Can statins cause ringing in the ears

Can statins cause ringing in the ears

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    1. Kindjordan Member

      Tinnitus Since: 10/2019Cause of Tinnitus:Hearing loss

      Hello, I am Jordan. I am new here. 2 1/2 months ago I was prescribed a statin to reduce my cholesterol. 2 weeks after starting the drug, I began to hear ringing in my head.

      This has continued for over 2 months now and after seeing and ENT and audiologist, I was told the ringing was a result of hearing loss I suffered from many years in the music business and concerts.

      I had not worked on a stage for 5 years prior and clearly suffered from hearing loss but never suffered from tinnitus until I was prescribed this statin. I immediately came off the drug and started taking CoQ10. I wake up every day with the ringing and I am afraid it will be with me forever.

      I have had to start Lexapro for anxiety as well.

      • Can statins cause ringing in the ears
        Hug x 1

      • No one can predict the future. We have many members posting their success stories that their tinnitus fade or disappear, not just habituated after some time. So don't give up hope. If anything, you can learn some helpful strategies to help you cope or eventually habituate to tinnitus. Try browse this site to get more educated on tinnitus and hopefully it will ease your mind about it. Take care. God bless.

      • Kindjordan Member

        Tinnitus Since:10/2019Cause of Tinnitus:Hearing loss

        Thank you for your kind words. Today was a good day. I hope for more good than bad!

      • Why not just change your diet? Your brain is made of cholesterol, what do you think anti cholesterol medicine will do with that?

        • Can statins cause ringing in the ears
          Agree x 2

        • Kindjordan Member

          Tinnitus Since:10/2019Cause of Tinnitus:Hearing loss

          I had super high cholesterol and triglycerides. My doctor put me on the statin and never recommended diet to fix my issue. I immediately went on a diet and started working out more. After doing some research about the link between statins and tinnitus I asked the Dr to come off of the drug thinking it might have caused the t. I didn't know my brain was "made" of cholesterol. I'm under a doctors care. I assumed he was prescribing me based on his knowledge and expertise. I hope in time it will go away, but i am excepting the fact that it might not.

          Edit 1 : I lost 30 lbs. My Col. Dropped from 277 to 97 and Tryg. 530 to 114 in 1.5 months.
          Edit 2 : The brain is 25% cholesterol

        • AVIYT Member Benefactor

          Tinnitus Since:January 2019 Cause of Tinnitus:Pregabalin

          Yeah, I'm now a few pounds away from 300. Within a year I gained like 100 pounds. From my lowest weight, it's a 130+ lb difference. My cholesterol levels jumped, I don't have diabetes yet but I know I can't take any meds for many things. Even the PPIs I received for my acid reflux (new problem, probably will resolve once I lose weight..) caused a spike.

          Tinnitus made me depressed extremely. Depression causes me to eat a lot and stop exercising. I'm now obese and have multiple health problems which probably worsen my tinnitus, worsening my depression and thus worsening my tinnitus with time. I'm going on a diet now and would recommend a good diet and good exercise, ditch the meds when possible.

          It's totally possible to lose a lot of weight, and the very first few days are the hardest and the last days. But the middle is easy. Weight drops off really quickly. I used to weigh 281 lbs when I was 16, by the time I was 17 I went down to 230 and plateaued there for a few months, then dropped down to 180 or so.

          Later I dropped to like 167 or something like that. We got this!

        • Kindjordan Member

          Tinnitus Since:10/2019Cause of Tinnitus:Hearing loss

          Thanks for sharing your story

        • My cholesterol went up to 265 so my doc told me to either do cardio
          &diet or take the pills. I chose cardio. I do 30 min per day, 5 days a week of either elliptical or bike. The key is to keep your heart rate at 70% of your max heart rate for 150 minutes per week. In my case 30 min 5 times a week is easy.
          I was able to bring my cholesterol down under 200 in four months. This doesn’t work for everyone but for most it does. Oh and no more red meat and other bad high cholesterol foods.

        • Vespino Member

          Tinnitus Since:14/7/17Cause of Tinnitus:Statins

          Hi, like you I got tinnitus from statins I took them only for a month, I woke one morning with an horrendous static noise, the first 6 months were the worst, I’m 3 1/2 years in and still have what I would class as mild tinnitus. Can I ask what statins you were prescribed ? I was prescribed Atorvastatin ( Lipitor I believe is also a another name for it )

        • Kindjordan Member

          Tinnitus Since:10/2019Cause of Tinnitus:Hearing loss

          That is the drug I was prescribed. Lipitor. I was on it for 3 weeks max. I'm sorry this happened to you too. You are the first person I have spoke with thats had the Lipitor connection.

          I also have moderate hearing loss...but never experienced tinnitus until I took a statin drug

        • Vespino Member

          Tinnitus Since:14/7/17Cause of Tinnitus:Statins

          I’m sorry to say that tinnitus is listed as a side effect , in my own case it wrecked my system the tinnitus was the worst but it was accompanied with severe headaches , memory loss, tingling feelings in my fingers and weakness in my legs,and difficulty talking , like you I stopped straight away and took coq10 but stopped that after a few weeks as it was causing stabbing pains around the heart area, my GP was next to useless he said he believed I was having a mini strokes and sent me for an MRI, he wouldn’t have it that I thought it was linked to the statins, I went from a pretty fit four times a week gym goer to a bumbling wreck within in a month, the tinnitus bought on panic attacks which looking on this forum is pretty common amongst us T sufferers, I was eventually told by a consultant that I had suffered toxification of the nervous system caused by the statins and as a result will never be able to take them again, he said there is a small percentage of the population that can’t tolerate statins but they are not sure why, over three years later most of my symptoms have gone, I’m back down the gym ( forced myself down after 6 months ) but the tinnitus persists, the only comfort I can offer is that mine has faded to a point where I don’t hear it most of the time so in the main it doesn’t bother me as much . As you say ive not met many people that have had T brought on by taking Lipitor , we seem to be a small select group , lucky us eh good luck with your T journey .

          • Can statins cause ringing in the ears
            Informative x 1

          • Statins are deadly, very very bad drug. Mr. Adam's is correct the brain is made from cholesterol and statins are made to lower cholesterol but what the bastards don't tell you that statins will destroy your thought process and eventually lead to not knowing who you are. Bad bad drug.

          • JohnFox Member

            Tinnitus Since:02/2019Cause of Tinnitus:Unknown. Sudden loss of 100% hearing R ear with Tinnitus

            My wife’s cholesterol skyrocketed and she was told they were going to put her on Statins. I forget the number but they said her cholesterol was dangerously high. She is not overweight and gets plenty of exercise. She is 60. We think it runs in the family. She told them that she did not want to go on statins and that she would bring it down thru diet and exercise. They made her sign a form to release the doctors from liability. That’s how concerned they were. She cut out all red meat including chicken and also cut out all dairy. Pretty much a vegan diet. She also fasts one day a week. No sugar, and also red yeast rice capsules. Regular exercise. It’s been 7 months now and her cholesterol has come down dramatically. It looks like this way eating will remain permanent. I had heard that if you go on Statins, you have to stay on them.

          • Kindjordan Member

            Tinnitus Since:10/2019Cause of Tinnitus:Hearing loss

            Thanks for posting your story. After reading it, I realize how lucky I am. I only suffer with the t. I wish you the very best and I truly appreciate learning about your experience.

            • Can statins cause ringing in the ears
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            • Doctor put me on them when they discovered I had diabetes. I couldn't understand why that every time I sat down my ass became numb. Then a friend came by, I told him about the statins and he then explained how deadly they are. I just tossed them out and done the same thing as your wife has done. Pills don't cure all.

            • Kindjordan Member

              Tinnitus Since:10/2019Cause of Tinnitus:Hearing loss

              When I returned to the Dr. After dieting to review my lipid panel numbers.... he looked at me, said "these numbers are phenomenal..why did I even put you on the statin??

              I dont know Dr..but thanks for suggesting a diet first before just giving me this awful drug.

              • Can statins cause ringing in the ears
                Agree x 2

              • Kamalbek Jurayev Member

                Tinnitus Since:02/2021Cause of Tinnitus:Statin atorvastatin

                A month ago my doctor told me to take atorvastatin for chlorestirin. And after 3 days the noise began coming to my ears, dizziness has started and also I lost my vision concentrate. It has been for a month since this terrible state is continuing. I went to the consultation to otolaryngology and to neurologist , but still they couldn't find the reason of my tinnitus. The noises in my head makes me very annoying. If anyone knows how to get rid of it and if someone had an experience with that also-please share it with me and help me to solve that. Thank you very much,

                • Can statins cause ringing in the ears
                  Informative x 1

                • Matchbox Member

                  Location: BC CanadaTinnitus Since:08/2020Cause of Tinnitus:Noise Induced, Prednisone (drones), Barotrauma (distortions)

                  Given it's a steroid mechanism that got you in this mess... Why not give my Misoprostol a shot?

                • Sean Member

                  Tinnitus Since:01-01-2011

                  Can someone give insight on tinnitus and statin use?

                  It just doesn’t make any sense that one month use of statin can cause a tinnitus spike. IV drugs spiking tinnitus makes sense but these are oral drugs and I took them only for a month.

              Share This Page

              Is tinnitus a side effect of statins?

              Background: Some patients cite tinnitus as a statin adverse effect (AE), often attending acknowledged statin AEs, but trends to tinnitus benefit have also been reported. Oxidative stress promotes tinnitus. Since statins have both antioxidant and prooxidant effects, tinnitus effects might depend on which predominate.

              What medications can cause high pitched ringing in ears?

              Medications known to cause tinnitus include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and certain antibiotics, cancer drugs, water pills (diuretics), antimalarial drugs and antidepressants.

              Will ear ringing from medication go away?

              Some medications can cause tinnitus, or ear ringing, as a rare side effect. Tinnitus typically stops once you stop taking the medication. Several medications have been used off-label to treat tinnitus, including ear drops.

              Does high cholesterol cause tinnitus?

              The relationship between high cholesterol and Tinnitus The hair cells that we mentioned above also play a role in Tinnitus. High cholesterol may worsen tinnitus as it thickens the blood and slows down its ability to transport nutrients to the hair cells.