What are the seven articles of the constitution

The Constitution of the United States of America (see explanation)

  • Preamble ["We the people"] (see explanation)
  • Article I [The Legislative Branch] (see explanation)
    • Section 1. [Legislative Power Vested] (see explanation)
    • Section 2. [House of Representatives] (see explanation)
    • Section 3. [Senate] (see explanation)
    • Section 4. [Elections of Senators and Representatives] (see explanation)
    • Section 5. [Rules of House and Senate] (see explanation)
    • Section 6. [Compensation and Privileges of Members] (see explanation)
    • Section 7. [Passage of Bills] (see explanation)
    • Section 8. [Scope of Legislative Power] (see explanation)
    • Section 9. [Limits on Legislative Power] (see explanation)
    • Section 10. [Limits on States] (see explanation)
  • Article II [The Presidency] (see explanation)
    • Section 1. [Election, Installation, Removal] (see explanation)
    • Section 2. [Presidential Power] (see explanation)
    • Section 3. [State of the Union, Receive Ambassadors, Laws Faithfully Executed, Commission Officers] (see explanation)
    • Section 4. [Impeachment] (see explanation)
  • Article III [The Judiciary] (see explanation)
    • Section 1. [Judicial Power Vested] (see explanation)
    • Section 2. [Scope of Judicial Power] (see explanation)
    • Section 3. [Treason] (see explanation)
  • Article IV [The States] (see explanation)
    • Section 1. [Full Faith and Credit] (see explanation)
    • Section 2. [Privileges and Immunities, Extradiction, Fugitive Slaves] (see explanation)
    • Section 3. [Admission of States] (see explanation)
    • Section 4. [Guarantees to States] (see explanation)
  • Article V [The Amendment Process] (see explanation)
  • Article VI [Legal Status of the Constitution] (see explanation)
  • Article VII [Ratification] (see explanation)
  • Signers
  • Amendment I [Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment II [Right to Bear Arms (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment III [Quartering of Troops (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment IV [Search and Seizure (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment V [Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Due Process (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment VI [Criminal Prosecutions - Jury Trial, Right to Confront and to Counsel (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment VII [Common Law Suits - Jury Trial (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment VIII [Excess Bail or Fines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment IX [Non-Enumerated Rights (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment X [Rights Reserved to States or People (1791)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XI [Suits Against a State (1795)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XII [Election of President and Vice-President (1804)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XIII [Abolition of Slavery (1865)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XIV [Privileges and Immunities, Due Process, Equal Protection, Apportionment of Representatives, Civil War Disqualification and Debt (1868)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XV [Rights Not to Be Denied on Account of Race (1870)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XVI [Income Tax (1913)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XVII [Election of Senators (1913)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XVIII [Prohibition (1919)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XIX [Women's Right to Vote (1920)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XX [Presidential Term and Succession (1933)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XXI [Repeal of Prohibition (1933)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XXII [Two Term Limit on President (1951)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XXIII [Presidential Vote in D.C. (1961)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XXIV [Poll Tax (1964)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XXV [Presidential Succession (1967)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XXVI [Right to Vote at Age 18 (1971)] (see explanation)
  • Amendment XXVII [Compensation of Members of Congress (1992)] (see explanation)

  • Preamble
  • Article I
  • Article II
  • Article III
  • Article IV
  • Article V
  • Article VI
  • Article VII
  • Signers
  • Bill of Rights
  • First Amendment
  • Second Amendment
  • Third Amendment
  • Fourth Amendment
  • Fifth Amendment
  • Sixth Amendment
  • forum selection clause
  • Seventh Amendment
  • Eighth Amendment
  • Ninth Amendment
  • Tenth Amendment
  • 11th Amendment
  • 12th Amendment
  • 13th Amendment
  • 14th Amendment
  • 15th Amendment
  • 16th Amendment
  • 17th Amendment
  • 18th Amendment
  • 19th Amendment
  • 20th Amendment
  • 21st Amendment
  • 22nd Amendment
  • 23rd Amendment
  • 24th Amendment
  • 25th Amendment
  • 26th Amendment
  • 27th Amendment

Preamble ›

What do the 7 articles of the Constitution explain?

The Articles of the Constitution talk about the duties of the three main parts of government: the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. The articles also talk about the separate powers of the Federal and State government, and how to change the Constitution.

What are each of the 7 articles about?

Article I. Legislative Branch..
Article II. Executive Branch..
Article III. Judicial Branch..
Article IV. States, Citizenship, New States..
Article V. Amendment Process..
Article VI. Debts, Supremacy, Oaths, Religious Tests..
Article VII. Ratification..

What are the 7 articles of the Constitution quizlet?

Article 1. The Legislative Branch. ... .
Article 2. The Executive Branch. ... .
Article 3. The Judicial Branch. ... .
Article 4. National Unity and Power. ... .
Article 5. Amending the Constitution. ... .
Article 6. National Supremacy. ... .
Article 7. Ratification..

How can I remember the 7 articles of the Constitution?

Mnemonic for remembering the Articles of the Constitution:.
Lazy Elephants Jump Slowly And Sit Regularly..
L = legislative..
E = executive..
J = judicial..
S = states..
A = amendment process..
S = supremacy of constitution..
R = ratification..

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