Funny ways to say thank you for birthday wishes

Maybe it’s like asking if the chicken or the egg came first, but isn’t giving a gift sometimes better than receiving one? If you feel this way, then you know how joyful people are when they find you the perfect gift, and you’ll want to let them know you appreciate it.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • Funny Ways to Say ‘Thank You For The Birthday Wishes’
  • Heartfelt Ways to Say ‘Thank You For The Birthday Wishes’
  • Ways to Say ‘Thank You For Wishing My Child a Happy Birthday’

When you’re on the receiving end of online birthday wishes, it’s important to express your gratitude. There’s no right or wrong amount of praise you can offer someone, so be open to what your heart says.

If it says sarcasm and humor, use it! If your heart says gush your affection on someone, then do that. If you need to be formal, then do what seems appropriate. Whatever your personality, write what makes the most sense.

Funny Ways to Say ‘Thank You For The Birthday Wishes’

Funny ways to say thank you for birthday wishes

Thankfully, everyone’s sense of humor is different. So, whether you have a dry, sarcastic, Midwestern, or silly style, don’t be shy about sharing some of that wonderful personality with all of your loved ones.

1. Thank you all for taking the time to wish me a happy birthday. Lucky social media has reminders for you forgetful ones like me ;) 

Social media reminders definitely come in handy from time to time. Plus, they can also make you feel pretty special, particularly when all your “friends” chime in to send well wishes.  

2. This is me before my birthday party. This is me after my birthday party. Thanks, everyone! 

If your friends knocked the ol’ birthday surprise party off your bucket list, give them a good laugh.

Find a couple of snapshots from the get-together, especially if the photo is awkward or embarrassing. After all, it’s your party, you can have a good time if you want to. 

3. All but three of my social friends knew about my birthday, so thanks for helping me keep it quiet, “social media page.”

If you enjoy a particularly fun and sarcastic relationship with your best friend, give them a little elbow and wink when they succeed at pulling one over on you. 

4. Social media is so thoughtful that it lets me see how much older I get every year. Thanks! You just reminded me to turn that thing off.

This works if those yearly reminders about “remember when” seem a bit over-the-top. A lot of people will likely echo that sentiment, too. 

5. I know that some of you are only wishing me a happy birthday because you want me to spend money in your store. Don’t worry, I plan on feeding the dogs again.

While it’s a kind gesture, sometimes those company sales goals can get quite annoying. That’s why social media is the perfect place to give them a razzing, especially if it’s all in good fun.

6. Thank you for not spending money on a card. I hate getting cards in the mail that I can open, read, and keep on the mantle so everyone can see how much I am loved. Nothing makes me feel worse than that.

While dripping with sarcasm, this is a sincere shout out to those who still send you an old-fashioned printed card.

Next year, you can post a side-by-side picture of your mantle for a comparison. 

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Heartfelt Ways to Say ‘Thank You For The Birthday Wishes’

Funny ways to say thank you for birthday wishes

Social media is definitely not the place for NSFW commentary, even if you are expressing love and affection for family and friends. It’s best to keep the note small and on point so that you include, but don’t exclude.

7. From the bottom of my heart, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who made me feel special on my birthday. You have no idea how much it means to me. 

Sending out a mass ‘thank you’ note on social media is an acceptable way to show gratitude these days.

You don’t even have to be overly flowery, because most sites already take that into consideration and do the work for you.

8. You always make me feel appreciated. Thank you so much.

Sweet and simple messages sometimes go a long way. This works particularly well if showing affection on social media feels uncomfortable.

If the recipient knows you well, they’ll feel particularly special that you responded so sweetly.

9. Everything about this day has made me so happy. Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for making me feel special. And thank you for just being you. You were my favorite part.

When your partner goes out of their way to make your entire day extra special, a note like this will let them know how much of an impact they have made. It lets them know you recognize their effort—and nothing went unnoticed. 

10. I am so blessed to have family and friends like all of you. Words can’t express how much your love and friendship touch my heart. Thank you, thank you.

Exalting your inspiration in a higher power will let your friends and family know that not only do you appreciate them but that you think of them as a kind of gift. If they’re your friends and family, they’ll completely understand the value you place in this recognition.

11. Last weekend when we were out and about, I brought my birthday gift. It came in handy and I was so grateful that we had it. Thank you for finding me the perfect gift.

Use this idea when you want to explain how you are using your birthday gift. Some people put a lot of thought into their purchases, and you can definitely tell.

Praising its use is a way to show they were right on the money. You can add a photo for good measure.

12. Thank you, Mr./Mrs. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated being acknowledged on my birthday at work yesterday. 

At work, it’s always best to keep thank yous and you’re welcomes on a business-appropriate level.

You can still show your gratitude without stepping over any work/personal boundaries. You know your work atmosphere best, so use your judgment, even on social media.

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Funny ways to say thank you for birthday wishes

Ways to Say ‘Thank You For Wishing My Child a Happy Birthday’

Funny ways to say thank you for birthday wishes

Teaching your child about thank you note etiquette is wise. Not only will they be able to recognize all kinds of generosity when they see them, but your kid will have the ability to express gratitude, too.

This makes for the perfect teaching moment about how social media can be both positive and good.

13. Thank you for remembering my child’s birthday. They were so excited to receive a note from you. It’s the only thing they could talk about all day.

When seeking simple, well-mannered, and sincere messages, start out with a thank you.

Then, include a name, what they received, and try to include its emotional value. If you can teach this little equation to your child, maybe they can help write the next one.

14. Wow! You are amazing! We love and miss you even more!

Identifying thoughtfulness, kindness, and compassion sends a great message to little kids.

Plus, it works for when you want to impress upon your child how much a person’s words matter. 

15. Your thoughtfulness warms my heart and makes my child smile. 

Tell your friend or loved one just how much their words matter.

Better yet, you could ask your child what it felt like to be remembered, and then include that. This will help them express their own gratitude as well.

16. Thank you! Simon really misses his grandparents! When are you coming to visit? 

Returning the gesture with an invite to your home is a great way of showing your parents how much you really love them.

Plus, it gives them bragging rights all over the internet about what a great child and grandchild they have.

17. You are an incredible addition to our lives. Your words were so unexpected and appreciated.

Surprises that positively influence your little one’s day are important to recognize.

It’s also super important to keep building positive relationships with kids and their extended family and community.   

18. Terry misses his aunt and uncle so much! Thank you for remembering him today.

Staying connected is difficult, even with the advent of social media. So, showing your child how to express sincerity and love is a great little tutorial on great ways to use the internet—especially social media.

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Express Your Gratitude

Social media has become the new medium for social etiquette when expressing gratitude or good thoughts. We can connect with our friends and loved ones even when we’re miles or oceans away.

Sending a photo and a message so people can see the effect their words have on others is a great way to give back on your birthday. Thanking everyone for their birthday wishes might even be a great addition to your birthday resolutions!

How do you say thank you differently for birthday wishes?

Thank You Messages for Birthday Wishes Over Text.
Thank you so much for all over the birthday texts! ... .
Waking up to birthday texts made my heart so full. ... .
I am so grateful to have people that will text me happy birthday. ... .
Thank you for the birthday text! ... .
I love all of the texts I received wishing me happy birthday..

What is best reply for birthday?

Here are some example responses:.
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! I'm having a great time!.
One man. One birthday. So many great birthday messages. :).
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY SO I GET TO USE CAPS LOCK. Thank you for the kind thoughts everyone!.
Check out the examples section for more ideas..