Bible quiz multiple choice with answers pdf

Printable Bible Quiz Questions and Answers

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Bible quiz multiple choice with answers pdf
Bible quiz multiple choice with answers pdf
Bible quiz multiple choice with answers pdf

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Bible Quiz Questions, Answers, And Triva For Kids And Adults.

This website contains over 4,000 questions and answers on the Bible. Each quiz question has 4 multiple choice answer.

Our hope is, that you will learn a lot of bible trivia as you are answering the questions that will help you in further quizzes.

You can choose from one of the bible quizzes below, or if you scroll down you will find more bible questions to choose from.

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Bible Quiz Of 100 Questions

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This Bible Quiz will give you 100 random questions to test you on your bible trivia.

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Bible Quiz Of 50 Questions

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This Bible Quiz will give you 50 random questions to test you on your bible trivia.

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Bible Quiz Of 20 Questions

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This Bible Quiz will give you 20 random questions to test you on your bible trivia.

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Bible Quiz Of 10 Questions

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This Bible Quiz will give you 10 random questions to test you on your bible trivia.

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For what length of time were the restrictions of a nazir (Nazirite) in effect?

Bamidbar 6:1-8

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What did Gidon (Gideon) do to Penuel’s tower?

Shoftim (Judges) 8:17

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What did God want to do to Yehoshua (Joshua) in the Ohel Moed (Tent of Appointment)?

Devarim 31:14

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What did Yaakov (Jacob) name his youngest son?

Genesis 35:18

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To whom were Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Israel) commanded not to turn?

Vayikra 19:4

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Which of his brothers did Yosef (Joseph) hug first after he revealed his identity to his brothers?

Genesis 45:14

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Bible Mistakes Or Misconceptions

Introduction This article is not an attempt to doubt G-d’s

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What other pieces of copper did Golyat (Goliath) wear besides a helmet?

Shmuel I (Samuel I) 17:6

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How many women would have to bake bread in one oven if the Jews would not keep God’s commandments?

Vayikra 26:26

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For how long after giving birth to a son was a woman prohibited from touching something holy?

Vayikra 12:4

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How did the people of Gilad (Gilead) know who was from Efrayim?

Shoftim (Judges) 12:6

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How many descendants of Yaakov (Jacob) came to Mitzrayim (Egypt) or were already there when he came?

Shemot 1:5

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What happened a year after the three people visited Avraham (Abraham) at his tent?

Bereishit 21:1-2

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At what time of day did Yosef (Joseph) arrive home to eat with his brothers?

Bereishit 43:25

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What distinction would God make during the plague in which the cattle were killed?

Shemot 9:4

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What were Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Israel) commanded to do with all of the molten images of the Canaanites?

Bamidbar 33:52

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What animal did a woman bring as a Chatat (sin-offering) after the period of days of purity following the birth of a son or daughter?

Vayikra 12:6

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When did Bilam (Balaam) tell the officers of Balak that he would not go with them?

Bamidbar 22:13

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What are the hardest Bible questions?

Hard Bible Trivia Questions For Adults and Their Answers.
How many people did Noah's ark carry? ... .
What are the names of the birds Noah sent out of the ark to check if the water had dried up? ... .
When did the exodus from Egypt take place? ... .
Which celestial bodies did Joshua command to stay still? ... .
Which tribe was Paul from?.

What are some good Bible trivia questions?

In what city was Jesus born? ... .
Who brought Jesus gifts when he was born? ... .
What is the eighth commandment? ... .
Name two out of the nine Fruits of the Spirit. ... .
Who is the angel who told Mary she would give birth to Jesus? ... .
On which day did Jesus rise from the dead? ... .
What was Jesus' crown made of?.

Who am I in the Bible Game?

The objective of the game is to identify your own Bible character by asking only yes or no questions. Have everyone sit in a circle. Explain that you will be giving everyone a “Who Am I?” card, but they are not allowed to look at their own cards. This is the Bible character they have been assigned.

How many books are there in the Old Testament?

English Bibles list 39 books for the Old Testament because of the practice of bisecting Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles and of counting Ezra, Nehemiah, and the 12 Minor Prophets as separate books.