How do i get a credit card at 18

You have to be at least 18 years old to apply for a credit card in the U.S., technically. But for most people, the answer is that you probably must be 21 or older.

Here’s why.

U.S. federal law — specifically, the Credit CARD Act of 2009 — limits when credit card issuers can consider a young adult for credit card approval. There are two ages to know:

18 years old

Consumers can apply for credit cards starting at age 18, but the law requires them to have an independent income or a co-signer. However, most major issuers don’t allow co-signers anymore. So, a person aged 18, 19 or 20 usually has to earn and prove their own income before being approved for a credit card. The amount of income isn’t specified in the law, but it has to be enough to independently make minimum payments on the account. That means young adults who get a full-time job right out of high school, for example, might qualify.

21 years old

Restrictions for independent income or a co-signer drop off at age 21. So, as a practical matter, many young adults — full-time college students, for example — will be waiting until they’re at least 21 before applying for a credit card in their own name.

Options if you’re under 21

If you don’t have the required independent income, your choices are narrowed.

Authorized user

If you’re not old enough to apply for a credit card yet — or you’re a parent trying to establish a credit history for a child under 21 — often your best option is to make the young adult an authorized user on the credit card account of a parent or other person with good credit.

As an authorized user, the young adult can carry and use a card, but won’t be responsible for making payments. Even so, authorized user status can help them build their own credit history. It’s sometimes called credit piggybacking. Card issuers determine what age the youngster must be to become an authorized user. Some don’t specify, while others set it at 13 or 15 years old.


You could also try the exemption in the law if you’re at least 18: Apply for a credit card account with a co-signer. A co-signer is someone with good credit and income who guarantees that they will pay your credit card balance if you don’t. Most major card issuers don’t allow co-signers, but a few do. And you might have better luck with smaller banks and credit unions.

Age is only the beginning

Simply being old enough to apply for a credit card doesn’t mean you’ll be approved. Most major card issuers also heavily weigh credit scores and your income.

Credit cards young adults could apply for

Secured credit cards

Secured credit cards require an upfront security deposit, usually equal to the credit limit. The deposit protects the issuer if you fail to make your payments. You get the deposit back when you close or upgrade the account. Secured cards are for people looking to build or rebuild credit, so income requirements tend to be more relaxed. The idea is to build your credit and eventually transition to an unsecured card — otherwise known as a normal credit card.

Student credit cards

You’ll generally need access to income, and if you have shaky credit or no credit history at all, you may find it hard to get approved. But some cards offer perks to college students.

Alternative credit cards

In recent years, several "alternative credit cards" have come to market, advertising nontraditional underwriting policies to assess creditworthiness. While these cards may be good options for those with limited or no credit, you'll still have to meet income requirements, as you would with traditional credit card issuers. They do not require deposits.

What’s next?

Let’s learn about: When you can get a credit card

  1. You can get your own credit card when you’re 18 if you meet the issuer’s requirements to open an account

  2. You may be able to get a credit card before you’re 18 if someone adds you as an authorized user on their account

  3. College students can apply for student credit cards, which may require less credit history than standard credit cards

In the U.S., you must be at least 18 years old to get a credit card. If you are under 21, you must either have a co-signer (if the issuer allows co-signers) or provide proof of your independent income or assets as required by the Credit CARD Act of 2009.

If you’re a student, you can apply for a student credit card such as the Discover it Student Cash Back card. If you’re new to credit, you might consider the Discover it Secured Credit card, or become an authorized user on a parent’s credit card. Regardless which path you take, consider the information below when applying for your first credit card:

How to get a credit card at 18

If you are a student, even a part-time job may provide enough independent income for a student credit card on your own. A student with no income can get a credit card using a co-signer if the credit issuer allows co-signers. However, it’s important to remember that it will be your full financial responsibility to pay the credit card bill every month.

Alternatively, if you are added as an authorized user on another person’s account, you can enjoy the benefits of using the card without the official financial responsibility of paying the credit card’s balance. In some cases, if you have an insufficient credit history or bad credit, becoming an authorized user can help you build credit history with responsible use because the account history may be reported to the credit bureaus.1 But ensure that the person liable on the account keeps up with payments because negative reporting to the bureaus will appear on your credit report if you are an authorized user and could negatively impact your score.

If you are getting a card on your own, below are three common options:

  • Secured Cards. A secured credit card can help those with no credit or poor credit build their credit with responsible use.2 A secured credit card requires that you put down a deposit. After that, the card works similarly to a traditional credit card and unlike prepaid or debit cards, may allow you to build credit because your activity is reported to the credit bureaus.
  • Student Cards. Getting a student credit card will require submitting proof that you’re a student, but doesn’t require any security deposit. These cards may offer rewards.
  • Rewards Cards. Credit card rewards are a great way to make your everyday spending go further. Choose a rewards card that matches your habits and goals—whether it’s a travel credit card that earns you airline miles, or a cash back credit card that earns rewards on a variety of purchases.

What do you need to open a credit card?

When you apply for a credit card online, you’ll need to provide your full name, email address, physical address, phone number, citizenship information, housing payment and employment information. Some credit card issuers may ask for other types of information for certain cards. For example, if you’re applying for a student card, you’ll need to provide information about the school you attend.

A good credit report helps you get a credit card

Knowing the essentials about your credit report and credit score before applying for credit can help put you on a road to successful credit health.

Getting accepted for a credit card can take into account multiple categories including:

  • Payment History. Your credit report tracks whether you’ve paid your credit accounts on time. This includes records from credit cards, retail accounts, mortgages, medical bills, and more.
  • Amounts Owed. This includes factors such as the total amount of money you owe lenders compared to the total amount of credit you’ve been extended, called your credit utilization ratio. Typically, the lower your credit utilization, the better.
  • Length of Credit History. Those with a longer record of repaying loans are seen as being more creditworthy. The age of your oldest account, as well as the average age of all your accounts, are considered.
  • Credit Mix. This reflects the different types of credit accounts you have open, including credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans, vehicle loans, and a home mortgage.
  • New Credit. The number of new credit accounts you’ve applied for or opened counts toward your credit score.

Also, you’re legally entitled to one free credit report a year from each of the three credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the three credit bureaus are offering free, weekly, credit reports through April 2022. Visit to request your report.

Can a student with no income get a credit card?

No. If you’re a college student, you need to show that you can pay back charges before you get your own credit card account. Income includes incremental income you get from a scholarship, so you don’t necessarily need to have a job. If you’re 21 or older, you can include income you would reasonably expect to have access to, such as income from a spouse.

If you don’t have income or access to income, you can still get a credit card by becoming an authorized user on someone else’s account. Many students become an authorized user on a parent’s account. Authorized users have their own card that works just like a regular credit card, but the main account owner is responsible for the charges.

How you can get a credit card before you’re 18

Most young people don’t have much of a credit history. But building credit is a helpful step towards qualifying for that first card. Luckily, many credit card issuers give parents the option to add their child as an authorized user.

Should you wait and get a credit card at 18

Having your parents add you as an authorized user on their credit card is a great opportunity to help your credit score when the card is used responsibly, so eventually you can apply for your own credit card. It’s also a smart way to learn how to manage your spending and avoid credit card debt, which is when you carry a balance on the card month to month rather than paying it off in full. When you do that, the downside is you have to pay interest. While that may not seem like a big deal, those charges can add up over time. With that in mind, there’s another caveat: You need to make sure you use your parents’ card wisely. Overspending and getting into credit card debt won’t do you, or your parents, any good when it comes to building and maintaining a solid credit history.

Becoming an authorized user on your parents’ card is a great way to learn about credit limits and using credit cards responsibly. Sure, you may not think you need a great credit score when you’re in your late teens and early 20s. But the sooner you start building your credit history and learning good habits by using credit cards responsibly, the easier time you’ll have getting better credit offers for loans, mortgages, and car leases when you’re older.

What to look for in a student credit card

Student credit cards allow you to build your credit history while you’re still in school. Student credit cards may have a lower credit limit, so students can get started, practice responsible use and build their credit history. 

As the name suggests, most student credit card issuers require you to be enrolled in a college or university to be eligible for a student card. Generally, you can be either a full- or part-time student, and enrolled in a two- or four-year school.

Credit card issuers target college students hoping that they remain customers once they graduate and start earning more income. Since so many credit card companies want these new customers, undergrads are flush with student card options. But which ones are best? In many cases, you should look for offers with 0% introductory APRs, no annual fees, and generous rewards. It should also be easy to get approved, even if you have no or limited credit history. You should also make sure you’re earning an income to make the monthly payments on time.

How long does it take to get a credit card?

Getting a decision on your credit card application may be a relatively quick process, especially when you apply online. After you’ve submitted your application, the credit card issuer checks your credit with at least one of the three major national credit bureaus. This process can take a few seconds to a minute or more depending on your internet ]speed and network conditions.

At this point, there are three possible outcomes: You can be instantly approved, instantly denied or you can receive a message that your application needs further review.

The credit card issuer may need a human, rather than a computer, to review your application and make a decision. In these instances, it will take longer to hear back on an approval decision.

Your first credit card application may be denied

Having a credit card application denied can be frustrating. Fortunately, you are entitled to what is called adverse action information (including reasons for denial). You can also review some of the factors that are considered in the credit card application process to decide on the next steps you want to take before you submit your next credit card application.

For example, you might want to consider applying to other institutions or simply regroup and make a plan to improve your chances of a credit application approval in the future. With time and concerted effort, you can put yourself in a better position to re-apply for a credit card.

Using your credit card responsibly at any age

Once you have your first credit card, it’s important to make sure to pay your bills on time and keep your balances low to build your credit history and credit score. That way, you’ll be able to get another credit card when you need one.

Can I open a credit card at 18?

In general, cardholders must be at least 18 to get a credit card. However, if you're under the age of 21 and lack a credit history, most issuers will require you to show proof of a steady source of income.

How do I set up a credit card at 18?

Get a starter credit card If you're a student, consider a student credit card. You can also establish a credit history with a secured credit card . A secured credit card requires a security deposit or collateral. The cash deposit — typically $200-$500 — becomes your credit line.


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