How to share my business page on my personal page

What’s better: Post to your personal page and share to your Fan Page


Post to your Fan page and share to your personal page?

And how do you share in the first place?

I’ve been getting these questions A LOT recently, so I decided to take a break from my What I Learned From Going to Facebook Series’ to address this.

To answer this, here’s a few things you should know…

  1. The way I see it…your Fan Page (also known as a Business Page) is there to share business related stories, which also include inspiration, education, and behind-the scenes content.
  2. And if you’ve been following me for a bit, you know that my goal is to be present, but not invasive on social media. (I wrote a blog post all about that HERE.)
  3. Reach (and engagement) on a Facebook Fan Page can be tricky to come by.  In fact, the average reach on fan pages…a whopping 2.6%.  Crazy, right? I aim for at least 10% for any given page post. (For more info on how to do that, CLICK HERE.)

With all that in mind, I believe it is best to first post to your Fan Page and then share to other places, such as your personal page, a Facebook Group, or another Fan Page you manage.

Sharing this way will help you get more reach and engagement on your Fan Page since it’s the original content and is a great, subtle way to say to your friends – “Hey, here’s my Fan Page.  Check it out!” without blatantly saying “Check out my Fan Page.”

So with that, here’s how to share it.

1. Make sure you are interacting on Facebook as your Personal Page.  Sometimes we end up interacting as our business page, which can make things trickier.  To check this, select the downward arrow in the top right corner.

2.  When you select the downward arrow, if you are interacting as your page, it will show you here.

3. Go to you Fan Page and either write the post you plan to share or scroll through to find the post you’d like to share.

4. Find the post you want to share.

5. On an unrelated note: If you select the downward arrow at the top of the post, you can pin this post to the top of your page, edit, or delete the post.

6. Next to the ‘like,’ ‘comment,’ and ‘share’ tabs, look at the icon on the right.  This shows if you are interacting as your Business Page or your Personal Page.  In this case, I’m interacting as my Business Page.

7.  Select the downward arrow next to the icon to switch to interact as your Personal Page.

8. Now that you are interacting as your personal page, select ‘Share.’

9.  Select ‘Share’ again.  You can choose ‘Share Post Now.’  If you do this, it will share to your Personal Page with no additional text. Personally, I like to include some additional text.

10. It’s automatically set up to share to your Personal Page.  To access your other choices, select the downward arrow next to the words ‘Share to your own Timeline.’

11. From here, you can ‘Share on your own Timeline’ (your Personal Page), ‘Share on a friends Timeline,’ ‘Share in a group,’ ‘Share on a Page you manage,’ or ‘Share in a private message.’

12.  Usually I’m not going to share something business related on a friend’s Timeline unless it’s specific to something we have talked about.  Typically I reserve this for sharing things like articles about The Walking Dead. 😛

13. To share in a group, like my Fun with Marketing Mastermind, start typing in the name of the group, then select it once it shows up.

14. To share on a page you manage, usually you’ll want to make sure you’re posting to the page you manage as the page you manage.  To change who you are posting as, select the downward arrow next to where it says ‘Posting as…’

15. In this case I wanted to share my post to my Personal Page, so I kept it on ‘Share on your own Timeline,’ add text, and hit ‘Post.’

16.  And here’s how my post looks on my Personal Page.

There you have it.  How to share from your Business Page to your Personal Page.  

Do you use this strategy? Have you noticed a change in your reach? Let me know in the comments below or in my Facebook Group HERE. 

Why can't I share my business post on Facebook?

Make sure the first pull-down menu says Share On A Page You Manage. If it doesn't, click on the arrow and select this option. Next, make sure the second pull-down menu directly below displays your Page (especially if you manage more than one). If it doesn't, click the pull- down arrow and select the correct page.

Does your Facebook business page show a link to personal profile?

The information on your personal profile will not appear on your business page and vice versa, unless you manually share them between pages. The general public will not be able to see what personal profile your Facebook business page is linked to.

How do I share a post from my personal page to my business page 2022?

How to Share a Facebook Post to a Page You Manage:.
Step 1 Find post you want to share. Step 2 Click Share button below post. ... .
Step 4 Click on dropdown menu in the..
top left corner to select where. you'd like to share the post:.
• Share on Your Own Timeline. ... .
Step 5 Select..
• Share on a Page You Manage*.


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