State of survival reservoir raid building map

Reservoir raid or RR is a popular event in the State of Survival. The event takes place every other week. Your alliance will battle an opposition alliance from another state. What are you battling for? A necessity of life- Water.
RR falls on Saturday or Sunday where you battle for an hour. You can vote for a different time. In our alliance we tend to opt for the same time every RR.
During RR, the main task is to gather as much water as you can as a team. When the event starts, you should take control of buildings. Depending on your opponent and the turn out by your team, this can be hard, or easy. Some buildings generate water whilst some give you tactical advantages and buff. Once you take control of a building, you will want to garrison the buildings with as many troops as you can so that the other team is unable to take it from you. After 30 minutes, you will see water tanks mushrooming up all across the map. I used to relocate near them whenever they popped up if I didn't need to hold a building. I usually try to take them before the other team does. It’s not easy. Sometimes you might take them first but if you are not strong enough you might not be able to hold the tanks for long. Just keep gathering water and healing up. After I relocate and manage to take some water tanks, I will start to reinforce the rest of the buildings. Sometimes I try to attack other settlements, but since I'm only plasma 3 stars they will always try to attack me as I seem to be weaker. Not one RR passes by that I do not cry out to my teammates on Discord voice chat, “Help me!!”. They are used to that.

Despite everything, I do have a tremendous amount of fun and each time I participate in RR, I get better and stronger. I always learn something new with each battle.
This time, with the help of my teammates I got a lot of points. This was because they reinforced me when I was attacked. Basically, I became a booby trap and with my recon jammers on, now one knew I was one. When I attack settlements and win a PVP fight, I get water points too. I managed to get to rank 8 this time, something that has never happened to me. It didn’t last for long but it was a wonderful feeling whilst it lasted.

This event is so fun because you play with your team. It builds up a strong team spirit. Even if you are not that strong, your teammates will always be there to help you if they can. Thanks to mine I have a lot of fun fighting for dominion over water.

level 1

Thx for sharing, good overview. Just the benefits of the buildings is not so good visible. -The Zombie Builder.MOD

level 1

This is a good overview, thank you for sharing it. -Huntsman of the Horde.MOD

level 1

My favorite event! Running after puddles is my job 😅 thanks for sharing.

Rise of the Phoenix.MOD

level 1

This is a very simple and easy-to-see breakdown of buildings. Hopefully it will help RR more effectively. Thanks!

The Blind Oracle.MOD

level 1

Thank you, this is great

Kia the Innocent MOD

level 1

anyone know how much water is gained per minute for a water tank?

About Community

State of Survival. Make friends and fight with other survivors. Resources are scarce and you must salvage what you can from the carcass of society. Do whatever it takes to survive. It won’t be easy. Make your own rules.

How do you beat the reservoir raid in state of survival?

To achieve victory over the enemy, these bases must be defended. During the event, players in teams will fight each other for resources and territory throughout the map. The team that manages to lay hands on more territory and retain it, receives the largest amount of purified water and wins the raid.

How often is Reservoir raid state of survival?

Each week, Alliances in the above States may register to take part in The Summit. They are pitted against each other in the final Reservoir Raid each Sunday. Testing for the Reservoir Raid will be conducted over 4 weeks, with a total of 4 rounds.

Can you leave alliance during reservoir league?

REMEMBER: Alliance members that participate in the league are unable to leave and join other alliances during Qualifier's and Playoff's stage.

How do you qualify for a reservoir in League of survival?

Rating S is needed to qualify for the registration (i.e. 8 cumulative wins in history), and, after registration, the top 256 Alliances in each battle zone will be eligible to participate in the event. ✍️ Note: Alliances eligible for the Reservoir League cannot participate in the Reservoir Raid during this period.

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