How to find facebook friends on tik tok

TikTok is the momen's social networkt. If you've just arrived on this platform and would like to find the contacts you already have on other social networks like Facebook, see how to easily find Facebook friends on TikTok.

With rapid growth, TikTok has become the most popular social network of the moment. The application which started under the name of, where teenagers posted their favorite songs online, is now a platform that is creating a trend.

Up to 689 million users log into TikTok each month to enjoy videos or share their own content. Brazil, Europe, United States, and Southeast Asia are the places where most of its users come from.

If you have a profile on other social networks like Facebook, it can be very interesting if you come to TikTok to find and add to the contacts that you already had on this first social network. For that, we show you how to easily find Facebook friends on TikTok.

Remember that in order to add your friends, you must have enabled the option to allow TikTok to access your contacts. You can activate it in the Settings section of your phone. To learn how to find Facebook friends on TikTok, follow the steps below. :

  • Open the application TikTok and click on the profile icon you have in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Then click on the icon in the shape of poupée with a symbol + that you have in the upper left corner.
  • You must now click on the “Find it Now" beside "Facebook friends“. Then click on “Continue”.
  • Log in to Facebook from TikTok with your username and password. All Facebook friends who have a TikTok account will be displayed.
  • Finally, click on “Follow”Those you want to add to your TikTok contact list.

You already know how to find Facebook friends on TikTok, but how to find friends on TikTok? We will explain how to do it.

  1. To find friends on TikTok whose name you know, simply open the TikTok app and click on the “Profile”That you have at the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Then click on the icon of a doll with a symbol + in the upper left corner
  3. and click on the “us" beside "Contacts".

This will show you the list of friends who are on TikTok and whose contacts are stored on your phone.


Another great option offered by TikTok is being able to find people without needing to have an account in the app. Discover how to find people on TikTok without registering.

  1. To do this, from the web browser, go to //
  2. At the top you will see a text box. Enter it name of the person that you want to locate. It can be anyone, be it a friend's profile or a famous person's profile.
  3. TikTok will return the results to you as a list. You just need to log into each account to see their posts without having to register.


If you've learned how to find Facebook friends on TikTok, but don't know how to add friends on TikTok, don't worry, we'll show you below.

  1. To add friends on TikTok, you just have to open the app and click on the magnifying glass icon you have at the bottom, it's the one that says “Trends".
  2. Then in the upper search field, put your friend's username.
  3. Then click on the “Users“. When you find your friend's name, click on it to go to their profile.
  4. Finally, click on “Follow”To add it to your friends list in TikTok.

TikTok is the social network of the moment. If you have just arrived on this platform and would love to add to contacts you already have on other social networks such as Facebook, see how to find Facebook friends on TikTok easily.

With rapid growth, TikTok has become the most popular social network today. The app that started out called where teenagers uploaded the playback of their favorite songs is today a platform that creates a trend.

Up to 689 million users connect to TikTok each month to enjoy videos or share their own content. Brazil, Europe, the United States and Southeast Asia are the places where most of its users come from.

If you have a profile on other social networks like Facebook, it can be very interesting if you just came to TikTok to find and add to the contacts you already had on that first social network. For this we show you how to find Facebook friends on TikTok easily.

Remember that in order for you to add your friends you must have activated the option that TikTok can access your contacts . You can activate it from the Settings section of your phone. To find out how to find Facebook friends on TikTok, follow the steps below:

  • Open the TikTok application and clickon the profile icon that you have in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Then click on the doll-shaped icon with a + symbolthat you have in the upper left corner.
  • Now you must click on the “Find” buttonnext to “Facebook Friends”. Then click on “continue”.
  • Log in to Facebook from TikTokwith your username and password. All Facebook friends who have a TikTok account will be displayed.
  • Finally, click on “Follow” those you want to add to your list of TikTok contacts.


You already know how to find Facebook friends on TikTok, but how to find friends on TikTok? Next, we explain how to do it.

To search for friends on TikTok whose names you know, you just have to open the TikTok application and then click on the “Profile” icon that you have in the lower left part of the screen.

Then click on the icon of a doll with a + symbol in the upper left corner and click on the “find” button next to “Contacts”. It will show you the list of friends who are on TikTok and whose contacts you have stored on your phone.


Another interesting option that TikTok gives is to be able to find people without having to have an account in the application. Find out how to search for people on TikTok without registering.

To do this from the web browser, go to // . Then at the top you will see a text box. Enter in it the name of the person you want to locate . It can be anyone, be it a profile of a friend or a famous person.

ikTok will return the results in the form of a list . You just have to enter each account to see their publications without having to be registered.

If you’ve learned how to find Facebook friends on TikTok, but don’t know how to add friends on TikTok, don’t worry, we’ll show you below.

To add friends on TikTok you can simply open the application and click on the magnifying glass icon that you have at the bottom, it is the one that says “Trends” . Then in the upper search box put the username of your friend.

Then click on the “users” tab. When you locate your friend’s name, click on it to enter their profile. Finally, click on “Follow” to add him to your friends list within TikTok.

Abdullah Sam

I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

Can Facebook friends find me on TikTok?

If you want to limit the ability of people to find your TikTok account, head to the settings menu located at the top right side of your profile. Tap Privacy > Suggest your account to others, and toggle off the settings for contacts, Facebook friends, mutual connections, and links.

Can you link Facebook to TikTok?

Adding a TikTok account from New Facebook Page Find the pen icon of Edit and click on it. Select the Add a social link option. Add your TikTok Account and select the TikTok option. lick on Save when done.

What happens if you sync FB friends on TikTok?

The app can help users find others they already know Once a user syncs their Facebook friends with the TikTok app, TikTok will periodically sync their Facebook friends so that they're always up to date. Users can also turn this feature off so that the app will stop syncing their Facebook friends in the future.


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