Ddo can i break the kobold alarms

Starting a quest with stealth begins from the very moment you materialize at the quest entrance.

It's important to remember that:

  • Some spells make sounds that can alert enemies ahead. In most cases, the dungeonmaster and enemies do not begin quest actions of NPCs until you actually move a few meters. Enemies should also be passive and not respond to buffing actions. To ensure this, warn your party not to move forward, only sideways at the quest entrance to avoid activating the quest.
  • Always, always, always be in Sneak mode at any time that you are moving forward. One live footfall while not in stealth could attract hordes of enemies, especially if you or your party have already sneaked by many already, who are still in search of you.
  • Most hirelings and summoned creatures should not be used in stealth missions.
    • Hirelings (including Defender dogs, Skeletal fighters and animal companions) make sounds, often just from being summoned, usually cannot be placed in stealth, and despite having a control bar, are notoriously likely to misbehave your instructions.
    • Summoned creatures (those without a control bar) are completely uncontrollable, fighting at will and very noisy. For this reason, using hirelings or summoned creatures of any kind is very likely to blow your cover.
    • A summoned creature could be used in a "wild weasel" diversion maneuver, luring enemies away from the party. But this must be done with great care and in desperation; there are other ways to save your party.
    • If you must use a hireling, they can be most helpful as a buff reserve. In a safe zone, you can call the hireling, keeping them on Stand Your Ground and Passive modes, to apply Death Ward, a heal, Raise Dead, Restoration, or Divine Vitality.
    • There are a few Rogue hireling Assassins, which can be placed in Sneak and do work rather well.


As said before, never make a step unless you are in Sneak mode. You can spin in place without generating sound.

However, you should practice any actions while always in Sneak so you can condition yourself as a player.

If you happen to have other characters that aren't stealth-trained, it's very easy to forget yourself in stealth mode, making one footfall too many that could jeopardize an entire stealth operation.

Here are several rules you should consider in stealth operations. Some of these rules you might bend or even break to suit your mission:

  • Always stay in Sneak.
    • Always approach doors and entryways in Sneak. Enemies can hear through closed doors; a non-stealthy approach means you're going to have a fight on opening the door.
    • If you must interact with something, such a lever, door or switch, return to Sneak immediately after completing your task.
    • When speaking with an NPC, you'll be pulled from Sneak to initiate the conversation, but you can return to Sneak while continuing the conversation. This often allows you cover as the NPC conversation concludes and enemies often become visible.
  • If you must fight, avoid moving as much as possible.
    • Your footfalls could attract others.
  • If you must fight, use Bluff, Intimidate or other means to isolate and lure individual enemies to reduce a crowd.
    • You may get away with luring but not fighting, leaving the enemy to search blindly for you.
  • Move to the left or right of a door before opening it, whether the door has a lever or is selected.
    • Standing in front of a door is bound to reveal you since the action pulls you out of Sneak.
  • Never break anything unless you want to purposefully attract an enemy to that sound.
    • If someone in your stealth party wants a Ransack bonus, they need to join another party. Stealth and Ransack are mutually exclusive. (See "Diverting Enemies" on game changes that now make breaking objects to lure enemies impossible.)
  • Don't cast verbal spells (often attack spells) unless the party is fully exposed and engaged in a fight.
    • You might cause more enemies to come from nearby. Buff up in advance.
    • Clickies have audible components.
    • Dragonmarks also tend to have a verbal element.
    • Potions don't make sounds.
  • Use Invisibility in combination with H/MS to add extra insurance to your Sneak, but don't rely on it for long traverses. 
    • You will encounter an enemy at close range that will defeat your invisibility faster than against a good Hide score.
  • Use your interaction-only keys, NOT your attack/interact key via your mouse, to select and use items.
    • If targetable enemies are ahead of you, the game may presume you want to swing your weapon rather than interact with an object, which may cause noise as your weapon makes contact.
    • This is especially important when dealing with bashable doors. Let the Rogue in party unlock the door--and stay clear of the door's line-of-sight as that's done since these doors automatically open once unlocked.
  • Take your time.
    • Buff ahead of your operations and only in secured locations away from the sight and sound of enemies.
    • Put on your Spot items and assess the enemies ahead as a party.
    • Form a strategy. Often enemies are triggered to run forward when you reach a certain location or open a door. Sneaking gives you several precious seconds to retreat out of the path of such enemies.
  • When moving forward with an active patrol that makes a continuous path, follow the enemy to your next destination.
    • Don't try to race the enemy by moving ahead of it or you might fall into their Spot check range and be detected.
  • Stay out of an enemy's line-of-sight.
    • Never approach enemies face to face or their Spot bonus will eventually and quickly find you.
    • Approach at an angle and as far left or right as you can, or go behind or, if possible, above or below them. Think three-dimensionally.
  • Wear Feather Fall at all times.
    • A hard landing creates noise and causes you injury.
    • A lack of FF also prohibits you from using gliding to soar above patrols to avoid them from higher places.
  • Your main objective may be more important than the optional ones.
    • If you complete a quest, often secondary objectives can be done later, gaining loot and more XP without affecting your kill score if desired.
  • Some quest objectives may be fooled or bugged with Sneak, failing to activate unless you're not stealthy.
    • Learn quest triggers to avoid the occasional issues this can bring. You can also use many of these effects to your advantage.
  • Learn to move backward as well as forward in Sneak.
    • You won't always have the time to turn your character around.
  • Use Tumble, if your character is trained enough, to somersault forward or sideways to quickly hide or backward for emergency escape.
    • At 31 or more Tumble, you gain sideways rolls. By 36, you somersault at Haste-level speeds.
    • Tumbling also grants Reflex and AC bonuses for some classes, and behaves as a silent action but only while in Sneak.
  • Always stay two body-lengths or more from any enemy when possible.
    • If you must go past enemies at close range, wait to see if they turn so that they aren't looking at your path (their backs are to you). Faster Sneaking with a high Hide will work against a Spot check at close range if you are fast enough.
    • Monks can use Abundant Step, and other classes may have similar long-leap abilities to also zip by closely standing guards. (Note: Update 23 changes will cause the Cannith Boots of Propulsion to share cooldowns with other long-jump effects.)
    • DON'T stay for long in an enemy's Spot range. You WILL eventually be detected if you do.
  • Despite their noise heard by you as a player, enemy traps don't generally attract enemies.
    • This is also true for switches and levers and doors.
    • The Rogue's Noisemaker trap is specifically designed to lure enemies.
  • Some traps will also hurt the enemies that set them.
    • A character with strong Evasion and Reflex could activate the traps, then lure enemies through a trap to their doom.
    • Rogues can also set their own traps, often with magical effects.
  • When in doubt, hide and stop moving.
    • Situational awareness is key to a successful mission.
    • Review your mission, review your enemies, review your resources. Communicate. Don't be afraid to try something new. Stealth is designed to buy you time.
  • Use Sneak to pull enemies with special senses that can see you while other enemies cannot.
    • Spiders often sense and pursue you. You can lure them away and dispatch them from a safe distance from other enemies by staying in Sneak and retreating.

Interacting with Objects

In most cases, using levers, switches, speaking with NPCs and opening doors will pull you from Sneak mode and invisibility. There are a several important exceptions that you can interact and not lose stealth.

  • Puzzle wheels and tiles
  • Collectables
  • Zoning doors and portals (like those in "Stormcleave Outpost")
  • Doors designed to keep your stealth mode (All ship doors in "Blockade Buster")
  • Crests and similar quest items
  • Speaking with an NPC. While starting the interaction you will be pulled from Sneak, but you can activate Sneak again once the NPC dialog appears.

Ddo can i break the kobold alarms

The Shadowdancer epic destiny offers an important ability.

Improved Invisibility allows Shadowdancers to interact with any object without losing their invisibility for a brief time. All that's required is to return to Sneak to continue other actions, else, you'll likely be heard.

Being attacked does not remove the invisibility effect.

Improved Invisibility allows clever uses of detonation packs and traps in areas where enemies are close and evaded by Sneak but far away enough for Invisibility to protect you in that brief moment after using or placing an item.

See the chapter "Meld Into the Gloom" for other special talents to use items while under some level of cloak.

You can take advantage of these exceptions to clear areas without detection, provided enemies aren't too close or can otherwise detect you (the annoying oozes).

A great example of using puzzle wheels can be found in quest 8 of the "Assault on Splinterskull" chain: "Doom of the Witch-doctor: Zulkash, Herald of Woe." After traversing through the initial halls of Splinterskull to the inner keep to start this quest, you're at the now-lowered bridge. An experienced stealth master could:

  • Cross the bridge and pass through the halls leading to the flesh render's former prison without detection or fighting
  • Enter the circular halls guarding Zulkash's fane
  • Unlock all puzzle wheels, not leaving stealth, using breakables Noisemakers or other talents to lure enemies as necessary
  • Kill only Zulkash and then destroy his totem to complete the quest

After the quest is complete, you can slay the few undead and hobgoblin guards without affecting your Devious bonus. If you killed everything between quest start and end, you'd have 75 kills, rather than only two.

An advanced quest, designed for stealth completion, is "Blockade Buster." This quest favors a talented Rogue (probably Assassin) with perhaps additional Assassins and Ninja Spies in party. Here, an experienced party should be able to:

  • Locate and retrieve the crests without detection from somewhere on the ship
  • Kill any captains in their quarters if isolated there or if desired
  • Enter the lower decks and mine bay of each ship undetected
  • Quickly subdue the kobold engineers before they trigger an alarm
  • Unlock the mining hatches (requires higher INT)
  • Create detonators (requires Trapmaking feat as a Rogue)
  • Leave the ship via the mine bays undetected
  • From the raft, trigger all three detonators quickly for no alarm bonus

The Ninja Spy has attacks that can freeze kobolds in place or make them unable to activate the alarm, as well as becoming invisible at will, which can make an Assassin's job easier.

Even without the Assassinate skill trained, a solid Rogue should be able to sneak attack or use Bluff to pull enemies for a quick and silent end.

Video Training

Several quests have been recorded for you to review to show how stealth tactics can be used. How you and your party complete these adventures will depend on your overall party size, class levels, natural stealth acumen and gear.