How to tap into spiritual gifts

I have wonderful news! You possess special spiritual gifts  that have the power to enhance your life and the lives of others. If you’re on my web site, it’s likely you have at least an idea of what your talent is, but you might need some help to truly feel confident about sharing it with others – or even fully admitting it to yourself!

Knowledge of your power can come in a variety of  ways. For some the knowing is a tiny spark that over time becomes a flame, and for others it comes like a thunderbolt from the heavens. Still others have a mentor – on earth or in the Spirit Realm – who shows them the way.

Your heart holds the answer.

When I think of spiritual mentors, this experience comes to mind. Years ago, I did a reading for a man named Bill who had lost his son to cancer. When I channeled Bill’s son, he relayed a cryptic message that his father and I didn’t understand at the time. The message was “I’m taking care of your hand.” While I couldn’t decipher what “I’m taking care of your hand” meant, I advised Bob to stop questioning it with his head, and to move into his heart space. I told him “Be patient and stay in your heart, and trust that the answer will be revealed in time.”

A few months later, Bill called me and told me that shortly after our reading, his right hand had started to tingle and feel hot. Fearing a heart attack, high blood pressure, or some other illness, he went to the doctor – to his surprise, nothing was medically wrong with him. Then he began to get a strong sense that he could heal others, and began to read about hands-on healing.  In time he gained the confidence to test his gift, and became a renowned and gifted healer. Bob realized that his son had given him a “gift from heaven” by activating and making him aware of his healing power. This might be difficult to grasp from an Earth bound perspective, but when Bob moved out of thinking and into a feeling place, he was able to understand the gift his son had given him.

Finding YOUR gift.

Bill’s life changed when his son delivered his powerful healing gift. Think about how confirmation of your own gifts could affect your life. What spiritual modality resonates with you? Are you a healer like Bill, or a medium like me? Maybe you possess a powerful sense of intuition. The first video in my free three part series will help you find out. In the first 20 minute session, I’ll guide you through a series of exercises. First we’ll practice a meditation to move you from your head to deep within your heart space. Once you are tuned in to your heart, I’ll lead you through a journaling exercise to identify your true desires. Because you have activated your heart through the first meditation, you’ll find your journal entries might contain some unexpected surprises and insights. Finally, I’ll help you to “amp up” your power by inviting spirit in and merging with the universal source energy.

All this is just in Video 1! 

After you watch my first video and experience all three exercises, stay tuned! There will be two more videos released over the next few days to take you even deeper into your journey. Sign up now so you don’t miss a single minute! I can’t wait to hear about your experiences and impressions as you follow the path to discovering your gifts.

Who doesn’t want to be a psychic? Think of all the people you can help. If you believe you have the gift, there are many proven ways to bring it out and enhance it. It probably is lying dormant just waiting to emerge.

If you have ignored your calling, you are not alone. Most people don’t recognize their hidden potential until there is a specific need. Maybe someone asked your advice or felt a connection to you. Maybe you find that you can read coffee grounds or tea leaves. Suddenly, you know that you have spiritual skills. You may not be ready to call yourself a clairvoyant just yet, but it could be just down the road. It takes a bit of meditation and concentration, but you can access your innate talent. To help your ESP grow stronger, we suggest a few more strategies in no particular order.

Get in the Zone

If you want to hone your psychic abilities, it makes sense to adopt the right mindset. This means going into the adventure with faith in yourself and a belief in the future. After all, a lot of being a psychic has to do with seeing ahead. You can get in the mood by reading literature on the subjects or speaking with others. There are some amazing stories out there that are sure to pique your interest and set you on the path to power. Whatever gives you inspiration is a good resource.

Part of getting in the zone is to learn how to relax and release tension. Meditation and yoga are the best methods we know because they control the breath and free the mind from extraneous thoughts, especially the negative ones that block one from tapping into their psychic gift. Meditation, in fact, is known to change brain wave patterns and slow your metabolism, while it affects heart rate and blood pressure. Given that ESP is a kind of energy, it makes sense that a practice that changes your mindset releases this valuable element. We know of no faster and better way to get in touch with your psychic spirit.

Change Your Point of View

How you interact with others is key to the development of psychic skills. You can’t enter another person’s sphere if you are not in tune with them on a spiritual level. You also cannot focus on someone with whom you have conflict. In that many psychics start with family and friends, it pays to resolve any arguments or hostilities to pave the way for a new relationship. Get rid of the personal drama in your life and watch your psychic abilities expand.

Once you have a new lease on life and a more open point of view, you can channel your psychic energies positively. We suggest making a personal vow not to misuse them for personal gain. Your skills can bring you income, but your mission should start with helping others lest you loose sight of your real value. If you do enjoy foresight, we hope you limit it to beneficial purposes. So get rid of greed first and foremost.

Also part of changing one’s point of view to oneself and others is to release any lingering fear. Like negativity in general or conflict, fear of the supernatural, for example, can block access to ESP. Know that a psychic is highly valued in society and nothing to be afraid of, no matter how profound your gift. Once you are free from deep-rooted fear, you will notice how much more you enjoy your new role in life.

Use Objects, Mantras, Affirmations and Charms

To improve your psychic skills, there are many aids to the process such as special objects like candals, charms and amulets, mantras and affirmations, and, of course, crystals. Touching them, for example, can yield powerful results and evoke dormant feelings. Some say that objects, on the other hand, provoke visions. It is a pretty exciting proposition.

It has to do with expanding one’s imagination and letting go of the material world. Be free to roam new realms in your mind. Some people like to commune with nature or look forward to the revelations of their dreams. A certain place, object, or person can trigger psychic forces that you can harness and use. Try a little of everything to see what works for you.

A Word on Telepathy

We bandy words like psychic and ESP about, and now let’s have a look at another powerful concept. You can call it foresight, clairvoyance, or whatever you like. It is often said to be the ability to read others’ thoughts. It can be invoked with Tarot Cards as well. What a wonderful power you have when you enjoy telepathy. It is a rich and rewarding experience to communicate in more subtle ways. If you are particularly adept in this realm, you might try conducting a séance with one or more persons. The best “subjects” are sensitives, or types who project their feelings well.

Special skills like telepathy can be improved or enhanced through practice. It takes time to learn the right degree of concentration after you enter the proper mindset. Repeat experiences after your first success will make you stronger and more open to the marvels that your psychic gift can bring.

How do you tap into supernatural gifts?

An 8-Step Guide To Tapping Into Your Spiritual Side Today.
Set your intention. ... .
Feed your mind. ... .
Be still every day. ... .
Don't neglect your body. ... .
Approach your practice with playfulness. ... .
Watch for signs. ... .
Connect with your tribe. ... .

How do I tap in my spiritual gifts?

How to Tap into Your Spiritual Energy.
1) Daily, morning meditation. Begin your day with a meditation practice. ... .
2) Take altruistic action within the community. ... .
3) Get a daily dose of nature. ... .
4) Surround yourself in music. ... .
5) Listen to your gut. ... .
6) Support your mind and body. ... .
7) Appreciate what you have. ... .
8) Accept others..

How do you know that you have a spiritual gift?

6 Signs You Have A Spiritual Gift.
You read into your dreams on the regular..
You have visions—and they often come true..
You have a 4 a.m. bathroom habit..
Nightmares keep you tossing and turning..
You're extremely empathetic..
You have a strong intuition..

How do I activate spiritual gifts?

4 Simple Steps to Receive/Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Step 1: Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. ... .
Step 2: Develop a personal and intimate relationship with God. ... .
Step 3: Hunger for the Gifts of the Spirit and walk in love. ... .
Step 4: Take action by faith..

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