How soon can you separate kittens from their mother

Many people prefer to adopt a kitten so they can get used to living in their new home from a young age. However, before separating a kitten from their mother we must take certain factors into consideration so they can have the best physical and psychological development.

In this AnimalWised article we're going to explain how soon kittens can leave their mother, as well as the reasons behind this time frame. Continue reading to find out more!


  1. How soon can kittens leave their mother?
  2. Why we should not separate a kitten prematurely
  3. Tips for separating a cat from their mother

How soon can kittens leave their mother?

The best time to separate a kitten from their mother and siblings is when they are 12-13 weeks old. This is because they will need to stay with their mother to feed on her nutritious milk, as well as stay with their siblings to learn valuable social skills. This way, we make sure that the kittens will have the best physical and physiological development possible.

Why we should not separate a kitten prematurely

To truly understand why it is not good to separate a kitten from their mother too soon, it is essential to review some basic aspects of a young feline's growth:

Breastfeeding kittens is essential for their proper development

Once kittens are born they will be breastfeeding from their mother for about one month. This milk has all the nutrients and minerals that kittens need to properly develop and physically grow.

In some cases, when the mother isn't present, the kittens will need a special milk formula to replace their mother's milk. However, this is never ideal. For more information about this formula, ask your local veterinarian.

The importance of kitten socialization

Another important aspect is socialization with their mother and siblings. This is a very important time for kittens to socialise and learn how to interact with different people, animals and environments. The socialization period helps them become stable and happy adult cats. This is why it's best to adopt them after they have had the opportunity to learn important social skills from their family.

Tips for separating a cat from their mother

From 4 weeks of age your keep will begin weaning, this is when they will begin to transition into eating solid food. To learn more about this period, we encourage you to also check out our article on weaning kittens.

Nevertheless, during this period they will continue to need and depend on their mother. It's not until they are 8 weeks old that they will begin to eat solid food exclusively and on a regular basis.

Once the kitten is two months old, we can offer them a variety of solid foods, combining wet and dry food. Learn more on our article about the best diet for cats. During these first months the kitten will also be learning valuable social skills by interacting with their care givers, siblings and mother.

Lastly, once the kitten is 12-13 weeks old, they will be ready to be adopted as they will not suffer any nutritional deficiencies nor psychological traumas. This is because by this age the both the mother and kitten will understand that they are now growing up and independent. With that being said, taking care of a kitten takes lots of time and patience as they require lots of attention. We encourage you to check out our article about caring for kittens to learn more.

As they grow, you'll begin to litter train them, play with them and socialise them with new people, animals and different environments. Remember to also take them to the veterinarian for their regular check-ups and keep up with their vaccination schedule.

If you enjoyed this article and found it useful, we also encourage you to watch our video on how to care for a kitten.

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When Can Kittens Leave Their Mom? Here's What a Veterinarian Recommends

Kittens develop faster than we do, but there are still plenty of reasons for them to stay close to mom.

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Wee kittens, with their lil' mews and waddly walks, just make us want to hold them as soon as they're born and never let go! However, it's vital to respect and abide by their natural development process. So when can kittens leave their mom?

Renee Rucinsky, DVM, DABVP(F), is the owner of Mid-Atlantic Cat Hospital and Feline Thyroid Center in Queenstown, Md., as well as the 2022 president-elect of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners. She tells Daily Paws that for quite a while, "kittens need to be around their siblings and mom to learn boundaries, how to interact with others—and how not to be annoying!" 

Here's how the timeline works. 

When Can a Kitten Leave Their Mother?

Ideally, kittens should bond with their littermates and Momma Cat (referred to by breeders as the queen, which seems absolutely appropriate) for eight to 10 weeks. Rucinsky says if siblings are adopted together, they can sometimes move on at 7 weeks old, but in a perfect world, the whole family would stay together for at least nine weeks. 

At 7 weeks old, kittens have already experienced lightning-fast development:

  • At birth, their ears are folded onto their head but start to spring up after about one week.
  • Initially born blind, they'll open their eyes within two weeks and should be crawling around this time, too. 
  • They start developing itty-bitty teeth at 3 weeks old and taking cautious upright steps.
  • Momma Cat uses her tongue to teach them how to self-groom when they're 4–6 weeks old, and they're eager to play, pounce, and generally be more spunky kitten-like now.
  • Within six to eight weeks, kittens stop nursing, as their baby teeth are in place and they're ready for solid food. 

"Developmentally, the time period between 4–7 weeks [old] is crucial to a lifetime of being feline good citizens. If Momma Cat doesn't teach them manners then, or if they aren't exposed to people during that time, it's so much harder to have those kitties be well mannered and well-adjusted," Rucinsky says. 

She adds that when they leave the litter too soon, or if they're solo babies, they don't build essential social skills and normal behavior cues as they would from being in the whole group.

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) note in their life stage guidelines that while kittens often inherit the personality of their father (also known as the tom), they learn everything else from their mother. This includes accepting food, bathroom habits, and "fear response" to humans and animals.

According to the guidelines, the "sensitive socialization period" for kittens—experiencing new things and meeting new people and animals—begins when they're 2–3 weeks old and lasts until they're 9–10 weeks old.

Weaning Kittens

How long do kittens nurse? Rucinsky says approximately five to six weeks, with the frequency and amount gradually decreasing as they learn how to eat solid food. The weaning process depends on what's available for the kittens to eat and "how much the mom tolerates annoying babies trying to nurse!"

But as early as 4 weeks old, the little scamps become more curious about what their mom eats, and she'll push them away. When this happens, give Momma Cat a rest and help with kitten weaning by setting out tiny bits of specially-formulated kitten food: a 1-to-3 ratio of warm water to dry kibble or canned food. You'll want a consistency like fine oatmeal mush. Consult your veterinarian about how to schedule these feedings, but the general approach is often referred to as "ad libitum," which means "as often as necessary or desired." This might be roughly four times daily.

Create a feeding area away from mom with food on a flat saucer so kittens can explore and yes, play with—and in—the food. They'll soon realize mom's kitchen is closed and these eats are all there is. She'll likely nudge them along between naps as they get the hang of it. Still, kittens can't leave her just yet, as they're absorbing some of those other essential behavioral skills, but this stage is their launch toward independence.

What Happens If Kittens Are Weaned Too Early?

How can you help a cat weaned too early? It depends on the timeline. For example, if you have a home litter and something happens to Momma Cat in that critical four to seven week window, you'll become a surrogate cat with all the parenting skills right away, including bottle feeding and solid food introduction, litter training, and socialization.

Consistent socialization helps reduce aggression, anxiety, and fear in orphaned kitties by acclimating them to their siblings, other people, and animals. Without a mom to swat away inappropriate antics, you'll have to rely on positive reinforcement training techniques supported by aids such as treats, pats, and toys to keep them on the right track. A cat behavior consultant can walk you through the process. This makes it a little easier for kitties to venture into the world beyond 7 weeks old. 

Nevertheless, kittens leaving their mom too early might develop some minor behavioral repercussions that become part of their character. "If for some reason a kitten is weaned too early, they may have some tendencies to try to nurse on fabric or fluffy things, kind of an oral fixation kind of thing. It's harmless most of the time and just makes them feel soothed," Rucinsky says.

Can Kittens Stay With Their Moms Their Whole Lives?

Rucinsky notes that it's fine if kittens grow up and live with mom. Momma Cat, on the other paw, might prefer a different arrangement!

"Sometimes cat moms want their kids to grow up, go to college and leave the nest, but overall, everyone can stay together," Rucinsky says. "Likewise, some individual cats may want more independence. There's not really a 'best' situation with mom cats and kittens." 

What happens if you take a kitten away from its mother too early?

A kitten that is removed from its mother too soon may also have trouble adjusting to its new home and you. Growing up with a mother and littermates is an essential part of cat socialization. Without proper socialization at a young age, the kitten may grow up to be fearful, skittish, or even aggressive.

How soon can you separate kittens from mom?

It's important to separate the kittens from the queen when they're ready. Don't separate them before they reach eight weeks of age, as they will still be learning from their mum.

Can a kitten leave its mother at 4 weeks?

A kitten generally shouldn't leave his mother's care before he's 8 weeks old. Pet lovers who must care for a 4-week-old kitten without the aid of a momma cat should pay special attention to keeping the kitten warm, fed properly and healthy through quality vet care.

Do cats get sad when their kittens leave?

When her kittens first leave, your cat may be a little upset. She might search the house looking for them or meow expecting a response. Normally, this only happens for a couple of days and then Mom will go back to her normal routine.


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