Homeopathic remedy for sore throat and cough

For many people a sore throat is the first sign they have of a lowered immune system and the onset of a cold or flu. The tonsils are the first line of internal defense acting as the lymphatic waste disposal system and removing bacteria from the blood. They also stimulate the immune system to produce infection-fighting antibodies.

Tonsillitis may be simply an inflammation of the throat or may be more complex and involve the glands making them swollen and tender. When the tonsils swell it can be an indication that the body has become overloaded and is working hard to eliminate waste. Rather than kill the bacteria directly the remedies stimulate the immune system to do the healing.

The following information may be helpful and relates to homoeopathic remedy pictures and information available in traditional homoeopathic texts. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using any homoeopathic remedy. Always read the product label. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.

Chronic and recurring problems with your throat and tonsils are best treated constitutionally by your homoeopath. Meanwhile it is important to act immediately at the first sign of recurrence with indicated remedies such as Ferrum phos and Aconite. Intermittent doses of Anas barbariae in cooler months improves resistance as does a healthy diet including Vitamin C rich foods.

Repetition of the indicated remedy depends on the person’s own vitality and the intensity of symptoms. Usually you would start with frequent repetition reducing as improvement is noticeable. If after 3 or 4 doses there is no change then review the symptoms and look for a ‘more similar’ remedy.

The first remedy to think of is Ferrum phos for an inflamed, right-sided, red throat where the person is feverish and sensitive but not anxious. Aconite has sore, dry throat with fever, anxiety and thirst. Symptoms often come on after exposure to cold, dry wind. Use Belladonnawhen the throat is red and shiny especially on the right side, it’s painful to swallow and the face is flushed with dilated pupils and bright lips. Sore, swollen throat and palate with burning, stinging pains that may travel up to the ears suits Apis. The tonsils are purple red and glazed and it may feel as though there is a fish bone caught in the throat.

The Hepar sulph throat has white pits full of pus and has stitching, splinter like pains that can run into the ears or glands on swallowing. The symptoms can come on after cold food or drinks and are better from warm drinks. The person is extremely sensitive to drafts and cold air. If the throat is dry and burning and there is thirst for warm drinks and aggravation from cold drinks consider Arsenicum.

If the throat is red, raw and burning with foul breath, excessive saliva and offensive perspiration that is worse at night consider Mercurius, there may be alternating heat and chills. When Kali mur is indicated the tonsils are swollen and there is difficulty swallowing and a white coated tongue. There may be white or grey spots on the tonsils.

If the sore throat symptoms are accompanied by a lump sensation in the throat, pain on empty swallowing, hoarseness, sighing and a recent emotional upset think of Ignatia. It is as if the grief, sadness or upset is stuck in the throat.

Additional Immune Support

When unwell with a sore throat or cold symptoms eat plenty of garlic, ginger and onions, as the sulphur in these vegetables helps improve lymphatic waste removal and the immune system’s ability to fight off an infection. Decrease acid forming foods such as dairy, sweet foods and wheat and concentrate on an alkaline diet full of vegetables, fruit and broths.

Gargling 2 – 3 times a day with salty water with added herbs such as olive leaf, sage and Echinacea can help relieve pain and you can also include some Vitamin C powder. Alternatively you can mix a pinch of turmeric and a spoonful of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink slowly.

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Runny nose, sore throat, and headaches are some of the common symptoms of cough and cold. This nasty cold and cough can knock anyone off of their feet for several days and trust us, nobody likes it. While there are several alternatives available to treat this condition, homeopathy is also believed to be quite effective. Homeopathy medicines are made from natural substances and have almost no side effects.

Here are some of the common medicines used in treating common cold in cough:

Aconite: This medicine is prescribed in the early stages of cold and cough after exposure to cold or dry weather. It is usually given in the first 24 hours of high fever and restlessness.
Allium cepa: Allium cepa is for treating streaming cold accompanied by sneezing and watery eyes. This medicine is effective in treating cold when the person's eyes are not burning, but the discharge from the nose is.

Arsenicum Album: If you are frequently sneezing, your nose is irritating and tickling, then the homeopath may prescribe you Arsenicum Album. This medicine is also effective in treating throbbing frontal headache, burning chest pain, restless, and fearful.

Euphrasia: Euphrasia is prescribed for treating burning discharge from eyes. This can help to cure swollen eyelids and cough that intensifies during day time.

Ferrum phosphoricum: This homeopathy medicine is effective in treating the beginning stages of all inflammatory problems, red burning eyes, restless sleep, weakness, and excessive thirst.

Gelsemium: Gelsemium is prescribed for a cold with flu-like symptoms e.g. body ache, heaviness throughout the body, fatigue, restlessness, and chills.

Kali bichromicum: This medicine is used during later stages of cold and nasal discharge. It is also effective on other symptoms of cold and cough like stubborn congestion, swollen eyelids or sticky discharge from the nose.

Mercurius Solubilis: Mercurius Solubilis is excellent for treating creeping chilliness, frequent sneezing, sore throat, heavy salivation, bad mouth odour, and ear pain.

Phosphorus: This homeopathy medicine is provided to people suffering from dry cough, which increases in the morning or evening or when talking, eating, laughing, or breathing cold air.


Your homeopath will prescribe you dosage based on the severity of your condition. If you do not notice any improvement after 3-4 doses, meet your homeopath.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for physician's advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.

What homeopathic remedy is good for sore throat?

Aconitum . For sore throats that come on suddenly after exposure to cold and are accompanied by a high fever and thirst; this remedy works best if given immediately after symptoms begin..
Apis mellifica . ... .
Arsenicum album . ... .
Belladonna . ... .
Hepar sulphuricum . ... .
Lachesis . ... .
Lycopodium . ... .
Mercurius ..

What is the fastest way to cure a sore throat?

Lifestyle and home remedies.
Rest. Get plenty of sleep. ... .
Drink fluids. Fluids keep the throat moist and prevent dehydration. ... .
Try comforting foods and beverage. ... .
Gargle with saltwater. ... .
Humidify the air. ... .
Consider lozenges or hard candy. ... .
Avoid irritants. ... .
Stay at home until you're no longer sick..

What is the homeopathic medicine for cold and cough?

Aconite: This medicine is prescribed in the early stages of cold and cough after exposure to cold or dry weather. It is usually given in the first 24 hours of high fever and restlessness. Allium cepa: Allium cepa is for treating streaming cold accompanied by sneezing and watery eyes.

Is arnica good for sore throat?

People take arnica by mouth for sore mouth and throat, pain such as pain after surgery or wisdom tooth removal, insect bites, painful and swollen veins near the surface of the skin (superficial phlebitis), bruising, muscle pain, vision problems due to diabetes, stroke, and for causing abortions.