Clue words for addition subtraction multiplication and division

This resources teaches your students to distinguish between clue words that indicate multiplication problems versus those that signal division problems. Once they learn these key words, word problems will be a breeze!

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Third Grade




Math Word Problems


Mixed Operations

Division Facts

Division Word Problems

One-Digit Multiplication

Multiplication Word Problems

Mixed Multiplication and Division

One-Digit Multiplication Word Problems

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To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

  • 1. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Add" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Addition
C) Subtraction
D) Division

  • 2. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Sum" in a story problem?

A) Subtraction
B) Division
C) Addition
D) Multiplication

  • 3. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Total" in a story problem?

A) Addition
B) Subtraction
C) Division
D) Multiplication

  • 4. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Plus" in a story problem?

A) Addition
B) Multiplication
C) Division
D) Subtraction

  • 5. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "In All" in a story problem?

A) Subtraction
B) Multiplication
C) Addition
D) Division

  • 6. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Both" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
D) Addition

  • 7. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Together" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Addition
C) Multiplication
D) Subtraction

  • 8. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Increased by" in a story problem?

A) Addition
B) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
D) Division

  • 9. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "All Together" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Subtraction
C) Division
D) Addition

  • 10. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Combined" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Addition
C) Multiplication
D) Subtraction

  • 11. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Altogether" in a story problem?

A) Addition
B) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
D) Division

  • 12. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Subtraction" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Multiplication
C) Subtraction
D) Addition

  • 13. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Difference" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
D) Addition

  • 14. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Take Away" in a story problem?

A) Subtraction
B) Division
C) Addition
D) Multiplication

  • 15. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Less Than" in a story problem?

A) Addition
B) Subtraction
C) Division
D) Multiplication

  • 16. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Remain" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Addition
C) Subtraction
D) Division

  • 17. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Decreased By" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Multiplication
C) Addition
D) Subtraction

  • 18. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Have left" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
D) Addition

  • 19. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Are Left" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Addition
C) Subtraction
D) Division

  • 20. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Change (money problems)" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Addition
C) Multiplication
D) Subtraction

  • 21. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "More" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Addition
C) Multiplication
D) Subtraction

  • 22. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Fewer" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Subtraction
C) Addition
D) Multiplication

  • 23. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Times" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Addition
C) Subtraction
D) Multiplication

  • 24. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Product of" in a story problem?

A) Subtraction
B) Division
C) Addition
D) Multiplication

  • 25. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Multiplied By" in a story problem?

A) Addition
B) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
D) Division

  • 26. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "By (dimension)" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Subtraction
C) Addition
D) Division

  • 27. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Factors Of" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Subtraction
C) Division
D) Addition

  • 28. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Groups Of" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Division
C) Subtraction
D) Addition

  • 29. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Quotient of" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Subtraction
C) Division
D) Addition

  • 30. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Divided by" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Addition
C) Division
D) Subtraction

  • 31. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Half (of fraction of)" in a story problem?

A) Addition
B) Subtraction
C) Division
D) Multiplication

  • 32. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Split" in a story problem?

A) Multiplication
B) Division
C) Subtraction
D) Addition

  • 33. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Separated" in a story problem?

A) Addition
B) Division
C) Subtraction
D) Multiplication

  • 34. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Cut Up" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Multiplication
C) Subtraction
D) Addition

  • 35. What operation would be used when you find the clue word "Parts" in a story problem?

A) Division
B) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
D) Addition

  • 36. What operation would be used when you find the clue words "Shared Equally" in a story problem?

A) Subtraction
B) Addition
C) Multiplication
D) Division

Created with That Quiz — where test making and test taking are made easy for math and other subject areas.

What is the word for multiplication addition subtraction and division?

Answer and Explanation: In mathematics, we call the group of the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division ''arithmetic. ''

What are some clue words for division?

When talking about division, you will most likely see the terms "divide", "quotient", "percent" (divide by 100). There are other terms to indicate addition, multiplication, or subtraction.

What are the keywords of addition and subtraction?

Keywords like sum, add, combine, and more than indicate addition. Keywords like minus, difference, fewer, and take away indicate subtraction.