What does omega xl do for you

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Omega XL is a nutritional supplement that promises to lower inflammation, prevent joint pain, and reduce wheezing and chest tightness caused by asthma. While the full extent of these claims has not been proven, Omega XL has been shown to reduce inflammation in people with asthma.[1] Omega XL is made from a mixture of 30 healthy fatty acids and is claimed to have 22 times more Omega-3 fatty acids than regular fish oil. Ask your doctor about Omega XL and avoid taking this supplement without their approval, particularly if you are taking any medications or have other diagnosed medical conditions.

  1. 1

    Check the expiration date before taking Omega XL. Be sure that the expiration date of your Omega XL capsules has not passed before taking them. The Omega-3 oils in the capsules start to break down about 2 years after they are manufactured, making them less effective. Dispose of any expired capsules.[2]

  2. 2

    Take 2 capsules each day if you weigh more than 45 kilograms (99 lb). If you weigh less than 45 kilograms (99 lb), take only 1 capsule per day. Do not exceed a maximum of 2 pills.[3]

    • Omega XL is safe for both adults and children as long as the recommended doses are not exceeded.
    • If you have a sensitive stomach, be sure to take each capsule with food.[4]


  3. 3

    Swallow the capsules with plenty of water. Take Omega XL capsules with a glass of water to make sure they go down properly. If you can't swallow Omega XL capsules, use a sterilized pin to pierce the capsule and pour the oil into a soft food like pudding, apple sauce, or yogurt to eat. The supplement will still be effective if it is mixed with food.[5]

  4. 4

    Take a missed dose as soon as you remember, unless it's time for the next one. If you forget to take your Omega XL capsules at the time you are supposed to, take them as soon as you remember. If it is within an hour of your next dose, skip the missed one. Take the next dose and continue taking the capsules as usual.[6]

    • Do not double your dose to make up for a missed dose.

  5. 5

    Store Omega XL at room temperature, away from kids and pets. Store Omega XL capsules in a childproof container, out of sight and reach of kids and pets. The capsules should be kept at room temperature,. Do not freeze Omega XL pills or expose them to heat.[7]

    • Extreme heat or cold could cause the capsules to break or melt.

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  1. 1

    Speak to your doctor about taking Omega XL. There are many over-the-counter supplements available, each with different ingredients and possible side effects. Speak to your doctor specifically about Omega XL to see if it is right for you, as it has ingredients that differ from other Omega-3 supplements. Avoid taking Omega XL without approval from your healthcare provider, as it may cause side-effects or interactions with other medications.[8]

    • If your doctor is unfamiliar with this particular supplement, inform them that its 3 main ingredients are a patented oil extract from green lipped mussels ("Perna Caniculusa"), which contains omega-3 fatty acids, including both EPA and DHA. The formula also contains vitamin E and monounsaturated olive oil.[9]

  2. 2

    Tell your doctor about any allergies you may have. Be sure to tell your doctor about any allergies or food intolerances you have, however mild. In particular, tell them if you are allergic to fish or shellfish. Your doctor will tell you if Omega XL is safe for you to take.[10]

  3. 3

    Disclose any medications that you take regularly. Omega XL may have interactions with other drugs. Be sure to tell your doctor about all prescription or non-prescription medications and supplements you are taking. In particular, Omega XL may cause interactions with:[11]

    • Anticoagulant and anti-platelet drugs
    • Blood pressure drugs
    • Contraceptive medications

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  • Omega XL offers a 90-day money back guarantee, less shipping and handling if you order online.


  • In some cases, Omega XL may cause heartburn, nausea, and diarrhea.[12]

  • Exceeding the recommended dose of Omega XL may result in increased bleeding, bloating, or intestinal gas.[13]

  • See your doctor right away if you experience side effects like dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, prolonged bleeding, skin rash, difficulty breathing, or difficulty swallowing.[14]


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What are the side effects of taking OmegaXL?

Omega XL Side Effects The negative effects of Omega XL dietary supplements are moderate and include abdominal pain, nausea, burping, and gastric disturbances.

How long does it take for OmegaXL to work?

Taking Omega-3 for Heart Health If you're taking omega-3 fatty acids to improve overall heart health and reduce the additional risk factors as well, the medical center reports that it takes about the same amount of time for the supplement to work as it does for cholesterol, which is two to three weeks.

Is OmegaXL good for lowering cholesterol?

Cholesterol Treatment The combination of omega 3-fatty acids in Omega XL lowers your cholesterol and prevents heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids also decrease your risks of a heart attack or stroke because they help keep your arteries clear of blockages.

What is the best time to take OmegaXL?

Because most of the benefits of fish oil are associated with long-term use, you can take it at any time of day. That said, splitting your supplement into two smaller doses in the morning and at night can reduce acid reflux.


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