Where do you see yourself in 5 years time career objectives and aspirations

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

  • Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.
  • Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.
  • Post your answer now.

Nitin Bharti said: (Oct 29, 2022)  
In next five years, I would see myself as a person with more knowledge and experience and look for new opportunities which will improve my skills and enhance my knowledge I think that working in your organization will improve my experience and expertise.


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Nimish said: (Oct 29, 2022)  
After 5 years, I'll see myself working in your organization with good analytical skills, business skills and high gain practical knowledge. I'd be a more open-minded person than before willing to serve any struggles for our company. If I get selected for this job, I would've gained more innovative aspects and a trustworthy person.



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Nishay said: (Oct 22, 2022)  
If I am selected by your company then in the next five years, I would be more knowledgeable in my field and I will always try to giving my best.


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Princess said: (Oct 19, 2022)  
5 years from now, I see myself as a teacher.


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Swathi said: (Oct 18, 2022)  
I will be in a better position and for that, I improve my skills and knowledge in that role.


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Harpreetsingh said: (Oct 17, 2022)  
After 5 years, I see myself in a respectable position and a highly skilled knowledgeable person in my area of interest and domain.


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Sonali said: (Oct 11, 2022)  
I want to see myself more grown technically and at much higher position, and grow along with organization.


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Phibakordor Diengdoh said: (Oct 9, 2022)  
If I'm selected by your company then in the next five years I would be more knowledgeable in my field, becoming a responsible personality and contributing to the growth of the organisation.

But if I'm not selected, I will still see myself growing and working in another reputable organization.


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Lyn said: (Sep 30, 2022)  
In the next 5 years, I see myself as a Responsible and successful person, with your company.
I can show more of my ability and skills.


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Himanshu said: (Sep 26, 2022)  
After 5 years, I want to see myself a respectable position and I want to become a part of the success of your company.

And also I want to be in that position where I'll be an inspiration for others.


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Ishan Dorge said: (Sep 22, 2022)  
In the next 5 years, I see myself in a good position and better life.

I will grow myself with more skill sets and experience.

It will help the company to grow further.


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SinghD said: (Sep 22, 2022)  
I firmly believe in self-development and knowledge enhancement, so for sure, I will develop myself and gain more knowledge in the next 5 years to be a better version of myself.

So me and my organization both can grow together.


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Rish said: (Sep 21, 2022)  
In the next five years, I want to see myself as more responsible, knowledgeable and experienced. I will make sure that I explore skills and used opportunities so that I can contribute and share my knowledge, see myself learning and growing with every experience and last of course want to be happy.

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Dattaprasad K said: (Sep 21, 2022)  
For me, in the next five years, I want to see myself in one of the most responsible and knowledgeable people in my Organization and I want to achieve all my success in my life and a good person in life.


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Abhishek said: (Sep 21, 2022)  
In the next five years, I will work hard to improve my mental and physical skills by accepting challenges in life and seeing myself as a better human than today.

In the end, I see myself going to bed with a smile on my face.


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Ravada Jayaram said: (Sep 19, 2022)  
Five years from now, I see myself as a knowledgeable professional having in-depth knowledge about the company and be in a senior position in that company.


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Jopi said: (Sep 16, 2022)  
After 5 years, I will become the CEO of your company. And fire you guys. Who asked me these stupid questions? After firing I will ask you guys. Where do you see yourself in the next 5yrs. Thank you for this wondeful oppurtunity guys. I hope for a positive response from your side. :).

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Sakshi said: (Sep 13, 2022)  
After 5 years, I want to be at that position where I'll be inspiration for others.


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Pritam Datta said: (Sep 13, 2022)  
For a fresher like me, the initial years make for a solid foundation over which I can build my career, and I can ask for no better organisation than yours. I would like to serve the company for as long as I can have an enriching career. From what I have heard, mentors take recruits under their wing in a tailored approach. In the next couple of years, I plan to polish my skills and deliver my full potential to every project I am assigned.


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Eden Zemene said: (Aug 28, 2022)  
After five years, I see myself in a good position and a better life.


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Rohit said: (Aug 23, 2022)  
I will say in the next 5 years I see myself in a responsible position with more knowledge, skills, and experience. I will use these years to gain more knowledge and experience so that I can reach the position I want to be in. Life is all about learning, and surely I will look for opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge. I think if I join this organisation, I will get opportunities to enhance my existing skills and knowledge. I will get the exposure that will help me reach my goal.

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Richa said: (Aug 18, 2022)  
In next 5 years, I see myself to hold a responsible position, with more knowledge, skills and experience. I would love to invest my next few years in upskilling myself in accordance with company requirements and contributing to the company's growth, with better version of me. Also, I would like to help people in all manners.


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Rahul Jindal said: (Aug 16, 2022)  
In next 5 years, I see myself working at a lead position, with more knowledge, skills and experience.

I would be more mature regarding my personality, decision making for the company and taking it to new heights. I would love to invest my next few years in upskilling myself in accordance with industry requirements and put in hard work becoming the better than yesterday.


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Shashi Singh said: (Aug 13, 2022)  
In the first 3 years, I see myself gaining experience in development and contributing to the company's growth. In the later 2 years, I see myself training new hires and building new products which can be game changers for the company.


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Abhishek Kumar said: (Aug 5, 2022)  
No one knows about the future. But if I got selected in your company, then definitely I achieve a good position in your company through my hard work.


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Jayshri Bawankule said: (Jul 28, 2022)  
Down the line 5 years, I want to learn all new technologies. That my company is working on.

And I want to become a go-to person, whenever there is any kind of problem in any team. I should be able to give a solution for that.


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Varsha said: (Jul 28, 2022)  
In 5 years I will see myself as end to end expertise in software developer domain, I hope this job gives me that opportunity.


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Abhishek Yadav said: (Jul 21, 2022)  
No one knows about the future. So, today I work best for company then I will definitly in better position in 5 years.

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Ruchi said: (Jul 18, 2022)  
I will be the bestest version of me and do what I really like, follow my profession, make my family proud of me and make myself remarkable in some good works.


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Ram_05 said: (Jul 12, 2022)  
I will see myself in a position which I am capable of and I promise that I will give my 100 percent effort.


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Anusha said: (Jul 8, 2022)  
I don't know what happens after 5 years, but I try to achieve a good position in my dream company and work hard for this achievement I must get this position.


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Aarya said: (Jul 6, 2022)  
In 5 years, I would like to see myself in a leading position with more responsibility, skills and knowledge.

I would be more mature regarding my personality taking decision for this organisation and encourage my Juniors give their best.

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Sreekar said: (Jul 3, 2022)  
I Would like to see myself as a Highly skilled Person in my Profession.


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Suvam said: (Jun 30, 2022)  
Five or Ten years does not matter to me because I want to see myself growing, developing new skills even five days from now. But also I like to set goals for myself so that I can keep chasing them, and also improving myself, So I visualize myself in a managerial post five to ten years from now.


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Aryan Nim said: (Jun 27, 2022)  
After 5 years, I see myself in a good position in this company and I leading my team as a leader I also see myself in a higher position than yours.


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Sanchi said: (Jun 25, 2022)  
In the next 5/10 years, I see myself as a respected person who is working in a reputed company that gives me high salary and where I can put the knowledge that I learned for the past years. I also see myself in a library reading a book using my past time where I can learn more things, in short I will not stop learning and growing. I see myself living the dream that I set on my mind, becoming a simple and respected lady. That's all thank you.


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Dathu said: (Jun 4, 2022)  
In the next 5 years, I would focus more on improving my skills. I see myself as a respected person. Then I develop my knowledge. I will be a better person than now. I believe that my hard work allows me to a leading position and to become a civil servant to serve India. After that, I enjoy travelling with my parents around the world.

Thank you.


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Farheen Fathima Shaik said: (Jun 4, 2022)  
In the next five years, I wanted to see myself in a good position. As I am interested to learn new things all the time, I will definitely get updated on each. And I want to become a responsible person for the Organization. Also want to become such a way, whenever I go the shopping, without seeing the price tag I need to buy the things. What I meant to say is I want to grow much in my life.


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Arthi said: (Jun 4, 2022)  
I would like to see myself in the same company but in a better position and also want to see me in your position taking interview for other candidates within 5 years.


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HARDIK said: (May 28, 2022)  
In 5 years, I see myself in a good position working at a reputed firm like yours. I see myself as becoming more skilled, more efficient, and professional. I want to devote the next few years to learning new skills taking up challenging work, working on different projects, contributing as much as I can, and putting my hard work to see myself advancing to the next level.

In short, I want to be a better version of myself today and make my parents proud.


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Akil Chauhan said: (May 28, 2022)  
I would like to see myself in the same company but in a better position with knowledge and ethics of organisations which will help me and company grow.


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Ruth said: (May 25, 2022)  
After 5 years, I see myself in a good position and working with a reputed company such as yours. I always wanted to see myself grow in management with good skills and more knowledge where I can make decisions and innovate ideas for a team in order to see myself and the organization in the highest place.


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Shahni said: (May 25, 2022)  
I don't know what happens after 5 years, but I try to achieve a good position in my dream company and do work hard for this achievement I must get this position.


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Ramandeep Kaur said: (May 18, 2022)  
I May have a lot of experiences and skills and I will be financially strong.

I will have a personality which my parents will be proud of.


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Kiram said: (May 17, 2022)  
I would learn new things which I will put lots of effort to gain and fill a higher position in the organization to lead a team and give aspiration and motivation.

I would feel I am valued by the company and will be a good asset.


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Bratin Kanrar said: (May 5, 2022)  
In five years, I hope to have gained more experience in my role.

So, I would like to see myself as a project manager in a reputed company like yours after the next 5 years. And I want to take leadership of some good projects as a project manager.


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Sunanda Shukla said: (Apr 27, 2022)  
In 5 years, I see myself in a good position and I will make sure that the company don't want to lose me. I see myself as becoming more skilled, more efficient and professional. I want to devote the next few years learning new skills taking up challenging work and putting my hardwork to see myself advancing to the next level.


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Ehkamul Haq said: (Apr 26, 2022)  
Using my experience, and learning new things, I will improve my skills continuously with hard work.

In the next 5 years down the line, I want to see myself in a higher position in the company where I can be fruitful to the company as well as fruitful to myself.

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Manisha said: (Apr 26, 2022)  
I don't know what will be happened in the next 5 years. But yes, I see Myself leaving peaceful and calm or doing my dream job as data scientist in a big company. With knowledge, & experience and skilled person.


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Where do you see yourself five years from now?

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What are your objectives and where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years, I want to complete the internal training program for my position. I've read about it on your website, and I think it's a fabulous program. Not only would I get all the training for my role, but I would be on the fast track to becoming a project manager. That's my top career goal.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years best answer?

In next five years, I would see myself as a person with more knowledge and experience and look for new opportunities which will improve my skills and enhance my knowledge I think that working in your organization will improve my experience and expertise.


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