Can you check yourself into a mental hospital for depression

If you are in a mental health crisis, then you may be wondering if you should check yourself into a mental hospital. This blog will provide you with an overview of the most common reasons that people consider admitting themselves into a psychiatric hospital or psych ward and will provide you with an overview of the types of mental health treatment that are available.

The most common reasons that people consider checking themselves into a mental hospital are:

  • Severe Depression – Severe depression is one of the most common reasons that people check themselves into a mental hospital. When someone is struggling with depression, they begin to feel hopeless and overwhelmed. They frequently have suicidal thoughts, are unable to concentrate, and begin to lose interest in all activities.
  • Severe Panic Attacks – Severe anxiety and recurrent panic attacks can be debilitating. When the anxiety becomes relentless, it is not unusual to feel desperate for some relief.
  • Suicidal Thoughts – Inpatient psychiatric hospitals can help you stay safe when the thoughts of dying become severe.
  • Nervous Breakdown – When a person feels like they are having a nervous breakdown it is often a combination of severe depression and anxiety. This combination of mental health issues often leads to a crisis that requires more intensive treatment.
  • Bipolar Disorder – Bipolar Disorder was called Manic Depression in the past. When someone is Bipolar, they often struggle with mood swings that vacillate between extreme highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression). These mood swings can become so disruptive that it may become difficult to function.
  • Hallucinations or Delusions – Hallucinations or Delusions may indicate that someone is struggling with Schizophrenia or some other form of Psychosis. Inpatient hospitalization may be required to help get these hallucinations under control.
  • Homicidal Thoughts – If you have severe homicidal thoughts, inpatient hospitalization can help keep you and those around you safe.
  • PTSD – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can be debilitating. Frequent flashbacks and overwhelming feelings can create a mental health crisis that requires intensive treatment.
  • Alcoholism and Addiction – Alcohol abuse and substance abuse can become so severe that inpatient treatment becomes necessary. Hospitalization and residential treatment can help with detox and can help you break the cycle of addiction.

Types of Treatment for Mental Health Crisis

It is helpful to understand the different types of treatment that are available. Not everyone who is in a mental health crisis will need to be admitted into a mental hospital. In fact, most people can receive the help they need without being admitted into a psychiatric hospital. Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Treatment can be great alternatives to inpatient mental health hospitalization.

  • Individual Therapy – Many people are able to address their mental health needs by working with a licensed therapist. It is important to find a therapist who is experienced in working with your areas of concern. To find therapists in the Greater Houston area, we have put together resource books that provide information about therapists and their specialties.
  • Family Therapist – Family therapists can help you deal with a mental health crisis that involves the family. Whether you are seeking couples therapy or therapy for the entire family, a licensed family therapist can be helpful.
  • Medication Management – Medications can be helpful, especially during a mental health crisis. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in treating mental health disorders. To locate psychiatrists in the surrounding areas of Houston, click on the following link to our resource books.
  • Partial Hospitalization (PHP) or Intensive Outpatient Treatment Programs (IOP) – When individual therapy is not enough, PHP or IOP can be helpful. Intensive Outpatient Programs allow you to receive intensive treatment without having to be admitted into an inpatient mental hospital.
  • Inpatient Mental Hospitals – If you are actively suicidal or homicidal then inpatient hospitalization can save your life. Most inpatient treatment programs are short-term focused and so treatment lasts usually less than a week. If you are looking for inpatient mental hospitals in other parts of Texas, we have provided a listing in our blogs on

When Should I Check Myself into a Mental Hospital?

While most people can get the help that they need by working with a therapist, or psychiatrist, or attending an IOP or PHP, some people need inpatient treatment. If you are suicidal or homicidal, you should check yourself into a mental hospital. If you are actively hallucinating or if you are unable to get your mood swings under control in an outpatient setting, then inpatient treatment is probably appropriate. If you are also unable to break the cycle of addiction in an outpatient setting, then inpatient treatment is probably necessary. If you are not sure if you meet the criteria for an inpatient hospitalization, contact your local mental hospital and they will assess your current needs and make the appropriate recommendations.

New Dimensions Can Help!

If you are tired of suffering and are looking for an alternative to inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, New Dimensions can help. We have locations in Katy, The Woodlands, and the Clear Lake area of Houston. We also have online treatment programs that are open to individuals who reside anywhere within the State of Texas, including San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Lubbock, and College Station. To learn more about our programs, call us at 1-800-685-9796.