How to explain leaving a negative work environment on application

Dear Liz,

I don't know whether I would  have quit my job in a soul-sucking, toxic workplace if I hadn't found your columns, but that's what happened. I guess everything happens for a reason.

I started to really dislike my job around Memorial Day, and by the middle of September I was getting sick because of the politics and intrigue at my job. I was losing sleep. I had to do something.

My boss was in over way over his head and floundering, our company's division President was incompetent and very unpopular with the staff, and I was being asked to work almost around the clock for no recognition and very little compensation.

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I used my tax refund to finance my exit from my job two weeks ago. Now I'm job-hunting again. There was no way I could have managed a stealth job while I was working in my last job. They noticed whenever I was gone from my desk for 10 minutes!

How do I explain why I quit my job without having another job to go to? I am 39 and I've never done that before. I don't  want to bash my last employer, even though they deserve it. What should I say when interviewers ask me "Why did you quit your job?"



Dear Xavier,

Congratulations on getting out of a bad situation! I will give you the words to use in answering the question "Why did you leave your last job without having a new job lined up?" but the words are less important than your demeanor.

When you feel embarrassed or apologetic about your departure from your last job -- as though it is something shameful to quit a job without having another job arranged -- your face and body will show the interviewer how you feel.

Of course, there is nothing shameful or disreputable about quitting a job that doesn't suit you. Before you can confidently answer the question "Why did you quit your last job?" you have to get clear on the fact that you did the right thing in leaving. It was time for you to go. That job wasn't supporting you anymore -- it was sucking your mojo away instead of building your mojo.

You are the CEO of your career, and you get to change jobs whenever you feel like it.

Once you understand in your body that leaving your last job was not only the right thing to do but also a courageous act -- given that you did not know and still don't  know exactly what you'll be doing next and that you only have a finite sum (your tax refund) to finance your next move.

You are a hero and a survivor already! Don't let any interviewer make you feel embarrassed about your triumphant exit from a job that didn't deserve you.

Here's how you can answer the question  "Why did you leave your last job?"

Interviewer: So, I see you were working at Acme Explosives until a few weeks ago. You've  left that job?

You: Yes! I left three weeks ago.

Interviewer: And why did you leave?

You: I learned a lot at Acme and I made some big contributions there, particularly with respect to their supply chain processes and supplier quality. After three years I reached a point where the company wasn't going to be as focused as they had been on supplier issues anymore -- and I understand that from a business perspective. It meant that my job was going to become more of a maintenance role and I'm interested in continuing to grow my skills, so I decided to job-hunt. I was way too busy to be able to job-hunt while I was working at Acme, so I quit my job to focus on my next adventure!

Nobody you will meet on the job-search trail is more powerful than you are. It is your movie -- you are director and the star. If an interviewer doesn't like your explanation for why you left your last job, that's their privilege.

Who cares how some random interviewer feels about you? You are looking for an organization that is healthy, unlike your last employer, and the interviewers you meet are the early-warning signals of a healthy or unhealthy company.

If an interviewer turns up their nose at you or your story, leave them in the dust. You don't need them -- you are on your path!

All the best,


Have you ever had a bad experience leaving a job?

Sometimes, leaving a job can happen in a really negative way – you might have been fired, or felt so frustrated you quit on the spot.

It’s not always easy to talk about, and if things get messy you might feel you want to just leave it all behind.

But what happens next? If you’re looking for a new role, how can you handle any tricky questions or potential consequences that come from leaving the old one?

Here’s some advice to help you.

  • Leaving a job can be difficult
  • Should you include the job on your resume?
  • Should you talk about it to potential new employers?
  • How you can highlight the positives
  • Being honest – but brief – is often best

Leaving a job can be difficult

If you’ve found yourself leaving a job in less-than-ideal circumstances, you’re not alone.

Almost a third of people (31%) have left a job without any back-up plan, research for SEEK has found, while 14% of people say they’ve been fired from a job.

It’s not uncommon to have quit in a hurry – almost 1 in 5 people say they have spontaneously quit before, because they felt too angry or frustrated. Interestingly, 62% of these people believe it resulted in a better outcome for them.

Should you include the job on your resume?

Around 3 in 5 people who’ve been fired or quit in frustration say they wouldn’t include that job in their resume, nor would they mention it at a job interview. However, it’s best to include the job on your resume, both our career experts agree.

“Unexplained gaps on resumes are never looked upon favourably, and you do not need to include your specific reason for leaving on your resume,” says Graham Wynn, founder and director of Superior People Recruitment.

Leah Lambart, career and interview coach at Relaunch Me, agrees that it’s better to be upfront about a role than worrying that you’ll be caught out – even if you made a mistake.

“I would always encourage people to be upfront and honest about previous work experience that possibly ended badly,” she says.

Should you talk about it to potential new employers?

If you’re in an interview, openness and honesty are still important – but don’t let what went wrong with your last role take over the whole conversation.

Employers will typically ask ‘why did you leave your last job?’ and Lambart says your answer doesn’t have to focus on explaining the circumstances you left in. Instead, she recommends a statement about the role you’re going for.

You might be asked specifically about the circumstances that led to you leaving. Be careful not to be too negative towards your employer, Wynn says, recommending you take emotion out of the response and simply state the situation that arose.

Lambart agrees. “I would always recommend you avoid bad-mouthing the company or your previous manager. Instead, try and make it more about you.” Her top two examples in this situation are:

“I thrive when working in a team that’s collaborative and harmonious, and I’m happier in a role where the team shares information and supports each other. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel that my previous company could fulfil this need, and as a result I felt it was time to move on and look for a work environment that would suit me better.”


“I work best in a task-focused environment where employees are driven to meet goals, have high standards and where people are held accountable. I didn’t feel that my previous environment was like this and it didn’t get the best out of me. I understand that some of the core values of your organisation are ‘Customer Excellence’ and ’Accountability’. These values really resonate with me and make me excited about joining your organisation.”

If you were in the role you left for a substantial period, it’s actually a positive sign for employers regardless of what led to your swift departure, Wynn points out. “It indicates your performance overall would likely have been satisfactory, and something must have happened or changed to make you resign or lose your job,” he says.

How you can highlight the positives

The key to turning a potential red flag into a positive in your interview is to focus on how you have grown from the experience professionally.

Wynn says this could also be an opportunity to show that you see how the situation could have been avoided or improved – whether that’s through additional training, or perhaps a better process for resolving conflict.

Lambart says it’s important to show that you’ve reflected on the experience, learned from it and taken specific actions to prevent it from arising again.

Being honest – but brief – is often best

Whether it’s in your application or an interview, it’s important not to put too much focus on a job that you had a bad experience leaving.

“Employers are much more understanding of people leaving workplaces if the job is not right for them than they were 20 years ago,” Wynn says. “To lie would be worse, as the real reasons for your leaving could be discovered through reference checking.”

If an employer does ask more simply and honestly explain the circumstances that were less than ideal, without over-explaining or justifying the situation. Focus on other, more positive roles you’ve had, and what you’re aiming for in the new role.

Being able to recognise an issue and come up with possible solutions is a soft skill that employers value, so showing that you’ve learned from the experience can be worthwhile. By practicing this approach and how you’ll answer potential questions, you can build up your confidence and be better on track to landing your next role.

Source: Independent research conducted by Nature of behalf of SEEK, interviewing 4800 Australians annually. Published November 2021.

How would you describe a toxic work environment professionally?

Try these strategies for explaining a toxic work environment during a job interview..
Don't be embarrassed about your story. Before you go into an interview, give yourself a pep talk. ... .
Be positive and professional. ... .
Be cautious about how much you say. ... .
Share lessons learned..

What do you say when leaving a toxic work environment?

Tips for leaving a toxic job while preserving your mental well-being, according to someone who's been there.
Be gentle with yourself. ... .
Don't feel like you have to explain yourself or justify your departure. ... .
Try not to take hostile responses to your departure personally. ... .
Remember: A toxic workplace is not your fault..

How do you say you left a toxic workplace in an interview?

How to explain you left a toxic workplace.
Prepare a response before interviewing. ... .
Maintain professionalism and stay positive. ... .
Briefly mention the reason you left. ... .
Shift the focus to discuss your interest. ... .
Explain your career goals..

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