How to make a collaborative playlist on spotify public

After complaints about bots adding songs to collaborative playlists, Spotify unveiled the ability to manage access on collaborative playlists.

Collaborative playlists allow Spotify users to curate playlists with their friends, but until now any user could pop in and add songs. Bots — most famously one named "Ashley" — took advantage of this and spammed playlists with songs in an apparent attempt to drive up certain artists' listener numbers, to the irritation of many Spotify users. Luckily, now there is a simple way to limit who can add songs to a collaborative playlist.

Spotify added the ability to invite and remove users from collaborative playlist and now lets you make collaborative playlists private to safeguard against bots.

We will walk you through how to manage access on collaborative playlists.

How to add someone to a playlist:

1. Open the playlist

2. Tap the head icon

Tap the head icon. Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

3. Copy the link or share it with a friend via your preferred method

Select which method you want to share the playlist with. Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

How to remove someone from a collaborative playlist:

1. Open the collaborative playlist

2. Select the users directly below the playlist title

Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

3. Tap the three dots next to the user you want to remove from your playlist.

Tap the three dots. Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

4. Tap "Remove as a collaborator" or "Remove from playlist."

Tap either "Remove as a collaborator" or "Remove from playlist." Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

How to make a collaborative playlist private:

1. Open the playlist

2. Tap the three dots

Tap the three dots. Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

3. Select "Make Private"

Tap "Make Secret." Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

Can collaborative playlists be public Spotify?

With the new 2022 Spotify update, you can share playlists with large public groups or keep them private. If you set a playlist to private, only those working on it can view it. Spotify collaborative playlist are public by default. As a playlist owner, you can add or remove members at any time.

Why can I not make collaborative playlist public?

Quick tip: You have to be the playlist's owner to make it Collaborative. Playlists that others made but you added to your library won't work. 2. Click or tap the three dot icon underneath the playlist's name and picture, then select Make Collaborative or Collaborative playlist.

Are collaborative Spotify playlists private?

First, Spotify will give the playlist creator the ability to invite or remove users from collaborating. You will also be able to set collaborative playlists to private, so no one can listen to, search for or view those mixes except for the people you've given access.

How do you make a Spotify playlist public editable?

On the desktop and web player versions of Spotify, go to your Playlists page, under Your Library. Right-click on the playlist and select Add to profile. This will make the playlist public on your profile page.


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