Do you have to pay taxes on freelance work

Nowadays, more people have taken to supplementing their incomes with side gigs. For others, the freedom of being your own boss has drawn them to the world of freelance. But what happens when it’s tax season and you have not withheld any taxes? That means come tax season, you will owe the IRS a year’s worth of taxes… with penalties.

And though the IRS considers freelancers to be self-employed individuals, what ends up happening is freelancers have to file as business owners. So, while freelancers can take additional deductions for being self-employed, they also end up facing additional taxes in the form of self-employment tax.

  • Freelance taxes: The basics
  • What tax forms do freelancers need?
  • Claiming your tax deductions
  • A note on side gig taxes
  • Work with professionals to get it right

Whether you’re a full-time freelancer or just taking on a side gig, you may wonder what kind of tax rules apply to that portion of your income. How do you file? Will it cost you extra money? Do you have to pay taxes on it at all?

The answers to these questions depend on how much you make as a freelancer. Once you earn at least $400 through your freelance business, you have to pay an additional self-employment tax.[1] Before tax season rolls around and things get complicated, learn how it all works.

Freelance taxes: The basics

There are two main tax charges you need to be aware of as a freelancer. First, there is your regular income tax. You pay this whether you are self-employed or working for a company. The percentage you pay depends on how much you make, since standard tax brackets apply to both freelance and wage-earned income combined.

On top of this, you also must pay a self-employment tax. This is a 15.3% tax is meant to cover your social security and Medicare taxes. It may seem unfair to be taxed twice, but as a freelancer, you choose to be both employee and employer, and you must pay taxes that reflect that.

How much should I set aside for freelance taxes?

Make sure you set aside money for taxes from every single freelance check you receive. If you wait until the end of the year to see how much you owe, you may have spent the money that the IRS wants. Generally, freelancers should save between 25 and 30% of every check for taxes. If you live in a state with income tax, your state taxes must be factored in as well.

Ideally, you should have a separate savings account specifically for taxes. This way you won’t be tempted to use any of it before you pay your tax bill.

Do freelancers pay taxes on the same day as everyone else?

Yes, as a freelancer, you have to file your taxes on the same day in April as other taxpayers. However, since freelancers don’t have an employer to withhold part of their paycheck for taxes, the IRS recommends paying quarterly estimates of what you think you will owe. If you expect to owe $1,000 or more when you file your tax return, the IRS requires you to do so.

Check this chart from the IRS to check the due dates for your quarterly estimated taxes. If your estimates are lower than what you owe, you will owe more money at the end of the tax year. If your estimates were higher, the extra money will come back in your tax refund.

If you’ve been working freelance and haven’t filed, you may already owe the IRS based on company business filings. Check now through this tool.

What tax forms do freelancers need?

The main form freelancers need to worry about is the 1099-MISC form. You should get this form from any client that paid you more than $400 during the tax year. All your 1099 forms are essential for filing taxes as a freelancer.

You also need to familiarize yourself with the Schedule C, the self-employment schedule of Form 1040. This form is for sole proprietors or people running their own businesses.

Claiming your tax deductions

Many freelancers don’t claim deductions when they could be saving money by doing so. You can itemize your business expenses and end up owing less in taxes by decreasing your taxable income. Make sure you record your income and expenses, so you have a reference when it’s time to itemize!

There are many different expenses you can deduct, including some of your housing expenses if you have a qualifying home office. The IRS can be strict about deducting expenses, so you may want to talk to a tax professional about which of your expenses qualify.

Don’t forget about other expenses

When you set aside money, don’t forget about other big expenses you need to save for. Like taxes, car insurance and health insurance can take you by surprise. Put your tax money in your separate savings account, but don’t neglect your emergency fund.

As a freelancer, there is really no such thing as paid time off. Maintaining your emergency fund helps you stay out of debt in the future and enables you to cover all other expenses.

A note on side gig taxes

If you work a side gig in addition to a full-time job, you can’t count on your job’s W-2 withholdings to cover all your tax expenses. Make sure you are still setting aside money from your side gig checks to pay your taxes.

Work with professionals to get it right

Working for yourself is a tough job. You already do your regular work plus your own marketing, bookkeeping, accounting, and more. When it comes to taxes, don’t add it to your already-full list of tasks. You don’t want to mess with the IRS, and a tax professional will help you get it right every time.


Article last modified on November 16, 2022. Published by, LLC

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Do you have to pay taxes on freelance work