Why do koreans like iced americano

Coffee in South Korea

I thought Korea would be a tea country. It’s a major green tea producer and every guidebook lists visiting a tea house in Seoul as a “must” experience. But I’ve been living here for months, and nobody has ever invited me for tea. Coffee, on the other hand, is everywhere. Toss a stone and you’re bound to break the window of an Angel-In-Us, A Twosome Place, Ediya Coffee, Caffé Bene or Holly’s, all ubiquitous coffee shop chains, not to mention dozens upon dozens of independent coffee shops and stands.

I love coffee and make a point of immersing myself in local coffee culture wherever I go. So when I got here, I was eager to see: would Korean coffee be like a New Zealand flat white or a Spanish cortado? Is it refined like French latte or Italian cappuccino, or more like the humble American “mud” or cup o’ Joe? Do they take it super sweet, Cuban style, or with a dash of liquor Viennese style? Would it be cooked in an elegant bronze pot, like in Istanbul, or perhaps Korea takes after its neighbor, Japan, with some variation on origami coffee for the home?

When I first asked my closest friend here what kind of coffee Koreans drink, he looked at me with a sheepish, slightly embarrassed look. We were at the supermarket, so he took me to the coffee aisle and reached for a bright yellow box of Maxim’s “keo-pi mik-suh” (Coffee Mix). “This,” he replied.

The packaged tubes of instant powdered coffee were, until recently, what most Koreans drank to power themselves through the day. I decided to buy some. After one sip, I suddenly felt like I had unraveled the mystery of Korea’s economic miracle, why the nation never sleeps. Maxim’s is now my drink of choice for late-night work binges.

I learned later, over some cups of “Dutch coffee,” a slow-drip premium preferred among coffee snobs here, that Maxim’s was now uncool. The latest coffee craze here was the Americano. Listen in at the register of any coffee shop, and that’s what you’ll hear people ordering. I’ll be frank, I hate the Americano. I mean, who thinks that a watered down espresso could ever be a quality coffee experience? What’s more, as an American who’s lived in Europe, I have a personal axe to grind about the confusion around the misnamed “Americano”. No, it is not Americans’ preferred form of coffee!

Still, digging deeper into this sudden rise of the Americano, I began to rethink the drink’s appeal for Koreans in broader cultural terms. The first explanation I found was status: a cup of coffee in Korea is expensive. Periodically, newspapers will run editorials lamenting the sad case of the working girl on her lunch break, who pays 5,000 won for a set menu, and then another 5,000 won to be seen drinking a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

The Americano is also weak coffee. It’s palatable to those who don’t really like coffee. By and large, Korean coffee culture is that of mass consumer culture – an American style of franchised consumerism ramped up by Korea’s “Chaebol” mega-corporations. If you’re looking for convenient conformity, the Americano is the drink for you.

When I ask my students: but why coffee? Why not tea? I get a third clue: “Because tea’s too complicated to serve.” Korean tea has a rich tradition, elaborate etiquette, and many rituals surrounding how it’s served and for what occasions. This is how the Americano has conquered Korea. Tea is the messy burdensome past, coffee the hopeful, carefree future—even if it does taste bad.

Absolutely beloved in South Korea, the Korean iced americano is the go-to coffee beverage for most people living in the nation. Korean iced americanos are loved mostly because they are affordable and do not contain milk. 

They also serve as a great energy boost for most workers and students alike who need the energy in going about their daily activities and late-night studies. 

This article explores all you need to know about Korean iced americano, how to make them and the benefits they offer.

Korean iced americano is a coffee drink made by mixing cold water or ice with shots of espresso. The coffee directly mixes with the cold water or ice while being manually poured and becomes instantly chilled during brewing. 

To make this beloved beverage, you’ll need some ice, 1 double shot espresso, and water (preferably cold).

Why is iced americano popular in Korea?

Iced americanos are relatively popular in Korea because of their low pricing and high caffeine content. Also, they do not contain milk making them the preferred choice for those who like their drinks bitter. 

The younger generation also prefers the iced americano because of certain coffee trends or following the culture of visiting cafés after a meal to socialize. 

Because of how popular the coffee trend and culture have become in South Korea, coffee has become a major aspect of the average citizen’s life.

In fact, there is a coffee convention known as the “Seoul International Café Show”. This is arguably the biggest coffee show in Asia. 

The Seoul International Café Show is an annual show that mostly showcases the various types of coffee, tea, bakery products, chocolate, ice cream, and dessert among other attractions. It also serves as a great way for Koreans to share their passion for the coffee culture.

SEE: What Makes The Panda Milk Tea So Unique?

What is the difference between Korean iced americano and regular iced americano?

There is actually no difference between the Korean iced americano and the regular iced americano. Most people claim that the difference lies in the individual taste bud and add-on sweeteners used. However, they literally use the same ingredients for their brewing.

Unlike Americans who prefer sweet treats and desserts, Koreans are known for their love of desserts and drink that lack that sweetness or richness from adding cream to beverages. 

Yes, sweet drinks exist in Korea, but most Koreans prefer taking their iced americanos without the use of additional sweeteners.

SEE: Why Sweet Tea Goes Bad and How To Preserve Them

Is iced americano healthy? 

Yes, Korean iced americano is relatively healthy and can also help in weight management as it speeds up the breakdown of calories. The iced americano also helps in suppressing hunger and can boost your performance during physical activities. This makes it suitable for weight loss. 

A large cup of Korean iced americano contains about 3 grams of carbohydrates and 15 calories. It also does not contain fat and added sugar. However, this solely depends on it being plain americano without the addition of add-ons like sweeteners or cream.

If you would prefer your americano with some milk, then skimmed milk would be the healthiest option.

SEE: What Is A Creamer? Uses, Types, Benefits & Warning

How do you make iced americano?

Iced americanos are among the easiest espresso drinks you can make and only require the use of espresso, ice, and water. 

To make your refreshing cup of iced americano, start by pouring espresso into a cup of cold water then topping it off with some iced cubes or crushed ice. Adding the expresso to the water and not the other way around gives your iced americano a much thicker and brownish foam. 

To get the best results, make use of freshly made espresso. The hot espresso rapidly cools down as you pour it into the cold water and add some ice cubes.

There is no standard measurement for the amount of cold water that should be used for your iced americano. This solely depends on how strong you want the taste of your espresso to be. Adding less water means you want a richer espresso flavor in your iced americano. 

The espresso for your iced americano is ideally made with dark roasted coffee. However, you can make use of a blonde roast to achieve a smoother flavor with more caffeine. You can also make use of a ristretto if you prefer a less bitter taste.

What does iced americano taste like?

Korean iced americano has a slightly acidic taste and strong flavor with low bitter notes that you’d commonly find in coffees. The slightly acidic taste is a result of the expresso being initially made with hot water.

Since it isn’t sweet, it contains little amounts of calories and carbs and would not make you gain weight. This makes it a preferred choice to Koreans in contrast to caffeine beverages like lattes that contain milk and sugar.

SEE: Is Green Tea Good for Weight Loss? What You Need to Know


Does iced americano contain milk?

No, iced americano does not contain milk or sweeteners. However, milk or cream can be offered as side options.

Can hypertensive patients take iced americano?

Yes, hypertensive patients can enjoy a cup of iced americano. Although studies have shown that caffeine has a temporary effect on the increase of blood pressure, moderate consumption of caffeinated drinks and coffee won’t put hypertensive patients at risk.

Does iced americano contain sugar?

No, iced americano is sugar-free and is made by pouring espresso into cold water and adding ice. This results in a coffee drink that is high in caffeine and low in carbs.


Korean iced americano has certainly become popular, both in Korea and abroad. Its low cost, unique taste, and low-calorie content have made it among the most preferred coffee drinks in most Korean cafes.

There is no doubt that the iced americano will continue to be very popular in the future, especially with people who are looking for a simpler and healthier way to consume caffeinated beverages.

However, if you do not have the stomach for the bitter taste of the Korean iced americano, you can take yours with some cream or milk. Find out the difference between creamers and milk and decide which would go well with your iced americano.

I hope you found this article helpful. Thanks for reading.

Why is Iced Americano so popular in Korea?

Another aspect is Korean's love of “Americano”, which has the highest ordering rate among all drinks in South Korean cafés. People drink Americano mainly because it does not contain any milk and it is cheap.

Is Iced Americano popular in Korea?

What kind of coffee do you prefer? In South Korea, many Koreans absolutely love iced americano, as it is the go-to coffee for a hefty amount of people in the nation.

Why is Iced Americano so good?

Traditional Iced Americano, because it's initially made with hot water, has all the crisp acids and low bitter notes we expect in coffee. It's crisp, it's sweet, and it's refreshing. Cold brewing, on the other hand, typically results in less acidity and bitterness in the final drink—up to 66% less.

What is Korea's favorite coffee?

SEOUL, South Korea — Americanos and cafe lattes are South Koreans' favorite coffee drinks, a recent research has showed.

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