7 days late negative pregnancy test reddit

I'll get right into it, I'm 20 years old, on the pill, never been late or missed a period since I was 12 years old. I am currently 4 days late, have taken 2 pregnancy tests, both negative, and have very few symptoms of being pregnant. (I cramped slightly on what should have been the first day of my period). No breast tenderness, no increase or decrease in hunger, literally no other symptoms. I also had a pap test 1 week ago today, would the doctor have been able to tell?

I'm looking for any advice, has this ever happened to anyone else? I'm pretty nervous.

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Posted by1 year ago


7 days late negative pregnancy test reddit

I’ve had very regular periods my whole life, only missing one when I became pregnant with my son (now 14mths). My period is 5 days late and all tests still reading negative.

How late have tests read negative for you before getting a positive?

I’m thinking of just calling my doctor tomorrow and getting a blood test. Wondering if I should wait and just keep testing!

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7 days late negative pregnancy test reddit

level 1

I didn't get a positive until 2 weeks after my missed period. Turns out I ovulated late that month.

level 1

Sounds like an off month. Like they say over in r/tryingforababy "your periods are only regular until they aren't". There are tons of reasons besides pregnancy for you period to be delayed (stress, exercise, no particular reason at all, etc). A negative test this late means either you ovulated late (and still could become pregnant), you ovulated late and Aunt Flo is on her way soon, or you haven't yet ovulated at all. None of those scenarios indicate anything is wrong.

level 1

I had a miscarriage 18 months ago and since then my periods have been funky. I was totally regular my whole life. I’m not sure if it was the miscarriage or my age (39) but now I can be up to a week late. It’s annoying. Maybe wait a couple more days to see what happens?

level 2

I’m so sorry for your loss 💙 yeah, I’m not sure. I stopped BFing at 6 months and my period has been regular since then so this is super random! I’m 26 for measure, not on any birth control. We’re not actively trying but totally okay with having another any time from now on!

level 1

Are you using digital tests? When I was pregnant with my second I knew I was pregnant, and somehow had a digital test and used it. It said negative. I knew that was wrong so I went and got a regular two line test and low and behold, two lines popped up. I do not like the digital for early detection.

level 2

No just the first response non digital

Hey everyone! So my boyfriend and I have been trying for baby #2 (our first month of trying actually!) I think, or atleast, I thought I could be pregnant! I was having nausea randomly throughout the day and then just last week it seemed to have stopped. My period will be 2 weeks late tomorrow and I took a test last Friday and 2 others the week before. I spoke on the phone with family planning, and they suggested I take another this weekend and if it's still negative, with no period, to have a blood test to confirm.

I just find it strange... I was nauseous, now I'm not but still no period!? What's going on body!? Has anyone experienced this and ended up being pregnant or something different? Don't worry about telling me your horror stories, I promise I wont freak out ;)

I'll also add that my cycle is usually 30-35 days long. My daughter is 7months and I haven't breastfed since she was 2months old.

My girlfriend (17F) and I (18M) had sex about two weeks without a condom. I know it’s bad but we have only did it one time raw and it was only a minute. I didn’t finish in her and I’m confused.

My girlfriend took a pregnancy test two days ago and it was negative and we were relieved but her period still hasn’t come.

We’ve had sex a lot before that with a condom and if she became pregnant from that the test should be accurate by now. We’re honestly so stressed and need help.


Her period came today on day 8. This is so relieving.

This happened to me a few months ago. I was 2 weeks late for my period, had two negative pregnancy tests, and finally went to the doctor. Two days after being to the doctor to get a blood test, I got my period.

PP would be fine to go to, all they are going to do is ask some questions, and give her a blood test. I don't think a gyno is going to be necessary. Periods get skipped all the time, especially when you're younger.

So the questions are: Is she on a form of birth control/ was on it when she last had sex? Has she changed her birth control recently/ skipped pills? Has she changed anything in her life style, including a new male in her life, or maybe having sex more frequently than normal? If the answer to anything above is "yes", she most certainly should not stress out over it. Changing your diet, exercise, moving, any stress, being sick... seriously anything that isn't normal and could possibly upset your body's natural rhythm, will do this.

If she's really worried, I would suggest going to get a blood test, however, skipped periods are not something to worry about on their own. Unless she has other symptoms of female ailments, there is no need to see a gyno. If she does go to PP, and she isn't pregnant, they will tell her what to do next. Most likely, they will tell her to wait it out for her period, and tell her it will come, and it's normal to miss a period occasionally. They'll also tell her that her period will be off kilter a bit, but she should still get it. If she does not, she should definitely seek out a gyno. :)

Can I be pregnant with negative test 7 days late?

The simple answer is yes, you could still be pregnant even with a negative test, depending on when you took it, but there are also other reasons your period could be late. A pregnancy test detects HCG levels in your urine which increase the longer you are pregnant.

Will a pregnancy test be accurate 7 days after missed period?

You should wait to take a pregnancy test until the week after your missed period for the most accurate result. If you don't want to wait until you've missed your period, you should wait at least one to two weeks after you had sex. If you are pregnant, your body needs time to develop detectable levels of HCG.

Why is my period a week late but negative test?

The most common reason for a late period and a negative pregnancy test is that your period is simply delayed and you're not pregnant. Having one or two irregular cycles a year is not unusual and does not mean there is something wrong. Reasons your period might be late include: Breastfeeding.

Is it normal to get your period 7 days late?

Stress, travel, diet, illness and medication (including birth control) can also affect your cycle length, symptoms and the length and heaviness of your period. Up to 7–9 days of variation cycle-to-cycle is considered normal for adults.