Benefits of drinking warm water first thing in the morning

Q: I’ve heard drinking hot water has health benefits. Should I drink hot water?

Water is essential to life. And drinking it, whether hot, cold, or room temperature, obviously keeps you hydrated. But are there health benefits to drinking hot water? And does the temperature of the water you drink really matter? 

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There are claims that drinking hot water has health benefits, like helping with digestion and relieving congestion. But there is little scientific research to support the health benefits of drinking hot water as opposed to room temperature or cold water. 

Most of us don’t drink enough water anyway, so however you can get your recommended daily allowance of water works. In general, that breaks down to about 15 cups per day for men, and about 11 cups per day for women. It’s always good to stay hydrated. But everyone is different. Some people prefer room temperature water, other people can’t drink room temperature water and prefer it ice cold. 

Many feel that drinking hot water first thing in the morning helps with digestion and can help you go to the bathroom. But is it the temperature of the water, or just the simple fact that staying hydrated helps to have regular bowel movements? Or is it that the water is hot and helps to relax your bowels?

It’s a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is one big muscle, so perhaps the heat of the water relaxes your GI tract a bit to help things like constipation. If you have cold symptoms, drinking hot water can help with things like sinus congestion from the steam rising into your nasal passages. 

The bottom line is, if you prefer drinking hot water and it helps to keep you hydrated, drink up! 

— Registered Dietitian Beth Czerwony, RD

Benefits of drinking warm water first thing in the morning

Why Should I Drink Water at All?

Staying hydrated is essential to keeping your body healthy and satisfied. For starters, our body is made up of 70% water so it is a no brainer that we need to provide our body with more and more water! There are many health problems, both long and short term, that can come about from dehydration. These include: migraines, dyspepsia, hypertension, kidney stones, breast cancer, uterine cancer, sinusitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and obesity. In fact, the Japanese population is known to be one of the slimmest cultures and they drink water immediately after waking up!

So, How Can I Avoid Long Term Water Dehydration Effects?


• You should drink at least 650 mL (3 cups) of water right after waking up. Build up your tolerance to drinking this much water day by day!

• Avoid snacking or having breakfast for at least 45 mins after consumption.

Throughout the Day:

• Always drink water 30 mins before eating a meal

• Try to avoid drinking water two hours after a meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)

When Will I See Results?

• If you are a patient with Diabetes or high blood pressure patients: allow 30 days

• If you suffers of constipation and Gastritis: allow 10 days

• If you are a TB patient: allow 90 days.

But, Really. Why Should I Drink Water?

Well, here are 7 reasons how drinking waterimmediately after waking up improves your life.

1. Increases Skin Radiance for a Flawless Complexion

• By drinking water, your body is able to releasetoxins faster, which will therefore give your skin that glow and radiance you may buy products for.

• In fact, 500 mL of water has proven to increase blood flow and make your skin glow while increasing production of new blood cells.

• The shortage of water in your body can also cause premature wrinkles and deeper pores.

2. Helps Weight Loss

• Besides being less hungry and decreasing cravings, by drinking water immediately after waking up, your body is releasing toxins, which begin movement in your bowels. This process will recover and improve your digestive system.

3. Improve Metabolism

• If you are dieting, you know that just by drinking water on an empty stomach, you can increase your metabolic rater by 24%! By increasing your metabolic rate, you are digesting faster and therefore improving your digestive system.

• The water also purifies your colon, letting the organ absorb nutrients faster naturally.

4. Increase Shine and Hair Texture

• Did you know that water makes up 25% of the weight of one strand of hair? By decreasing water intake, you are actually causing your hair to turn thin and delicate. Just another reason why drinking water on an empty stomach will increase hair growth and hair characteristics.

5. Relieves Heartburn and Ingestion

• Heartburn and Ingestion can be caused by increased acidity in your stomach and acid refluxes in your esophagus. When you drink water early in the morning, the water pushes the acidity down and dilutes the stomach.

• The water will decrease the acidity in your stomach so that when it is time for your breakfast, you will be comfortable.

6. Inhibits Kidney Stones and Bladder Infections

• Just like with heartburn, the water will dilute the stomach acidity to decrease the chance of kidney stones.

• The more water you drink, the more toxins are rid from your body, which prevents bladder infections.

7. Strengthens Immune System

• Drinking water first thing in the morning flushes out the stomach and therefore balances the lymphatic system. A stable lymphatic system will help build a strong immune system, which will prevent us from getting sick as often.

I hope you have learnt about all the benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning! By diluting acidity and ridding toxins, water will be your best friend till the end!

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What happens when you drink warm water on an empty stomach in the morning?

Drinking warm water on empty stomach in the morning improves bowel movements, alleviates stomach pain, break down foods and aid them in passing smoothly through the intestines. Bowel stimulation helps body return to normal functioning.

How much warm water should I drink in the morning?

You should drink at least 650 mL (3 cups) of water right after waking up. Build up your tolerance to drinking this much water day by day! Avoid snacking or having breakfast for at least 45 mins after consumption.

Is it good to drink warm water when you wake up?

Drinking a warm glass of water in the morning helps your body flush out toxins. The warm water breaks down the food in your tummy and keeps your digestive system in fine fettle. When the toxins are flushed out, it improves your blood circulation as well.

What will happen if I drink warm water everyday?

Hot water is a vasodilator, meaning it expands the blood vessels, improving circulation. This can help muscles relax and reduce pain. Although no studies have directly linked hot water to sustained improvements in circulation, even brief improvements in circulation can support better blood flow to muscles and organs.