Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

I was pretty lucky when this happened to me. I had taken a 4 year break from Facebook, so I hadn't used it as a sign in. But though I did receive this computer generated response I was blocked because Universal Studios algorithm robot mistakenly tagged their own licensed, and legally bought, t-shirts as illegally used property. But since there is not human available from Facebook to review the mistake, I'm stick in Banned-for-life purgatory.

I used to be ashamed when I had to tell people that I couldn't access their Facebook group because I was banned for life but now I want the T-shirt.

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Do not panic if Meta has disabled your Facebook account. You can reactivate it if you are sure that you have not violated the terms and standards of Facebook. If your problem primarily states, “Facebook disabled my account how to get it back?” then the solution awaits you.

Facebook disabled my account how to get it back

First, ensure whether or not Facebook disabled your account by visiting https://www.facebook.com. If you see a notification that says: “Your account has been disabled”, read on. When you try to log in with your username and password and see this error, here is how to get your account back from Facebook:

1. Go to Facebook Help Section. This will take you to the official appeal form for the disabled individual accounts. You can ask them to investigate the matter if you think it has happened in error.

Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

2. Feed your phone number or email address associated with the disabled Facebook account. You must have access to this email address or phone number to let Facebook communicate with you.

Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

3. The name you enter should match the name of your existing Facebook account. If the reason for disabling your account is not using your real name, Facebook will let you explain that.

Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

4. You will be asked to upload your ID. You can submit your birth certificate, driver’s license, immigration card, learner’s permit, passport, official name change document, or any other government ID.

Take a photograph of the ID. If your information is present on both sides of the ID or multiple pages, you need to take more pictures as applicable. Click Choose Files to upload the picture and click Open.

Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

5. In the ‘Additional info’ section, explain in detail your situation. Be polite and apologise if you have violated Facebook’s standards. In case your legal name and Facebook account name are different and that led to the disabling of your account, let them know that.

If you think, somebody else violated Facebook’s policies using your account, then send them proof of it so that they consider your application.

Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

6. Click the Send button in the bottom right. Once you send the form for review, Facebook will review it. If they decide to revoke the decision, you will receive a message stating the account is enabled and available now.

7. If Facebook asks for more information via text or email before making the final decision, you need to be able to provide them to the best of your ability. You would be given 30 days to revert with the required details.

If you fail to do that within 30 days of receiving the mail or text, your account will be permanently disabled. After this, there is no way to recover a permanently disabled account.

Watch this YouTube video for proper understanding of the process:

If you disabled your Facebook account

In case you have disabled your account either by mistake or knowingly and want to enable the same again, follow the given steps:

1. Go to Facebook.com. If you have deactivated your account temporarily, you can recover it just by logging in. However, if you chose to permanently deactivate the account, you will have 30 days to change your decision.

Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

2. If you did not do anything within the next 30 days of disabling, deactivation, or deletion of your account to reactivate the account, it will be gone permanently and you cannot get it back. You can choose to create a new Facebook account if you want to be back on this social media network.

3. To reactivate your account, enter the registered phone number or email address with Facebook.

Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

4. Enter your password. If you do not remember the password, you can click on the Forgot password? button and follow the instructions to reset it.

5. If you enter the right password, your account will be instantly reactivated.

6. If prompted, click on the Cancel Deletion option to reactivate the account.

Facebook permanently disabled my account for no reason

You might find this information useful: https://www.facebook.com/help/103873106370583

Possible reasons for Facebook to disable your account

There could be various reasons that may have triggered Facebook to disable your account. Some of these include:

  • Account activities that violated their terms and standards
  • Using a fake name to create and run an account
  • Impersonating someone
  • Sending spam messages
  • Harassingng other users

Check out Facebook’s terms and community standards at https://www.facebook.com/terms and https://transparency.fb.com/policies/community-standards.

If your account was hacked and you are unable to log in visit https://www.facebook.com/hacked.

For more information read: 3 Links to Help Recover Your Disabled Facebook Account

Hope you found the answer to your query, “Facebook disabled my account how to get it back?” If this article helped you share it with others as they might need this information too.

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Why did Facebook permanently disable my account?

Using a fake name. Impersonating someone. Continuing behavior that's not allowed on Facebook and goes against our Community Standards. Contacting other people for the purpose of harassment, advertising, promoting, or other conduct that's not allowed.

Does Facebook delete permanently disabled accounts?

Will Facebook delete my disabled account automatically? Facebook will never delete disabled account but Whenever you will try tologin that account you will get this notice.

How can I recover my disabled Facebook account by mistake?

Recover FB Account Disabled By Facebook Visit Facebook's account appeal form and fill in the required details. Facebook asks for your login email address or phone number, full name, and your ID for verification. Facebook accepts both government and non-government IDs.