How to use vitamin e oil on face

If you follow any beauty influencer on social media you already know that vitamin E oil is the new skin care staple. Are you here because you want to learn how to use Vitamin E oil for acne? Or maybe you are here because you want to learn if this is a legit product or just a new craze. Dr. Sarah Campbell, board-certified dermatologist with Forefront Dermatology, is here to answer the top questions.

What is Vitamin E Oil?
Vitamin E is a naturally occurring antioxidant that protects your skin against free radicals. Free radicals are molecules in the environment that damage your skin and weaken its elasticity. This can include pollution, cigarette smoke, chemicals, and even the sun. Vitamin E, in a sense, protects your skin like an invisible shield. While you can naturally get Vitamin E through a variety of foods, Vitamin E also comes in both a thicker oil and a thinner serum or toner.

How does Vitamin E Oil help your skin?
In addition to protecting your skin from free radicals, Vitamin E oil naturally works to neutralize all the environmental stressors that’ll destroy your collagen and cause fine lines and premature aging. Additionally, vitamin E has moisturizing benefits, and also has natural anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be soothing and help calm the skin. Additionally it has hydrating benefits for the skin.

How to use Vitamin E oil for acne
When it comes to treating acne, vitamin E seems to work best topically. You should still make sure to get enough of it in your diet, but taking vitamin E supplements doesn’t appear to have the same effects on acne. While vitamin E oil alone isn’t the cure all for your acne woes, it makes a great tool to have in your arsenal of skincare products to help provide your skin with a powerful antioxidant. It is best to apply a thin layer of vitamin E oil to your face prior to bed. If you have oily skin, we suggest using a thinner Vitamin E serum or toner versus the thick oil. If you have dry skin, many individuals prefer mixing a little bit of vitamin E oil in with their nightly moisturizer and applying together.

Struggling with Acne?
The board-certified dermatologists at Forefront Dermatology are specialists in acne, acne treatment and acne scar treatment. Find a dermatologist near you and schedule your consultation today.

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Are you getting expected results for your skin issues by applying various ointments? If ‘yes’ then you are on right track but if ‘no’ then you’re off the track. There must be something missing, maybe in your treatment or in your diet!

Most of the time, diet deficiencies can be a neglected cause of many skin problems and Vitamin E deficiency is one of them. Vitamin E is a powerful fat-soluble vitamin that can rejuvenate your skin and overall health.

For skin health, vitamin E oil is more effective than other vitamin E supplementation.

What is vitamin E oil?

Vitamin E oil is naturally-derived from vitamin E sources. It is easily found in green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. Vitamin E oil has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are best for skin health.

Vitamin E oil moisturizes and nourishes your skin. It is extremely versatile as it is excellent for skin health, helps to neutralize free radicals which damage cells, prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer  and other ailments.

Benefits of Vitamin E Oil

In the purest form, vitamin E is potent and acts amazingly on the skin. Here are some excellent benefits of vitamin E oil as follows –

Vitamin E oil is very effective that makes your nerves stronger and helps to nourish your skin. This oil also increases the blood supply to the skin which ultimately raises the nourishment to the skin.

Vitamin E oil is a fat-soluble vitamin hence it is heavier than water-soluble products. It restores the moisture and prevents dryness of the scalp. You can add a few drops of this oil in your daily moisturizer and apply it to your skin in the night.

Vitamin E oil has an anti-inflammatory property that prevents acne formation. It also removes the clogged dirt which can be a cause for acne. Vitamin E oil nourishes your skin and makes it healthy. It also an excellent remedy for acne scarring. It lights up the scars found on the face.

  • Reduces Darkness of the Skin

The darkness of the skin can be the reason for increased skin pigment known as melanin. These conditions are very well treated by combining vitamin E with vitamin C. Vitamin E oil reduces the dryness and irritation of the skin.

Stretch marks are the scariest portion of the post-pregnancy period. It won’t hurt but looks ugly where many gels and ointments have failed to reduce it. However, the topical application of vitamin E oil on stretch marks works miraculously to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Improve Dry Skin Conditions

Vitamin E oil is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve various dry skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.

Vitamin E oil provides essential nourishment to the skin and makes it soft and smooth. It moisturizes the skin to prevent dryness of the skin.

  • Controls Fine Lines  & Wrinkles

Vitamin E oil has antioxidants that help to increase blood supply to the skin that slows down the ageing process. It works great on wrinkles around the eyes. Apply vitamin E oil thrice a week for best results. The amount of vitamin E you require each day is determined by your age.  According to the National Institutes of Health Trusted Source, teens, adults, and pregnant women should ingest roughly 15 milligrammes (mg) each day. Breastfeeding mothers require around 19 milligrammes. Vitamin E is required in smaller amounts in the diets of infants, newborns and children.

Although there are few studies that demonstrate that applying vitamin E oil to your under-eye area will help prevent or treat dark circles, it can’t hurt, especially since vitamin E has antioxidant and moisturising characteristics. Dark circles are difficult to treat but vitamin E oil works beautifully to reduce it. It provides extra nourishment and moisture to the affected area. Apply it with your regular cream and massage gently.

Read More: 7 Home Remedies for Dark Circles

The study suggests that vitamin E oil may promote a fast wound healing process. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory there to reduce swelling.

Vitamin E oil works great to get rid of clogged dirt and other impurities from skin pores. Use a few drops of vitamin E oil on a cotton ball to wipe your face.

Vitamin E oil works as a moisturizer and helps to soften your chapped lips. Vitamin E promotes cell regeneration and using it on dry lips brings new cells to the surface faster.

Also Read: Signs & Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency

How to Apply Vitamin E oil on the Skin?

Before using vitamin E oil on the skin, do a patch test. Apply a small quantity of vitamin E oil on the neck or back of the ear and wait for 24-48 hours. If no allergic reaction develops, you can use it safely.

Can vitamin E be applied directly on face?

Vitamin E nourishes the skin from within by making the nerves stronger. To have a soft, smooth and radiant skin, all you need to do is burst open the vitamin E capsule using a pin, and then, apply it onto your face.

Should I use vitamin E oil before or after moisturizer?

When layering products, start with the lightest consistency (think: serum) and work up to the thickest (i.e. oils and creams). If your vitamin E is in a serum form, apply it after cleanser and toner but before the moisturizer. If it is in your moisturizer, save it for last.

Does vitamin E remove dark spots?

Protecting from discoloration: If you are prone to dark spots or hyperpigmentation, mixing vitamin E into your skincare routine could be beneficial. "The anti-oxidative effects of vitamin E can be preventative to darkening of the skin due to sun exposure," Burgess says.


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