Why does my teeth hurt after cavity filling

Why does my tooth still hurt after getting a filling?

Some patients experience tooth sensitivity months after a dental filling. Is it something common? Or do the patients need to worry about it? This article will talk about what causes tooth sensitivity and when one should be worried about it.

What is tooth sensitivity?

Having sensitive teeth is when you experience mild ache or discomfort in the teeth when they encounter hot or cold drinks. This is a normal side-effect a patient can get after dental works such as cavity fillings or tooth extractions. The reason for the sensitivity is usually the inflammation of nerves inside the tooth after the procedure.

Causes of teeth sensitivity weeks or months after getting a filling

Tooth sensitivity right after dental work is absolutely normal. However, if the sensitivity persists weeks or even months after the process, it may be a sign of a severe issue that needs prompt attention.

Filling interfering with the bite

If the filling is incorrectly placed or is disrupting the bite, it may deteriorate when the person is chewing on the food. This may cause cracks on the filling. If a badly fitted filling is left untreated, it may break or fall off, exposing the tooth. If a filling is incorrectly installed or positioned, the person should see a dentist reshape the filling.

Oral infection

There is a slight chance that an infection has erupted after the filling, causing the discomfort and throbbing pain.

Cracks and damage to the teeth or filling

Damage to the teeth or the filling may expose nerves and sensitive tissues inside the tooth, triggering tooth sensitivity if exposed to hot or cold beverages.

Are you wondering how to manage sensitive teeth due to cracks and damages to the teeth or filling? Maintaining oral health should be your top priority when facing mouth problems like these.

  • You may want to use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
  • Brush regularly
  • Gently gargle using salty warm water


If a patient is allergic to the material used in the filling. This can also cause the tooth with the filling to become sensitive.

When to visit a dentist for sensitive Teeth 

If a patient experiences tooth sensitivity or pain even months after a cavity filling, one can assume an underlying cause. The standard timeframe for tooth sensitivity after filling up a decay should only be a few days to a few weeks. If the tooth sensitivity continues after this timeframe, it is a sign that there is something wrong.

The right thing to do is to see your dentist. The dentist will determine the tooth or the filling problem and provide treatment to get rid of the tooth sensitivity and pain.

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The dentist becomes a really important person when you are dealing with tooth problems. There are so many problems that will make you feel like going to the dentist. Therefore, the dentist becomes the savior. This sounds like the most appropriate way.

Dental carries is thought to be the problem of children but it equally affects the adults. It is mainly due to the bacteria and other organisms attacking the teeth. But surely it is more common in children. The reason is they are more inclined towards eating junk and sweets. The rich chocolates are the main culprit. They will destroy your teeth to the root.

Moreover, the pain of dental caries is unbearable. It makes the person moan. Especially the children, they are not able to bear it. When you go to the dentist the only option is to excavate the bacterial material and fill the teeth with some synthetic material.

There are two prominent reasons for this

  1. Firstly, it can happen that the tooth is destroyed so deeply that excavating and filling is not helping. In such a situation one has to go to the treatment called "Root canal operation.” This is a more major and complicated procedure than a simple filling.
  1. Secondly, the material of the filling can be inappropriate for the patient. Some patient is sensitive to this material. Therefore, when this material is pasted in the hole in the teeth it aches and causes the pain. There can be another reason. It is becoming common nowadays; the patient does not avoid the junk and sweets. So when such patients ask why does my tooth still hurt after the filling? The answer is that you have not been taking proper precautions after the filling procedure. 

What should I expect after a filling?

A good proportion of patient comes in the follow-up after filling and asks why does my tooth still hurt after the filling?

This is the answer to the question of what should they expect after a filling. The filling materials include gold, ceramic, composite and amalgam. The deadness after the filling leaves inside an hour or two. The agony and sensitivity are significant concerns.

As per the recuperation plan, they likewise die down inside a couple of days. And, if the filling is working typically it is great to see a dentist following seven days so as to ensure no disease is following and filling is at the spot.

All of them are synthetic material. After filling the sensation of pain is normal within a specified range of days. If it exceeds that limit, one has to report back. When the patient asks about the after-effects, the main manifestations after the filling are irritation, excess saliva secretion, mild to pinching pain, the sensation of heaviness in the mouth, difficulty to eat from that side and weird taste of filling and medication. This can last for 4-7 days. 

What does sensitivity after a filling feel like?

The sensitivity of teeth is the exaggeration of all the sensations felt by the teeth. Many people are suffering from that issue, even the teenagers are found going to dentists regularly because of severe pain in their teeth.

Basically, it is not completely the pain. It can be the sensitivity too. When the filling procedure is done, for a specific span of time, the tooth becomes over sensitive. This feeling subsides to normal with time. Some people are highly sensitive, they can be provided with the medications. The sensitivity after a filling feels like some strong feeling of hot or cold depending upon the food you intake. 

As per the dentists, this is not a good thing. In any case, a few patients still grumble of having sensitivity issues. Some of the time the material of the filling sometimes falls short for the patient. After that new filling is required for the patient as a fresh start.

Why do fillings cause tooth sensitivity?

Most of the patients complain and ask why does my tooth still hurt after the filling? This cannot be the pain exactly; this can be due to the filling. The main cause can be due to the implantation of a foreign substance into the tooth. This increases the perceiving power of the tooth.

According to the dentists, this is short-lived and will be gone eventually. But some patients still complain of having sensitivity issues. They can be treated accordingly. Sometimes the material of the filling does not suit the patient. Another filling session is planned then. 

How to treat a sensitive tooth?

When patients arrive at the clinic asking why does my tooth still hurt after the filling? The dentist has a complete plan for them. This is mainly due to sensitivity. The treatment of the sensitivity is mainly by using "florid gels.” Moreover, desensitizing pastes are also available at the dentist's clinic. Sealants and mouth guards also help. 

When to see a dentist?

The numbness after the filling goes away within an hour or two. The pain and sensitivity are the major concerns. According to the recovery schedule, they also subside within a few days. If the filling is functioning normally it is good to see a dentist after a week in order to make sure no infection is following and filling is at the place. 


Teeth are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. The care of tooth is special and you need a better dentist having a vast experience in the field of dentistry. You have to take care of your food as well to keep your teeth healthy and prevent it from decaying.

In short, after reading that full detailed article, we are sure that you will not have any query related to that question: Why does my tooth still hurt after a filling?

How long should teeth hurt after fillings?

Your tooth is sensitive after the filling – this is completely normal straight after the treatment has finished. It's important to avoid hot and cold foods for at least a few hours while your filling sets. Pain should subside within a week or so and sensitivity should stop after two to four weeks.

Is it normal for teeth to hurt after fillings?

Tooth sensitivity following placement of a filling is fairly common. A tooth may be sensitive to pressure, air, sweet foods, or temperature. Usually, the sensitivity resolves on its own within a few weeks. During this time, avoid those things that are causing the sensitivity.

How do you stop the pain from a cavity filling?

How to Relieve Pain After a Cavity Filling.
Over-the-counter pain medications..
Cold compresses placed against the cheek or jaw..
An analgesic ointment to numb acute areas of the mouth..
Using a toothpaste designed to lessen gum and tooth sensitivity..
Avoiding hot and cold foods for several days..


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