What percentage of your income should your mortgage be dave ramsey


Have a Mortgage Question?

Looking for answers to your questions about mortgages? We have got you covered. Learn more about real estate and loan terms, selling your home, and loan applications.

A: A lot of weight is put on a FICO® Score because it’s an easy way to do a quick risk assessment. If you don’t have a FICO® Score it can make qualifying for a mortgage a little more difficult, but not impossible. Many lenders do not offer no credit score loans.

A: Yes, Churchill Mortgage accommodates this type of loan on a regular basis with expertise. We work hard to make sure you are not penalized for non-traditional credit. Our Home Loan Specialists are professionally trained to help you get a smarter mortgage that can be paid-off quickly, so you can return to a debt-free lifestyle as soon as possible.

A: Typically, you must have four alternative credit tradelines with the most recent consecutive 12-month payment history from the creditor stating each were paid on time. Examples of alternative credit can be: cell phone bills, utility bills, insurance that’s paid monthly or quarterly (but not payroll deducted), school tuition, child care, or rent payments. If you are living rent free, a conventional loan without a 12-month rental payment history will require 12 months of assets to cover your principal and interest (P&I), taxes, property, flood, and mortgage insurance premiums. Click here to download our How to Buy a Home with Zero

A: We’ve found that a 15-year fixed rate loan with a 20 percent down payment gives you the best chance for approval. This type of loan eliminates the need for private mortgage insurance (PMI) and presents a lower risk to the loan servicer.

A: With no credit score available, an underwriter will go through your documentation to establish a history of payments for alternative credit. Don’t look for quick answers during this process. It can take about three times longer than a normal borrower file and sometimes additional documentation will be requested. Give your underwriter at least 60 days to look into the loan risks before issuing approval. Your Home Loan Specialist is always available to give a more detailed timeline for the underwriting process and to assist writing a contract closing date.

A: Don’t sign any sales contracts for a home purchase without protective contingencies to cover you in the contract. You’ll also want to make the sale contingent upon being fully approved, otherwise all earnest money can be returned to the buyer. Stay away from any 100 percent commitments until you know your loan has been “cleared to close” and there aren’t any other conditions needed.

A: Dave Ramsey recommends a 15-year, fixed-rate conventional loan. A conventional loan is not secured by a government agency, making it a little trickier to qualify if you don’t have a credit score. Requirements for a conventional loan with no credit score means you need at least 12 months of flawless payment history on eligible monthly bills, and you may also need to take a homeownership education class. If you do qualify for a conventional loan the benefits far outweigh the effort needed to qualify! We do have other no score loan options ranging including but not limited to FHA and VA.

A: First, fill out the form and connect with one of our Home Loan Specialists. Then determine how much you want your mortgage payment to be each month. We recommend no more than 25% of your take-home pay. Check out the How Much House Can I Afford? calculator to help you crunch the numbers! Next, you’ll want to review your Total Cost Analysis provided by your Home Loan Specialist.

A: Churchill Mortgage and Dave Ramsey are closely aligned through shared principles and core values. The two teams work together to help Americans buy homes the smart way and ultimately become debt-free. This is what we call the real American Dream. Churchill is the only lender that does that, and therefore, the only lender the Dave Ramsey talks about on his show.

If you’re looking to buy a new home - particularly if it’s your first home - you’re probably asking yourself a few big questions. “How much house can I afford?” is likely at the top of that list.

It makes sense, too, as this is a pretty significant concern. Ensuring that you can not only qualify for a certain level of mortgage but then continue making those payments for as many as 30 years is a tall order. Luckily, we have a few tips for calculating your own mortgage sweet spot.

Deal of the Day: Chase is now offering a $200 cash bonus when opening a Total Checking® Account. No minimum deposit and all deposits are FDIC insured up to the $250,000 per depositor maximum. Learn More

Needs vs. Wants

If you’re considering buying a home, it helps to know how much you can afford. This will tell you the dollar amount you need to stay below to make a financially wise home-buying decision.

It's very important to think of this question from two different perspectives, though.

The first is simply, how high of a mortgage will you qualify for? The answer to this question depends on a lot of factors. Some of these factors include your income, existing debts, interest rates, credit history, and credit score.

(In a moment, we'll look at several calculations that most lenders use to evaluate mortgage applicants. That way, you can narrow this answer down a bit before you even begin the application process.)

The second perspective is a bit more subjective: how much home do you really need? Just because you can qualify for a mortgage doesn’t mean that you should.

Banks will qualify you for as much as possible, given their existing underwriting policies. But just because the money is available doesn’t mean you should take it. This is where you need to rein in your wants to make a smart mortgage decision.

Let's look at five ways to calculate how much house you can afford, beginning with a standard rule of thumb.


1. Multiply Your Annual Income by 2.5 or 3

This was the basic rule of thumb for many years. Simply take your gross income and multiply it by 2.5 or 3 to get the maximum value of the home you can afford. For somebody making $100,000 a year, the maximum purchase price on a new home should be somewhere between $250,000 and $300,000.

Keep in mind that this is a very general rule of thumb, and several factors will influence the results. For example, the lower the interest rate you can obtain, the higher the home value you can afford on the same income.

This is one reason why your credit score is so important. A good credit score of 760 or higher could net you an interest rate that is 1.5% lower than if you had a fair score of, say, 620. A 1.5% lower rate can easily translate into savings of tens of thousands of dollars over the life of a mortgage.

If you don’t know your credit score, you can get your FICO score for free from one of several credit scoring companies.

Also, keep in mind that others may suggest using higher or lower multiples to determine your ideal home purchase price. I’ve seen banks recommend ratios as low as 1.5 times your salary or as high as five times your salary. I think that for most situations, a good starting point is 2.5 times your income.

2. The 28% Front-End Ratio

When banks evaluate your home loan application, they will look at one very important calculation in particular. This is known as your housing-expense-to-income ratio.

Also called the front-end ratio, banks will take your projected housing expenses for the home you want to buy and divide them by your total monthly income. Generally, mortgage companies are looking for a ratio of 28% or less.

For example, let’s say that your income is $10,000 a month. Judging by this, most banks would qualify you for a loan (subject to other factors, of course), so long as your total housing expenses do not exceed $2,800 each month. This means that your mortgage payment (principal and interest), property taxes, PMI (if required), and homeowner’s insurance all need to stay below this threshold.

While the 28% mortgage-to-income ratio is followed by many institutions, some will qualify a borrower with a slightly higher ratio. Again, it all depends on the lender, your credit history, and other individual factors.

Resource: 11 Home-Buying Programs for Low-Income Families

3. The 36% Rule

Even if your housing-expense-to-income ratio is 28% or less, you still have one more hurdle to clear: the debt-to-income ratio.

Also referred to as the back-end ratio, this takes into account your total monthly minimum debt payments and then divides them by your gross income. This ratio is used in conjunction with the front-end ratio above, to give lenders a holistic view of your financial situation. With these two in mind, they'll be able to make a clearer determination as to whether or not you'll be approved for your requested mortgage loan.

All sorts of debt payments are taken into account for the back-end ratio. These include not only your projected mortgage, but also minimum credit card payments, auto loans, student loans, and any other payments on debt. Even child support payments are included.

Bankers typically are looking for a back-end ratio of no more than 36%, although some will go a bit higher than this. To relate both the 28% front-end and 36% back-end numbers, here is a chart showing the calculations for various income levels:

Gross Income28% of Monthly Gross Income36% of Monthly Gross Income
$20,000 $467 $600
$30,000 $700 $900
$40,000 $933 $1,200
$50,000 $1,167 $1,500
$60,000 $1,400 $1,800
$80,000 $1,867 $2,400
$100,000 $2,333 $3,000
$150,000 $3,500 $4,500

4. Special FHA Rules

An FHA mortgage has special rules set by the government. This means there is less “wiggle room” when qualifying for these loans versus conventional mortgage products.

For the mortgage payment expense-to-income ratio (front-end), the percentage cannot be greater than 29%. Since this is the government we’re talking about, you won’t be able to sweet-talk your way into getting that waived for an extra percentage point or two, either. For the back-end ratio, the maximum to still qualify for an FHA loan tops out at 41%.

Note that although FHA loans are government-sponsored, you will still apply for the loans through private banks and mortgage companies. If you’d like to get see current rates, check out our mortgage rates, which are updated daily.

Note that although FHA loans are government-sponsored, you will still apply for the loans through private banks and mortgage companies.

Read more: How to Qualify for an HFA Morgage

5. The Dave Ramsey Mortgage

Dave Ramsey takes a very conservative approach to home-buying. If you can swing it, he believes you should pay cash for a home. Of course, this is a tall order for many people who struggle to just save up enough for the down payment.

If you do have to take out a mortgage, Ramsey says you should finance your home with a 15-year mortgage (rather than a 30-year). He also says that your mortgage payments, including insurance and taxes, should be no more than 25% of your take-home pay. Lastly, he believes that you should not buy a home until you have at least a 20% down payment.

If you decide to follow Dave's approach, simply divide the amount of down payment you have available by .20. For example, if you have $25,000 saved for a down payment, the maximum amount you could spend on a home would be $125,000 ($25,000 / .20).

Using this example, you'd finance $100,000 with a 15-year mortgage through your lender of choice. At prevailing rates, and making some assumptions about insurance and taxes, the monthly payment would be somewhere in the vicinity of $1,000.

Of course, you'll also need to ensure that you have the income to handle the mortgage payments, especially since you'll be paying more each month with a 15-year note than you would with a 30-year. Here is a table of your maximum monthly payment under the Dave Ramsey approach to mortgages. (I've assumed that the take-home pay is 75% of gross income.)

Gross IncomeMonthly Take-HomeMaximum Monthly Payment
$20,000 $1,250 $312
$30,000 $1,875 $468
$40,000 $2,500 $625
$50,000 $3,125 $781
$60,000 $3,750 $937
$80,000 $5,000 $1,250
$100,000 $6,250 $1,562
$150,000 $9,375 $2,343

If you are a first-time homebuyer, following Dave's approach is going to be very difficult. Heck, it may even be difficult if you are buying your second or third home. We certainly could not have bought our first or second home under these conditions, but it's still an approach to consider.

Related: How to Buy a House with No Money Down


What house can I afford on $50k a year?

How much house you can afford with $50,000 a year depends on your situation, interest rate and credit score — as well as your down payment. If you work backward, a salary of $50,000 a year amounts to $4,166 per month. If you follow the 30% rule, you’d want your mortgage payment to be no more than $1,250 per month. At that point, with a 3.34% interest rate, you could borrow $285,000. This doesn’t account for taxes and insurance, so keep that in mind as well.

How much should you spend on a house?

Your comfort level and financial situation dictate how much you should spend on a house. Try to make sure that you can easily make your payments. There’s a rule of thumb that says 30% of your income should be spent on a house. However, you might be more comfortable with spending only 25%.

How much house can I afford - rule of thumb

The rule of thumb is that your mortgage payment, including principal, interest, insurance, and taxes, should amount to no more than 30% of your pre-tax income. However, other people tweak this rule of thumb to use after-tax income instead of pre-tax, or drop the number to 25% of your monthly income.

How to calculate an affordable mortgage

When calculating an affordable mortgage, make sure you think about how much you can comfortably pay each month. Items to consider include your other expenses, including other debt payments you have. One of the rules that some lenders use to determine whether you qualify for the best terms is the 28/36 qualifying ratio. This ratio says your mortgage payment shouldn’t amount to more than 28% of your monthly income and your total debt payments — including the new mortgage — should amount to no more than 36% of your monthly income.

I make $70k a year; how much house can I afford?

How much mortgage you can afford depends on your situation and what you’re comfortable with. However, if you make $70,000 a year, your monthly income is about $5,833. If you use the 30% rule, your mortgage payment should be no more than $1,750 per month. Figuring a 30-year mortgage at 3.312% interest, you could potentially borrow close to $400,000. However, how much you can afford depends on your credit, down payment, and other costs like taxes and insurance.

Next Steps

Shop for Home Insurance

You now know how to calculate the home that you can realistically (and responsibly) afford. Now you may have some financial plans to set in motion. Maybe you realize that you need to save up a bit more for your down payment. Or perhaps you need to adjust the home price that you’re seeking.

It’s always wise to get your credit in tip-top shape before mortgage shopping. A good credit score will help you snag the best possible interest rate available. This may take a few months (or longer!). So it’s wise to start cleaning up your report as soon as you can if needed.

A quick way to get started on this is by signing up for Experian Boost™. This service can track your positive monthly payments and use that information to give your FICO Score a boost. Start now for free or read more about it in our Experian Boost Review.

Related: What Credit Score Do You Need to Buy a Home?

Finally, if you are saving to buy your first home, a great tool to track your finances is Personal Capital’s free financial dashboard. Connect your accounts and it will track your spending, saving, and even your investments.

Ready to buy? Read our guide on How to Buy Your First Home

Is 30% of income too much for mortgage?

The 28% rule states that you should spend 28% or less of your monthly gross income on your mortgage payment (e.g. principal, interest, taxes and insurance). To determine how much you can afford using this rule, multiply your monthly gross income by 28%.

What's the 50 30 20 budget rule?

Key Takeaways The rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must-have or must-do. The remaining half should be split up between 20% savings and debt repayment and 30% to everything else that you might want.

What is the 36% rule?

A Critical Number For Homebuyers One way to decide how much of your income should go toward your mortgage is to use the 28/36 rule. According to this rule, your mortgage payment shouldn't be more than 28% of your monthly pre-tax income and 36% of your total debt. This is also known as the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio.

How much do you have to make a year to afford a $500000 house?

Generally speaking, mortgage lenders say that you can afford to buy a house that's 2.5 to 3 times greater than your annual salary. So in order to buy a $500,000 house, you would need to make at least $167,000 to meet the 2.5x income requirement.


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