Can t add songs to collaborative playlist spotify

After complaints about bots adding songs to collaborative playlists, Spotify unveiled the ability to manage access on collaborative playlists.

Collaborative playlists allow Spotify users to curate playlists with their friends, but until now any user could pop in and add songs. Bots — most famously one named "Ashley" — took advantage of this and spammed playlists with songs in an apparent attempt to drive up certain artists' listener numbers, to the irritation of many Spotify users. Luckily, now there is a simple way to limit who can add songs to a collaborative playlist.

Spotify added the ability to invite and remove users from collaborative playlist and now lets you make collaborative playlists private to safeguard against bots.

We will walk you through how to manage access on collaborative playlists.

How to add someone to a playlist:

1. Open the playlist

2. Tap the head icon

Can t add songs to collaborative playlist spotify

Tap the head icon. Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

Can t add songs to collaborative playlist spotify

Select which method you want to share the playlist with. Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

How to remove someone from a collaborative playlist:

1. Open the collaborative playlist

2. Select the users directly below the playlist title

Can t add songs to collaborative playlist spotify

Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

3. Tap the three dots next to the user you want to remove from your playlist.

Can t add songs to collaborative playlist spotify

Tap the three dots. Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

4. Tap "Remove as a collaborator" or "Remove from playlist."

Can t add songs to collaborative playlist spotify

Tap either "Remove as a collaborator" or "Remove from playlist." Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

How to make a collaborative playlist private:

1. Open the playlist

2. Tap the three dots

Can t add songs to collaborative playlist spotify

Tap the three dots. Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

3. Select "Make Private"

Can t add songs to collaborative playlist spotify

Tap "Make Secret." Credit: Screenshot: Spotify

Why can't I add songs to shared playlist Spotify?

It is important to differentiate between the desktop app and the web player, as it is currently not possible to add songs to a collaborative playlist from the web player. You'd need the desktop app for that. Could you confirm you're using the desktop app?

Why can'ti edit a collaborative playlist on Spotify?

If your friends are unable to edit your collaborative playlist, be sure to remind them that they need to follow your collaborative playlist first. They can only edit (remove/add) songs if they are a follower of the playlist. Learn more about sharing collaborative playlists here.

Can collaborators add songs to Spotify playlist?

Make any playlist Collaborative to let your friends add, remove, and reorder tracks.

How do you add songs to someone else's collaborative playlist on Spotify?

How to add songs to a Collaborative Spotify playlist.
In the desktop app, clicking and dragging a song into the playlist..
Clicking or tapping the three dots next to a song and selecting Add to playlist..
Using the Recommended Songs feed at the bottom of the playlist..