Developmental stages of learning to walk in chronological order

In this article

  • When will my baby be able to walk?
  • How will my baby learn to walk?
  • How can I help my baby to walk?
  • How can I make sure my baby is safe, now they're walking?
  • My baby is 15 months and isn't walking yet. Should I be worried?

Learning to walk is one of the most important achievements in your baby's life, as it's a big step towards independence. Once they are on their feet, your baby will become a little explorer.

When will my baby be able to walk?

During your baby's first year, they’ll gradually become more coordinated and their muscles will get stronger. They’ll learn to sit, roll over, and crawl.

Your baby will then probably move on to pulling themselves up. Anywhere between seven months and a year old, they’ll be able to stand up while holding on to something for a few moments. They may have trouble staying up and will probably fall back down with a bump (Sheridan 2014).

From then on it's a matter of gaining confidence and balance. Most babies cruise first when they’re about a year old (Sheridan 2014). They’ll move around the room holding onto the furniture and if you hold their hand they’ll be able to take a few steps. Most babies walk on their own sometime between about 12 months and 17 months (Sheridan 2014).

Try not to worry if your baby takes a little longer than others, as every baby is different. Babies who bottom-shuffle tend to walk later than babies who crawl (Sheridan 2014).

How will my baby learn to walk?

Newborn to two months

From birth, your baby has the reflexes needed to stand, by bracing their legs against a surface they feel under their feet (Sheridan 2014). If you hold your newborn upright on your lap, supporting their head, you'll feel them trying to use their legs. They're not trying to walk, it's just basic instincts kicking in (Sheridan 2014). For now, their legs aren't nearly strong enough for them to stand. This reflex will disappear after a couple of months (Sheridan 2014).

Five months to 10 months

By the time your baby is about six months old, they’ll take their own weight if you support them to stand up (Sheridan 2014). If you let them balance their feet on your thighs, they'll bounce up and down (Sheridan 2014). Bouncing will be a favourite activity over the next couple of months. If your little one is unable to bear weight on their legs by the time they are eight months, speak to your GP or health visitor.

As your baby learns to roll over, sit and crawl, their muscles will continue to strengthen.

When your baby is between seven months and 12 months old they will probably be able to pull themselves up from sitting to standing while holding on to furniture or your leg (Harding 2014, Sheridan 2014). If you prop them up next to the sofa, they'll hang on for support.

When will my baby walk?

Health visitor Odilia Gamor discusses how soon your baby should start to walk and how to supervise them when they do.More baby videos

As your baby gets better at standing, they'll start to cruise (moving around upright while holding on to furniture). They may then feel confident enough to let go of any support and stand without any help. Once your baby is ready to let go of the furniture, they may be able to take steps when you hold their hands. Your baby may even bend down to pick up a toy from standing.

One year

At about a year old your baby will begin to work out how to bend their knees and learn to sit down after they've been standing (Sheridan 2014). This is harder than you may think!

Your baby may also be able to cruise round the room, stand on their own without help and take a few steps (CDC 2018). But some babies take longer than this. Walking is complicated! It takes lots of balance, coordination and muscle power.

Your baby will need lots of practice and they'll be quite unsteady at first. Most babies make those early steps with their feet wide apart and toes turned inward or outward (Sheridan 2014). They’ll probably fall over a lot too!

How can I help my baby to walk?

Your baby needs to get the hang of standing, pulling himself up from sitting and cruising before they start to walk confidently on their own. You can help by giving them lots of practice standing – on your knees when you’re sitting down or leaning against the cushions at the back of the sofa (SOMPAR 2014).

Putting toys just out of reach on a sofa or low table will encourage your baby to pull themselves up and get them (SOMPAR 2014). You can try the same thing to help them work out how to step sideways or move once they're standing up (SOMPAR 2014).

As your baby learns to stand, they may need some help working out how to get back down again. Show them how to bend their knees so they can sit down without toppling over, and let them give it a try.

You can encourage your baby to walk by standing or kneeling in front of them, holding both their hands as you help them walk towards you (SOMPAR 2014).

You could also buy them a toddle truck or a similar toy that they can hold on to and push (SOMPAR 2014). Look for toddle toys that are stable and have a wide base of support.

Baby walkers can cause accidents, so it's best not to use them (RoSPA 2015). Although your baby looks like they're safely contained, they can be dangerous. Your baby can move really quickly in one and they're also higher up, so they can reach things more easily (ECSA 2010). So falls, burns, scalds and poisoning accidents are more likely to happen in a baby walker (ECSA 2010).

Let your baby toddle about barefoot if you can. Going barefoot helps them to improve their balance and coordination. If cramped by tight shoes or socks, your baby's feet can't straighten out and grow properly (NHS 2015).

Your baby doesn’t need to wear shoes until they're walking confidently on their own outside (NHS 2015).

When you do buy shoes for your baby, get their feet measured by a qualified fitter. A fitter will make sure there is room for growth (NHS 2015).

How can I make sure my baby is safe, now they're walking?

Once they get going, your baby is going to be able to move quickly (NHS 2016a)! Make sure they have a safe environment in which to practice walking. Keeping the floor space clear will help them to walk around easily. Child-proof your home as much as possible, and never leave your baby alone, in case they fall or need your help.

Here are some tips on making your home safe for your toddler:

  • If you haven’t already done it, put safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs.
  • Teach your little one how to climb stairs, but don’t let them go up and down on their own.
  • Move any low furniture away from your windows and fit them with locks or safety catches.
  • Check that potentially harmful things are now well out of reach and safely stored, such as scissors, knives, medications and cleaning products.
  • Put corner protectors on sharp corners such as low tables, to prevent your child from hurting their head.
    (NHS 2016b)

My baby is 15 months and isn't walking yet. Should I be worried?

Babies develop skills differently, some more quickly than others. Some babies bottom shuffle and walk late, others crawl and then walk, and some miss out crawling completely. For babies to develop at different rates is normal, and there’s usually nothing to worry about (Harding 2014).

If your baby isn't walking by 18 months, or you’re worried about how they're developing talk to your doctor or health visitor (Harding 2014).

The speed at which a baby learns to move is often inherited from their parents. If you or your partner walked late, then there is a chance your baby will be the same (Harding 2014).

Keep in mind that if your baby was born early (before 37 weeks of pregnancy), they may reach this and other milestones later than other babies (AAP 2017).

If you have any concerns about your baby's development, watch our video to see what help is available.


AAP 2017. Preemie milestones. American Academy of Pediatrics. [Accessed June 2018]

CDC. 2018. Important milestones: your child by one year. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. [Accessed June 2018]

ECSA/ANEC. 2010. Baby walkers: joint position statement. European child safety alliance/ANEC. [Accessed June 2018]

Harding M. 2014. Delay in walking. Patient UK. [Accessed June 2018]

NHS. 2016a. Birth to five development timeline. NHS Choices, Birth to five. [Accessed June 2018]

NHS. 2016b. Safety for babies and toddlers. NHS Choices, Birth to five. [Accessed May 2018]

NHS. 2015. Leg and foot problems in children. NHS Choices, Birth to five. [Accessed June 2018]

RoSPA. 2015. Should my child use a baby walker? Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. [Accessed June 2018]

Sheridan M. 2014. From birth to five years: children's developmental progress. London: Routledge

SOMPAR. 2014. Helping a baby develop standing and stepping. Somerset Partnership Trust. [Accessed June 2018]

What are the stages of walking?

They usually follow the stages of creeping, crawling, stepping, pulling up, and cruising, before being able to walk. Some infants crawl or cruise before they walk, while others never do either. Others walk very early in the second half of their first year, while some take much longer.

How do children learn to walk?

Pulling up on furniture to stand is one of the first signs of walking readiness. This boosts babies' leg muscles and coordination — just think of how many squats they're doing! Over time, the mini workouts condition your baby to stand independently, and then, move ahead with a few wobbly steps.

How long after learning to stand do babies walk?

International studies suggest that most babies start walking within 2-3 months of learning to stand (Ertem et al 2018). But it isn't the absolute passage of time that matters so much. It's the sheer amount of practice and hard work. When babies are learning to walk independently, they fall down.

What's the latest a baby can walk?

While some babies begin walking before 12 months, others don't walk until 16 or 17 months. To determine whether your baby's inability to walk is a cause for concern, consider the big picture.