Can you transfer facebook business page to another user

Are you a Facebook Page owner?

Do you have a Facebook Page for your business? Or one that you use relating to your products, services, or other things you sell?

If you own a Facebook Page, then there are a few things you need to know about that role.

And now, with the New Facebook layout, some features have vanished.

So, let’s take a look at everything you need to know as a Facebook Page owner.

What is a Facebook Page owner?

According to Facebook, a page owner is a business or organization that owns the Page.

Or in your case, perhaps a blogger or small business owner.

Anyone can start a Facebook Page. That includes clubs, societies, charities, and more.

There’s also another level of Page – a Confirmed Page.With this, you’ve completed Facebook’s business verification process. You’ve also claimed the Page through the Business Manager feature.

Most of the time, you won’t need this. It is aimed at Pages running ads on topics such as politics.

But if you do need it, you can access it through Page Settings in the Business Manager.

Getting verified is pretty simple:

  1. Add your business details (this will be publicly viewable).
  2. Select your business – if yours doesn’t show, you may need to upload documents to show you are an official business.
  3. Confirm your business details with a phone number you have access to.
  4. Get the verification code sent by text, phone call, or email.
  5. Use the verification code to get Confirmed.

This is different from the blue verified page. That’s aimed at people like celebrities and sports stars to confirm the page really is theirs.

Can you make your Facebook profile into a Page?

If you’ve started a profile for your business, you might want to change it into a Page.

Pages give you more tools and let you reach more people. Plus, it’s against the Facebook Terms to use your profile to represent an entity other than yourself. You could permanently lose access to your account if you use a personal profile for business.

Unfortunately, in April 2021 Facebook deprecated the one-click solution that would turn your profile into a Page, and your friends into followers.

Here’s what to do now:

1 | Once you’re logged into your Facebook Profile, click create a Page.

2 | Enter some basic information for your Page: name, category, and description.

3 | When it looks good, click the Create Page button.

4 | Add a post announcing your new Page and the benefits of following it (Great info, discounts, etc, you will share).

5 | Invite your Facebook profile friends to like and follow your new Page.

6 | Post on your personal profile to notify your friends to engage with the new Page going forward. Be sure to include a link to the new Page.

7 | Flesh out your new Page soon with an engaging profile picture and cover photo.

8 | Check out the best time to post to Facebook and how often to post to social media.

9 | Keep the momentum going by creating Facebook content fans love.

Facebook Page owner vs admin

As a Facebook Page owner, you are also an admin.

But someone who doesn’t own the Page can also be made into an admin.

There are actually six roles on a Facebook Page with different automatic permissions:

  1. Admin
  2. Editor
  3. Moderator
  4. Advertiser
  5. Analyst
  6. Jobs manager

Only the admin has full access to every feature of the page.

Plus, the admins are the people who can manage page roles and settings.

In other words, they are the ones who can change the Page owner. Or they can change the role given to someone on the Page.

It can be a good idea to have another admin in your Page. But make sure it is someone you trust as they can potentially remove you as admin of your own Page!

How to add a Page owner on Facebook

When you create a Page, you are automatically the owner – unless you create it through your business.

So, you don’t need to add yourself as the owner. It’s done automatically for you.

But if you want to add someone else as an admin, you can do this too.

To add an admin, you need to be on a desktop, not the mobile app.

Go to the Page and click the ‘Page settings’ option right at the bottom of the side menu.

This opens up another set of options and you want to select ‘Page roles.’

Here you can see existing Page roles including the admins. You can also see who owns the Page.

You can assign a new Page role right here. Add the person’s name or email address and choose what role they will have.

You’ll need to add your password to confirm the changes.

Remember, admin is the top level. They can do everything a Page owner can do.

To add someone else as the Page owner, you need to follow the process below.

How to change or transfer the page owner on Facebook

So, you have given the Page to your friend who is buying your business. Now you need to transfer ownership of the Page to them.

Then you want to change or transfer the page owner.

To do this, first, add the person as an admin following the process above.

Once they have accepted the role as admin, go back to the Page and scroll down to Page Roles.

You and the new admin should now show.

But this isn’t all you need to know on how to remove a Facebook Page owner to make the transfer. The new admin still needs to be made the Page owner.

Business manager settings

You also need to add your friend into the Business Manager area for the Page.

Don’t have a Business Manager account? Go here to set it up. Look for the bright blue button in the upper right corner (as of May 2021 – you know FB might move it by the time you read this 😉 ) and click “Create Account.”

Your friend / new admin needs to go to their Business Manager account and into Business settings.

Go to Accounts and click Pages then +Add.

Add the Page name or URL and toggle the permissions as an admin. Then request access.

You can then accept this, and the person will see the Page on their Business Manager.

If you need more help with the Facebook Business Manager, you can find it here.

Removing yourself as Page owner

The final step is to remove yourself as a Page owner. You need to do this both in the Page and in the Business Manager.

On the Page settings, go to Existing Page Roles and edit yourself.

There’s an option to ‘Remove.’ Select this.

This removes you from the Page.

Next head to Business Manager to Accounts.

Go to Pages and select the Page you want to remove then click ‘Remove.’

This leaves your friend as the admin. They can then go into the Business Manager and add themselves as the Page owner.

Can you check the owner of a Facebook business page?

There are times when you want to know the owner of a Facebook business Page.

Maybe you want to buy their business, or there’s a Facebook Page ownership dispute.

Whatever the reason, it is easy to find the owner of any Page.

Go to the Page’s About section.

Here you can find information about the contact options for the Page owner.

This includes their website and email address if they listed one. You can also message them directly from this Page.

The other place to find information is the Page Transparency section.

This is aimed at checking things like ads that are running.

When viewing the page, scroll down a bit and it will appear after About, Photos, and Videos.

Click to see all and you can see some of the history about the Page. This includes who created it and when.

Can you claim an unmanaged Page?

If there’s a Page that has your business info on it, but it isn’t yours, you may be able to claim it.

That’s assuming there’s no owner.

If a Page is unmanaged, you’ll see Unofficial Page below the cover photo. You can either request to claim the Page and be an admin. Or you can request to merge it with your existing one.

Click the ‘Is this your business’ below the cover photo and follow the instructions.

You will need to verify your relationship with the business. This might be with things like a phone number or documents.

If Facebook is happy this is correct, you’ll be the owner of the unmanaged Page.

Can I unpublish my Page?

Sometimes you realize you don’t need your Page and want to unpublish it.

This hides it from public view, but you can publish it again in the future.

To do this, go to your Page Settings.

From General, click Page Visibility, then select ‘Page unpublished.’

Save the changes and tell Facebook why you are doing this.

Click Next, then Unpublish, and it is complete.

How to delete a Facebook Page completely

Finally, maybe you have decided enough is enough. You don’t want a Page any longer. You won’t be back.

To delete the Page, go to Page Settings, then General, and click ‘Remove Page.’

Click Delete [Page Name], delete page, and OK.

The Page won’t be permanently deleted for 14 days in case you change your mind. But after 14 days, it’s gone for good.

Being a Facebook Page owner

There are many roles and responsibilities as a Facebook Page owner:

→ Making an eye-catching Facebook Page cover photo.

→ Creating Facebook content fans love.

→ Keeping up with current Facebook image dimensions.

→ Scheduling Facebook posts.

→ Checking and learning from Facebook Insights.

And so many more!

Being a Facebook Page owner is a key part of marketing your business on social media.

But times can change, and so can circumstances.

That’s why Facebook gives you a range of options to add admins, remove them, or even delete yourself from the Page entirely.

That way, you are in control of what happens as a Facebook Page owner.

Can you transfer a Facebook business account to another person?

If you accessed your Page via, click 'Settings' in the left menu. Then click 'Page Roles' also in the left menu. Step 4) Type the name of the person to who you want to transfer your Facebook Page to in the box below “Assign a New Page Role”.

Can I transfer Facebook business manager ownership?

To transfer ownership of your Page in Business Manager to someone, you can approve their ownership request if you are the Business Manager admin. This scenario applies when you're trying to claim a Page that's not owned by your Business Manager.

Can a Facebook page have 2 owners?

Just login to your Facebook profile and visit the FB Page you want to add an admin to. Once there, click on the "Settings" tab. Next, click "Page Roles" in the "Settings" menu. Add an admin by beginning to type their name or by typing in the email address associated with their Facebook account.

Can you send a Facebook page to another account?

You can see the “page roles” button when you open the page settings. Touch this button and add a new admin. Also, you can remove an admin, or you can move the Facebook Page to another account.


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