How to see other snapchatters who viewed your story

Snapchat is a social media application that comes with new features for sending snaps and maintaining a streak with your friends.

These snaps can be images and videos which are limited to a short duration and cannot be viewed once the time limit is over. 

Moreover, Snapchat enables its users to chat, video call, voice call, and send audios to their friends as well.

It comes both as an android application as well as an iOS application.

What Does Other Snapchatters Mean On Snapchat?

Other Snapchatters are basically those viewers who have viewed your story but have either deleted you as friends or might have blocked you.

Other Snapchatters might be the people that you haven’t added back as your friends. 

It sometimes happens that when you check the viewers of your story, you get to see other Snapchatters instead of a name of a person.

Other Snapchatters can appear because when you posted the story, that person may have been your friend, and they viewed your story, but they may have blocked or removed you after that.

Also, there are chances that you might not have added them back as friends, which is the reason why other Snapchatters is shown as a viewer of your story. 

What Does Other Snapchatters +1 More Mean?

Other Snapchatter +1 more means that the person who has viewed your story has blocked you.

+1 more suggests that the user may have been on your friend’s list and viewed your story when you uploaded the story, but after viewing it, the user might have blocked you.

Since these people have blocked you, that is why their name appears to be hidden under the +1 more tag.

Why Does My Snapchat Say Other Snapchatters?

Other Snapchatters are basically those viewers who have viewed your story but have either deleted you as friends or might have blocked you, or these might be the people that you haven’t added back as your friends.

This issue has been raised among many people who use Snapchat as it sometimes happens that when you check the viewers of your story, you get to see other Snapchatters instead of a name of a person.

This happens because when you posted the story, that person may have been your friend when the user viewed your story, but they may have blocked or removed you after that, or you might not have added them back as friends, which is the reason why other Snapchatters is shown as a viewer of your story. 

How To See Who Viewed Your Snapchat Story When It Says +1 More?

You cannot see who viewed your Snapchat story when it says +1 more because that person who comes under this tag has blocked you, and you cannot view or see his account or name on Snapchat. 

The user might have viewed your story once you uploaded it, but they might have blocked you after that, and this is the reason they are represented as +1 more.

If they unblock you later, then you can see their name under the viewers, but until you have been blocked by them, it is not possible to see their name in the viewers’ list of your story.

How To See The +1 More On Snapchat?

You cannot see the +1 more viewer on Snapchat because that person has blocked you after viewing your story, and that is why you can neither view their name, nor you can view their account.

And there is no such feature on Snapchat that allows you to see this +1 more Snapchatter who has viewed your story and then blocked you. 

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How Do You Tell If Someone Unadded You On Snapchat?

Snapchat doesn’t let you know directly who has deleted you as friends or has not added you again, but there are some ways/ methods using which you can confirm whether someone has added you again or not.

These ways are:

1. Check Them In Your Friends List

Go to your profile on Snapchat and then go to the My Friends section, search for the name of the Snapchat user that you want to check whether the user has added you again or not.

If you are not able to see any account with that username, then it means that they have not added you again as friends.

2. Check For Pending Snaps

Go to their chat and see if the snap or chat that you have sent to them shows pending status or not. If it shows the pending label, it means that they have not added you again as friends.

But for this, you need to send them a snap or text. And this method will only work when they have set their account privacy settings to my friends only.

3. Check Their Snap Score

Go to the search bar and type their username. If you are not able to see their snap score, it means that they have not added you again as friends because someone’s snap score is only visible when that person adds you back as friends.

This snap score appears just below their name and their profile picture.

4. Check Them In Story Subscriptions

Whenever any of your friends upload a story on Snapchat, it will appear in the friends’ story section.

But if the person has removed you and has his story set to public, then it will appear in the subscription section below the friends’ stories section.

If you find their story in the subscriptions, then it means that the other user has either removed you or not added you again as friends.

But remember, it will work when that person’s story is set to public visibility.

5. Keep A Check On Your Story Viewers

This way focuses more on being vigilant and keeping a check on your story views.

Because if you constantly keep checking who views your story, then you can easily find out the missing one, and eventually, you will get to know who has removed you.

6. Search And Check How Their Name Appears

Type their name in the search box and check how it appears. If you are friends with that person, then their name will appear under the friends’ label.

But if you both aren’t friends of each other, then their name will appear under the add friends label.

Also Read: How To Make Someone Your #1 Best Friend On Snapchat

How Can You Tell If Someone Blocked You On Snapchat?

Snapchat doesn’t directly let you know when someone blocks you, but you can check and confirm it using the following methods:

1. Check Your Recent Chats

If you had had a conversation with that person on Snapchat, then go and check your conversation with them.

If you cannot see their chat, then it means that they have blocked you. But for this method to work, it is important to have a chat history with that person.

2. Search Their Username

Go to the search bar and search for their exact username and if you don’t find their account, then it might be so that they have blocked you.

But to confirm this, you need to follow the next below-mentioned step.

3. Search Their Username From A Different Account

If you didn’t find their account by searching their username from your account, then try searching it from a friend’s Snapchat.

If you find their account on your friend’s Snapchat, then it confirms that they have blocked you from Snapchat, but if their account doesn’t appear on your friend’s account as well, then it might be so that they have deleted their account. 

How To Delete Other Snapchatters?

Since you don’t know who has removed or blocked you because their name isn’t visible in the story views list, it is not possible for you to delete other Snapchatters.

Also, Snapchat does not inform you when someone deletes you from their account.

Therefore, it can become a bit difficult to guess who has removed you and may appear as “other Snapchatter” in the viewer’s list.

If you find out that using these methods which have removed you, then you can also remove or delete them from your Snapchat.

Does Other Snapchatters Mean Delete?

No, it does not mean deleted, but it rather means that the person under the tag other Snapchatters has either removed you or blocked you from Snapchat after viewing your story.

And you may still be friends with them, but they are not friends with you.

Also Read: How to Cancel Snapchat Plus Subscription?

Does Other Snapchatters Mean Blocked?

Yes, other Snapchatters appearing in the story views can mean blocked. Because whenever you see other Snapchatter under your story viewers, it means that the person has either blocked you or removed you from their friend list after viewing your story.

How Can Other Snapchatters View My Private Story?

Other Snapchatters can view your story if you might have added them to your private story viewers before they had blocked or removed you when you could see their name.

That is why you might find them in the viewers of your private story on Snapchat.

Can Other Snapchatters See Your Friends?

No, they cannot see your friends as they have either blocked you or deleted you as friends.

Moreover, Snapchat doesn’t allow anybody to see friends of other people even if they are friends from both sides. 


If you are wondering about what other snapchatter means as you saw it in your story viewers, then you must know that basically, these other snapchatters are those people who were friends with you when you posted the story but removed or blocked you after viewing your story. 

Other Snapchatters +1 more means that the person under this label has blocked you.

To get to know who has removed you, you can check the chats with them and see if pending status appears there, check whether you are able to see their snap score, etc. 

Further Readings:

Can you see who viewed your Snapchat story if you aren't friends?

While you may not be able to receive notifications for who has viewed your story, you can still see who actually did view it. They may not push you a notification, but Snapchat does allow you to view which of your followers have and haven't seen your story.

How can I see who else viewed my story?

To look at who's seen your story, open your story and swipe up on the screen. You'll see the number and the Instagram usernames of the people who have viewed each photo or video in your story.

What does +1 more on Snapchat mean?

Other Snapchatters +1 more means that the person under this label has blocked you. To get to know who has removed you, you can check the chats with them and see if pending status appears there, check whether you are able to see their snap score, etc.

Why can't I see who watched my Snapchat story?

You will not be able to see who viewed your Story on Snapchat because you have been blocked. The individual listed as "Other Snapchatters" on your story viewer list may have blocked you after viewing your Story. You can track how many people have read your tales and who has read them.

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