How to become a licensed christian counselor

Welcome To NACC

Welcome to the National Association of Christian Counselors! We are a Christian service organization committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and we believe that unless counseling is founded upon and directed by the Word of God, it is in vain.

We look forward to partnering with you and your journey to become a counselor! If at anytime you would like to reach us you can do so through our Contact page.

Online Education

The National Association of Christian Counselors offers a unique learning opportunity for its students. Our online program allows learners to complete their education from anywhere around the world. For those who desire to become counselors but are faced with the challenge of making it to a weekly class, our online education may be right for you. NACC offers several sessions throughout the year making it even more convenient for you to get your certification.


Do You Need Counseling? Or Would You Like to Become a Biblical Counselor?  NACC Provides both!  NACC counselors are qualified, trained individuals certified by the National Association of Christian Counselors Inc.

NACC offers marriage, individual, and family counseling. To schedule an appointment, please call 281-936-0351.

Programs Offered


The National Association of Christian Counselors offers quality training in a distance learning format that allows you to complete your training on your own time–in your home or office.

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Certificate in Marriage and Family Ministry

Do you want to earn a Certificate in Marriage and Family Ministry? Complete the following four courses to earn your Certificate of Completion. 

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Anger Management Certification

Christian Bible Institute & Seminary offers Anger Management Certification for counselors, social workers, addictions and other professionals, pastors, law enforcement officers, educators, and more!

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Board Certified Pastoral Counseling Program

This course studies the composite of the Christian with emphasis on the contrast between his mind, will, emotions, and the human spirit.

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An Inside Look At NACC

Take a quick video tour of NACC and it’s offerings by watching the video below.  We do hope you’ll contact us to find out more about our services and how we can help you.  Thanks for watching!



Our training provides the highest understanding of temperament

Potential counselors often ask about the benefits of the training and obtaining certification or license from the N.C.C.A., and of course, the primary benefit is expanding one's knowledge.

We believe that the training you receive provides a deep spiritual insight into understanding human behavior and relating to others.


Interested in temperament training and want to find out more? Request more information on what we offer!


Looking to advance your education with a degree in Christian Counseling? View our comprehensive licensing and degree programs today! 


Want to find a temperament counselor in your area? Check out our directory of temperament trained counselors!


Check us out on social to see what were up to and stay connected on our latest events!

Watch the video to learn more about us!

The N.C.C.A.’s main purpose is to provide quality training for pastors and Christians who feel God’s call to counsel. We believe that candidates completing our program will be better equipped to minister to those who are lost and hurting in this world.


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