Meme most interesting man in the world

Since the Internet first appeared, people have found various ways of coming up with jokes that are not only relatable but also very funny. When it comes to memes, there are some that will always remain in our memory and never get too old.

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The most interesting man in the world meme firstly appeared in 2006, as an advertising campaign for a beer named Dos Equis. The ads featured a bearded man that had a great, humorous and interesting voice, followed by the slogan "Stay Thirsty My Friends". There are probably thousands of memes on the Internet about this specific joke, that is why we selected ten that we found to be the funniest.


10 The Struggle Meme

The truth is our daily life can be a pretty good inspiration for most memes out there. It probably happened to you, at least once, to forget to grab a bag at the grocery store and to think to yourself: "I'll just carry them in my hand, it's not that difficult". Well, you probably didn't think about how will you get into your car or apartment (or you remembered your keys are in the opposite pocket), and you can't reach them. What is there left to do? Maybe drop everything, look for your keys and then pick everything right up. This may seem like the only valid option.

9 How To Iron Correctly

Adulting can be hard sometimes, especially when it comes to doing daily chores that you never actually thought of. For example, a lot of people find ironing extremely difficult. It looks like you would never be able to get one wrinkle-free shirt.

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All we can say is that this activity needs some constant trying and maybe even a little bit of struggle - you know how they say, practice makes perfect.

8 Talking To Girls

This meme can be truly relatable (and it can go for all genders). Sometimes when we are really excited or when we really like someone, even though we are very open and chatty, we tend to look out for our words. If this sounds familiar to you, or it actually happened to you, it's completely normal and it probably happens to everyone at least once in their lifetime. Needless to say, it can be considered a really cute sign when somebody starts saying "" when they are talking to somebody they like because it shows they want to carefully pick out their words.

7 Getting Sick

Getting sick is a bummer in any season and in every time of the year, but what can be a true misfortune is when you get sick on the first day of your summer vacation. Imagine this: you've mentally prepared for your days off, went even a little bit extra and bought new attire, accessories and clothes for this trip and then you suddenly feel sick. It can be considered ten times worse than normally getting sick, although that's not fun either.

6 Check Your Spelling

As individuals, we tend to have this urge in us to correct someone when we think they're mistaken. However, when it comes to grammar, most of us aren't so sure either but we get that gut feeling saying - "No, it doesn't look right, I'm sure it's wrong".

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Even though you are probably 99% sure about it, you can't risk that 1%, especially if you plan of correcting someone in front of a larger audience. So what do you do? You google it so you can double-check it.

5 The Beer Drinking

How many times when you said you would go out for a beer, you only had one single beer and then you went home? This meme is quite funny because it approaches two perspectives. First of all, this meme is taken out of an ad for a beer, that first appeared in 2006. Secondly, it's aimed at most people, as it is quite relatable. We all know somebody that drinks too much even though they said they wouldn't. But hey, as long as they're doing it responsibly, it's great.

4 The Facebook Decade

Remember when Facebook was the greatest thing you could ever ask for? You would make up an account, connect with your friends, colleagues, and family and you would share funny videos, memes and exchange messages. That time has now passed, as multiple social media platforms have taken Facebook's place - Instagram and Twitter is now the place where all the interaction happens. But wait, there are still certain aspects that Facebook is winning when it comes to birthdays. This social media app lets you know when someone's birthday is approaching and give you the chance to post a message on their wall or even send them a private message. That's quite handy, right?

3 When You Can't Stop Talking

Most of us have probably found ourselves in awkward situations. Some of them were caused by us or some were caused by our closed ones or complete situations. No matter how the situation unfolded, you are probably relating to this meme as much as we are. There is never a worse time to talk than when you've already said something that you shouldn't have. People often think that if they continue talking, maybe even make a joke to lighten the mood, they will make the situation much easier to bear. However, most of the time it's exactly the opposite - you're making the situation worse.

2 The Superpowers

Almost everyone has wondered, at least once, how would it be if they had any sort of superpowers. Some of us wanted to be invisible, while others wanted to be able to fly. We would dream about it, try to test it out throughout our childhood (maybe even mimicking some things that our favorite characters were doing). However, we were disappointed every time, when we realized that we didn't have any superpowers. When we grew older, it hit us. We can imagine anything, especially when we are able to make an association between the real and the imaginary world. When you're walking in front of a door, did you open it with your mind or it opened because it's automatic? All you have to do is believe.

1 Finishing Your Sentences

This meme is truly gold. It still makes people laugh up to this day, even though multiple years have passed and new memes have popped up on the web. This truly shows that something can be forever funny if enough people are relating to it. It just never gets old.

NEXT: 10 Gen-Z Vs Millennial Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

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About The Author

Gabriela Ciobanu (35 Articles Published)

Result-driven content writer with a Bachelor in Communication and PR and three years of experience in working in the field, Gabriela is truly passionate about writing as well as traveling. She believes that the key to success is to truly love what you're doing.

Who is the I don't always meme guy?

Since 2006, Jonathan Goldsmith has played The Most Interesting Man In The World in a popular series of ads for Dos Equis. His catchphrase — "I don't always drink beer. But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis" — has worked its way into Internet culture.

What is Memegenerator net?

Meme Generator allows users to create and share image macros (featuring a picture, or artwork, superimposed with text) in the style of popular internet memes. The site also serves as a searchable collection of user-created images.

What is the classic meme text?

Impact font is the “classic” meme font.


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