Why are fossil fuels considered a nonrenewable energy source

Fossil energy sources, including oil, coal and natural gas, are non-renewable resources that formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and were gradually buried by layers of rock. Over millions of years, different types of fossil fuels formed -- depending on what combination of organic matter was present, how long it was buried and what temperature and pressure conditions existed as time passed.

Today, fossil fuel industries drill or mine for these energy sources, burn them to produce electricity, or refine them for use as fuel for heating or transportation. Over the past 20 years, nearly three-fourths of human-caused emissions came from the burning of fossil fuels.

The Energy Department maintains emergency petroleum reserves, ensures responsible development of America’s oil and gas resources and executes natural gas regulatory responsibilities. In addition, scientists at the Energy Department’s National Labs are developing technologies to reduce carbon emissions and ensure fossil energy sources play a role in America’s clean energy future.

The Energy Department is committed to safe development of America’s natural gas resources.


The Energy Department works to ensure domestic and global oil supplies are environmentally sustainable and maintains emergency petroleum stockpiles.


Coal is the largest domestically produced source of energy in America and is used to generate a significant amount of our nation’s electricity.


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Why are Fossil Fuels Non Renewable Resources

Fossil fuels are everywhere. They are in the air we breath, the ground we walk on, and even the oceans and seas we swim in. All these contain abundant supplies of fossil fuels, so why are fossil fuels non renewable.

So where do fossil fuels come from. As their collective name indicates, “fossil fuels” are formed from the preserved remains of long dead plants, animals and creatures whose remains are buried deep underground.

Over the course of tens of millions of years, these carbon-based deposits have been converted by the combined effect of heat, pressure and bacterial action gradually changing this dead plant matter into a combustible organic fuel such as coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Then nearly all fossil fuels are derived from dead organic matter.

Anthracite Coal is a Fossil Fuel

Most of the world’s energy we consume is obtained by the burning of fossil fuels with the major sources being coal, petroleum and natural gas. These carbon based materials took millions of year to form so we cannot make more of it in a short space of time. That’s why these types of fuel sources are called non-renewable.

Today, people all around the world use these naturally occurring fuels to meet nearly all of their energy needs, such as powering cars, producing electricity for light and for heating their homes. They generate energy and heat through burning in air or with oxygen derived from air called “combustion”.

The energy released by fossil fuel combustion can then be used for a variety of different purposes.

Fossil Fuel Uses

The simplest devices that uses them as a fuel source are stoves in which people can take advantage of the heat produced from their combustion and for some people, burning solid wood and coal can make the difference between being comfortably warm and freezing.

Cars and vehicles use fossil fuel oil in the form of gasoline or diesel oil to power their internal combustion engines and in the form of refined oils for lubrication of the engine. Coal is another important fossil fuel used for the production of electricity where the vast majority of electrical power stations burn them solely for this purpose.

Natural gas, which is a mixture of naturally-occurring methane with other hydrocarbons and inert gases combined, is used to provide cooking, water heating and space heating for homes, businesses and public buildings around the world.

Because their use is so widespread, fossil fuels are a popular source of energy because they are considered to be convenient, effective, plentiful, and inexpensive, with many believing that there are no practical and available alternatives to fossil fuels for most of their energy needs, so they continue to be heavily used. But there are some signs indicating that the world is going to face an energy crisis in the near future.

Increased worldwide energy use and consumption of both coal and natural gas means that scientists are constantly looking for new technologies and ways of making them work more efficiently and reduce pollution. But electricity generated by new sources of energy called alternative energy, such as wind turbines and solar panels is still three times more expensive than electricity produced by conventional gas or coal powered electric generators.

Many believe that renewable and alternative energy sources which are natural, continuous, largely available and environmentally benign are the way forward. Fossil fuels and alternative energy sources both have a lot of similarities and also differences.

For example, they both come from natural sources and are commonly used around the world both providing energy efficiently. However, while alternative fuels are environmentally friendly and may last forever, carbon based fuels are the main cause of global pollution, are limited in supply. Not all carbon fuels are safe to store or handle. The fracking of shale gas is one such problem.

Non-renewable Fossil Fuels in Modern Life

Modern life would be impossible without fossil fuels, and in many ways these natural fuels have benefited millions of people for thousands of years. The fact that they are everywhere means that it is nearly impossible to take any action without using them and today our world is completely dependent on these naturally occurring fuels for its energy needs.

Are fossil fuels still being created today. Yes, but they are being consumed at much greater rates than they are being generated so the supply of some types of fossil fuel is likely to run out in the not-too-distant future. Therefore, they are considered non-renewable for this very reason. Then we can say that fossil fuels are a “non-sustainable resource”.

Natural Gas is a Fossil Fuel

Yes, fossil fuels are a non-renewable resources with the current supplies taking a very long time to form deep below the Earth’s crust. The problem is that these supplies will be mined and used long before the Earth has had a chance to replace them through its natural processes.

Even now, extracting fossil fuels is a major drawback to using them. Countries that do not have natural reserves of oil and natural gas must depend greatly on those other countries that do and as we know, burning fossil fuels contributes to air and water pollution as well as global warming.

Most existing technology and infrastructure is designed around the use of fossil fuels. Transport systems are already in place. Pipelines for oil and natural gas as well as trucks and ships for petroleum products move them around to where they are needed. Consumers can buy the fossil fuel related products they use on practically every corner in every town.

It remains to be seen whether fossil fuels will continue to meet the majority of the world’s energy needs or if the use of alternative and renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, or hydro energy will eventually surpass petroleum, natural gas, and coal. Regardless of this, it must be acknowledged that the supply of these non-renewable resources is finite, and therefore they should be used judiciously and wisely after all they can be defined by the simple expression of “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”.

To gain a better understanding of how “Fossil Fuels” were formed, or to obtain more detailed information and tutorials about the various types of non-renewable resources available on the planet, then Click Here today to get your copy from Amazon of one of the top books about Fossil Fuels and other non-renewable energy sources.


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