.

I just need some insight.

Anyone ever experienced this?

Y’all, I’m pregnant! I’m completely shocked and honestly confused, but here I am. Just a few days ago I was on my “period” planning a doctor visit about yet another short luteal phase… but apparently it wasn’t a period. I'm assuming it was a long bout of some serious implantation bleeding. How about a run down?

Some background that you may haven't picked up from previous posts: I’m 27 (DH is as well), very likely have endo (per my old OB) and have been trying for 2 ½ months (3 cycles) since I had my Mirena removed in mid-August. I have been temping my bbt and using OPKs from day one. I also have used FF to chart my last cycle.

CD1-6: AF

CD7-12: Just waiting and BD’ing

CD 12-14: Negative OPKs

CD 15: Positive OPK – BD

CD 17: O Day

CD 18-24: Waiting and BD’ing

CD 25/8 DPO: Spotting and felt really, really shitty – tons of cramps, tired, moody, and massive headache. Convinced AF was a day or two away.

CD 26/9 DPO: Much more “spotting” and temp dive (98.3 to 97.7). I labeled this as CD 1 in FF since the blood was red and heavier than the previous day. This day was also the day that FF predicted my period start date. Gear up for AF and start wearing my menstrual cup. Go to bed early because I was tired.

CD 27/10 DPO: Woke up with very little in my cup. BBT climbed back up in the 98’s. Went about my day very happy, since I made it to 10 dpo (never done that before) and started wondering if the "spotting" was implantation bleeding. Take a pregnancy test on a whim and hop in the shower while I wait the 5 min to read it. Faint positive. Wait for husband to leave for the gym so I can run to the store for a FRER test. Another faint positive. Tell husband when he gets back home, he’s ecstatic and spends the whole night smiling. Still spotting quite a bit and told him not to get too attached to the idea… my temp was still fairly low and the tests were super faint. Plan on testing the next day to see.

CD 28/11 DPO: BBT rises again, less spotting. Wondfo HCG is slightly more positive with a much faster result. Still a very faint line and spotting, so I am still apprehensive at this point (late AM). Take another wondfo test in the evening because why the hell not. Significantly more positive, even faster result. No spotting at this point.

CD29/ 12 DPO: More immediate, more pink positive. Still spotting a bit, starting to feel really "off."

Things we did this cycle: Honestly, it wasn’t a great cycle timing wise. I got a positive OPK on cycle day 15 and we BD’d that day. The next two days we both were crazy busy and stressed, so we just resolved to try harder next month. Honestly, this whole month was like that – we only had sex about 4 times total. Other things that may be worth mentioning: I switched prenatals, got a lot more sleep this month, and drank a lot of water. That being said, I think I'm just going to go ahead and credit DH for the majority of this success... he's in great shape, exercises all the time, steals my prenatals and eats really well. His swimmers are probably awesome with how well he takes care of himself.

Other information: The implantation bleeding thing freaked me out a bit but after some googling I guess it isn’t unheard of for people to experience bleeding of that kind. For anyone curious, I did NOT have just a little flash of blood on my toilet paper after a single wipe. I bled like the beginning of my period for days (5 to be exact). It was just like a full length, light period for me. My “implantation dip” was also extremely pronounced and dropped below my crosshairs. Everything pointed to a period. It was really weird to experience. Disclaimer: I also have been known to bleed excessive amounts during my period and bled for weeks after I had my Mirena removed so take what you will from my experience. I haven’t had many symptoms yet but I have been ravenously hungry lately and feeling very tired and run-down. I'm still apprehensive about it, but baby has stuck so far and keeps making my pee sticks darker so I think he/she's got a good shot. Baby’s due date is sometime in July and me and DH in particular are over the moon about it.

Thank you guys so much for all your helpful comments and advice! I learned so, so much while I was here. I’m off to babybumps and hope to see you all there soon! Sticky baby dust to everyone!

For those who are interested:


10 DPO line porn

12 DPO line porn

Can I have heavy implantation bleeding and still be pregnant?

Heavier bleeding is not typical with implantation and may indicate a problem. Anyone who experiences heavy bleeding in the first 12 weeks, or first trimester, of pregnancy should speak with their midwife, a doctor, or another healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Can you have implantation bleeding and have a positive pregnancy test?

Since implantation bleeding is a symptom that can often occur before you test positive on a pregnancy test, it can be hard to know whether light bleeding is an early sign of pregnancy or just normal spotting leading up to your period. And unfortunately, there's no conclusive way to find out.

What if you bleed heavy after being positive for pregnancy?

On the other hand, heavy bleeding and menstrual-like cramps in pregnancy may indicate an impending early loss. Either way, if you experience any bleeding after a positive pregnancy test, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends calling your doctor.

Can you have a heavy flow during implantation bleeding?

Symptom #2: Flow "Some people experience implantation bleeding as heavy as the first day of their menstrual cycle, but it typically only lasts a couple of days," says Jay M.


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