How to take blood pressure on obese patients

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Q: What is the best way to measure blood pressure in obese patients? If the cuff does not fit around the patient’s arm, should I use a larger cuff or just use the standard cuff on the patient’s forearm? Which method is the most accurate?

A: Jennifer McFarlane, RN, MSN, CCRN, CNRN, CBN, replies:

Measuring blood pressure in patients with obesity presents a number of challenges centered on the selection of the right size cuff. Multiple techniques for blood pressure measurement in patients with morbid obesity have been described; however, no evidence is available to support a preference for one method over another, and expert consensus varies.

The most common site for measurement of blood pressure is on the upper arm of the patient. The upper arm is defined as the part of the upper extremity extending from the shoulder to the elbow. Standards have been established by the American...

Devices and Technology

Innovation in measuring obese patients’ blood pressure: measurement with conical wrapping technique

aNursing Department, Izmir Bakircay University, Health Sciences Faculty, İzmir

bNursing Department, Erciyes University, Health Sciences Faculty, Kayseri

cAnesthesia Department, İzmir Bakircay Universitesi Cigli Training and Research Hospital, İzmir

dDialysis Department, Cappadocia University, Nevşehir, Turkey

Received 3 May 2021 Accepted 15 July 2021

Correspondence to Seda Şahan, RN, PhD, Nursing Department, Izmir Bakircay University, 35100 Menemen, İzmir, Turkey, Tel: +90232 493 1241; fax: +90232 8447122; e-mail [email protected]

doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000565

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Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


Blood pressure measurement in very obese patients: a challenging problem

aDepartment of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Padova, Padua, Italy

bDepartment of Clinical Medicine and Prevention, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

cDepartment of Cardiology, San Luca Hospital, IRCCS, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy

Correspondence to Gianfranco Parati, MD, FESC, Department of Cardiology, San Luca Hospital, IRCCS, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Piazza Brescia 20, 20149 Milan, Italy Tel: +39 02 619112890; fax: +39 02 619112956; e-mail: [email protected]

doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3283435b65

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© 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

How do obese people check their blood pressure?

Extra-large cuffs like conical-shaped cuffs or thigh cuffs can be used for BP measurement in severely obese patients in upper arm. Conical cuffs better fit the natural contour of the upper arm in severely obese patients who have often have a pronounced conical upper arm shape.

How do you take blood pressure with big arms?

This expert statement provides recommendations on blood pressure measurement in large arms for clinical use and research purposes. Tronco-conically shaped cuffs should be used in people with large arms, especially with arm circumferences greater than 42 cm as they better fit on the conical arm shape.

Can fat arms affect blood pressure readings?

Overweight and Obese Patients The elbow-facing end of the cuff often remains loose, expanding irregularly over the lower part of the arm. This can cause providers to overestimate the patient's blood pressure; in some cases, there may be a systolic blood pressure difference of 10 mm Hg.

What is the normal BP for a fat person?

Thus, some obese people will have BPs lower than 140/90 mm Hg, the level usually used to indicate hypertension.


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