Pick a number between one and two

Generate An Instant Random Number Between Two Numbers Of Your Choice.

Trying to think of a number but just can’t come up with anything? Demonstrating probability for a classroom? Need to pull a random number from a hat for a raffle? You’ve come to the right place! Our random number generator will give you just that—a random number. 

A random number is a number chosen by chance from a set range. The beauty of random numbers is that you can’t predict what number you’ll get. Even if you choose 2 the first time, 4 the second, and 6 the third, any perceived pattern is totally random! The fourth time you choose it could be 19 or 100. It’s all up to chance. 

Our generator will provide a random number between the two numbers of your choice. Just enter a lower limit number and an upper limit number and click ENTER.  Your random number will be generated and appear in the box. 

Why You Should Use a Random Number Generator

Now, if you're trying to come up with a list of random numbers yourself, you probably will find a pattern. Even subconsciously, the human mind is conditioned to look for and create things in a pattern or sequence. Unfortunately, this could negatively impact math problems you're working on or activities you have planned. 

To make sure it stays up to chance and that you don’t have any influence over this choice, we’ve created this handy random number generator that can select a number for you. It’s simple to use. Just put in two numbers and the random number generator will give you an integer in between them.  

How To Use a Random Number Generator

The random number generator recognizes whole numbers and negative numbers. It does not recognize decimals, fractions, or equations. If you insert a percent symbol, the symbol will not carry over into the random number box.

  1. Start by entering a number of your choice in the Lower Limit box.
  2. Then input another number of your choice in the Upper Limit box.
  3. Once you have your two numbers, click Enter.
  4. Your random number will appear in the Random Number box.
  5. Keep pressing Enter for a new number every time.
  6. To reset your Lower Limit and Upper Limit numbers, select Clear. 

Working Example

Let's say you need to pull a random number for a raffle prize. There are thirty people who enter the raffle, and only three people will win. The tickets range from 1 to 150, so the Lower Limit is 1 and the Upper Limit would be 150. Click Enter and the random number generator gives you a 7, 36, and 2.

Raffle participants with the numbers 7, 36, and 2 on their tickets will be the three raffle winners. 

Decimal Trouble

Imagine you are trying to find a number between 2.01 and 2.5. You enter 2.01 as your Lower Limit and 2.5 as your Upper Limit. You click Enter, and you get—a 2? That’s not between your values! Sorry, there are no decimals allowed in this random number generator. However, as long as you're working within decimals of the same whole number, you could use other whole numbers as your two values, and assign the result after the decimal. 

So if your range is between 2.01 and 2.5, you could enter 1 and 50 in the value boxes. Let's say it generates the number 25. You could assign that after your decimal, and this would be your result: 2.25

Are you trying to calculate a problem or convert other numbers between units? Check out our Other Calculators! 

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I think I have four answers, two giving exact solutions like that of @Adam Rosenfield but without the infinite loop problem, and other two with almost perfect solution but faster implementation than first one.

The best exact solution requires 7 calls to rand5, but lets proceed in order to understand.

Method 1 - Exact

Strength of Adam's answer is that it gives a perfect uniform distribution, and there is very high probability (21/25) that only two calls to rand5() will be needed. However, worst case is infinite loop.

The first solution below also gives a perfect uniform distribution, but requires a total of 42 calls to rand5. No infinite loops.

Here is an R implementation:

rand5 <- function() sample(1:5,1) rand7 <- function() (sum(sapply(0:6, function(i) i + rand5() + rand5()*2 + rand5()*3 + rand5()*4 + rand5()*5 + rand5()*6)) %% 7) + 1

For people not familiar with R, here is a simplified version:

rand7 = function(){ r = 0 for(i in 0:6){ r = r + i + rand5() + rand5()*2 + rand5()*3 + rand5()*4 + rand5()*5 + rand5()*6 } return r %% 7 + 1 }

The distribution of rand5 will be preserved. If we do the math, each of the 7 iterations of the loop has 5^6 possible combinations, thus total number of possible combinations are (7 * 5^6) %% 7 = 0. Thus we can divide the random numbers generated in equal groups of 7. See method two for more discussion on this.

Here are all the possible combinations:

table(apply(expand.grid(c(outer(1:5,0:6,"+")),(1:5)*2,(1:5)*3,(1:5)*4,(1:5)*5,(1:5)*6),1,sum) %% 7 + 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15625 15625 15625 15625 15625 15625 15625

I think it's straight forward to show that Adam's method will run much much faster. The probability that there are 42 or more calls to rand5 in Adam's solution is very small ((4/25)^21 ~ 10^(-17)).

Method 2 - Not Exact

Now the second method, which is almost uniform, but requires 6 calls to rand5:

rand7 <- function() (sum(sapply(1:6,function(i) i*rand5())) %% 7) + 1

Here is a simplified version:

rand7 = function(){ r = 0 for(i in 1:6){ r = r + i*rand5() } return r %% 7 + 1 }

This is essentially one iteration of method 1. If we generate all possible combinations, here is resulting counts:

table(apply(expand.grid(1:5,(1:5)*2,(1:5)*3,(1:5)*4,(1:5)*5,(1:5)*6),1,sum) %% 7 + 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2233 2232 2232 2232 2232 2232 2232

One number will appear once more in 5^6 = 15625 trials.

Now, in Method 1, by adding 1 to 6, we move the number 2233 to each of the successive point. Thus the total number of combinations will match up. This works because 5^6 %% 7 = 1, and then we do 7 appropriate variations, so (7 * 5^6 %% 7 = 0).

Method 3 - Exact

If the argument of method 1 and 2 is understood, method 3 follows, and requires only 7 calls to rand5. At this point, I feel this is the minimum number of calls needed for an exact solution.

Here is an R implementation:

rand5 <- function() sample(1:5,1) rand7 <- function() (sum(sapply(1:7, function(i) i * rand5())) %% 7) + 1

For people not familiar with R, here is a simplified version:

rand7 = function(){ r = 0 for(i in 1:7){ r = r + i * rand5() } return r %% 7 + 1 }

The distribution of rand5 will be preserved. If we do the math, each of the 7 iterations of the loop has 5 possible outcomes, thus total number of possible combinations are (7 * 5) %% 7 = 0. Thus we can divide the random numbers generated in equal groups of 7. See method one and two for more discussion on this.

Here are all the possible combinations:

table(apply(expand.grid(0:6,(1:5)),1,sum) %% 7 + 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

I think it's straight forward to show that Adam's method will still run faster. The probability that there are 7 or more calls to rand5 in Adam's solution is still small ((4/25)^3 ~ 0.004).

Method 4 - Not Exact

This is a minor variation of the the second method. It is almost uniform, but requires 7 calls to rand5, that is one additional to method 2:

rand7 <- function() (rand5() + sum(sapply(1:6,function(i) i*rand5())) %% 7) + 1

Here is a simplified version:

rand7 = function(){ r = 0 for(i in 1:6){ r = r + i*rand5() } return (r+rand5()) %% 7 + 1 }

If we generate all possible combinations, here is resulting counts:

table(apply(expand.grid(1:5,(1:5)*2,(1:5)*3,(1:5)*4,(1:5)*5,(1:5)*6,1:5),1,sum) %% 7 + 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11160 11161 11161 11161 11161 11161 11160

Two numbers will appear once less in 5^7 = 78125 trials. For most purposes, I can live with that.

What's a number between 1 and 2?

What are the five rational numbers between 1 and 2? Answer: The five rational numbers between 1 and 2 are 11/10, 12/10, 13/10, 14/10 and 15/10.

What is a number between 1 and 100?

The whole number between 1 and 100 are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 ...

How do you pick a raffle number?

Choose your numbers based on the frequency chart..
Select numbers that are drawn frequently. If you notice that a few numbers stand out for being drawn significantly more often than the others, consider including them in your pick. ... .
Select numbers that are drawn less frequently..

What is number picker?

NumberPicker is a custom widget designed for choosing an integer or decimal number by scrolling spinners.


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