Authorized user on business credit card affect credit score

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Dear Your Business Credit,

I recently checked my credit report, and my employer made me an authorized user on his business credit card account.

I’m uncomfortable with this only because it shows up now that I have $9,000 in debt. They have had perfect payment history for many years but high credit utilization.

Is this hurting my credit or helping? If hurting, what can I do to have this removed? – Joseph

Dear Joseph,

Business credit cards vary in how they report debt to credit bureaus.

Generally, they report it when an account becomes delinquent, but they vary on whether they report it when the account is current.

Given that this card does seem to be reporting to credit bureaus and you are uncomfortable with having the $9,000 in debt
appear on your credit report, I would recommend asking your employer to remove you as an authorized user.

The fact that you took the time to write to us about this suggests that you are worrying about it.

If you have access to another credit card and your company will allow you to submit the receipts for reimbursement that arrangement could work just as well and will allow you to sleep better at night.

See related:6 questions to ask when adding an authorized user to your card

When becoming an authorized user helps your credit

As to the other part of your question, it sounds like your employer is very responsible about making payments and it could be helping your credit profile to piggyback on his account.

That is particularly true if you have a very limited credit history because, for instance, you’re a recent graduate and are just getting established financially.

As my colleague Barry Paperno explained in his column “How will removing authorized user affect their credit score?,” authorized user accounts become part of the users’ credit report and scores for as long as they are guests on the account.

If you decided you wanted to be removed, it should not hurt your credit score. The account would disappear from your credit score and reports.

Adding employees as authorized users

In the meantime, as an authorized user, you are not responsible for paying the bill – your employer is.

Your letter is a good example of why small-business owners who sign up for corporate cards for their team should explain carefully to employees what an authorized user is and what the implications are.

Corporate credit cards can be a convenient way for employers to keep track of employee spending, but not every employee wants

Once employees learn how corporate cards work, it’s fine to offer the cards, but employers should not pressure anyone to get one.

Of course, if team members do have significant work-related expenses, they may welcome having a corporate card, instead of having to put the expenses on their personal cards and get reimbursed.

Some employers make it more appealing by allowing the employees to keep the rewards points.

How to ask your employer to be removed as an authorized user

If you decide you don’t want to be an authorized user, you will need to be tactful in bringing this up.

Let your employer know it’s a matter of being personally uncomfortable with having a debt appear on your credit reports and offer an alternative solution, such as putting business expenses on one of your own cards for reimbursement.

A reasonable employer will understand your feelings and not hold it against you.

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Elaine Pofeldt writes the Your Business Credit column for, answering a question every week about small business and credit. Pofeldt is a journalist who specializes in entrepreneurship and careers, contributing to publications such as CNBC, Forbes, Money, and many others. She is the author of “The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business,” a look at how solo entrepreneurs are scaling to seven-figure revenue without hiring employees. She is a former senior editor at Fortune Small Business magazine and co-founder of, a website for independent professionals.

In a Nutshell

Being an authorized user on a credit card could affect your credit positively if the account holder makes on-time payments and keeps the credit utilization rate low. If they don’t, your credit could take a hit.

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Becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card can be a simple and effective tactic if you’re still working to establish your credit.

While it’s certainly not a substitute for building up your own credit history, it may be a good way to give your credit a nice boost as you’re getting started.

The flip side? Your credit history and credit scores can be hurt if the primary account holder doesn’t stay on top of their payments. If you’re an authorized user, late payments can affect your credit along with the account holder’s.

Before taking the plunge, here’s what you need to know about becoming an authorized user on a credit card.

  • What does it mean to be an authorized user?
  • How being an authorized user affects your credit
  • Who should you ask to add you as an authorized user?
  • What about becoming a joint account holder?

Being an authorized user means you can use someone else’s credit card in your name. You can make purchases and use the card as if it were your own, but you’re not the primary account holder.

To make you an authorized user, the primary account holder simply adds your name to their credit card account, giving you authorization to use it. You’ll receive a credit card tied to the account, though you won’t have all the privileges of the primary account holder. For example, you probably won’t be able to make changes to the account, like requesting a credit increase or adding more authorized users.

As an authorized user, you’re not legally responsible to pay the credit card bill or any debts that build up. This is still the primary account holder’s responsibility.

The accounts that you’re an authorized user on will likely appear on your credit reports — most, but not all, credit card issuers report account activity to an authorized user’s credit reports. Before you’re added as an authorized user, you may want the primary account holder to ask their credit card issuer whether it reports authorized user accounts to the three major credit bureaus.

If the card issuer reports to the bureaus, then the account will typically show up on your credit reports within 30 to 45 days. But keep in mind that not all issuers report to all three bureaus — and if they do, the timing of when issuers report to credit bureaus can vary

If the account does show up on your credit reports, the primary account holder’s actions could impact your credit for better or for worse. (Exactly how much it will affect your credit depends on the scoring model, as different models weigh credit factors differently.)

  • If the primary account holder has a strong history of on-time payments, this can have a positive impact on your credit. Additionally, if the account’s credit utilization rate is low, this can also be good for your credit. You can figure out your utilization rate by dividing your total credit card balances by your total credit card limits.
  • On the other hand, if the primary account holder misses a payment on the card, your credit can take a beating — just one late payment can have a severe negative impact. The same goes for high credit utilization on the account.

Who should you ask to add you as an authorized user?

Make sure you select someone you can trust who practices healthy credit habits — most importantly, someone who pays their bills on time and keeps their credit utilization low.

Think carefully before you make your decision — though there’s potential upside to being an authorized user, putting yourself on the wrong person’s account could have a detrimental impact on your scores.

An important point to note is that the primary account holder’s credit scores will not be affected by adding you as an authorized user, even if your credit history is limited or needs work.

What’s the difference between being an authorized user vs. a joint account holder on a credit card?

Some credit card issuers may give you the option of opening a joint credit card. The key difference between being an authorized user and being a joint account holder is that you have more responsibility as a joint account holder. With a joint account, you’re legally responsible to pay off any debts that accumulate.

The process of being added to an account is also stricter — lenders will expect you to meet their requirements, like you’re applying for a credit card on your own. Authorized users usually won’t run into this problem, as there’s generally no credit check involved.

The authorized user strategy is common for parents who want to help their children build credit. If your parent has established a positive credit history, you may want to ask them to add you as an authorized user.

Joint accounts are more commonly used by spouses who share their finances with each other and don’t mind each person having the same credit limit.

Not all credit cards and issuers allow joint card accounts.

Next steps

Think carefully before you decide to become an authorized user on a credit card. Adding yourself to an account that’s in good standing can get you one step closer to better credit scores as well as access to products and rates that you may not have otherwise qualified for. But remember, your credit could also be negatively affected if you’re added to an account, then payments are late or missed. If you’re looking to build your credit from scratch, you might want to consider another option, such as getting a secured credit card.

Does being an authorized user on a business credit card affect your score?

Employees that are authorized to hold and use a corporate credit card may have their credit history checked by the issuer. This hard credit check can have a small negative impact on your credit score. However, the effects will only be temporary.

Can I be an authorized user on my business credit card?

Yes, you can add an authorized user to your business credit card by requesting an employee card from your card issuer.

Does being an authorized user on a credit card build credit?

Becoming an authorized user on a credit card is one way to improve your credit history without having to be on the hook for monthly payments. First off, an authorized user is able to make purchases on a primary cardholder's account but is not responsible for paying off the card balance.

How many points does being an authorized user affect credit?

For instance, for those with bad credit (a credit score below 550), becoming an authorized user improved their credit score by 10% — in just 30 days. Fast forward to 12 months, and that figure jumps to 30%.