How to delete an instagram comment on someone elses post

Those who have questions about a photo on IG want to show how much they like it or simply say something can leave a comment. At times, those texts can become dated. Or maybe the person behind the profile does not want to see them anymore. Luckily, it’s quite easy to just do away with unwanted remarks on IG, the same as on Facebook or Twitter. Follow these steps and learn how to delete a comment on Instagram in a swift manner in 2021.

Table of Contents

  1. Remove an IG Comment: Some Mobile Options
  2. Eliminate Comments on IG on Your Laptop
  3. How to Edit a Comment on IG
  4. Why Can’t I Delete Comments on Instagram?
  5. Does Deleting a Comment Delete Replies on Instagram?

How to Delete a Comment on Instagram: Some Mobile Options

Luckily for Instagram users, they can send their own and others’ texts to trash. The best part is that they do not have to write it themselves. The process will take only a few minutes, especially if the user is working with a few texts.

And the steps on deleting Instagram comments are simple, let’s take a look at them below.

  1. Login to IG through mobile (IOs and Android will work).
  2. The texts are below the pictures or videos. Tap on the ones that will go away.
  3. If the user has Android, a new menu will appear. It contains either the icon of a bin or the word “Delete”. Those with IOs only have to swipe left.
  4. That’s it, and there’s nothing left to do.

If the options above do not appear when trying in 2021, people may need to update their app and see how it goes afterward when they use it to subscribe to other channels.

How to Delete a Comment on IG On Computer

Now, some users still access Instagram using a desktop PC or a laptop. The process of eliminating texts is similar, though not exactly the same. This happens because some functions that work on mobile do not work on a desktop pc.

Follow this guide and delete an Instagram comment.

  1. Again, go to the IG page and locate the image or video with a not suitable comment.
  2. Scroll down until finding the text to remove.
  3. Look for three dots on the right corner of it. After tapping on the icon, a menu appears with the option of eliminating the comment.

As people can see, this procedure is even easier when using a desktop device instead of a tablet or mobile phone.

Those who are not happy with the comments they made in the past can do something about it. First, there is no way to edit one’s texts due to their terms of use. The person who wants to do away with their remarks, yet, can delete the comment and add a new one.

Of course, contacts who have already seen this material will still know about this. Now, what people and businesses can do is to edit their own captions on social media.

Follow these useful steps and learn how to edit a comment on IG:

  1. Enter the app using the icon or do it via the desktop to find the account.
  2. Look for the post to be edited.
  3. On the right corner of the screen, there are a number of privacy options. One of them is “editing”.
  4. Then, people can delete or add info as they see fit.
  5. Once they are over, tap on the button called “Done”, and the post will go live so others can read it.

The process is simple, though it can become a headache if the owner wants to edit or share many photos at once. No app or tool can help in these cases due to privacy terms issues.

FAQ Section

Why Can’t I Delete Comments on Instagram?

This is not very common, but it can happen.

Some of the reasons include:

  • The app is not updated. People might be using the app for a very long time without updating it on the Store. The solution is simple. The user only has to download the newest version, and the function will be restored.
  • The comment has already been eliminated. The owner might be trying to do away with the text, but a bug does not allow them to stop seeing it.

Does Deleting a Comment Delete Replies on Instagram?

Yes, it does. Each of these texts has subscribed to the previous one. That is why all of them will disappear if the root comment goes away. It is said that they become orphans, as they are replying to something that doesn’t exist anymore. There is no solution to this issue. If a person wants to keep certain content, then they cannot delete the main comment.

Can I Delete my Comment on Someone Else’s Post?

Yes, users can eliminate the comments they left on somebody else’s images of videos. But they can only do so with their own production. It’s not possible to remove something another person wrote.

  1. To carry out this task, look for the text.
  2. Those with an iPhone will only have to swipe left to do away with the comment.
  3. Owners of Android devices, instead, will have to hold on it and then choose “remove”.

Is Someone Notified When You Delete Their Comments?

No, nobody gets any sort of alert or notification. Of course, if these people decide to get back to the post, they won’t be able to see what they wrote. They will realize that something is missing at once. Yet, IG will not send them any message or alert to tell them about this.

What Happens When You Hide an Instagram Comment?

If people decide to restrict these texts, they won’t be visible to read anymore. Only the person who posted it can see it. To hide the remark, the owner needs to tap on it and look for an option that says “hide”. Plus, nobody will get a notification from such action.

Can You Edit Someone Else’s Comment on IG?

No, that’s not possible. Editing a comment on this social media network is only feasible if the owner wants to read and edit their own. The only thing users can do about others’ remarks is to eliminate them from their photo, video, or IGTV.

Keep Your Content Trimmed & Positive

All in all, the platform is always giving its users the chance to control and share the content around them. For instance, they can get to remove everything they don’t like in 2021. The text above explains the process of deleting comments on IG in the easiest way. Plus, IG is rolling out new features to be able to make several texts go away at once by just one account. It’s only a matter of waiting and removing everything that does not match the profile’s vibes.

Published: January 25, 2021Updated: January 25, 2021

Megan Green

Megan is a writer who works at the junctures of science and stories. Previously, she has been the editor of a fashion magazine, an educator, mom, and a baker. She is keen on working with brands and lifestyle products, and outdoor tasks. Megan is outgoing, optimistic and has a great personality. She delivers top-notch content with a unique view on usual things.

How do I delete my comment on someone else's post?

If you've posted a comment on your own or someone else's post, just select the three dots to the right of your comment and select Delete from the pull-down menu. Whenever you delete a comment or a post, you'll need to select Delete again on a confirmation message that asks if you're sure you want to delete.

How do I delete a comment I made on someones Instagram?

Tap the comment bubble icon to see all the comments associated with the post. On the iPhone, swipe the comment to the left and tap the Trash can icon. On Android, tap and hold the comment until the pop-up bar appears at the top of the screen, and then tap the Trash can icon.

Can you edit an Instagram comment on someone else's post?

Instagram does not allow users to edit comments. However, you can delete them and repost a new one.

Why can't I delete comments on Instagram?

If you keep getting an error message that a comment can't be deleted, it may be because the comment was already deleted in our system. The comment may still appear because you're viewing an old version of the page. We're aware of this issue and are working on a fix.


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