Cramps but no period negative pregnancy test reddit

Cramps but no period negative pregnancy test reddit

So my cycle is about 25-28 days long. Now it's coming on to 32 days. So my period is about 3-5 days late. My boobs are tender and swollen, and I have been getting cramps. I have been under a lot of stress lately so idk if that plays a factor in any of this. I took a test this afternoon and it came back negative. Was a relief at first but now I'm thinking that it was a false negative. Don't know what to think. It was stressful enough taking the test and now I might have to do another one. Is this just stress or am I really pregnant?

Hello! First off, I hope this post is okay to ask here, I don't know where else to go.

I'm 23/F. I'm currently a college student and living with my husband. This is my second pregnancy scare in nearly 4 years of being together, and the first one wasn't nearly this long.

My last period ended on Dec 25, and it hasn't come since. My cycle has been consistently 30 days for the past few months, whereas before that my cycle was around 36 days for years, so I'd say my period is pretty regular. My only form of birth control is condoms, and with how we have sex I think it's possible a mistake could have occurred lol.

For the past month or so, I've been feeling more fatigued than normal and even had a lightheaded spell one morning at work. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests starting last Wednesday, all of them coming back negative. I've been researching online what the cause for a missed period could be but at the time my period was supposed to arrive I wasn't stressed at all. I'm only taking two classes this semester and my husband and I are financially stable, so there's nothing to stress over.

I'm just looking for direction on where to go from here.

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Okay, so first, I'm using a throwaway because a couple of my really good friends browse this site, and I don't want them knowing it was me and then asking questions every four minutes. (I.E. "Has your period arrived now?") But here is my problem. It has been three months, almost four, since the last time I had my period. My boyfriend and I still have sex, so that's probably not helping at all. I have taken four pregnancy tests over the course of the three months; even one this morning, but they all are negative. I know that they are 99% accurate after the day of your period (or the day of), but I can't help wondering if I am that ONE percent that gives false negatives. To top it all off, I have had ovary pains for almost a month now. Some of the time it is dull, constant pain that goes down into my legs, and other times it is shooting pains. The sharper pains do not last as long as the dull pain, which is good. I don't have insurance at all, so I do not want to go to the emergency room and pain exorbitant fees for something menial. So here I am, asking you lovely people, is it anything I should worry about? I mean, obviously I am worried about it, but could it be something bad? Could I be pregnant still even after all of those blatant negative test results? Is there anywhere I could go for cheap? I am moving across the country in a week and a half so there is also that problem.

Sorry for asking all of these questions, I just didn't know who to turn to.

First, I will start off saying I suspect I have PCOS. My mother had it and I have a number of the usual symptoms. I have an appointment with my gyno in 2 weeks for my annual exam and was going to ask about getting a screening for PCOS then.

I went off the pill back in July. The Mr. and I are loosely trying to conceive (we're open and ready to have a baby now, but not going gangbusters with charting and ovulation kits or anything). I've had 5 periods, but my cycles are long in between (average 47 days). I'm using a period tracker iphone app, and it uses an average of cycles to determine when your next period will be. According to this tracker, I'm 2 weeks late on an already long cycle. I've taken 2 pregnancy tests over the last week, the most recent one on Saturday. They were both negative.

I thought little of it until today. Today and yesterday I've had a few waves of nausea and have now had a splitting headache for the last couple of hours. I took some Tylenol and it's getting slightly better.

Anyway, has anyone ever dealt with symptoms like these? Maybe I'm just tired or stressed or something. I'm anxious for my appointment to hurry up and get here so I can start getting some answers. If I called the doctor today, I'm sure I'd be told to just wait until my scheduled appointment since this isn't really an emergency.

Why do I have cramps but no period and a negative pregnancy test?

There may be many different reasons for a negative pregnancy test after a missed period. You may be dealing with an undiagnosed medical condition, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, or it could be a lifestyle issue, such as extreme stress.

When the pregnancy test shows negative but still no period?

The most common reason for a late period and a negative pregnancy test is that your period is simply delayed and you're not pregnant. Having one or two irregular cycles a year is not unusual and does not mean there is something wrong. Reasons your period might be late include: Breastfeeding.

Can you have implantation cramping and a negative pregnancy test?

It's too early to take a pregnancy test when you feel implantation cramps. In order to get an accurate result, you need a certain level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) present in your urine.