How to write a conversation in an essay

 “Dialogue: The conversation between two or more characters.”

The dialogues create the interest of the readers in reading. They want to read it thoroughly.

Many students don’t know how to write dialogue in an essay. The understanding of inserting the source matter into the essay is the primary theme of any academic paper. The point of resource can be mentioned to support your claims or can be used to analyze the counterclaim and describe its genuineness. 

The skill of using quotations in the essay is so critical that you must know how and when to quote a text source and what would be of doing it. The most struggling area for many students is that they do not know how and when they need to use the dialogue in essay writing. 

Several writers do not understand the difference between the quotes and the dialogues, not even knowing how the punctuation is used to describe both of them. The main reason for this is that most of the academic subjects do not focus on the dialogue-based essay; instead, these educational institutes only target the argument-based articles that do not need any dialogues.

Therefore, this blog will describe the efficiency of the dialogues in your narrative essay, why they are essential to use, and how to write dialogue in an essay. 

Stay tuned with us!

What is the meaning of dialogue?

Dialogue is a method that is used by a writer to draw a conversation between two or more individuals.

Dialogue is a technique that is used in all types of fiction, such as plays, movies, books, and even used in essay writings. Generally, dialogues are useful to create more visual and dramatic effects in the fiction, whereas the quotes are useful for citation.

The quotation symbols are used to mark the dialogues in your writing. Therefore the difference between the direct quote and dialogues becomes necessary to know.

Besides the detail on how to write dialogue in an essaywe have provided a table which differentiates both Dialogue and Direct Quote : 

how to write a dialogue essay

One of the blunder mistakes of the writer is that they use the dialogues as a quote. This mistake happens just because we are skilled in using the speech as a quote in argument-based essays on many subjects.

We forget that we are using a planned narration and provide dialogues to it to show more weight. Because of it, people are not able to understand the meaning of using it and the reason why it is used. Therefore this article becomes necessary to solve the problem related to how to write dialogue in an essay.

When to use the dialogue

Dialogues are an essential part of fiction, but we have to remember that dialogue writing only appears in the original essay writing, and that is a narrative essay.

A narrative essay is a kind of essay which is not used to support the argument of something. Therefore it becomes necessary to know how to write dialogue in an essay.

If we talk about an argument essay, it supports a claim that has a point of view in the right direction, whereas in an expository essay, it supports a claim that has an idea, and this idea must be worked for the welfare of humankind.

But, the narrative essay does not contain any argument; instead of it, it is related to the experiences and stories. 

Let’s look at some narrative essay sample sentences that focus on direct dialogue.
When creating direct conversation in your stories, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

Rule #1: When indicating the words said by the characters, use quote marks.
For instance, “Save me!” the small girl cried.

Rule #2: When the speaker changes, start a new paragraph.
For example, 
Sue declared, “I’m going back home.” “I’m exhausted and can’t work much longer.” Her spouse agreed, “OK, I feel you must do it.”

Rule #3: Assure the reader understands who is speaking.

Rule #4: Capitalization and punctuation should be accurate.
For example
“May I purchase a pair of sneakers?” Jessica questioned her mother.
The quotation marks are placed outside the quote’s end punctuation; the remaining text has its end punctuation.

If the quote is not a question or an exclamation before the second quotation mark, use a comma rather than a period.

John explained, “I just got a new jacket yesterday.”

If we talk about an argument essay, it supports a claim that has a point of view in the right direction, whereas in an expository essay, it supports a claim that has an idea, and this idea must be worked for the welfare of humankind. But, the narrative essay does not contain any argument; instead of it, it is related to the experiences and stories. 

The conversation between you and your friend do not take a stand in an argumentative essay. Therefore it is better to use it as a direct quote even if it is taken as a spoken material.

The direct quote method will be considered as the conventional standard because these kinds of essays expect the essay writer to be scientific and objective in their writing’s discussion.

Why do we need dialogues?

The method of using dialogues in your essay can provide tension, depth, and development to the character to the nonfiction writings. Dialogue also aids the story to move along.

As the dialogues are the reported speech, therefore it becomes necessary to recreate them from your memory – use the rhythm, words, and emotions that can give a flavor to it. Readers are engaged with the realistic dialogues which suit to the situations and circumstances.

  • Don’t write long paragraphs in your dialogue
  • Make a brief and effective dialogue
  • Avoid the small talks in the dialogue
  • Visualize your character
  • Cut out the greetings
  • Be specific with the writer’s voice

How to write dialogue in an Essay? General rules

As you already came to know that when you have to use the dialogues in your essay, now, we can provide you a proper format for writing the dialogues.

The dialogue writing format consists of mainly two kinds of categories: first, one is how to use quotation marks, and the second one is where to put the punctuation.

Quotation symbols/marks (U.S. norms)

There are three rules for putting the quotation marks, and these are below with the relevant examples:

Rule 1:- Use double quotation symbols to signify the saying of a person in your writing.

Rule 2:- For a quote that is written within the quote, always use a single quotation mark.

For example: “What did Benjamin Franklin want to say, when he said, ‘Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead,” Mr. John asked.

Rule 3:- If you have more than a paragraph of dialogues of a particular person, then use the opening quotation symbols at the start of each paragraph. Use the closing quotation symbol merely at the end of the dialogues.

For example, Emma nodded and suddenly said,” I think Ava is right. We can not do this assignment until Monday if we will not work together.

“But now we have a few days left. Do you all think that we can complete the assignment until the afternoon of Monday?”


There are some rules regarding the use of punctuation that you need to know while using the dialogues.

Rule 1: 

If the quotation that you are using is at the end of the sentence, then put a full stop inside the quotation symbols.

Incorrect method: Lucy said,” this is the time to go”.

Correct method: Lucy said,” this is the time to go.”

Rule 2:  

Put exclamation and question marks within the quotation symbol merely if both of them are the part of a person’s saying.

Incorrect method: The boy shocked and said,” the graphics of the Avengers movie are the best one”!

Correct method: The boy shocked and said,” the graphics of the Avengers movie are the best one!”

Rule 3:

If a quote is a part of a more substantial sentence, then the punctuation must be after the quotation marks.

Incorrect method: Did you hear John scream, “I have scored 100 marks in mathematics subject?”

Correct method:  Did you hear John scream, “I have scored 100 marks in mathematics subject”?

Rule 4:

Use a comma after these words – said, exclaimed, asked, or other related words if they arrive before a quote.

Incorrect method: My brother said, “he is going to the market.”

Correct method: My brother said, “he is going to the market.”

Rule 5:

Put a comma within the quotation marks if the verbs come after a quote.

Incorrect method: “Just come back on time for dinner” my sister warned me when I came to you.

Correct method: “Just come back on time for dinner,” my sister warned me when I came to you.

Rule 6:

If a quote is apart, then put a comma after the initial part of it and after the words, like- ask, say, explain, etc.

Incorrect method: “Yes,” Anna said, shaking her hand with us “ This project is yours.”

Correct method: “Yes,” Anna said, shaking her hand with us “ This project is yours.”

The specific use of quotation symbols and punctuation is not just like a hot knife through butter; you need to learn them for no reason. These norms make your essay easier to read and understand.

Without these rules, your dialogues will be a headache for the essay’s reader, and you too, when you revise it for the editing, so remember all the rules, which we have mentioned on the topic of how to write dialogue in an essay.

Let’s understand how to write dialogue in an essay in a different writing style?

Writers always mention the sources they utilised in their essays. These can be exact quotations, dialogues, or paraphrases, and they can be long or brief. The formatting type has an impact on dialogue punctuation. MLA and APA are the most popular. Let’s look at how to punctuate conversation and direct quotes adequately.

In the case of MLA writing style

The following guidelines should be followed when citing a conversation in MLA format.

  • Always provide the author and page number when including a direct quotation.
  • If you include text to a quotation, surround them with brackets to indicate that they are not an element of the actual text.
  • Commas are used to separate speech tags in brief quotes.
  • If the quotation is excessively long or contains material that is irrelevant to you, use an ellipsis to show that some information was left out.
  • Every paragraph in a long quotation should begin with quotation marks.
  • Do not add double or single quotation marks when adding indirect quotes.

In the case of APA writing style

Keep the following dialogue guidelines in mind when structuring quotations in APA format.

  • Put the quotation and the conversation tags on the same line if a character’s quote is brief.
  • If you’re going to use a quotation longer than 40 words, start by introducing the source and author. As a new paragraph, add a colon and a quotation. There are no quotation marks required, and the entire quote should be indented. Mention the page from which the quote was taken in brackets towards the conclusion of the quotation.
  • Put quotation marks at the beginning of paragraphs as well as at the conclusion of the quote if a character’s sentence spans more than one paragraph.
  • The use of quotation marks is not required in an indirect quote in APA. The character’s portion begins with the dialogue tags.

Wrap up!

Now you know about dialogue writing in an essay from the above blog. But, still, you find any difficulty, then you can conduct our service members who are available to you 24*7. They are the best problem solver for the queries related to how to write dialogue in an essay.

Our expert team has an experience of years that can be beneficial for you. They will provide the essay help according to your preferences and deliver it before the deadline so that you can check your work.

How do you write a conversation?

9 Tips for Writing Good Conversations.
Mimic the voices of people in your own life. ... .
Break up character conversations with narration. ... .
Know your grammar and punctuation. ... .
Give your main character a secret. ... .
Use a layperson character to clarify technical language. ... .
Use authentic shorthand..

Can an essay have dialogue?

As most might remember from school, dialogue represents special literary device that helps writers to portray a conversation with two or more individuals involved. Dialogue in an essay can be implemented when writing fiction or nonfiction narrative work.

What are the 7 rules of dialogue?

Rewriting the 7 Rules of Dialogue.
“Dialogue should stay on topic.” ... .
“Use dialogue as you would actual speech.” ... .
“Opt for the speaker attribution said over all others.” ... .
“Avoid long speeches.” ... .
“Be grammatically correct. ... .
“Show what the characters are doing while they're talking.” ... .
“Keep characters' speech consistent.”.


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