A word that joins two parts of a sentence

A word that joins two parts of a sentence


The word which joins two parts of a sentence is called a conjunction.

It is one of the important parts of speech. It joins two or more sentences, phrases and independent clauses.

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Types of Conjunctions

There are three types of conjunctions

  • Coordinating Conjunctions
  • Subordinating Conjunctions
  • Correlative Conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions are used to join short sentences converting them into fuller lines. There are seven Coordinating Conjunctions and all of them are very easy to remember if you just keep in mind the acronym “FANBOYS”

For Used to show reason or purpose
And Used to add something to another
Nor Used to give an alternative negative idea to already given negative idea
But Used to show opposition
Or Used to show choices
Yet Used to show contrasting idea that follows the preceding idea logically
So Used to show result, effect or consequences

Subordinating Conjunctions

It always introduces a dependent clause and connects it with an independent clause. In contrast to coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions can come first in the sentence because of the nature of relationship between dependent and independent clause. Below is a table listed giving you the examples of Subordinating Conjunctions.

Because While As
Although Until Since
When After That
Unless Before As if
Whether once In order that

Correlative Conjunctions

They come in pair and relate one sentence to another with suitable conjunction. Correlative conjunctions connect two equal grammatical terms. So, if a noun follows “both,” then a noun should also follow “and.”

Not only…….but also

Use of Conjunctions in Sentences with Rules

Use and to join similar ideas
I will go
Use and to show that one action depends on another
They did not study and failed the exams
Use and to show that one action follows the other
I will go to mall and buy clothes
Use but to join two opposite ideas
You are a good rider but I will not give you bike
Use but to cancel the meaning of an idea
I like you but you irritate me a lot

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Use or to show choice
You may come with us or stay here
Use or to give some reason for something
Study hard or you will have to leave the college
Use so to signify reason and then result
Traffic was really bad so I came late
Use so to tell something more
He was angry so he left early

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Use yet to signify a strange fact
He misbehaved with me, yet he as my friend
Use because to signify the result and then reason
I hate you because you always irritate me
Use although to state a strange fact
He went to school although he was ill

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Use when to show time of happening of something
They called me when I was busy doing my work
Use unless to signify a condition
You cannot enter the class unless you wear the mask
Use whether to signify if
I don’t know whether I should help you or ignore you

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Use while to signify two things happening at the same time
He ate food while I watched movie
Use until to signify a condition
I can’t allow you to sit in class until you wear mask
Use to show on event happening after the other
I’ll call you after I complete my work

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Use to show on event happening before the other
You should call me before leaving
Use once to tell about as soon as
I’ll come home once I complete my work
Use as in formal writing and speech to say ”as a result”
I got worried as the teacher announced the quiz
Use since to say “as a result” of what happened first
I refused to help him since he had done the same last year

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Use that to indicate the person or thing mentioned before
They clarified that they would never insult anyone
Use as if to comment on how a situation seems
You are fighting with me as if I insulted you
Use in order that/to to show a purpose
I joined this course in order that to I could learn

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Use either…..or to talk about two possible choices
You should either come on time or not come at all
Use both…..and to join two similar ideas
She is both ugly and dumb
Use neither…..nor to join two opposite ideas
She is neither ugly nor dumb

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

Use not only…..but also to join two similar ideas
He is not only intelligent but also handsome
Use whether…..or to emphasize the idea chosen between two choices
Tell me whether you are coming or not

A word that joins two parts of a sentence

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Conjunctions are words that join other words, phrases, clauses, and ideas together. They help our speech and writing to be more complex and flowing.