Mike bloomberg big gay ice cream

Michael Bloomberg loves his ice cream, and Big Gay Ice Cream is his favorite.

The billionaire presidential hopeful this week released a “comprehensive policy to ensure LGBTQ+ equality” which targets areas such as health care and workplace discrimination.

And however you feel about his late-stage candidacy, it’s nice that he’s speaking about queer issues.

Related: “Big Straight Ice Cream” Vying To Take A Scoop Out Of Big Gay Ice Cream’s Business

“Over the past three years, the Trump administration has acted to dismantle federal protections and resources for LGBTQ+ Americans, including stripping transgender people of their recognized identities and civil rights and nominating judges and officials with strong anti-LGBTQ+ records,” his plan reads. You can read more about that here.

But the accompanying tweet — a video of Bloomberg enjoying (enjoying? is that the face of enjoyment?) a bite of Big Gay Ice Cream, has caused some furrowed brows.

“Heart eyes emoji, Pride flag emoji, ice cream emoji,” reads the substantive caption accompanying the odd clip:

We’re guessing this isn’t the reaction the campaign was aiming for:

This is the most cringeworthy pandering so far in 2020.

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) January 29, 2020

Could this guy look any more wooden? Uncomfortable? Out of place?

Panderers gotta pander, I guess.

Does anyone actually believe he cares about something when he does stuff like this? When ANY politician does stuff like this?

— ???? E's Waiting for Some Snow ???? (@The_Original_E_) January 29, 2020

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Photo: Joe Raedle (Getty Images)

This week, the Michael Bloomberg 2020 campaign tweeted out one of the most confusing political ads I’ve ever seen. In it, the candidate stands in an office bullpen and asks, “Where’s my ice cream?” A disembodied hand hands him a carton of Big Gay Ice Cream, the NYC-based chain. Bloomberg eats a weird, melty spoonful of ice cream, then says to the camera: “Big Gay Ice Cream is the best.” A chill ran up my spine upon viewing it.

Responding to the video, Vice asked a pointed question: Does Michael Bloomberg know how to eat ice cream? The answer, clearly, is no. But to be fair to Mike, ice cream isn’t exactly a dish one looks cool eating. Especially ice cream that’s been sitting out for stretches of time—for instance, the length of a video shoot—under hot lights, and has been reduced to semi-solid glops. There’s no correct way to eat ice cream under these conditions. There are so many other NYC dishes that would look better to consume on screen: dollar-slice pizza, bagels, dumplings, the list goes on.

But integral to deciding what food would’ve been better for Bloomberg to eat on camera is figuring out what the purpose of this video was in the first place. Is the billionaire doing sponcon for Big Gay Ice Cream? Was this his way of trying to show support for the LGBTQ community? Or does he simply want to come out as the definitive pro-ice cream candidate? If that’s his move, he’s got some work to do: Joe Biden is a notorious ice cream lover, and one of the Ben and Jerry’s co-founders made a Bernie Sanders ice cream flavor. But hey, if Bloomberg’s stance on frozen treats doesn’t churn up grassroots support, he can always just buy the entire ice cream industry.


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