Best questions to ask your crush over text

Some call it the Talking Phase, others refer to it as the Crush Phase, and anyone on Love Island will say “It’s still early days,” but personally, I think the start of a new relationship should be called the “Ask Your Crush Every Question You Can Think Of” Phase. It’s that exciting, butterflies-in-your-stomach period where you’re so into someone you want to know everything about them, and you want them to know everything about you too. Having open conversations about everything from what you like to do in your spare time to what your childhoods were like is fundamental to testing your compatibility, which in turn, ofc, depends on what you consider “compatibility.” Ultimately, you want to make sure your most important values align—at least, you do if you want to make it work long-term.

But getting to know someone new should be fun, too, and you def don’t want your date to feel like they’re at a job interview for the position of Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Partner. You need the questions to be deep enough that you can get to know them, establish a connection, or test the waters to see if they're into you as well, explains Carmel Jones, a relationship coach and sex expert at The Big Fling.

That’s why we put together this master list of questions to ask your crush—so you can get to know each other better, determine your compatibility, and have fun doing it. Obvi, only you can decide what makes the most sense to ask and when, but as long as you’re doing what feels good, you’re on the right track.

“I don't think there's any real formula for it except to get to know them as a person,” explains Debra Roberts, LCSW, a conversation expert and president of The Relationship Protocol. “I think if you go in with an open mind, and you're friendly and you keep things simple and you listen, that's really important.”

It’s also super important to remember that even after you’ve defined the relationship (aka DTR-ed), it’s still beneficial to keep asking each other questions. The get-to-know-you era shouldn’t end just because you’ve put a label on it. Heck, it should continue all throughout your relationship! People evolve, and so too might their answers, so feel free to bookmark this list and whip it out on your date nights, whether it’s your first date or your tenth anniversary.

Now, without further ado, here’s what to ask your person.

Get-to-know-you questions to ask your crush

  1. What TV shows (or podcasts or artists) have you been into recently?
  2. Do you keep up with celebrity pop-culture news? Sports news?
  3. Are there any podcasts you listen to, or magazines you subscribe to?
  4. What are your guilty pleasures?
  5. How do you like to spend your free time after work?
  6. What do you do to relax?
  7. What's a typical Saturday look like for you?
  8. How would you spend an ideal fake sick day?
  9. Would you ever want to be famous? Why or why not?
  10. Do you have roommates?
  11. What's the best (or craziest) trip you've ever been on?
  12. Who is your celebrity crush?
  13. What would be your idea of a "perfect" day?
  14. Do you believe in astrology?
  15. What's the most extravagant thing you've ever bought for yourself?
  16. What's your go-to karaoke song?
  17. If money wasn't an issue, what would you do?
  18. What is one rule you really enjoy breaking?
  19. Your kidnappers would return you for talking about _________ for 2 hours.
  20. What's the one place you have to travel to before you die?
  21. If you had to eat the same meal every day for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
  22. If your life was a TV show, what would the theme song be?
  23. What's something you're really looking forward to?
  24. What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?
  25. Do you have a good group of friends here?
  26. How did you meet your best friend?
  27. What’s your favorite story to tell about your best friend?
  28. Do you like huge parties or would you rather spend time in a small group/alone?
  29. What's the best gift you've ever received and who was it from?
  30. Are you a dog or cat person?
  31. What's your most embarrassing moment?
  32. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Who were they and why were they your favorite?
  33. What’s your go-to remedy for a bad day?
  34. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  35. Did you have any pets growing up?
  36. Do you have a pet now, and if not, would you ever want to get one?
  37. Where’s your favorite place in the world?
  38. Is there anything you want to learn how to do?
  39. What’s your most prized possession?
  40. What’s one thing you haven’t checked off your bucket list yet?
  41. Are you a morning or night person?
  42. How did you decide to pursue [insert what they do for a living here]?
  43. Do you have a favorite book?
  44. Did you grow up playing any sports and do you still play any of them today?
  45. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
  46. What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten for someone else?
  47. What’s your favorite time of year?
  48. If you could invite three people to dinner, living or dead, who would you invite?
  49. Do you like to cook or are you Team Takeout?
  50. What’s your favorite thing to make/favorite restaurant to order in from?
  51. What’s your favorite memory from high school and/or college?
  52. If you could go back in time, what era would you visit?
  53. Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?
  54. [If you met on a dating app] What has your experience been like using [insert app you met on here] or other dating apps?
  55. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from childhood?
  56. How did your parents meet?
  57. What was your favorite toy as a kid? What about your favorite TV show?
  58. Is there a talent or hobby you wish you had, or one you’d like to learn?
  59. Do you play any instruments? Are there any you’d like to learn to play now?
  60. Do you collect anything? Or did you ever collect anything as a kid?
  61. What does your TikTok FYP look like?
  62. Who’s your favorite person to follow on Instagram?
  63. Do you have any vices?

      Flirty questions to ask your crush

      1. Do you think you're a good kisser?
      2. What was your first impression of me?
      3. What's something weird that you find attractive?
      4. What's your love language?
      5. Do you know your attachment style?
      6. Describe your ideal date.
      7. What are your biggest turn-ons?
      8. What about turn-offs?
      9. Do you like to make the first move, or do you prefer it when others make the first move?
      10. I bought tickets for a concert. Do you want to be my date?
      11. What made you want to swipe right on me/approach me/DM me?
      12. What do you look for in a partner?
      13. Is there anything you want to do together?
      14. Do you think you and I are compatible?
      15. What are a few things you think we have in common?
      16. Do you believe in love at first sight?
      17. Try your best pickup line on me.
      18. If you had to pick between cuddling or kissing, what would you pick?
      19. Do you prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon?
      20. What would you do if I kissed you right now?
      21. Tell me a secret.

        Deep questions to ask your crush

        1. How do you feel about [insert your deal breaker here]?
        2. Where do you hope to be in the next few years?
        3. What are you most thankful for?
        4. What are your thoughts on monogamy?
        5. What is something that people usually misunderstand about you?
        6. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
        7. Does your job make you happy or would you ever want to do something else?
        8. Have you ever been to therapy?
        9. Who is your hero?
        10. Which parent are you closest to?
        11. What's one rule to live by?
        12. What's your biggest fear?
        13. Who are you closest to in your family?
        14. Who do you turn to when you need honest advice?
        15. Who would you say knows you better than anyone else?
        16. Do you want to be in a relationship right now?
        17. When was your last relationship?
        18. Why did it end?
        19. Do you think you're over your ex?
        20. When it comes to priorities like work, life, family, and friends, how does each rank compared to the others?
        21. Do you see yourself being a parent one day?
        22. Do you see yourself living here forever, or would you ever like to live somewhere else?
        23. What do you hope your life looks like when you retire?
        24. Do you keep up with political news?
        25. Where do you stand on [insert important issue here]?
        26. Is [insert important thing to you here] important to you? (Think: What’s super important to you that your partner is also aligned on? Is it family? Religion? Politics? Voting? Social justice?)
        27. Would you date someone who felt differently than you about a particular issue you’re passionate about?
        28. What’s something that really frustrates you?
        29. If you could change one thing about your life, what would you change?
        30. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
        31. What’s something no one knows about you?

          Carina Hsieh Sex & Relationships Editor Carina Hsieh lives in NYC with her French Bulldog Bao Bao — follow her on Instagram and Twitter • Candace Bushnell once called her the Samantha Jones of Tinder • She enjoys hanging out in the candle aisle of TJ Maxx and getting lost in Amazon spirals. 

          Rachel Varina Rachel Varina is a full-time freelance writer covering everything from the best vibrators (the Lelo Sona) to the best TV shows (The Vampire Diaries).

          Jamie Ballard Contributing Writer Jamie Ballard (she/her) is a freelance writer and editor who covers news, lifestyle, and entertainment topics, including sex and relationships, TV, movies, books, health, pets, food and drinks, pop culture, shopping, and personal finance.

          What's a good flirty question?

          Cheeky Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl What would you do If I kissed you right now? What is your biggest turn on? What is your biggest turn off? Do you prefer cuddling or kissing?

          What are some juicy 21 questions?

          21 Questions List.
          What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?.
          If you could travel to any year in a time machine, what year would you choose and why?.
          If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?.
          What's one of the most fun childhood memories you have?.

          How can I win my crush over text?

          Make your crush laugh. Start off with a short funny statement about something you both saw recently, or referencing a previous conversation..
          Make a clever observation. Your crush will certainly respond to that. Flirting with your wit is a great tactic..
          Be original. Write something that no one can say but you..

          What should I ask my crush juicy?

          Juicier Questions.
          How many people have you kissed?.
          Do you ever think about me?.
          What have you done sexually with someone else?.
          What attracts you to people?.
          What are your thoughts on sex?.
          Are you a virgin?.
          Do you think you're a good kisser?.
          What turns you on?.