California unemployment phone number talk to a person

I know I'm not the only one who can't get through to the CA Unemployment Department by phone. If you have any tips or tricks, please respond here so that people like me that have been trying to get through to them for weeks have a chance.

I have tried all the "tricks" posted and still cannot get through. I have tried and tried. I can't understand how little regard there is for citizens welfare. Some of the tricks were over 2 years old. You may have to go in person in the end that is what I am going to do. I hear the best time to get in the line is 6:30 to 6:45 AM. Good Luck all. This really sucks. I've been waiting for my benefits to start for FIVE months! I'm going to loose everything soon.


7/16/2012 02:12:40 am

The only way I found to speak to a live person is to choose the option to file an extended benefit. Dial 1 (for English) 3-4-7. You may get a message stating to try again later because of the high call volume. The office opens at 8:00 so start dialing at 7:59.

I have been trying for weeks also and its exhuastingl please help me


4/18/2021 08:04:21 am

I have tried dialing in at 7:59 and even though it turned 8am after I started dialing, it still told me that they were closed and to call back when they open, so unfortunately, you have to wait until exactly 8am to dial in.

Steve Mazza

9/22/2021 02:02:27 pm

First time I tried actually got through. Never had to press the 7. I used the 833 978-2511 number. Either got lucky or this tip worked.


9/17/2013 04:19:57 am

Its really sad how we have to suffer for losing a job!! Then when you call another language to attempt to get through they wont help you because you don't speak the language, America is Americans, English so regardless help please!!! So tired of the Bullshit almost rather be broke then to sit on hold another month!!!


5/15/2020 10:19:29 pm

Shut up you racist bitch. English has nothing to do with America, it’s just another foreign, EUROPEAN language imposed on us by colonizers. Try learning Choctaw or Iroquois then maybe your whining will make some sense!

the insider

8/10/2020 11:43:22 am

The racist is the agent who wont help if you get through and despite what you fools think, these people DO speak English,they are bilingual, How do you think they got the job? These agents only want to help their own and or not want to work heavy loads. If you get through and are kind you might have a better chance of getting help from them. PEACE OUT!!!


6/24/2019 02:22:52 pm

619-336-5422 Jerri for unemployment


3/31/2020 08:34:00 am

How do we know this is legit and she works for unemployment


3/31/2020 12:12:31 pm

You get a recording and Jerri wants your Social Security number and says she'll call you back.

No Way

Colleen Mcafee

3/31/2020 12:42:53 pm

Thank You Tom no way will i leave my social security number and the guy Joe who posted her phone number is probably Joe



4/21/2020 10:04:02 am

Its real, I did a reverse lookup on the number

Stop scamming get a life
I'm on too you...

Yeah I’ll leave my SSN on a random voicemail… :/ um no.


5/28/2020 12:55:48 pm

Keep trying , they open at 8am and close at 12noon, it does work, I was able to talk to someone today and yesterday , don’t give up! We are all in this together, I am back pay by 6weeks


6/9/2020 01:37:05 pm

Its a real number but you can't leave a message the que is full.


7/17/2020 10:49:08 am

I had been trying to get things straitened out with the EDD for over 3 months. Called every number 40+ times a day, was able to speak to someone at each number once and they said they would fix things, but didn't. Then I called the technical support #. 855-327-7058. They gave me my new EDD account number (I have been given 3) and stayed on the phone with me while I logged in and fixed everything. They were great!

Kristen Buczek

7/30/2020 04:15:54 pm

I wish I had good news but felt the need to share.

I'm on day 1 million trying to get a hold of CA Edd. Here's what I found with the 6-7-1 trick. When you call the 1800300... number, there are two voices that possibly answer (and an occasional "the system is unavailable" message). One voice will tell you pretty quickly that there are not enough reps to serve you. Hang-up and try again. The other answer will be a male voice that will thank you for calling and also give a spanish version. You will be prompted to press 1 to continue in English...if you get this voice, you are on the right track. After pressing 1 for English, you need to listen to the spiel until it starts giving you a menu of options (in a different male voice)...once that male voice begins giving you the options, quickly press 671. You will then bypass the menu and it will say something like, "You will be transferred to next available representative" It will prompt you to give your social security number. You'll be excited. Then it will very likely say, "Due to the number of...we cannot assist you at this time." You'll be mad.
However, at 11:40ish, I did get to a point where I was told I was on hold and my wait would be 6 I waited, and waited and waited and waited. 12:00 (the time the call line supposedly closes) came and went but I kept holding. I soon realized there was never an intention of answering. I actually wanted to experiment and kept my phone on hold all day, thinking maybe it could stay connected through the night and then I'd be first in the morning (crazy I know!).

At around 6:00pm the call was disconnected. I woke up today and had the EXACT same experience. Called all morning from 7:58 until 11:40ish when it said I had a 6 minute wait. No answer. I am still on hold at 4:13pm to see if it will stay on through the night, but likely will get disconnected again later. Definitely feeling defeated.

However, the short of this post is...6-7-1 WILL help you bypass the menu of options (which saves you a few minutes each time you get this far).

However, I have still found no luck successfully reaching a person. There's still tomorrow I guess!

Felt compelled to share since I know I am definitely not alone in the desperation of knowing if people will actually ever answer on the other line and help fix a claim issue. Good luck!

steve hecht

3/23/2021 09:21:55 am

I am on hold at least thank you!!!!!!



2/18/2021 02:58:39 pm

My neighbor called at 4am on a whim and got a live breathing and knowledgeable human being...

The office opens at 8AM...


7/16/2012 03:22:11 am

I found a faster and easier way to get through. Dial 1 (English) 6-7-3. I had to do this for almost 2 hours to get through though. They told me to try right at 8:00 and toward the end of the week. Hope this helps.

Thank you Ann! I'm sure this will be very useful information and gives everyone a little more hope to getting through to the EDD.


6/24/2015 02:31:05 am

still works

Danielle F

7/11/2018 10:44:15 am

YES!!! this, 1, 6, 7, 3 WORSKS!!


6/26/2020 11:00:05 am

What Is 1,6,7,3


6/12/2020 05:46:17 pm

I concur. 1-6-7-3-SSN-1.... Seemed to be the best way to go. However, after calling 1500+ times each week, for over a month, I think it's BS. I start calling some mornings around 7, to stay in the menu until 8am. At 8am, "Due to overwhelming call volume, I'm now going to take a verbal shit on your hopes and dreams."
I have tried the 909, 714, and 619 numbers as well. Called each hundreds of times, and waited for call back, waited on the hold portion listening to the 1:13min message, always to get hung up on at the end.
Some times Verizon kicks me out, some times I get a. Busy signal, other times it just says, "call center closed," or "exchange is not available."
I honestly think the EDD is turning on the messages to play whether there are callers or not, and sitting around smoking and jerking each other off.
I can't fathom calling close to 5k times in one month, and hearing Nothing back and never reaching a representative.
I've had a claim filed for over 12 weeks, and received no wages. Though I have received a statement of wages to expect twice, and all my weeks are 'pending' on UI online.
I'm going to end up starving and homeless, and that guy's voice will be the last thing I hear as I fade away to nothing...
"Thank you for calling. FUCK YOU. Good bye."


6/12/2020 07:35:50 pm

Dawn, I have gotten through several times and have gotten paid. When I called 1-6-7-3. I got a prick of a guy who said “I can’t help you” which I think he could have but didn’t want too. Got up at 7:45, waited until exactly 7:59 and dialed 833-978-2511. You will have to wAit until 8:00. As soon as the message starts, “welcome to” immediately dial 1-0 not together but quickly. Keep dialing that phone number then 1-0. Some days I didn’t hear the cue music a person answered right away. One time I heard the cue music and the call was answered right time I had to wait about 20 minutes. One time I had to wait after a message said your call will be answered when a agent is available. This happens after 8:10 if you haven’t gotten through. You will have success dialing this combo. I didn’t have success calling on the weekend, although I did get my call answered. I was told someone had to call me back which tells me the agents who can make changes are working M-F only .Good luck Dawn!

Aaron Short

6/13/2020 08:55:55 am

The number you're referencing is the 'UI Online customer support center, for technical issues and questions regarding the ONLINE portion of claims.' They do not handle claims, or questions regarding wages, money, certifying, or anything else... they are TECH SUPPORT for using the UI Online website, and the forms contained therein.
Given the breadth of information covering the Exact purpose of that Number and call center, in the 1min 13sec hold message - as well as the "Hello, thank you for calling..." message, I imagine they'd be pretty pissed if anyone called asking about claims.
This is the second time someone has mentioned using that number incorrectly, and having a poor experience with it. But, if I were tech support, and not a wage claims specialist, I'd be pretty annoyed as well.


8/30/2012 05:28:19 am

Omg the best trick ever is to call the 1800# after pressing one when the guy says "welcome" listen to the long dreadful message an press 6-7-1 fast and then you'll be asked for your ss# and be put on hold for the next person! I'm finally on hold after using all the other "tricks" that just don't work!!!


1/25/2013 02:09:07 am

671 works


1/28/2013 01:16:14 am

671 works. On holding after trying for two days this works.


2/21/2013 01:13:50 am

671 works! 3 min wait time. My claim was incorrectly processed and flagged after my phone interview, after I was told everything was correct and I would be receiving my claim. If you are flagged, your claim sits in limbo. With the click of a few buttons, I have been paid for 5 weeks.


12/31/2013 02:08:41 am

1-671 works, finnaly got through


1/24/2014 01:59:33 am

Awesome finally got thru!

Alissa, thank-you soooo much for the tip. I've been trying to talk with someone for weeks, your trip worked perfectly :)
Hugs to you


9/17/2013 01:38:59 am

What 800 number are you using?


9/20/2013 12:46:04 am

What 1800 number????

William Varn

8/5/2014 04:37:51 am

1-800-300-5616 then1 for English then 671. They ask for your SSN then put you on hold for next representative

William Varn

8/5/2014 04:47:11 am

1-800-300-5616 then1 for English then 671. They ask for your SSN then put you on hold for next representative. I was on hold for 2-3 minutes then the very nice lady took care of my questions in less than 5 minutes. All this after spending the better part of a week hearing constant "all reps busy"


10/16/2013 02:56:18 am

Well Alissa, guess I started too late today. I got to that greeting 4 times, but after putting in my SS# and asking me to hold the message stated that due to the number of calls on hold, blah blah blah and call back later.
I was supposed to call them by today, but been trying Email, Chat at Ca.Gov, and calling the One Stop's for advice. The Chat rejection said to call the Executive office, so I did - Spoke to "Josh" yesterday and he took my name and phone # stating he would leave a mssg for them to call me back.Haha! I feel like calling him now to ask where my call back is and why their system is so fkd up! I've been waiting over a month- crazy!


8/22/2014 02:20:59 am

It worked!!!!

Corina Scott

1/25/2021 01:43:36 pm

nothing works


8/25/2014 01:14:12 am

6-7-1 fast worked for me. I did not even listen to the long message


1/26/2018 09:02:31 am

I, 671 worked 4 minute wait finally talked to someone after a week

It's work to press 1---> 671. It's fast to pick up my call by operator.
Before I found this post, I called 1-800 for EDD Cantonese, but the recorder said "Line is busy or go through their website". EDD English is also say the same things.
Unfortunately, their website tell me to call 1-800......Damn.....
Until I found this post, I see the path. 671 is short cut. I waited just few minutes only, then the operator pick up my call.


4/23/2020 08:39:08 am

I called 192 times and still not answering


1/15/2015 03:00:04 am

It works! I got through with a 5 minute wait. Thank you!


6/29/2018 08:39:48 am

6-7-1 worked even after all this time. Thank you for this information!


12/20/2019 10:52:24 am

1-671 still works!


4/13/2020 11:17:22 am



4/13/2020 11:57:05 am

Has anyone been able to get through to talk to someone???


10/1/2012 04:08:54 am

calling the vietnamese line worked for me!!! thank you!! and they were so helpful.


9/25/2013 02:41:46 am

Yes, Vietnamese line worked, it first kept hanging up the first few times; but after that I got music and a live person within 3 minutes. The gentlemen asked me for my SS# and I gave it to him. He helped me out on a question that I have been waiting for forever. Also sent email question, still no reply. Thanks for the help.

Jeff H

11/16/2012 06:15:20 am

I tried calling the 1-800-547-2058 number, and then navigating using the numbers posted above, it got me disconnected. What I did do that worked:

1. Dial 1-800-547-2058.
3. After some hold music, a live operator will address you in Vietnamese, Just say "Hello, EDD office?" And they will switch to english. The lady I got today was very friendly and helpful, and spoke fairly good english.

4. My total call time: 8 minutes and change.


1/14/2013 07:49:23 am

Lierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i hate myself right now

Cat G

1/24/2013 02:29:58 am

Thank you Jeff H!
Your method worked for me!!

Doesnt work. The lady answered and rudely told me i had to call the english line and hung up.


9/4/2013 03:17:05 am

Thanks a lot it really worked ...I've been calling non stop on the English line & got no luck but with ur method it was quicker thee ever...


6/25/2018 10:13:01 am

Vietnam’s line was perfect just like Jeff F said!! Call and just sit on the line and say nothing, you’ll hear some music for a little bit and then someone will come on to help you


5/20/2020 09:51:42 am

Wer can i press the No button jeff?

Vanessa Johnson

1/13/2021 12:03:53 pm

LMAO wow really?


7/15/2021 11:21:09 am

I did this and it worked. My EDD certification was fixed by a lovely lady and I got paid for 10 weeks back pay. Thank you so much Jeff for the trick and advise.


7/23/2021 01:20:45 pm

Can you please tell me what number you dialed and what exactly you dialed to get through? Also, if you dialed any numbers, were they all at one time or dialed when prompted? Thank you.


12/11/2012 04:59:29 am

Calling the Vietnamese line and pressing NO buttons and just sitting thru his speak worked! The first attempt did not but the second time did. I got someone who spoke English and helped me fast! I tried the main line the whole 1673 and got in but.hold time to great every time but I didnt thru the Vietnamese line! Good luck


1/7/2013 03:20:19 am

thank you!!!!!!!!

The Vietnamese Line Works Like A Charm!!! 8 Minutes Live Person!!! :)))

Vicki R

1/17/2013 05:12:07 am

it wwoworkworked!


1/18/2013 06:13:32 am

Calling the Vietnamese line is not allowed. Called and got ahold of someone today and they refused to help me. Said that they aren't even allowed to speak English on that line. Woman with EDD said that Sacramento keeps track of it and there can be serious ramifications. She offered to transfer me to English line but would not help any further. Therefore, don't waste your time. Just try to contact English line, no matter how frustrating and difficult it may be.

Nina, Really??? Please, Not Allowed??? Follow Instructions as told above!! Describe Serious Ramifications??? Bottom Line Is If You Follow The Directions It Works!!! I Waited # days And Could Not Get Through On The English Line At All, Not That Is BS For A 3 Minute Question!!

Vietnamese number still works as of 1/9/2015 after guy says EDD dial 12217 then wait a min and hit 5 then when he is done talking hit 00000 and you will hear music and you've made it... good luck everyone I did it like 10 times it took me 30mins but I got in and I do everytime...ive done it like 10 times and ive done it for my friends it guarantee..... :)


1/24/2013 05:51:12 am

I'm not sure who Nina spoke to but it works for me. I did the trick from a previous post, I believe it was the 1-2-1-1-7 and then in addition immediately pressed 0. The first person I spoke to said he couldn't hear me and hung up but I tried again and the woman spoke perfect English and was happy to help. You just have to keep trying. The person Nina spoke to may have just been annoyed people were calling that number and that was their way of trying to deter others. Oh and it may take a few times for the trick to work, I think you have to hit the buttons just right but keep trying because it does!!


1/25/2013 01:54:01 am

I just called the Vietnamese line, and got through on the second try (the first time the line eventually went dead). I just stayed on the line through all the speaking, and eventually some music came on. Then a woman spoke to me in Vietnamese. I asked if she could help me, and then she switched to English and was quite helpful. I DIDN'T PRESS ANY BUTTONS. Thanks so much Jeff H. Brilliant idea.


1/29/2013 12:45:47 am

HERE'S WHAT WORKS EVERY TIME: hit 5 (as if you're an employer), then hit 1 when prompted, then hit 1 again when prompted, then hit 0 (to speak to a live person) - they will tell your wait time and then a nice person comes on - LIVE!!! This works better than anything out there - and I've tried them all!!!


2/11/2013 02:20:47 am

This really works I got to a live in 3min


2/13/2013 02:23:19 am

WOW I MEAN WOW! After two emails and one pending and two weeks of calling ANNA's method ACTUALLY WORKED. On was speaking with a English speaking person with I 1 MINUTE!! Thank U Anna!!


2/20/2013 08:06:26 am



3/20/2013 06:05:56 am

Tried Anna's method and spoke with someone after just one minute wait time. Spoke to Jennifer and she was very thorough and helpful. I initially had reservations about hitting "5" as an employer, but it was a total non–issue! Got all my questions answered.


4/9/2013 02:25:51 am

This actually worked. Live person in less than 2 minutes. Were they nice? No. But it worked quickly!

hello Anna, thanks your way worked great I got in in seconds on the 1st call I got tire of calling evry day I don't know why they make us go thru somethig that upsets us so much I try and try and your ways was great. Thanks you made my day:)


5/9/2013 09:00:10 am

Anna, all I can say is...THANK YOU !!! First time around I got the " Due to the heavy amount of callers..." message, called again, second time, got through within 2 minutes. To anyone who wants to try this, if you get that first message about the heavy amount of callers, don't get discouraged just call again , I got through the 2nd time. Again, THANK YOU ANNA !!!


6/11/2013 03:29:49 am

This works! My BF has been trying for 3 days. I found this site last night and he tried this first thing in the morning today, worked like a charm. Wasn't even on hold for a minute.

THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH! It took him 4 weeks to get through last year and missed out on benefits because they wouldn't retro pay him, he HAS to call in because he works out of state for part of the year so this was a HUGE HELP! Thanks Anna!


10/1/2013 02:34:46 am

I had been trying to call for the past two days and must have called like 300 times and this totally worked!!!! I had to try like five times but it worked and the lady was super helpful. Anna, thank you so much for your time saving tip!


10/23/2013 01:30:20 am

Wow, thank you so much. I have been trying to get through for 3 weeks. Spending hours a day calling and calling with not success. I tried Anna's method and was talking to a live person within 6 minutes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. It really works!


10/28/2013 01:50:50 am

Your method worked. Thanks a bunch. dan


11/18/2013 01:14:48 am

doesn't work for me. tried 20 times


5/26/2015 03:03:30 am

Anna, I spent weeks trying to get a person. Got one this morning after 5 minute hold using your hint, Thank you for sharing it!


10/19/2015 12:43:44 pm

Anna, what 800 number was used?


3/26/2020 09:53:53 am

Omg thank you Ann ! I’ve been trying for 3 days had no luck and on the second try ! I’m currently on hold ! All the other times it told me it’s to busy call back again later . This is the first time I’m on hold waiting to speak to someone thank u so much Ann ! It’s 2020 and due to the coronavirse it’s so hard to get though ! Must 5-1-1-0


3/31/2020 09:56:14 am

What number did you call for this to work? I have called so many numbers I have lost track!


4/7/2020 11:29:41 am

Which method you used? Which number you called? I ma on call forever...

Charlene Minchaca

4/8/2020 09:57:50 am

What number did you dial and exactly when do you and what extra numbers do you have to press?? Please please help


4/15/2020 10:59:22 am

I tried this trick several times today and when you hit 0 it says please select a valid option or your call will be ended. Any tips?

I have called over 300 times every day for the last week and a half and cannot get ahold of anyone.


8/30/2020 10:47:50 am

Do you know the updated truck to getting through to them? I've tried literally EVERYTHING with no success. I've been waiting now for 7 weeks at least and still in limbo. Please advise. Thank you

1st time trying this and im on hold to talk to someone. crossing my fingers it works.x.let you know if it works when i get thru, if i get thru. It did not work people!!!! She said she is employer line and could not help me with my claim she put transfered me and the phone sounds dead quiet.Ill wait a few minutes but theres no music or anything. It sounds like a dead line!!!!Damn=it!!!!It hung up on me!!!

Juan V

1/29/2013 07:16:04 am

Jeff your tip worked I couldn't believe I spent the past month trying to get through only a 5 min wait.


1/30/2013 08:20:25 am

Jeff's tip works!!!!! Called Vietnamese line, didn't press anything and someone who spoke fluent English helped me! THANK YOU!!


2/4/2013 01:08:35 am

Dialed the Vietnamese Number!!
OMG!! I pressed 3-2-6 then entered SS# then pressed 1 to confirm my SS# and sent me to the hold music! I followed all the instructions that I was following in the English prompts!! Just kind of listened to the pauses between the options and thats when I punched in the #'s

I'm on hold as I type this... I hope I can get some help :( grrrrr


6/26/2020 11:14:22 am

lie That Vietnamese Number Do Not Work I Called 10 Time

Vietnamese line trick no longer works. Tried it several times and followed Jeff H's method but the line would eventually disconnect you if you don't press any buttons.


2/12/2013 01:19:36 am

Decided to try again and eventually heard the hold music. Then Linda answered who was pretty fluent in English. She asked for my SS# and tried to help me. When she heard that I am s veteran she said she's gonna transfer me to a federal line and then the call ended without getting transferred.


2/22/2013 05:10:21 am

Calling the Vietnamese line does work ! Didn't press any buttons just waited for the holding music & right after a woman answered . She was more then happy to help me ! Took me 2 times calling .


3/8/2013 05:18:58 am

Calling the Vietnamese line and following Jeff H's instructions above also worked for me. The guy who answered said that he couldn't answer my question because I hadn't punched in my SS#, so I played dumb and gave him the number verbally. Once he had the number he was helpful.


3/11/2013 07:55:25 am

Vietnamese way worked. I did stay on the line without pressing any buttons. About 6-7 minutes I talked to a woman who was able to help me in English (though she didnt sound too happy, she did it anyway). I only had a quick question about my extension which unfortunately I was not eligible for ;(

I hope this works for you guys. I wonder when they will be catching on to this trick hehe. Sounds like some of you already had to deal with them not helping.. I'd totally try again.


3/13/2013 06:43:34 am

5-1-1-0. Worked for me!! Got thru after a 1 minute hold & Sherry helped me out!

THANK YOU!! This was so stressful!


3/15/2013 07:30:05 am

WOW, 2 weeks of spending HOURS trying to get in. Found this site and did the 5-1-1-0 trick. 1 MINUTE wait, then they answered my general questions. I did not need specific things answered, just how to prepare for the Fed Ext but they said they did that Automatically. I AM SOOOOO RELIEVED NOW. THANK YOU.


4/9/2013 11:32:27 am

both the Vietnamese line and the employer route worked for me today in the middle of the day. the employer line was the quicker and more effective of the 2 for me.


4/12/2013 03:55:50 am

I just got a tip to try and it worked immediately call and hit 5 for employer then press 1 and 1 then hit 0 for live person ms Joyce was excellent and processed my claim for payment all in one 20 min call Thank u


4/15/2013 04:52:07 am

Erika's yours worked for me the first time. I tried every other tip on here several times. Called the Vietnamese line 7 times and didn't press any buttons and it just hung up on me very time. Called the vietnamese line and pressed the buttons u said to and it worked first try! Thanks!


4/23/2013 02:42:06 am

5. 1. 1. 0
100% it will work. I was calling for 3 days straight. 8-5 no answer. used the employer verification line and got through in 30 sec. amazed and grateful!

D Breznel

5/7/2013 04:09:22 am

IT WORKS!!!!! Youve saved me from a massive coronary, Jeff, thank you!!!

Anna!!! Thank you so much

Tod Packer

8/1/2013 03:33:09 am

Worked like a charm, follow Annes prompts at the right times, get the hold music and was golden.


8/1/2013 07:02:08 am


8/1/2013 07:03:38 am

Works like a charm !!!


8/12/2013 01:52:21 am

The Vietnamese line works. Just stay on line there will be music then a live person comes on. They helped us in under 5 minutes. Thanks for all the help.


8/28/2013 01:35:15 am



9/3/2013 02:58:31 am

I called today and got through with 5-1-1-0! I have been calling for 2 weeks with no luck, but I was on hold for only 1 minute this time :) Thanks for all your help!


4/15/2014 03:37:37 am

This trick works! Like many thousands, could not get through with regular numbers and this one got me thru in 3 mins. and got my problem solved.


3/17/2020 11:26:17 am

OMG THIS WORKS...Call (800) 300- 5616...
then press 5-1-1-0

What number are you calling using the 5....


9/15/2013 11:06:45 am

Hey Ang, the number I used for the 5-1-1-0 was 1-800-300-5616.

omg !!!!
Anna's method worked !!!!
I dont know if to cry or what.
After numerous days of trying and documented approximatetly over 600 calls (one after another for 5 days)

Im finally on hold !!!!

thank you


9/17/2013 04:29:42 am

So I got through again today, but with the 6-7-1 method. I have been unemployed for a month and haven't received any payment. Come to find out today when I got a hold of them again that they had flagged in their system I was going to start working so they didn't send me the EDD debit card! OMG how frustrating! I'm finally getting the card in a week with one week's pay on it. I have to certify the first 2 weeks of September so I should have 3 weeks pay soon enough. FINALLY!


9/17/2013 04:30:42 am

So I got through again today, but this time with the 6-7-1 method. I have been unemployed for a month and haven't received any payment. Come to find out today that they had flagged in their system I was going to start working so they didn't send me the EDD debit card! OMG how frustrating! I'm finally getting the card in a week with one week's pay on it. I have to certify the first 2 weeks of September so I should have 3 weeks pay soon enough. FINALLY!


9/17/2013 04:31:42 am

So I got through again today, but this time with the 6-7-1 method. I have been unemployed for a month and haven't received any payment. Come to find out today that they had flagged in their system I was going to start working so they didn't send me the EDD debit card! OMG how frustrating! I'm finally getting the card in a week with one week's pay on it. FINALLY!


11/12/2013 01:29:17 am

I had received a letter from them stating that my forms were filled out incorrectly.

I used the 1,6,7,1 method and also the 1,5,1,1,0 method. I'm not sure which one ended up working, but I did get through. Like others have said before, if the message starts with "Thank You for Calling..." Hang up until you get the message that starts with Welcome To..." Then enter either one of the methods above.

Good luck:

BTW -- My forms were NOT filled out incorrectly, but the woman on the phone asked me the questions and is approving my payment.

Kristina Rios

10/21/2013 06:58:47 am

I went threw the Vietnamese line just listen until you hear hold music. Once someone answers just say Hello is this EDD someone will answer back in English. It was about a 7 min hold time. Hope this works for other people I've been waiting for payment for 7 weeks.


11/1/2013 12:35:39 am

This is crazy!!!!! Already stressed trying to contact EDD then you fell like your on Mars alone:( I hope to get thru today. I have not received a payment in 7 weeks as well. Is anyone else payment late since early Sept?


11/12/2013 03:58:38 am

YEah super frustrating. hav't revived money since september either! tried all the tricks above multiple times. NOTHING WORKS. sends me straight to "due to the number of calls at this time ,we are unable…"

ya i'm in the same exact boat as you! except I havent had a check since august!!

I've been trying to get ahold of EDD for the passed two months and everytime I call i get the high volume of callers bullshit..i even called at 8:01am when they open and STILL got the same thing.. any tips? I havent had an unemployment check in almost 3 months.. starting to think they gave up answering for us.


11/18/2013 01:07:46 am

maybe EDD should hire more ppl!!!


12/2/2013 02:35:27 am after calling 1800-300-5616 100 times worked.


12/17/2013 04:29:01 am

Called 1 800-300-5616 Then pushed 1-6-7-1 and I got threw!
Thank you for all the help!

Called EDD this afternoon and did the 1 then 671 really fast the my SNN and then 1 fast.. wait til 2 mins and my lady from EDD was amazing. . Filed my claim, told me all my benefits and even told me when I get my first check. .. amazing service today


7/15/2014 04:20:42 am

I did the 5-1-1-0 and waited two minutes at 11am! Once you get on the line they just ask you for your social and other info and they'll help you from there! It was so frustrating calling the main number over and over and never getting through. This method works!

What is the original number to call before doing the 5110


8/18/2014 03:48:33 am

It worked!!!!! I have been calling for three days. I just dialed everything fast. I called and wrote down what number I needed. Then I hung up and called back and dialed 1 then 6 then 7 then 1, i entered my social and pressed 1 and I had a helpful person on the line after two minutes on hold.

Gary Martin

9/11/2014 01:13:00 am

I used the 5-1-1-0 trick at 8am sharp and it worked on first try with one min hold time thanks!

Louise Fulton

1/5/2015 03:11:05 am

I called 1-619-525-4995 and had to listen for a moment or two..then the recording said hit zero to continue, I hit zero. Then it asked for this again and again and I continued to hit zero. It only took 5 minutes and then I got someone who helped me. It worked like a charm.


9/11/2015 10:43:28 am

Wow. Direct number! No waiting time or automated message. DIRECT!


10/30/2017 12:34:38 pm

Does this work??


2/22/2018 12:01:54 pm

This works though you have to navigate out of the "over-payment" department with the first operator who will automatically send you there .


12/15/2015 10:29:34 pm

Thanks for all the tips, but why should this be necessary if we already pay for real service? This is not the country I grew up in. In 1997, you could walk into the unemployment office and it was fully staffed all day. After wall street and the banks crashed our economy, the state cut back hours. It is shame that people have to jump through hoops. A sad reflection of the state of our country.


1/5/2016 11:15:06 am

671- Absolutely works. Call the 1 800 300 5616 number, when the "Welsome" message comes on, I hit 1 for English and "671" right away. They were busy, but offered me the call back feature. I got a call back in less than 10 minutes.


1/21/2016 08:27:15 am

YES!!!...671 WORKS!!!. I was on hold for only 3 minutes, the lady was so nice. Got everything verify and resolved in less then 5 minutes. Thanks for sharing, you guys are awesome.


4/6/2016 10:41:21 am

Awesome, 671 worked for me too after trying for 3 days straight to get through. Got put on hold, said the wait time was 6 mins and ended up getting through in like 3. And yeah, 8am to noon business hours is abysmall and the higher ups should be ashamed even though we all know they aren't.

With more than a decade of experience in the industry of designing modular kitchens and interiors, Triple D is heading towards implementing the next generation modules in its works and designs. Using latest technologies in designing and fixing, we follow intelligent patterns which are recognized worldwide.

Thanks for sharing the information.

Sara Marquez

5/24/2017 08:47:10 am

This worked on the first try! After trying around 10 times with a number EDD deems as "to Reach a Customer Service Representative"....

Very nice lady too, got what i needed!

Thank you again!!!!


10/30/2017 12:28:07 pm

Does this work still..2017 October??

Jay Robertson

2/5/2018 11:21:13 am

1 +671 worked for me. Thanks!

John S.

2/22/2018 12:05:41 pm

A rep from EDD told me to also try: 1 (for english) 6 + 7 + 3 after the 2nd english voice finishes his menu spiel. The moment he finishes "673" -- there will be interrupted main guy voice and then punch in your SS number. The main guy voice will repeat your SS number and hit "1" to confirm and boom, you're on your way to a live person though your wait time will vary. (Mine = 22min)


6/24/2019 02:22:30 pm

619-336-5422 Jerri for unemployment, direct line. she can help u with anything!


7/31/2019 08:33:50 am

She won't help anymore.


4/3/2020 11:38:44 am

Why not


4/3/2020 11:39:29 am

Who is this. Does she work for edd


10/1/2019 10:19:44 am

Still works great as of Ootober 2019!. I called 1-800-300-5616, pressed 1 for English, then after the message, I quickly pressed 671. I was asked for my SSN then put on hold for next representative. Wait time 1 minute!!! The representative was extremely helpful.

I had an issue with how benefits are determined. I used the online system but would have benefited by calling directly to apply. My insurance award was based on my least year of PART time work instead of the last six months for FULL time, higher salary work. I needed to cancel my claim and resubmit in the next month (which conveniently was the beginning of the next quarter.)

See the guide here: //

Here is another helpful site for help in contacting EDD: //

As of 12/2019 if you're calling EDD (1-800-300-5616) the options #1,#6#7#1, SS#,#1 is STILL working. Grant it, I was on hold for 30mins, but was glad to be on hold to wait to actually speak to a customer representative. The woman was very helpful, quick, took care of the little details that needed correction. I had missed my telephone interview, hence me calling them. Best part about dialing those options, you don't really have to wait for the recordings to finish! Best of luck to everyone. Hope my update helps someone.


1/14/2020 10:16:09 am

Still works!!! Thank you


2/7/2020 11:37:56 am

No longer works. Same BS.

Carlys W.Krueger

3/31/2020 01:55:48 pm

It Works!!

Carlys Krueger

3/31/2020 01:57:08 pm

6-7-1 has worked and still works!!


4/3/2020 08:24:33 am

6 7 1 works sometimes for me... maybe I'm not entering it in fast enough? but the system has been crap since this virus began -__-


4/6/2020 09:26:49 am

671 gets me through the initial part but then after it says I’m going to speak to a representative it has a long pause and either says everyone is busy or that the system is unavailable. I need to get my EDD customer account number, any other tips?


4/7/2020 11:44:07 am

Not working form me either :(
Having the same issue. I need to retrieve my EDD customer account #

I was able to talk to someone from #(714) 687-4400 who connected me to a different # but my call was dropped. He advised to send a request in via letter : 480 N. Mountain View Ave, San Bernardino CA 92401 OR Fax: 909-383-4005
Does anyone know of an email address for EDD?

Jessica Barraza

4/10/2020 11:26:14 am

You can email them the the "contact us" link on UI online, at


6/2/2020 07:36:24 am

Don't have a direct e-mail but if you log onto the EDD site and click "Contact Us" you have to select "Wheres my Payments" in order for you to e-mail them. Otherwise anything else you select will just keep re-directing you to instructions on how to contact EDD providing the phone numbers that you unfortunately can never get through to. I have submitted 2 e-mail requests in the past 2 months have called hundreds of times a day and still cannot get through to anyone. Its been over two months now. But I am still hopeful.


8/4/2020 12:47:37 pm

Emailing them under Contact Us in the website doesnt work either. A**holes havent replied in 2 months. Phone is always busy or when you think youre getting through, it says all representatives are busy. Being open just 4 hours is a slap on the face too.


4/10/2020 01:26:32 pm

Hey everyone! I’m a restaurant worker and due to the pandemic our restaurant is temporarily closed. I applied for benefits but when I got my questionnaire when asked question #3 “did you look for work I answered “no” because I still have my job, we’re just closed until they reopen restaurants! I got disqualified the moment I submitted my questionnaire via edd portal. Does anyone know what else I can do? I’m going on a whole month with zero paychecks, now what? 😭


5/15/2020 10:34:29 pm

Put YES instead


4/10/2020 11:33:27 pm

Hey everyone! I’m a restaurant worker and due to the pandemic our restaurant is temporarily closed. I applied for benefits but when I got my questionnaire when asked “if I’m

Dave J

4/13/2020 03:54:28 pm

I am a restaurant worker and have applied over a month ago for unemployment. I have never recieved anything in the mail though my online account said money was allocated to me. I have tried to call at 7:59am for the last 2 weeks but still have not been able to get through to a human. Also tried to find a place to go in person but it seems to not exist. Does anyone know of a way to get through? I feel it cant be as hard as it appears to be.


4/23/2020 02:47:39 pm

Dave J.

Has your issue been resolved?

I have a similar issue as yours. It looks like payments have been issued according to EDD, but I have yet to received a debit card or paper checks from them. Thanks.


4/14/2020 02:22:06 pm

I have not been able to get on the phone with anyone. Since I moved from Oklahoma in the past year, it says I have to do my initial claim over the phone... yet they're only open from 8am-12pm?? How the heck can I do this? I'm going two weeks without payments now?

Leah L.

4/18/2020 03:37:43 pm

This didn't work for me unfortunately, I tried every trick suggested on this website without success :-( I also tried contacting EDD through Umployment Online, but I never got a response back to any of my emails in 2 weeks.
Here's what finally did work for me, and *bonus* it was easy and fast! I called my local EDD office at 2:30 pm Friday (took 5 mins, got 2 busy signals, hung up, got a live person on the third try).
I explained my situation, and even though it was after noon call center cutoff hours, they were able to immediately transfer me over to a live representative at the central office who was friendly & resolved the issue for me (wages missing, causing 4/5/20 claim to be denied) all within 15 minutes total.
*** This may be the key, I live in a rural area of California. If you are unable to get a hold of a human at your local EDD office, try calling a rural office instead.
Sincerely hope this helps sometime else, good luck everyone!


4/21/2020 10:23:14 am

help-please post number Leah

Leah L.

4/24/2020 01:33:35 pm

Hi Rose, I posted an update with some specific numbers you can try

Leah L.

4/24/2020 01:27:18 pm


This is how I finally got through to a live human after unsuccessfully trying to call and email them for 2 weeks *bonus* it was easy and fast!

I tried every hack & trick posted online without luck, this time I called my local EDD office at 3 pm Friday. It only took 5 mins - 2 busy signals, hung up, got a live person on 3rd try.

I explained my problem and even though it was after noon, when the state call center closes, they were able to immediately transfer me over to a live rep at the state office who was friendly & resolved the issue for me (wages missing, causing my claim to be denied) all within 15 minutes total.

*** TL;DR
I called at an off-peak time AND I live in a low population, rural county in California.
If you're unable to reach a human through the state Unemployment phone numbers, or your local EDD office, try calling a rural office instead.
Sincerely hope this helps someone else, good luck everyone!

Leah L.

4/24/2020 01:31:57 pm

[Update 2]

* Call later in the day (Got through 4 pm yesterday when I had to call again)

** Sample list of Northern California Employment Development Department low population county/city office phone numbers:

[ For local or more results, search Google or Google maps for EDD near me and/or
America Job Centers of California (EDD office finder) - // ]

1. Del Norte County, Crescent City:

2. Trinity County, Weaverville: 530-623-5538

3. Siskiyou Co., Weed: 530-938-3231

4. Tehama Co., Red Bluff: 530-529-7000

5. Modoc Co., Alturas: 530- 233-4161

6. Glenn Co., Orland: 530-865-6165

7. Colusa Co., Colusa: 530-458-0326

8. Plumas Co., Quincy: 530-283-1606

9. Lake Co., Lakeport: 707-263-0630

10. Lassen Co., Susanville: 530-257-5057


4/21/2020 11:19:13 am

I called the Glendale office (818)409-0441, pressed 3 and was able to provide my SS# and ask why I was disqualified. She very nicely told me that I made too much because I was still working. I made more than my award amount. So hopefully now that I am no longer working because of my health condition, asthma, I should qualify.

Anna M Sigala

4/22/2020 11:36:59 am

I tried the 818 409-0441 phone number and pressed option 3 as mentioned. I was directly to someone. He redirected me to an automotive system. I pressed 1 for English and was instructed to enter my SSI#. I pressed 1 to confirm my SSI# and then now I'm on hold for a live person. They mentioned 15 mins. Let's hope this goes well.....


4/22/2020 03:03:59 pm

Hi Anna, did you have any luck talking to someone?

Anna Sigala

4/22/2020 07:38:00 pm

Hi Mayerlin. I was on hold for 20 mins and someone got on the line but unfortunately it was disconnected. I tried over and over again to get someone else but no luck. I will try again tomorrow.


5/11/2020 11:13:26 am

I tried this one just now. The lady was very helpful. It took a minute to get through because once you dial and hit the number three, it will sometimes give you a busy line see if they keep calling and hanging up. But from the time I started it took me maybe about eight minutes to get through to somebody. They cannot process a claim or expedite your claim but they can give you information and look up your information to see if you have any red flags.


5/26/2020 05:03:05 pm

I tried today, it took a 12 times. I called
press 1 then 671. If it does not work at first, try a few more times.


4/22/2020 11:15:55 am

I tried the 1800 number and I followed the 5110. I had to do it several times in the beginning before the pre recorded message was changed. I did the 5-1-1-0 again when prompt and I was on hold for a representative but then mentioned there were more callers waiting to speak to someone and informed me to call back. I will try early am and hopefully get through.
Did anyone have any luck getting through? My status still says "NOT PAID". Covid19 messed up everything. A little help if anyone knows another way to contact someone.....


6/9/2020 10:29:04 am

Dialed 833-978-2561 200+times & finally worked with 1-671-talked with rep who had bad attitude & flip answers to my problem- then I asked if I could talk to supervisor- he wouldn’t give me his name - but put me back on hold with music- talked with another rep-Luis- knowledgeable, concerned, smart-able to steer me right direction -sounds like all these EDD reps working from home- . Luis said he put me on a list for a person- “ specialist” from UI office who would call me- I’m waiting, hoping

Just email your local assemblyperson.


4/23/2020 11:16:30 am

When dialing the #800, it does not even prompt me to select the Select #1 for English, all it says it is that they have more calls than they can handle.. I have been trying to call them for 2 weeks now, this is beyond frustrating..


4/23/2020 11:57:49 am

I've been having the same problem. This is BS

Kyle Wood

4/23/2020 12:08:24 pm

Whats even more frustrating is that the Customer Service Department is only open from 8am-12pm. How the hell do they expect to facilitate all of these new claims only working 4hrs a day? This state is a f'n joke.

CA EDD has established a new phone #833-978-2511, 8 am - 8 pm,
7 days a week as of 04/20/2020. I tried calling many times, but same

You can try calling this #, hopefully you will have better luck than I do.


4/23/2020 04:52:33 pm

I had tried both the 1-800-300-5616 and 833-978-2511. I never got selection, and they only said unable to pick up my call.
I'm so frustrated as they already denied four weeks of my certification, and I'm running out of food and unable to help pay for rent. Anyone knows how to reach to a human?
Thanks for your help!!!!!


4/24/2020 11:30:25 am

im sorry to hear you are also dealing with this crap. ive tried it all. only thing to do is to keep trying i guess.....

Anna Sigala

4/24/2020 01:37:01 pm

Hi. The 1800 300-5616 does work. The thing is you call and as soon as the recording starts, push 5110. It will hang up on you several times. I suggest starting at 7:55 am. I did that and after 15-19 attempts, another recording starts. Dial 5, and then another selection dial 1, another selection dial 1 and finally at the last selection dial 0. You dont have to listen to the whole message. As soon as the selection starts, push the 5, then 1, then 1 and finally 0. You will get someone quickly. It's worth it. I found this effective and spoken to someone yesterday. She seemed already irritated but still answered my questions. Hope this helps.

My issue with the not paid $0.00 amount. I have my married name changed at the dmv but never updated my social security last name. I sent in the requested info and hopefully something will happen. Good luck

homeless thanks to EDD

4/24/2020 11:17:37 am

ive tried everything mentioned in this post going back to 2012.... absolutely nothing works after about 300 dials i get to put my SS just for it to say they cant take my call and try again later.. i started at 7;50 am for 4 hours with no break and nothing. thanks for nothing california. you can find me living in my car untill i have to sell it to eat.

Fuck these people

4/30/2020 11:20:30 am

This is absolutely pathetic


4/28/2020 09:58:47 am

I tried the Glendale office and she was at least able to tell me why my unemployment was pending but couldn't help me after that. I will see if Anna's method works.


4/29/2020 11:53:51 am

Tried Anna's way, got the same irritated lady, I explained that my unemployment was pending and gave her the reason I thought it was pending. She explained reasons why but when I explained why those reasons didn't apply to me, she either hung up or I got disconnected. There was immediately music, then silence for an hour then it hung up.
She never asked for my social, account number or name.
I know they are doing a thankless job but they at least have one.

I've called from 7:45 until now. Back to the drawing board tomorrow.


4/28/2020 10:36:59 am

There's not enough cuss words to describe my experience of trying to get ahold of someone at EDD. For a state that gets so much damn money in taxes, there's zero excuse for this dysfunctional system.

The entire reason I have to speak to someone live is because the online system has many glitches, so if you signed up for EDD online (like they suggest you do) chances are your information is not correct so you'll need to call and speak to someone to fix it before you can receive payment.

I only know this because three days ago (after 300 calls and being on hold for 1.5 hours) I finally got a live person on the phone who told me that. But as she was in the middle of helping me THE CALL DISCONNECTED FOR NO REASON!! Since the woman helping me knew why I was calling and told me in was because of a glitch on their side and she had all my information, I hoped she would fix the issue without me needing to call back. Well that would've been too easy. Or here's an idea, WHY NOT HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS so I can email someone to fix the issue on their end in my account, so I don't have to keep calling and take someone else's chance at speaking to someone.

I have had the call drop after I was hold for 45 minutes and another time after I was on hold for 65 minutes. The issue is not on my end because there's never a message that says "call failed". The line just disconnects out of nowhere and the hours spent trying to get to that point are all wasted... so I start again.

I've called every day starting at 8am, hanging up and redialing every 2-3 seconds. I have gotten through to "phase 2" of actually being put on hold only 3 times. The first two times, I chose the option of having them call me back when it's my turn. It always says the wait time is only 5-6 minutes but that's a lie, it's closer to 2 hours, but honestly I don't care as long I speak to someone. Both times I got a call back shortly after 12pm, so the auto message notified me that I was getting my call back, however, the office was now closed so I would have to call back the next day. HOW USELESS IS THAT?

Does CA really not have enough money to create a phone system that puts people who were put on hold during business hours, but didn't get their call back until after business hours, into a queue that calls them first thing the next morning?

It would be easier to find someone who can afford to hire a new employee and get a new job, then to get through to EDD and request the money that's been taken out of your paychecks for the last 18 months... the money you already paid the state!

Government ran programs are a joke.


4/28/2020 11:33:56 am

I called both numbers 1-800-300-5616 and 833-978-2511. No luck on the 5616 lines as even I was able to get into the stage of putting in my SSN, it will disconnect me saying no agent is available to talk to you. Got a hold of an agent on the 2511 line but he couldn’t help me correct my Mistake after an hour or so wait. I told him I made a mistake certifying my weeks and he said he cant help and I will need to speak to another level of agent that has that authority, he said he can transfer me but it will be another hour of wait or longer and that is impossible because he will need to be on the line with me. It is ridiculous. They said or I can call back again and try the 5616 number. That is even more ridiculous. I sent 5 messages for 10 days and still no response from EDD. And I cannot even get a hold of someone.

I called the 833-978-2511 number on 7/20/20 at 3:30 pm and waited 15 minutes for a live person and was done in a total of 20 minutes. I coudn't get through either when I tried calling as soon as they opened. Try later in the day like I did. The person updated my info to paid because after three weeks it was still pending. She said I would have my money in 48 to 72 hours. Sure enough it was there in 48 hours. If you can get through they will give you your money. Good luck everyone and keep your heads up! There is hope!


4/28/2020 11:44:10 am

call this number 530-225-2185 once prompted to make a selection press 3 you will be put through to a live person..

Shannon Rodriguez

5/12/2020 01:52:10 pm

I called 530-225-2185 pressed 3 gave them my information then they transferred my to the EDD and the call actually went through!!!!


4/28/2020 01:18:19 pm

Just spoke to someone at 530-225-2185 the gentleman couldn’t help and said the systems were having problems I asked if he could help me file for t 13 week extension and he said he couldn’t get into the system himself . I did tell him it didn’t give me the option to apply for pandemic unemployment when I logged into my account . Anyone else having this prob


5/7/2020 10:35:29 am

Same here. I exhausted my benefits March first and i'm not able to file new claim. They told me to file for the PUA the it will automatically transfer to the 13 week extension program once it falls into place but nope can't even apply online.


4/30/2020 09:53:08 am

Persistence is necessary when calling both lines. 800-300-5616 & 833-978-2511. I start at 7:55 am & around 9:15-9:30, the lines open up and get me through to the part where you put in your social but still not able to get through some times. I have a landline and cell phone I made 1000 calls in the last 2 hours. I finally got through to someone name Lawrence on the "833" line who solved my issue in 5 minutes. My claim was pending and I made a dumb mistake when filling out my claim, he fixed that along with answering other questions I had. Yesterday was a terrible experience. The person was irritated, didn't want to answer questions and hung up on me. That was very defeating during a time like this. When you call, thank them for answering and if they solve your issue make sure you tell them how much you appreciate them. When it comes to people and their money, things can get ugly.
Also, have your question or issue ready, they have a lot of calls in cue.

I finally got an answer from someone at the San Diego office, (415) 351-7200. I called all morning from 8 am -10 am but it didn't work. I saw someone mention to try and call after lunch so I called around 2 pm. I called the number about five times and kept getting the option to press zero or a busy tone. I hung up and the sixth time I called a woman answered immediately and asked for my social and confirmed my name and helped me with my questions. Keep trying! I had been calling the 800 number since March at 7:30am almost every other day but NEVER got through. This number definitely worked.

ALSO when certifying for the weeks the lady told me that when it asks if you're looking for a job, answer yes, then it will ask what establishment you went looking for work at and you should put the place you were working at right before quarantine. She said that way your benefits won't be delayed.


5/4/2020 06:26:45 pm

Persistence! I got through tonight at 5:40 PST and was on hold for 25 minutes. I called the 833 number, as the other was already closed. I called every few hours all day and finally got in. I just had preliminary questions about working out of state because I can't file my claim yet. The person I spoke with said the 800-300 number is completely slammed and no one can get through. Keep trying everyone, I know how frustrating this all is!! The rep I spoke to said very soon the 833 number should be more of a full-service, they just started the office 2 weeks ago and getting up and running, so hopefully the whole thing is working better soon.


5/11/2020 09:33:21 am

Hi. Curious if you heard the message that said no one would be available to talk to and then eventually that message changed? All I get on this number is "you will not be able to speak to a representative." Thank you!

Felicia Fuentes

5/15/2020 08:53:26 am

1 English then 5-1-1-0

Jennifer Busby

5/10/2020 11:01:44 pm

I initially applied online back in mid-March when we first went into Shelter in Place for Covid19.

It is now nearly 2 months later & I still have gotten no debit card and no payments.

Initially they sent me a paper that said they had to verify my identity. I sent the items requested.

I also got the certification papers for the first two weeks, filled them out and sent them back. To be on the safe side, I also certified online.

I got a paper via mail and email via the website that said my benefits were $0.00. This made no sense as I was working for the last two years and definitely qualified.

Ive called over 300 times, never getting through. I have emailed through the website at least 10 times & have never received a response.

After the first two weeks, they no longer sent me certification papers to fill out. I also do not get the option to fill them out online, and it will not let me do it over the phone on the automated system either.

On the website it now shows a weekly payment amount and benefit balance, but states “not paid” as the status.

Since the system won’t let me certify, I’ve also had to reopen my claim—get this—FIVE TIMES!

As I said before, I am now st the two month mark. Still can’t get through to anyone.

My son, who applied 3 weeks after I did, got his ebt card and benefits a week ago (!!!!). I am happy for him, but this makes me even more frustrated with my situation.

Any help is appreciated.

Maria Ferrante

5/12/2020 10:43:37 am

So sorry to hear that you are going through this. We are going through the same scenario, word for word! It makes me feel better knowing that we are not the only ones. But beyond mad that we can not get paid or any help. Have sent them questions, emails, letters, called over hundreds of time and nothing! uhggg

Felicia Fuentes

5/15/2020 08:52:52 am

1(english)-5-1-1-0 these are ur lucky numbers to get through.


5/12/2020 02:48:25 pm

My boyfriend is in the exact same boat. Submitted twice, asked to verify his identity and then nothing. Also got the paper saying ZERO, they showed no money earned for 4 quarters which was wrong! We had the screen shots from his submittal so I knew it had been entered correctly. So messed up right now. If we find a magic bullet I'll let you know!

Felicia A Fuentes

5/15/2020 08:48:04 am

1 for English then press 5 followed by 1 then 1 then 0


5/14/2020 11:24:07 am

Same situation for me. Filed for UI end of March - as soon as I was laid off. Received the identity verification letter and then the 1st 2 weeks of certification in the mail and have not received anything further. I sent everything back the same day I received it. It has been 6 weeks. I have spent hours calling and never been connected to a representative. The system is broken -- when you finally do get through, follow the promps, enter your SSN and told you will be transferred to representative the recording then says "due to the number of callers already ahead of you we are unable to assist at this time.- please try again later." I have also tried emailing and have not received anything back. I am beyond frustrated. I worked for the same California company for 5 years full-time. This is a benefit that is owed to me!

Felicia Fuentes

5/15/2020 08:48:56 am

press 1 for English followed by 5 then 1 and 1 again followed by 0

Felicia Fuentes

5/15/2020 08:51:50 am

1 for English then 5 followed by 1 then 1 again and finally ur magic num 0. Don't thank me thank Jesus Christ and anne from 2013

Felicia Fuentes

5/15/2020 08:46:49 am

if you're tired of trying 509times a day to no avail?!?!?! Anne in 2013 is the answer to our prayers!☆☆☆☆press 1 English then after the automated message press 5(employer) when prompted press 1 followed by 1 followed by 0. So far the only covid19 california edd foolproof solution. Thank you Jesus and Anne

V. Veliz

5/15/2020 12:08:31 pm

I tried the 5110 and I am currently on hold. But, initially they said 6 minutes and I've been on hold for 25 minutes. And it is pass 1200, not sure if they will still answer my call. Lord jesus....235 times calling today. This is as close to hope that I got today!


5/15/2020 01:41:00 pm

After 2 hours of waiting......I hung up. I doubt that they were going to pick up. I'll try my luck tomorrow.


5/18/2020 05:18:20 pm

FINAALY got to talk to a human being today. Called 833-4978-2511 many many many times over the course of 2 hours. I pressed 1 for English then as soon as a new recording started pressed 1 again. It then goes to a message that starts with "Thank you for calling the EDD.....we are receiving too many calls to answer." And I hang up and try again. Got to be dial, press 1, press 1, if I heard "thank you..." I hung up and started over. I finally ended up on hold and it hung up after 30 minutes. Went back to repeat dialing. Got a guy on the phone but was disconnected. Frustrating but went back to dialing for another half an hour, got someone on the phone and they helped. Now we are waiting for a cal in the next 3-5 days to work on our specific issue. Not solved yet but hopefully making progress.


5/18/2020 05:19:04 pm

SORRY: 833-978-2511 is the correct number


5/19/2020 02:06:00 pm

Thank you Susan. Ive been trying to get a hold of them using this method. but no luck :-(


6/29/2020 10:37:43 am

Did you get a call back? I'm on day 6 of a 5-7day window they gave me


6/30/2020 12:48:49 am

Meredith, don’t wait for them to call you back. Call them back and start calling at 7:59 AM. Keep trying them...


5/19/2020 02:17:18 pm

Keep faith...I called from 1:15 to finally getting through at 3:30...and I was constantly dialing. Only benefit of being unemployed, I had time to sit on my rear and dial the phone :)


5/20/2020 09:59:06 am

Im trying many many times to call because my problem is i get paid for last 2 weeks and then now i ned to certify but the certifying weeks is february..i am wonder why i go back to february since they paid me for month of may!!i try 1000x times but it they hav a lot of caller


5/21/2020 12:00:42 am

I called the 833 number and after being on hold for 45 minutes I started hearing a very confused man on the line in the middle of a conversation with someone else. At first I thought the lines had crossed and I was connected with another applicant, but as soon as he heard me say “hello” he quickly introduced himself as an EDD rep. Beggars can’t be choosers so I brushed this off and asked about my case status. He asked me for my info and then told me that he didn’t have access to my file as he was an overflow worker. He then gave me a number which he said would connect me directly to a live operator who would have all of my information, history, etc and who could answer all of my questions. Ecstatic, I wrote the number down and thanked him for his time. The number he gave me was 866-401-2849. When I called it, I was given a recording! With a bunch of useless information and no option to talk to a live person at all. I was furious! I called the 866 number back and got a young lady After holding only 5 minutes who was able to access my file with no problem. She told me my case was still pending and no further action was required on my part. That provided some relief, but I still wish I would have asked her for a callback from one of the claims reps who might be able to hurry the process along a bit. I will try again tomorrow.


5/22/2020 10:58:52 am

Sasha - what number did you press after calling the 866 number?


5/22/2020 11:27:12 am

Doesn’t matter. I tried all of the prompts, none of them give you the option of speaking to a rep. It’s a complete waste of time and if anyone tells you to call it, tell them you already did and there is no option to talk to a rep. The guy who gave it to me must have been on his first day on the job (maybe I was even his first call ever from the sound of it).


5/22/2020 12:50:59 pm

Sorry for the confusion. I meant to say I called the 833 # back and the young lady helped me. The 866 is a dead end. So is 800 number. Best bet is to keep calling the 833 number and request a callback from a claims rep. That’s what I did today after I got a letter from EDD after being told no action required over the phone. The 833 reps don’t know anything, they are all new hires serving as gatekeepers to the 800 reps who are the only people with the ability to actually release funds. Just tell the 833 you’ve had no luck and to please put you on a callback list with a claims representative. I’m waiting on them to call me within the next 48 hours. Wish me luck!


5/22/2020 12:59:55 pm

But to answer your question, for the 833 (NOT 866!) number prompts are 1, then 0. If the recording says “thank you” after pressing 0, hang up and try again. If it says “All of our representatives are busy” then STAY ON THE LINE you will be placed on hold.


5/22/2020 11:08:50 am

I have been calling the main line for 3 straight days, as I was trying to reopen my claim. There was a glitch in the system. Have tried every hack and number I could find. Have made hundreds of dials and hours to try and get through. Called (909) 383-4663 and got through after a four dials. An operator will ask you for your social and place you on hold. Then the adjuster will come on the line and call you by name and ask you to confirm some info. Thank you to C.C for this info and the others who claimed it worked! Going to buy a lotto ticket. Best wishes to everyone and stay safe!


5/22/2020 11:32:56 am

Saw this trick someone put here in this thread and worked for me.

Call 1 (833) 978-2511 and as soon as it connects, press 1 then a really half second pause then put the numbers 6-7-1 in that order. It took a couple tries over a few days but finally got to the hold music.

If it says "thank you" after pressing the 6-7-1, hang up and try again.


5/22/2020 12:57:05 pm

You can also press 0 instead of 6-7-1 and get connected that way. 6-7-1 is for the 800 number.


5/23/2020 10:47:49 am

After 1 check was put on a pending status for 7 weeks. like everyone else, it was impossible to get through. I tried calling 1-6-7-3, 4 time, heard the que music. Waited on hold for about 20 minutes, finally spoke to someone and was put on a call back list. My phone will be glued to my ear! Keep trying and stay safe


5/27/2020 12:03:30 pm

Just to clarify, did you press 1-6-7-3? Or the 1-6-7-1?


5/27/2020 03:37:24 pm

Mario, I tried both numbers. I had luck with the 1-6-7-3. When you hear the message, dial the numbers quickly. Actually got through 5/27 at 8:01

LeeAnn Nicholl

5/26/2020 11:51:41 am

Does anyone know if you are on hold with EDD and the office closes at 12, should I still keep waiting on hold, or will no one answer?


5/27/2020 03:42:11 pm

LeeAnn, if you get the cue music, remain on hold. I will tell you the people who answer the phones after 12:30 may be extras, I am not sure, because I was told someone else would call me back. It was also the Memorial Day Weekend

Gabriel Simmons

5/28/2020 09:52:48 am

I am also dealing with this hectic process . I am following all of the above comments but still have not reached anyone yet(9:41am). I came close with the 800-300-5616(Manning the call center from 8am to 12pm). If you keep calling you might get to the automated choices. I pressed 5 then 1. This prompted me to enter my social security number. I then was disconnected again. If I do not get through with the 800-300-5616 by 12 pm I will mess with the 833-978-2511 number (Open from 8am-8pm). For this one the above comments said right when you call and hear the robots voice enter 1-6-7-3 or 1-6-7-1( I believe its the same thing) People have said they got to the lobby where you hear the music by doing this. There is one more number 1-909-383-4663. This number prompts you to press 0 to be put on hold to speak to a customer service rep. I will update if any of this helps me get through today. Good Luck people.

Gabriel Simmons

5/28/2020 10:16:23 am

correction for 800-300-5616 when prompted hit 6 then 5 then 1

Gabriel Simmons

5/28/2020 08:04:33 pm


I called the 833-978-2511 number and finally got through to the music, followed by to the actual person that helped me get my claim approved!!!

1. Call 833-978-2511

2.Right when you hear the voice of the automated lady. Hit 1 then 0 at the same time

3. If you hear THANKYOU, hang up and keep trying until the automated system directs you to wait (the music)

It took me about 45 min of waiting to get someone, but it was worth it!!(Only took about 40 calls too. Literally kept hanging up after I heard the thankyou)

Hope this helps!


5/28/2020 08:47:33 pm

We finally got resolution today! Crazy frustrating process but our check should come next week. We used the 833-978-2511 number. We had to submit proof of identity, reopen a claim, talk to them 4 times and wait for call backs from a specialist twice but today I could go online and see the glorious word "PAID" next to our claims. Stick with it, I really think this is the magic phone number. You just have to sit down, get comfortable and redial, redial, redial.

lasod weoi

5/29/2020 11:29:44 am

this push 1 and 0 same time does not work!
this number is only for general info & cannot access your account.

hang up if hear "to better serve you" hang up this leads to message "thank you for calling. we're currently receiving more calls than we can answer. try again later"


5/29/2020 03:38:08 pm

Iasod pushing 1 then 0 does work. I started calling at 7:59 and some seconds. After 5 repeat calls, I was connected. Didn’t get cue music just a rep. First person I talked to and she finally fixed my account to “paid” status. People of you check yes to say you were sick. The system will put you in “pending” status. Check “no” for all questions when certifying. Keep trying people. Call early and before 12:00 noon

Anyone got a hold of the ID department? They only answer Wednesday &Thursday but they really never answer. Anyone has a trick ?


7/1/2020 09:44:19 am

What is the number for the ID department?

Gabriel Simmons

6/1/2020 08:58:04 pm


I called the 833-978-2511 number and finally got through to the music, followed by to the actual person that helped me get my claim approved!!!

1. Call 833-978-2511

2.Right when you hear the voice of the automated lady. Hit 1 then 0 at the same time

3. If you hear THANKYOU, hang up and keep trying until the automated system directs you to wait (the music)

It took me about 45 min of waiting to get someone, but it was worth it!!(Only took about 40 calls too. Literally kept hanging up after I heard the thankyou)

Hope this helps!


6/2/2020 12:35:12 pm

Thanks @Gabriel - I tried this yesterday at around 2:00 p.m. PT and it worked perfectly. After about 8 attempts (super lucky) I was able to get into the holding queue with the hold music. I waited on hold for another 40 minutes but was able to get through and my issues resolved!

JAE Sadboi

8/17/2020 08:52:17 am

Listen to these instructions.
it actually worked.

This is not a joke, i am not with EDD, I am a schmuck like you guys.
Follow these steps, remain polite. issues solved.

tony carrafa

6/9/2020 10:29:07 am

do what Gabriel Simmons said to do it worked for me

I called 818-409-0441, pressed 3 and was immediately connected with a man - I told him I was trying to get information on my Claim. He responded with "for unemployment insurance"? I said yes, and he transferred me to EDD where the automated voice asked for my SSN and after I entered it, the hold music FINALLY came on after entering my SSN! I'm still on hold but this is the only way I've gotten through thus far... I filed March 17th and my status is still pending. Best wishes to you all!

After calling 818-409-0441 and being transferred into EDD (see what happened above) - I held for 2.5 hours - My call was answered at 2:11 pm by a nice lady who asked for my name and DOB and reason for calling. I said I filed in March and am still pending... she placed me on hold for about 10 minutes. The hold music was different and much more upbeat, and came back on the line and said she had taken care of 4 of the weeks, the remaining weeks are going to be handled by a specialist and give them about 24 hours for those to go through. Sure enough... I logged onto UI Online and VOILA - status was PAID for 4 of my weeks under claim history. Hopefully the money will load in the AM :)

tony carrafa

6/9/2020 01:05:39 pm

the lady i talked to about my pending statues said that there system is going through a macro right now ands it supposed to be done this friday and that everybody on pending will be updated on friday


6/13/2020 06:17:21 pm



The trick... Welcome to the Unemployment Online Assistance Program HIT 1 then 167 FASTER THEN SHHHHHITTTTT!!!

then it works.. WOW!!


6/15/2020 11:33:45 am

what number did you call?


6/15/2020 11:50:23 pm

Amy, dial 833-978-2511, dial 1 then 0 .Start calling at 8:00 am exactly and keep calling. When you hear "welcome" dial 1 and then 0. If you get the long message, hang up and try again. I have called them 5 times now and have spoken to someone all 5 times with several of the tricks that are on this site. Keep trying.


6/16/2020 08:30:55 am

Okay, Anon. When you got through to the representative at the 833-978-2511 number, did they openly answer questions about your personal case? Like, where the money is? Why your still pending? When to expect you payments?
Or, did they get frustrated with you for calling the wrong number, because you called the Tech Support line - not the claim services line?


6/16/2020 08:56:28 am

Aaron, I am so sorry you have not gotten through to them yet. Keep trying you will be retro paid if you are pending. I truly believe they change those numbers when their system is shutdown for a few hours. I did get a crochty guy when I called 6-7-3. Another person said the 833 number is a tech support number. And by now, I believe it is. It worked for me. Try the 5616 number and push 1 then 0. Also send them an email question on the EDD site. I finally got those answered after the fact. Keep trying!!!


6/16/2020 09:18:50 am

This week I have called them 800+ times. Last week I called 1500+ times Monday-Friday. I have been using the 1-6-7-1 trick for 2 months, and way before I found this thread. Which I found when I started to wonder if the whole system was rigged to lie to everyone.
I have emailed them 3 times: 1 in April, 1 in May, and 1 two weeks ago; I have had NO REPLIES. I used to have a case worker in Sac, because they screwed up the math on my claim - she told me they closed it in the beginning of May, and subsequently reopened it 3 weeks ago, then told me, "I can no longer help you, you will have to call and speak to someone at EDD."
I have called every number listed here hundreds of times. The most frequent number is the 5616 #.
My case has been "pending" for 13 weeks. I ran out of money last week.
I drove into town, and waited outside the local EDD office from 5:40 to 8:15 am yesterday. At 8:15, security finally came out from behind the building to post a sign on the door, "We are closed to the public due to COVID-19." And to tell those of us standing outside, not only had he seen me for hours, but that location 'handles employment, not UN-employment, so no one here can help you.'
I'd say I've done all the things. So, when I hear someone say they tried a 'trick', which is to say, followed the correct prompts, and got through to an actual human - my first reaction is to question if the EDD has actually invested time and money into planting false information in these threads, so no one will figure out they are actually not taking calls!
I will keep calling. It's been difficult with losing my place of residence, my job being permanently closed, and having to relocate 400mi north to live with family.
So, sorry if I'm skeptical.


6/16/2020 10:13:25 am

13 weeks!!! Are you kidding me!?!? After 7 weeks I started emailing the director of EDD. Please call Sandi or email her. She is not the director but she may be able to help you. you have gone long enough without money...good luck to you, Aaron! Keep me posted on your luck with Sandrea


6/16/2020 11:45:47 am

I reached a human! I listened to hold music for over 20min, and the nicest human I have ever spoken to answered and said he would help me. I could hear his kids in the background, and he shared his stress.
Apparently, there is a system error that triggered all of my weeks to be suspended. I was not going to receive anything, had I not called and reached someone. 4 or my 12 certified weeks got released, and the other 8 are getting reviewed by a specialist. He said the issue is in the servers, and their being overwhelmed by calls, and online information. "We field 2.5million calls a day, and we can't help everyone."
I called the 1-833-978-2511 number, and pressed 1-0 as soon as it answered, 154 times before getting a hold message.
I was wrong, the number works, you just have to ask nicely and they will help you.
Haven't stopped crying in half an hour.
Thank you!


6/20/2020 09:47:53 am

Hello all,

I dialed 833-978-2511.

1. Press 1 as soon as the automated message says, "Welcome to..."
2. Press 0

They're suffocated in calls so just be patient. It took me 34 tries to get through. You'll know you're on the track to a human once you hear the standard hold music.

It works.

I was on hold for 15 minutes so pop in your earbuds, relax and run your errands. Don't get discouraged. We all do idiotic stuff with our phones so, in this case, try to make a game out of the string of calls you'll have to make to get to the hold music.

Once you get someone, be nice. I hope this helps. Take care everyone.


6/25/2020 12:13:23 pm

I filed for unemployment on March 16th. After not receiving benefits and having a co worker who filed after me receive payments I called edd and was told I needed to send in identity verification papers. So I faxed and mailed my w-2 form, front and back copies of my drivers license and a check stub. I called the integrity and accounting department (6-15-2020) and was finally given my account number allowing access to edd online and was told that my documents were received on May 20th and I should be all set. However my edd online account still shows 0 balance and award and I haven’t received a debit card. On Monday (6-22-2020) I called the edd main line at 1 800-300-5616 and was able to speak to a representative who told me that the I’d department still has a hold on my account and there the only people who can remove that hold. He also told me that there doing a calculation for my benefits but I would have to speak with them to remove the hold. So I tried calling the Id department got threw to a human twice and was accidentally hung up on after waiting on hold for 1.5hours.....and after 1,000,s of calls I haven’t been able to get ahold of them successfully. I had to move out of my apartment because I ran out of money and could no longer pay rent. I’m financially stressed out and I didn’t expect this to be such a nightmare.

I just got off the line with a gentleman from the edd. the # I dialed was (866-362-8854) I was told that’s the identity department. He told me he sees a note on my account that says my documents were received and verified on May 20th and they just needed to be processed. He said there was nothing he could do and the only department who can help is the Id department bc they have a hold on my account still, He then told me another Id department # and transferred me to them but nobody answered. I’ve been told two different #’s for the I’d department and every time somebody answers the line they are not from the Id department even tho that’s the number I dialed. My hands are tied I’m homeless and almost out of money for food and basic essentials waiting for this all to be solved.


6/25/2020 06:47:37 pm

Brooklyn, not sure if you had a chance to look at questions others have asked but 833-978-2511 dial 1 then 0 works. Start calling at 8:00 am in the morning. Hang up if you hear the que message. Make sure it is not the message stating all are busy you will be connected to the next specialist. Good luck


7/2/2020 12:30:54 pm

The best way to get ahold of unemployment is to call 949-596-4544. Ask for Brandi. I got through first try, and straightened everything out!


7/6/2020 01:59:07 pm

This is not a number for unemployment! Don't call. A very nice woman who most certainly does not work for Unemployment / EDD answered the phone.


7/7/2020 11:21:41 am

This is a joke don't call a solar business

chris hadland

7/2/2020 01:54:33 pm

UPDATE: IT still works! dialing the 833-978-2511 -- wait for the "Welcome to" -- dial 1 then 0 right away! I tried 40 times then another 10 or so and got in line.

This guy created a robo-call app to contact EDD. It costs $30, but you are guaranteed to get through and speak with an agent at EDD. I just did it today after four months of trying to get through and it worked (twice, I got disconnected the first time after reaching someone). It takes about an hour or so as it keeps dialing for you and will text you everytime it tries (this can be turned off), then your phone rings and you are on hold with the EDD for about a half hour, but they do pick up! I have back pay for my claim for four months so it's easily worth the $30 (another option is $50 for multiple calls to them if needed). Good Luck !


8/12/2020 02:37:10 pm

Roger Welch, how to contact that guy? Thanks.

Post on prayerline or pray

Marie cheveres

1/13/2021 12:03:18 am

On facebook " official California unemployment group" join the group and they have a way of singing up for a bot to call EDD for you for $10. Once they got EDD on the line for you they call you...


2/9/2021 10:45:38 pm

So 671 really does work when calling the 1800 number????


2/12/2021 09:28:44 am



2/18/2021 09:32:31 am

I used the 8339782511 number and it finally worked. Once the automated voice started talking press 1,0 you will have to listen to another voice talk for about a minute 20 seconds and then when it prompts you to enter numbers press 671,671 the second time you do it it was say “again please listen carefully as the following options are uncommon to most callers, it will then either put you on hold or it will give you another automated message saying that the call center is receiving too many calls and can’t pick up. I did this 20-30 times back to back before I was put on hold to talk to a representive. Took some patience but I am on hold now and it says my call will be picked up in the order it was received estimated wait time is 30 minutes.

Kristin Eisenstadt

2/25/2021 09:56:21 am

I JUST tried this option for my boyfriend worked. Got connected right away ...we're on hold for 40 min but over frigging joyed to have gotten thru..thank you!


2/18/2021 11:23:44 am

this is why i want government shrunk to the size of a pinhead. these incompetent pricks behind the lockdowns deserve to be tarred and feathered. after calling 300+ times still no answer even with 671. let's primary every bitch and cocksucker who's enforced lockdowns in our states.


4/9/2021 02:12:17 pm

NO LUCK!! Tried every "trick" listed here. With the as if I were an employer trick, they told me I had the wrong department and transferred me to the 833 number. Tried the 671-671, got the message to many calls holding and disconnects. I need a level 2 representative and they can only be reached between 8am and 1pm. Calling all morning for past 3 days, no luck.


4/19/2021 06:45:32 pm

Okay. So this worked for me. I hope this works for everybody else. All of these 800 numbers we see in do work (with a great deal of time) but go a different route. Call the numbers with regular area codes but go through and try different versions of them. For example 213-555-7000. Try 7001, 7002, 7003 and so on. these are extensions. But here is what really worked for me. Call Workforce Departments. Try them in small cities. They have people work for Edd there assisting with calls. You will speak with someone. I started attempting today. By 1pm I had reached a human. By 4pm they called me back, put me on a brief hold5 minutes later I was on the phone with Unemployment. Good Luck.


4/29/2021 12:49:08 pm

which number worked for you?


5/4/2021 04:42:25 pm

What is the Worforce number?

a happy clam

4/26/2021 02:30:19 pm



5/3/2021 03:36:05 pm

what number!?

Mary Ann

5/4/2021 04:48:04 pm

What worked?


5/4/2021 07:06:25 pm

try claimyr , you can find a link on ginny silver or shelly's millions youtube's 15 dollars a call but you'll get through pretty much guaranteed

David taylor

4/29/2021 10:24:39 am

Go though the employer Selection than last option ? # 4


5/19/2021 12:59:22 pm

I have been trying for two weeks to get to a live person to see what's going on with my clame they said I need to Identify my identity and I been doing so since September 15 2020 and same thing nothing so I was told to file an appeal form and fax it in did that to just to be told that there's no way to fax an appeal form to edd but that's what I was told by you guys still nothing I have not received a payment since August 30 2020 I have no money I can't get welfare yea it has gotten that bad for me to the point my children father took my girls until I have some kind of income because of covid-19 I can't work no one wants anybody coming into there home so im jobless and edd doesn't want to give me my payments I don't know what else to do


7/15/2021 05:20:46 pm

There's a website called . It costs 20 bucks unless you get a promo code that will make it 15 for the first call. You're guaranteed to get thru, good luck

Ashley Thompson

5/27/2021 08:49:09 am

Need help getting through to someone at the edd unemployment center been trying for weeks i got 24weeks pending


7/15/2021 05:21:41 pm

use's 20 bucks or 15 on the first call if you get a promo code. guaranteed to get thru, or try your local assemblyman but they can take awhile, good luck

Ashley N Thompson

9/23/2021 03:49:12 am

Contact the senators office they will help you get everything done with the edd

Definitely use claimyr as everyone above is saying. I've spent a month trying to get through. I paid $20 for claimyr and was completely surprised when I got a call back from a real person at EDD within A MINUTE! Kind of shows what a joke the system is to me.

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What is the best time to call EDD?

Unemployment Customer Service Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday except state holidays. Note: Monday morning before 10 a.m. is our busiest call time, so we recommend calling at other times.


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